Supporting Good Savings, Good Education, and Good Causes.

At GoodBulb, we strive to improve your lighting know-how. Through blogs, presentations and one-on-one consultations.

We aim to help you not only understand how lighting works, but how to choose the best bulbs for your lifestyle. We provide the knowledge to empower you and to light your world.


What is a Bad Bulb and Why You Should Care?

The Hidden World of Bad Bulbs: Why Inferior Bulbs Still Dominate the Market 

Walk down the lighting aisle at any hardware store, and you’ll encounter a sea of “bad bulbs” which are inferior quality light bulbs engineered to burn out faster by major manufacturers. Bad bulbs may seem like a mere annoyance, but their prevalence has enormous implications on consumers, the environment, and even productivity.

In this article, we’ll shed light on the murky world of bad bulbs, their characteristics, and the deception that allowed big lighting companies to flood the market with subpar products. We’ll also discuss the impact of poor quality lighting and LED bulbs.

Defining What Makes a Bad Quality Light Bulb

Bad bulbs refer to those that fail to meet expected lighting performance and lifespan standards. They exhibit issues like:

  • Dim, inconsistent illumination
  • Flickering or buzzing
  • Poor color rendering
  • Extremely short lifespans, burning out in months
  • Frequent premature failures

These problems span all lighting technologies - incandescent, CFL, halogen, and LED. But bad bulbs are not accidental. As we’ll see, they result from calculated choices to boost profits at the consumer’s expense.

The History of “Planned Obsolescence” in Light Bulbs

When the incandescent bulb was patented and began mass production in the 1920s, manufacturers realized bulbs that burned out faster meant more sales.

Led by General Electric, major lighting companies intentionally engineered bulbs to fail quickly. Weak filaments, inadequate supports, insufficient insulation - these design flaws were purposeful to ensure short 1000 hour lifespans.

This “planned obsolescence” enabled companies to sell more replacement bulbs again and again. And with their monopolies over the new technology, consumers had no choice but to keep buying inferior bulbs that burnt out quickly.

The Manipulation Continues: Bad LED Bulbs Flood the Market

Despite the rise of longer-lasting CFL and LED bulbs decades later, the manufacturing of bad bulbs continues. The lighting industry giants have engineered short-lived failure points into LED products, including inadequate heat dissipation and cheap electronic drivers.

The result is a sea of LED bulbs plagued with the same premature failure schemes to guarantee profits through repeated purchases. Major brands count on most consumers being unaware of differences in LED quality.

The True Toll of Bad Light Bulbs

On the surface, a $2 bulb burning out seems like a minor annoyance. But the prevalence of deliberately inferior lighting has massive negative impacts:

  • 10x more energy consumption and waste from frequent replacements
  • 20x more raw materials for manufacturing and hazardous disposal
  • Increased utility bills from inefficient lighting
  • Strain on landfills with millions more spent bulbs annually
  • Lost productivity and risks of eye strain or fatigue in workplaces
  • Damage to businesses like hotels and retailers from poor lighting ambiance

By establishing monopolies and engineering quick failure into bulbs, companies created lasting waste and inefficiency - all to protect profits.

Finding Good Quality LED Lighting

The solution is choosing quality LED bulbs engineered to truly last. GoodBulb LEDs are guaranteed to illuminate for 25,000 hours, outlasting other major brands by 10-20x. Our dedication to efficient, sustainable lighting benefits consumers, businesses, and the environment.

Our LED options consume 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, reducing environmental impacts significantly. And with extreme lifespans, GoodBulb bulbs minimize maintenance, replacement costs, and waste.

Take control of your lighting quality and efficiency. Browse our extensive collection of GoodBulb LED bulbs manufactured with integrity. It’s time to shine a light on the murky practices of the “bad bulb” industry.

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Escaping the Trap of Planned Obsolescence

For the past 100 years, light bulbs have had an engineered limited lifespan.  Today, it is common practice for all products, especially technology, to have a limited lifespan. 

This intentional practice, known as planned obsolescence, is a controversial strategy employed by major manufacturers to force you to buy their bad products and pad their pocketbooks.  

While planned obsolescence may seem beneficial for businesses, it has far-reaching consequences for the environment, society, and the economy.  

The term to describe the effect of bad choices by corporations choosing to manufacture and sell defective products followed by consumers choosing to purchase those products, knowing they are buying a bad product but doing it anyways, is planned obsolescence.


Planned obsolescence refers to the deliberate design and manufacturing of products with a limited lifespan, pushing consumers to replace them sooner rather than later. This practice has become increasingly prevalent across various industries, from light bulbs to electronics, to fashion, to shopping bags, plastic water bottles, the toy industry, and many others. By creating products that wear out, manufacturers ensure a continuous demand for their goods, resulting in increased sales and profitability. The light bulb was the very first product mass produced and engineered to fail.  The original brands in lighting started it all.


Environmental implications of planned obsolescence 

The environmental implications of planned obsolescence are alarming.  

As consumers discard products prematurely, landfills become filled with non-biodegradable waste. Materials used in manufacturing, such as plastics, metals, and mercury, leak into the soil and water, causing pollution and health risks. Additionally, the extraction of finite resources to meet the demand for new products exacerbates environmental degradation and resource depletion. The throw-away society that planned obsolescence promotes directly contributes to the unsustainable consumption patterns that our planet can no longer sustain. 

Planned obsolescence effects on society.

Planned obsolescence has profound effects on society. By constantly introducing new products and rendering older ones obsolete, manufacturers perpetuate a culture of consumerism. This constant desire for the latest and greatest fuels a cycle of materialism, where individuals are encouraged to define their worth and identity through the acquisition of new possessions. This societal pressure to keep up with the latest trends and technologies can lead to financial strain, debt, and even a sense of dissatisfaction as the pursuit of material possessions replaces meaningful experiences and relationships. 


Planned obsolescence undermines the principles of durability and craftsmanship. In the quest for shorter product lifecycles, manufacturers prioritize cost-cutting measures and sacrifice quality. This creates products prone to failure requiring frequent repairs or replacements. Consumers are left with a sense of frustration and distrust towards brands, eroding the value of long-lasting and reliable products. 

From an economic perspective, planned obsolescence may seem beneficial in the short term as it stimulates consumption and drives economic growth. However, the long-term consequences are concerning. By perpetuating a culture of disposability, planned obsolescence hampers sustainable economic development. It discourages investment in durable and repairable products, reduces job opportunities in repair and maintenance sectors, and perpetuates a linear economy that disregards the principles of circularity and resource efficiency.

What you can do to end the terrible practice of planned obsolescence 

To combat the negative effects of planned obsolescence, awareness and consumer activism are crucial. You and I CAN make a difference by making informed choices, supporting brands that prioritize durability, repairability, and sustainability. By demanding transparency and holding manufacturers accountable, we can encourage the adoption of sustainable practices and promote products that are built to last.

Governments and regulatory bodies could play a vital role in addressing planned obsolescence. Implementing regulations and standards that promote product longevity, repairability, and eco-design can incentivize manufacturers to produce more sustainable and long-lasting goods. By supporting initiatives that encourage circular economy models, we can transition towards a more sustainable and responsible approach to consumption. As consumers we cannot rely on the government to prevent planned obsolescence, for many political campaigns are funded by corporations who are pushing their own agenda.

By recognizing the environmental, social, and economic consequences of this practice, we can work together to challenge the status quo and create a more sustainable future. Let's strive for a world where durability, repairability, and conscious consumption take precedence over the short-sighted pursuit of profit. 

To send us your lighting schedule or contact us about the best LED for your home or business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by going here  

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Light can unite, inspire, and ignite emotion throughout a community.

Light can unite, inspire, and ignite emotion throughout a community. 

When I walk into a business or drive through town, I'm looking at light bulbs. I'm not sure what stands out more: good lighting or bad lighting. I notice both! When I see colored light bulbs displayed in a home or business, I know it represents more than “just” decor. I know enough to slow down and say a prayer. I say a prayer because I know the people in that household are praying for someone or something that the colored light bulb represents. There is power in prayer and there is power in light. 

Colors are used to tell stories and convey emotion, and colored light bulbs are no different. Many colors representing important social causes are recognized and used nationally and globally. For example, blue lights have been used to support our local and national police force, as well as Autism awareness. Green lights have been used to support our active military and veterans, as well as Mental Health awareness. Red and green lights have long been used for Christmas décor, and to represent the joy and festivities of the holiday season.

When GoodBulb can help an organization spread awareness, express support, and exude love through light, we will always say YES! In past years, we’ve seen first-hand how colored bulbs are purchased and used for good. We’ve sold blue light bulbs to honor fallen police officers, green light bulbs to support our veterans, red light bulbs to support an indigenous woman’s family, and purple light bulbs to support Alzheimer’s disease and Epilepsy awareness. Fifty percent of the proceeds generated from these light bulb sales were donated directly to the organization or family they were purchased for. We are honored that these organizations and families asked GoodBulb to help.

Colors have a remarkable ability to convey emotions, create ambiance, and influence our perceptions. 

When it comes to light, the colors we perceive are a result of the various wavelengths of light that reach our eyes and stimulate our brains. Understanding what causes the colors of light to represent different meanings can deepen our appreciation for their impact on our daily lives. Let's explore the factors that contribute to these associations, and what causes are represented with a light bulb.

Cultural and symbolic significance 

Colors have cultural and symbolic significance that varies across societies, contexts, and causes. 

Certain colors become associated with specific meanings and emotions due to cultural influences. For instance, blue light symbolizes addiction recovery while pink symbolizes support for breast cancer survivors. Yellow colored light bulbs represent suicide awareness and many cancers. Green light represents support for military veterans and various environmental causes. Orange light signifies awareness for hunger and Leukemia.  

Here’s a chart for you to choose which colored LED is best for you based on the cause you want to promote or bring awareness to.  

 Project Blue Light 

Project Blue Light is a nationwide movement that recognizes and honors fallen police officers. To participate, display a blue light outside your home or inside a window. While this originally started during the holiday season, many supporters choose to keep a blue light illuminated during National Police Week in May. Others opt to shine blue for the entire year. 

Light it Up Blue 

Blue lights also support Autism awareness. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day. Three years later, the research and educational organization, Autism Speaks, launched the Light It Up Blue campaign to raise awareness for World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month (April). Beginning on April 2nd of every year, Autism awareness supporters are encouraged to turn their lights blue by changing out white light bulbs for blue ones, or covering light fixtures with blue filters, lenses, or gel sheets. Throughout the month, thousands of homes, schools, iconic landmarks, museums, stores, entertainment venues, and bridges go blue. 

Purple Light Nights 

In October 2007 the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force (CDVTF) in Washington held its first Purple Light Nights campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Purple lights shone bright in remembrance of domestic violence victims who survived and those that tragically lost their lives.

Blacklights are also recommended for Purple Light Nights events, as they emit a true purple hue. A blacklight or purple light bulb can be placed in your front porch light fixture or displayed inside your home. In public areas, string lights can be displayed in prominent places like storefront windows, trees, or building and bridge facades. Purple spotlights on landmarks such as museums or town halls are also a great way to show support.

Light Up Green 

The Light Up Green campaign in May represents Lyme Disease Awareness Month. It was started by a Lyme disease patient named Samantha who wanted her friends and neighbors to replace their porch lights with green bulbs to raise awareness for Lyme disease. The campaign has since grown, and now buildings around the world are washed in green light during the month of May to support Lyme patients. 

Go Red for Women 

The American Heart Association asks supporters to help their city go red in February to support American Heart Month. Individuals, businesses, and communities are encouraged to use red lights to illuminate the exterior of homes and office buildings, trees and bushes, landscaping, and other architectural features. The association recommends using gel light covers or purchasing red light bulbs. They even loan out equipment during the month so everyone can join in!

If you are passionate about showing your support for an important cause, you can do more than just wear a bracelet or display a ribbon. Grab your neighbor’s attention, catch the eye of people driving past your business, and ignite the desire to learn about other social causes by wearing the color or decorating with it.

If you have a color that represents a cause not listed above, please let us know so we can learn more about the cause and add it to the list for others to learn from as well!

Take a look at all the colored LEDs we offer at GoodBulb by clicking here. To get in touch with a lighting specialist, aka a Lumen Master, click here where we will help you find the bulb you need

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Finding the Best Lighting Setup For Home Classrooms

classroom lighting in America

Choosing the right lighting for home schooling can significantly impact both the comfort and productivity of the learning environment. Below is a guide to help consumers search for the best lighting options for homeschooling spaces. My home school friends are educators. I graduated from Illinois State University in 1999 with a degree in Elementary Education. I walked a different path after college, discovering my purpose and a way to work in the light, for twenty plus years. If I was 22 years old in 1999, How old am I today?

Understanding Lighting Types

First, it's important to understand the different types of lighting and how they can affect learning:

Ambient Lighting: This is the general, overall light in a room. Ideally, it should fill the space without causing glare or harsh shadows. I recommend natural day light in the classroom. On sunny days and dark days, your classroom should always provide light that promotes learning.

  • 80% of the classrooms in America, are using the wrong spectrum of light. This is one problem that is affecting children across the country, and it would be so easy to fix.

Task Lighting: Light that is focused on specific areas where work is done, like desks or reading nooks. Adjustable desk lamps or reading lamps are great for providing focused, direct light to help reduce eye strain.

Accent Lighting: While not essential for functionality, accent lighting can create a pleasant atmosphere that makes the homeschooling area more inviting and comfortable. Flood lights highlighting a wall poster or motivational quote that you would like your children to read every day, is one example of accent lighting.

Key Considerations

When searching for the best lighting for your homeschooling space, keep the following in mind:

  • Make the most of natural light whenever possible. It's not only free but helps maintain a natural circadian rhythm, enhancing focus and mood.
  • Look for lighting options that are adjustable. Being able to change the intensity of light can help minimize glare on screens and books, which is vital for preventing eye strain and headaches.
  • Select the correct color temperature, or kelvin that enhances a space will promote learning. GoodBulb Pure White LEDs are like working under a sky light on a clear summer day, illuminating true colors, paper is white, ink is black.
  • The correct color of light reduces eye strain, headaches, and glare. Full Spectrum, natural white light LEDs have been proven to prevent S.A.D during darker months and proven to increase productivity.
  • Energy saving, longer life LED bulbs are the only lighting technology that is recommend for a classroom.
  • Choose commercial grade LED light bulbs that are high CRI and flicker-free will prevent fatigue. 

Tips for Effective Lighting Placement 

Desk and Reading Areas: Place task lighting to the side of the work area to reduce shadows and glare. If the student is right-handed, the light should come from the left side, and vice versa.

Computer Stations: Ensure that ambient lighting is bright enough to reduce screen glare, which can lead to eye strain. Consider using an anti-glare screen protector as well.

Overall Room Lighting: Use a combination of ceiling fixtures and floor lamps to create even ambient lighting throughout the room, avoiding dark corners and overly bright spots. 

Final Thoughts

Creating an effective and comfortable learning environment at home involves careful consideration of lighting. By focusing on natural light, adjustability, color temperature, energy efficiency, and proper placement, you can enhance the homeschooling experience for your child. Remember, the goal is to create a space that promotes focus and well-being, making learning a more enjoyable and productive experience.

How to Purchase:

Snap a photo of your space, take pictures of the current light bulbs being used, and forward these details to a lighting expert at GoodBulb. Request assistance from the Lumen Master our lighting educator poised to guide you towards the right light.

You will save time bypassing the aggravation of picking the wrong lighting solutions. Leave the heavy lifting to us while you carry on with your daily curriculum, anticipating the delivery of your good LED light bulbs.

I have written some great blogs if you are looking for a teachable moment? Guide your children through the real history of light

  • who really invented the light bulb?
  • how electricity works
  • why different lightbulbs emit different spectrums! 
  • And many more….

Who knows, you might even learn a few helpful things yourself.

Thanks for reading. If you’d like to learn more or have questions, we look forward to connecting.

Every purchase helps provide light to children living without electricity.

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Incandescent Light Bulbs

good bye incandescent light bulbs

Incandescent means to emit light as a result of being heated, and that is exactly how an incandescent light bulb works. It gives off light when the filament is heated by the current of electricity that powers the fixture it is installed in. There are several different types of incandescent bulbs, ranging in shape from the standard A-shape, what is typically thought of when light bulbs are mentioned, to decorative flame tipped shapes, and even globe shaped bulbs that light up the marquee at your favorite movie theater. Incandescent light bulbs have benefited mankind for more than a century, and have paved the way for new, and more efficient lighting technologies to emerge. Until the day that incandescent bulbs are no longer in production, however, GoodBulb is the place to find the right incandescent bulb for your needs! 

Bulb types

Standard A Shape

This refers to the teardrop shape most commonly associated with light bulbs. The most popular A-shape bulbs are A19, A21, and A15, which are generally used in lamps, ceiling fans, appliances, and other everyday household fixtures


Edison-style or antique bulbs which are modeled after lights made in the 1800s. These bulbs give great character to any space and are increasing in popularity for uses in residential settings, restaurants, and just about anywhere decorative lighting is called for!

C bulbs

Christmas lights! C7 and C9 shapes are the most commonly used bulbs for applications like outdoor Christmas lighting, night lights, and signs.

Decorative Chandelier

These little bulbs have a huge variety of uses. As their name suggests, they are used in chandeliers, as well as wall sconces and anywhere else one might enjoy the flame tip or torpedo shape of these pretty bulbs. Designed to replicate the flames of a candle, these decorative chandelier bulbs create atmosphere and mood lighting depending on their application. Take a look at the great assortment that GoodBulb carries!·  


A perfect sphere that glows, globe bulbs are found in vanities, bathrooms, holiday lighting, and string lighting, and are a beautiful option for decorative lighting in any home setting.

Grow Lights

Help your indoor plants reach their greatest potential with the most natural light we can offer, aside from the sun. Perfect for indoor gardens and greenhouses, grow lights provide a pure environment to help advance your seedlings to prosperous and mature plants.

Heat Lamps

Infrared light aids in  increases  and reduces inflammation. It also helps keep you warm in your bathroom, and your food warm at your favorite restaurant. They even warm your pet lizard’s favorite rock, so he can chase down his crickets a little quicker for dinner. Need I say more?

Low Voltage and High Voltage Bulbs

12V and 24V bulbs for use in your camper so you don’t run the battery down. 230V and 277V for industrial, warehouse, hotels, and hospitals, so there is plenty of light to reach every corner.

Microwave Bulbs

Most people these days have a microwave. In order to see when your leftovers are done, you may need to replace the light in there once in a while. That’s where GoodBulb comes in!

Pool Lights

Who doesn’t like a midnight swim? Pool lighting helps illuminate the water to emphasize the space and helps keep you and your guests safe while you swim.

S-type Bulbs

S6, S11, and S14 bulbs are typically used in consoles and equipment, as well as on panels and other machinery as indicator lights. They can also be found in use on signs, marquees, casinos, string lights, and other areas where a certain ambiance is required from your lighting choices.

Shatter Resistant

It’s all in the name. We carry a variety of bulbs that have been coated in a protective layer that aids in keeping your space safe from broken glass and debris when an accident happens. Your safety is worth it!

Half Chrome or Silver Bowl Bulbs

Generally used mainly in restaurant settings, half chrome – silver bowl – mirror bulbs feature a reflective finish to the bulbous end of the bulb to help reduce glare and redirect the light away from those sitting beneath it.

Flood and Spot Lights

These bulbs are great choices in residential and business settings for recessed cans, as well as outdoor fixtures.


From exit signs to vacuum cleaners, tubular bulbs have a wide range of uses in residential appliances and office spaces.

Colored Bulbs

Liven up your party with a rainbow of light or choose just one color to represent a certain cause that you are passionate about supporting.  carries an array of colored bulbs in different shapes and sizes and will help you support your cause by donating to charities as part of our Buy Light, Give Light program. Choose your color and give back today!

Bug Lights

Keep away the mosquitoes with our yellow bug lights. How do they work? The yellow color reduces the color temperature of the bulb and changes the wavelength of the light that is being emitted, which is what attracts insects. So, install a yellow bug light in your outdoor space to draw the bugs to it and away from you. You’ll thank us later, I promise.

Light Bulb Moments

What is an A-shaped light bulb?

What do you think of first when you imagine a light bulb? I can guess that it is most likely the standard A19, teardrop-shaped bulb that has made its presence known around the world since the late 1800s. In addition to the A19 bulb, we are familiar with the A21, A23, and the A15 shapes, as well. But what does the “A” in these types of bulbs mean? Great question and I’m glad you asked! The “A” stands for arbitrary, and in the case of bulbs, we take the definition of that to mean the shape was decided upon based on random choice of its designer. The number that follows the “A” in these bulbs indicates the bulb’s size when measured in 1/8” increments. For instance, a standard A19 bulb diameter measures at 19/8”, or when converted is 2.375”. The A21 bulb measures 21/8”, or 2.625” in diameter, but keep in mind that the A21 bulb is generally also slightly taller than the A19 which may prevent it from properly fitting in some fixtures. Be mindful of this when selecting a replacement bulb for your application. Keep in mind, also, that A-shape bulbs are offered in A15 and A23 sizes, too.

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Lighting FAQs

The world of light bulbs can feel a bit like stepping into a party where the dress code is strictly binary, 0 and 1’s only, but nobody thought to tell you. The abundance of acronyms may sound like a secret society, does your socket need E26, E12, or GU10. We may not have graduated from Harvard, but we are the Lumen Masters, we are lighting experts who understand light bulbs. A team who is looking forward to helping with all your lighting needs. 

  • Fear not, let’s embark on an illuminating journey through light bulb lingo where the only thing flickering is the sparkle of enlightenment.

Here's a comprehensive list of questions and answers about light bulbs and LEDs that cover a broad range of topics, from basics to more technical aspects. But first, I want to make you smile.

  • Why did the light bulb fail at school? Because it kept going out during the tests! 
  • Why did the LED bulb join Tinder? Because it was looking for a connection that wouldn’t leave it screwed and abandoned in a dim situation!

The basic LED lighting questions. 

  1. What does LED stand for? LED stands for Light Emitting Diode.
  1. How do LEDs differ from incandescent bulbs? LEDs are more energy-efficient, have a longer lifespan, and use a semiconductor to produce light, whereas incandescent bulbs use a filament that glows when heated.
  1. Can LED bulbs be used in any light fixture? Generally, yes, but it's important to check the bulb's size, shape, and wattage compatibility with the fixture.
  1. Do LED bulbs get hot? LEDs generate heat, but much less than incandescent bulbs. They are cool to the touch because the heat is efficiently dissipated through a heat sink.

Performance and Efficiency light bulb questions

  1. How long do LED bulbs last? LED bulbs should last 25,000 to 50,000 hours, significantly longer than incandescent and CFL bulbs. Unfortunately, major brand, box store LEDs are only manufactured to last 8,000 to 10,000 hours. 
  1. Are LED bulbs energy-efficient? Yes, LEDs use up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, making them highly energy efficient.
  1. Do LED lights save money? Yes, due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan, LEDs can save a significant amount of money on electricity bills and replacement costs over time.

Color and Lighting quality questions

  1. What is Color Rendering Index (CRI)? CRI measures a light source's ability to show object colors realistically or naturally compared to a familiar reference source, like sunlight. The scale goes from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating better color rendering. 
  1. Can LEDs be dimmed? Many LEDs are dimmable, but it's important to check the product specifications. Using a compatible dimmer switch is also crucial.
  1. What does color temperature mean? Color temperature is measured in Kelvins (K) and indicates the hue of a light source. Lower temperatures (2200K - 3000K) produce a warm, yellowish light, (4000K) is cool white, (5000K) is pure white

Safety and Environmental Impact questions about light bulbs

  1. Are LED bulbs safe? Yes, LEDs are considered safe. They contain no mercury (unlike CFLs) and emit very little heat, reducing the risk of combustion or burns.
  1. Are LED lights environmentally friendly? Yes, LEDs use less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs, reducing energy consumption and the need for frequent replacements.
  1. Can LED bulbs be used outdoors? Yes, but look for LEDs specifically rated for outdoor use, which are designed to withstand weather conditions.
  1. Can light bulbs be recycled? Yes, light bulbs should be recycled, but the recycling process varies depending on the type of bulb. Contact a lighting specialist and we can help.

Technical Questions about LED Light Bulbs

  1. What does lumens mean in LED lighting? Lumens measure the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. In LEDs, higher lumens indicate brighter light.
  1. What is an LED driver? An LED driver is an electrical device that regulates the power to an LED or a string of LEDs, ensuring optimal performance and preventing overheating.
  1. Why do some LEDs flicker when dimmed? Flickering can occur if the LED is not compatible with the dimmer switch. Using a dimmer switch that is specifically designed for LEDs can minimize or eliminate flickering. 
  1. How is the hour rating on a bulb determined? For example, Lamp manufacturers will test 1000 light bulbs and when the 500th bulb burns out, that is the average life hours. Hour ratings are referred to as Average Rated Life. Some lamps will last longer, and some will burn out quicker than expected.
  2. How do you measure the length of a lamp? Light bulbs are measured from end to end including the base. The length of a lamp is the Maximum Overall Length or M.O.L.
  3. What is the difference between 120 volt and 130 volts? Standard line voltage in the United States is 120 volts, lamps are often manufactured at 130 volts to increase lamp life and to offer protection against power surges, a 130-volt lamp may last twice as long but can be 15% dimmer than a 120-volt lamp.
  4. What is 277 Volt – 480 Volt? 277/480 volt electrical systems are high-voltage power configurations used in commercial and industrial facilities.
  5. How do I know what wattage to use in my fixture? Check the fixture for wattage and voltage requirements. Using the wrong lamp in a fixture could cause the bulb to burnout early and may create a fire or safety hazard.
  6. What is an ANSI code? The ANSI code refers to a standardized system developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). (e.g) M130/E indicates specific type of metal halide and E26 designate a standard medium base.

Miscellaneous questions about LED light bulbs

  1. Can LEDs emit UV light? Most LEDs used for lighting do not emit UV light. However, there are specific UV LEDs designed for purposes where UV light is required.
  1. Is it easy to switch to LED lighting from incandescent bulbs? Yes, switching to LED lighting is usually straightforward. LED bulbs are designed to fit into standard lighting fixtures, making the transition easy. 
  1. Do LED lights attract bugs? LEDs attract fewer bugs than incandescent bulbs because they emit less heat and UV light, which are attractive to many insects.
  1. Can I dispose of LED bulbs in regular trash? While LEDs do not contain hazardous materials like mercury, recycling them is the best environmental practice. Check with a Lumen Master for LED recycling options.

This list covers a range of questions that people commonly ask about light bulbs and LEDs, offering an understanding of the technology, its benefits, and considerations for use. If you have any other question, GoodBulb has a team of lighting experts, the Lumen Masters who would love an opportunity to help.

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CFLs Vs. Incandescents: Facts About Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

incandescent CFL and LED
FYI... This article is 10 PLUS years old... CFLs are awful. Please stop buying them and speak with a lighting specialist about LED!!!!

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) provide more light for less energy when compared to traditional, incandescent light bulbs. The Energy Star program claims that CFLs last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs and use 75 percent less energy.

Have more questions about CFL’s? Here are some interesting facts that you need to know!


CFLs create light when an electric current runs through a tube containing argon and mercury vapor. This reaction causes invisible ultraviolet light to excite phosphor within the tube, thus producing visible light. In incandescent lights, electric currents run through wire filaments, which heat up until glowing.

Energy Efficiency

According to Energy Star, CFLs use 66 to 75 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb and last six to 10 times longer.


Brightness, measured in lumens, determines the light output of a CFL bulb. The wattage scale for CFL products differs from incandescent lights; for example, a 40-watt incandescent light produces 450 lumens corresponding to a range of 9 to 13 watts for CFLs.


Color temperatures are measured in Kelvin on a temperature scale. The color temperature range for CFLs runs from 2,700 to 6,500 Kelvin. Lower temperatures appear yellow in color, and higher temperatures appear white or blue.

Choose the lowest wattage within the desired light output to save energy.

Handling Tips

A small amount of mercury (less than 5 mg) is contained within CFL bulbs, therefore take a few precautions when handling and disposing of bulbs. Always screw the CFL bulb by its base, avoiding the glass, and never force a bulb into a socket. Also, when CFL bulbs burn out, contact your local municipal solid waste agency to find out where you can recycle your bulbs. Broken or damaged bulbs should be handled with particular care.

Originally published Nov. 7, 2013 and updated Sept. 1, 2016.

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How To Read Light Bulb Ordering Codes

reading light bulb codes

Let's begin the lighting eduction with a section for my friends who lack the enthusiasm to learn about the world of light bulbs.

Step 1 to understanding Light Bulb codes is to Disregard Step 1

Snap a photo of the light bulb you currently use, take one picture where you zoom in on the bulb markings, note the bulb location (be it the kitchen, bathroom, restaurant, or warehouse), figure out the quantity of bulbs required, specify your preferred light type or hue, and forward all these details to a lighting expert at GoodBulb. Request assistance from the Lumen Master, our guide poised to help. Lighting is our forte, and understanding codes, and replacements is our specialty.


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Light bulb ordering and description codes may seem like a random assortment of letters and numbers, but they're actually a standardized way to convey a bulb's specifications quickly and accurately. Understanding these codes can help you choose the right bulb. Here's a breakdown of how to read these codes:

Base Type
The base type of a bulb is usually indicated by one or two letters at the beginning of the code. For example: E stands for Edison screw base common in many bulbs. The number following this letter indicates the diameter of the base in millimeters. 

  • E26 means an Edison base 26 millimeters in diameter, which is standard in the U.S.
  • B indicates a bayonet base, less common in the U.S. but found in many applications.
  • GU is used for bi-pin twist lock base. The number following GU indicates the distance between the pins in millimeters.

Bulb Shape
The next part of the code refers to the shape of the bulb, and it's often represented by one or two letters:

  • A stands for Arbitrary (standard shape), which is the classic light bulb shape.
  • BR indicates Bulged Reflector, commonly used in flood lights.
  • G refers to Globe, a spherical bulb often used in vanity lighting.
  • T stands for Tubular, with a long, narrow shape.
  • PAR stands for Parabolic Aluminum Reflector
  • HID stands for High Intensity Discharge
  • X stands for Xenon
  • XL stand for Xtreme Life

Bulb Size
After the shape designation, a number often follows, which refers to the bulb's diameter at its widest point, divided by 8. So, an A19 bulb is an Arbitrary shape bulb that is 19 eighths of an inch (or 2.375 inches) in diameter.

Additional letters or numbers at the end of the code might indicate special features or the technology used in the bulb:

  • D can indicate color temperature, Daylight 5000-6500K
  • W indicates wattage, the amount of energy the bulb uses.
  • L or LED specifies that the bulb uses LED technology.
  • H could indicate that the bulb is halogen.
  • D could also mean the bulb is dimmable.

Examples of Light Bulb Codes

  • E26 A19 code means the bulb has an Edison 26mm screw base and is in the classic Arbitrary shape with a diameter of 2.375 inches.
  • GU10 BR20 indicates a bi-pin base 10mm apart, with a Bulged Reflector shape and a diameter of 2.5 inches.
  • T8 code signifies a Tubular bulb 1 inch in diameter (since 8 divided by 8 equals 1)

By breaking down the code piece by piece, you can determine the base type, shape, size, wattage, features, and kelvin temperature. This knowledge makes it easier to find the right bulb for your fixture, ensuring compatibility and meeting your lighting needs.


Every lighting technology has used a standardized set of codes that differentiate 10s of thousands of light bulbs. Buying LEDs is hard and I recommend working with a GoodBulb lighting specialist to prevent unnecessary returns. 


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    Holiday Lights: LED Vs. Incandescents

    cost of lighting during Christmas season

    Holiday Lights: LED vs. Incandescents

    LEDs consume far less electricity than incandescent bulbs, and decorative LED light strings such as Christmas tree lights are no different. Not only do LED holiday lights consume less electricity, they also have the following advantages:

    • Safer: LEDs are much cooler than incandescent lights, reducing the risk of combustion or burnt fingers.
    • Sturdier: LEDs are made with epoxy lenses, not glass, and are resistant to shock, vibration, and breakage.
    • Longer lasting: The LED string purchased today, could still be in use 40 holiday seasons from now.
    • Easier to install: Up to 25 strings of LEDs can be connected end-to-end without overloading a wall socket.
    Estimated cost of electricity
    To light a 6-foot tree for 12 hours a day for 40 days
    Incandescent C-9 lights: $10
    LED C-9 lights: $0.27
    Incandescent mini-lights: $2.74
    LED mini-lights: $0.82

    Estimated cost of buying and operating lights for 10 holiday seasons

    Incandescent C-9 lights: $122.19
    LED C-9 lights: $17.99
    Incandescent mini-lights: $55.62
    LED mini-lights: $33.29
    The above data was based on 2012 electricity rates.
    The average cost of electricity in the U.S,A, in 2024 is $0.17 kWH
    Rates have been rising year after year and will only continue to rise. 

    *Assumes 50 C-9 bulbs and 200 mini-lights per tree, with electricity at $0.119 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) (AEO 2012 Residential Average). Prices of lights based on quoted prices for low volume purchases from major home improvement retailers. All costs have been discounted at an annual rate of 5.6 percent. Life span assumed to be three seasons (1,500 hours) for non-LED lights.

    Originally published Nov. 4, 2013 and updated Nov. 1, 2016.

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    Earth Day tips to Save Energy and Help our Planet

    earth day image, helping clean up trash and plant a tree

    Every April 22nd, Earth Day emerges as a global event dedicated to environmental protection. It’s a day that unites individuals, communities, and organizations in appreciating and advocating for the well-being of our planet.

    This year, let's move beyond recognition and actively participate in making our Earth healthier and happier. Whether you're a seasoned eco-warrior or a beginner in green initiatives, there are ways to contribute. Here's how you can make a difference this Earth Day and beyond.

    earth day image, helping clean up trash and plant a tree

    Understanding Earth Day which was first celebrated in 1970, aiming to raise awareness about environmental issues ranging from pollution to deforestation and encouraged action towards sustainable living. It has grown into a global movement that drives significant environmental policy changes and inspires individual toward conserving our planet.

    Participating in Earth Day

    1. Join a local clean-up event in parks, beaches, rivers, or neighborhoods. If there isn’t one nearby, organize it. Gather friends, family, and community members to clean up your local environment.
    2. Plant Trees and Gardens, they absorb CO2, offer oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife. Planting native plants and creating pollinator-friendly gardens will support local ecosystems.
    3. Educate and Advocate Earth Day environmental issues and solutions with your family, friends, schools, community centers, and online platforms. Share information and advocate for policies that protect the environment.
    4. Support Eco-Friendly Businesses by purchase from local, sustainable businesses that prioritize eco-friendly practices. Whether it’s buying organic produce, supporting ethical fashion brands or choosing where to buy a light bulbs, your choices have power.
    earth day image, helping clean up trash and plant a tree

    Tips for Reducing Energy Consumption

    1. Switch to Renewable Energy if possible, green energy plans that use wind or solar power.
    2. Energy-Efficient Appliances use less power and reduce utility bills.
    3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Embrace the three R's to minimize waste. Reduce consumption, reuse what you can, and recycle properly.
    4. Composting organic waste will reduce landfill contributions and enrich your soil.
    5. Conserve Water by fixing leaks, installing low-flow fixtures, and adopting water-saving habits like shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth.
    6. Use Public Transportation, carpool, or riding your bike to your destination will reduce your carbon footprint.
    7. Energy Saving at Home with simple acts like turning off lights when not in use and purchasing energy-efficient GoodBulb LEDs.
    8. Unplugging electronics will significantly reduce energy consumption.  Chargers are a big culprit of phantom loads, when energy is building up but not being used.
    9. Smart power strips cut energy to devices when they go into standby mode.
    earth day image, helping clean up trash and plant a tree

    Making Every Day Earth Day

    The power of Earth Day lies in its ability to remind us of our responsibility towards our planet. The true impact is made when we incorporate these practices into our daily lives. Small changes, multiplied by billions of people, will transform the world.

    Let’s pledge to make every day Earth Day and work towards a sustainable future for our planet.

    Participating in Earth Day and adopting energy-saving measures are powerful ways to contribute to the health of our planet. Every action counts, and together, we can make a significant impact. Let’s embrace these practices and inspire others to join.

    earth day image, helping clean up trash and plant a tree


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    What Puts The 'A' In A-Bulbs?

    a shaped bulbs

    A-shaped bulbs do not actually look like the letter ‘A’. Except, maybe, neon tubes that actually are shaped like a letter a or A. Whew, glad we got that cleared up! 

    So, that said, what exactly is an A-shaped light bulb? Most people, when they think of a light bulb, imagine a typical tear drop shaped bulb the likes of which have been globally recognized since the late 1800s. The standard A19 light bulb, as made famous by Thomas Edison... MADE FAMOUS... not invented.. What many people don’t understand about these bulbs is what in the heck A19 even means (and why they should care). Well, let me shed some light! 

    In addition to the A19 shape mentioned, you many be familiar with A21, A23, and A15 shapes. The ‘A’ in these bulb codes stands for ‘arbitrary’, and in the case of light bulbs we take the definition of that to mean the shape was decided upon based on random choice of its designer. So, thanks for that Sir Humphry Davy! The number that follows the ‘A’ designation indicates the bulb’s size when measured in ⅛” increments. 

     what A is A Shape light bulb means

    For example, a standard A19 bulb diameter measures at 19/8”, or when converted is 2.375”. An A21 bulb measures at 21/8”, or 2.625” in diameter. Keep in mind, though, that the A21 bulb is generally slightly longer than the A19 which may prevent it from properly fitting into some fixtures. Be mindful of this factor when selecting a replacement bulb for your application, since not all A-shaped bulbs are interchangeable. 

    The typical design of the A-shape light bulb has not changed much since the prototype was fabricated by Thomas Edison. Of course, there have been state-of-the-art enhancements to improve its functionality, since then. Such developments have focused mostly on the technologies that make light bulbs work, from the original incandescent versions to halogen and compact fluorescent models, all the way to the LEDs we’ve landed on today. However, through all the technological changes the ‘A’ bulb has been put through, its shape has remained pretty much the same. This is due to how recognizable that shape is, and to ensure that consumers will more easily digest the technology advances as they are rolled out. Or in other words, manufacturers of lighting products continue to produce new light bulbs modeled after Edison’s version so that everyone stays comfortable. 

    An LED is vastly different in function and design to an incandescent. LED does not require a glass housing and a filament in order to work, where incandescent does. Ergo, when LED lighting was introduced, an entirely new concept around its functional design could have been created (not to say that has not happened, but stay with me). Encasing LED technology in a familiar shape, however, has made the transition from incandescent to LED much easier for consumers given that most fixtures used in homes and business across the globe were designed with that specific shape in mind. While rethinking the package an LED is presented in could have taken any number of turns, and could have been really fun to witness, it just did not make economical sense to do so. 

    Regardless of the technology that makes it work, the A-shape bulb is here to stay. It is awesome to think how far we have come, really, when we remember that civilization relied upon fire as the sole source of light after dark for as long as humans have had the capability and curiosity to harness it. The invention of the light bulb, and more specifically the A-shaped light bulb, set humanity on a path toward even more innovation and advancement than is realized. We have watched as man-made lighting has quite literally changed the world, and the possibilities of what may come next are boundless. 

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    Lighting Up the Fargo Theatre with Incandescent Bulbs

    The Fargo Theatre in Downtown Fargo, North Dakota

    Behind-the-scenes of the iconic Fargo Theatre marquee

    The glittering Fargo Theatre marquee is the first thing anyone notices when entering downtown Fargo, North Dakota.

    With over 900 twinkling lights, the Fargo Theatre marquee stands as a beacon, a gathering point, and a centerpiece of the Fargo-Moorhead community. You see it in postcards, posters, paintings, and more — in fact, according to the Fargo Forum, it’s the most photographed place in the city.

    What you might not know is that those twinkling lightbulbs you see on your favorite marquee are supplied by GoodBulb! As a Fargo-based company with a team that calls Fargo-Moorhead home, this project is near and dear to our hearts. We’re proud to supply lightbulbs to keep our community beacon shining — both outside and in!

    From 1920 to 2020

    Downtown Fargo Sign Light Bulbs

    As Fargo Theatre staff shared in a wonderfully informative video last week, the marquee is not the original. The Fargo Theatre, an art-deco movie theatre built in 1926, went through a complete refurbishment in the late 1990s. A replica of the marquee was built at this time and was lit for the first time on New Year’s Eve in 1998.

    Adam Roder, Technical Director at the Fargo Theatre, has the unique and challenging job of maintaining the lightbulbs of the gorgeous marquee.

    “This is a frequent task, as there are over 900 individual incandescent bulbs on the marquee,” he said. “We won't use LED, so there are some burning out almost every week.”

    Uffda! Nothing pains us more than burned-out light bulbs. It’s a privilege to dazzle downtown Fargo night after night. That’s why we keep the marquee burning bright with incandescent bulbs that are still available today.

    Take a look:


    incandescent light bulbs used in Fargo Marquee


    inside of Fargo Theater 
    Inside the Fargo Theatre

    The inside of the theater has its own dazzling light display. The art-deco style of the curving yellow “light fountains” and neon blue and pink stripes transport attendees back to the 1920s.

    For interior theater lighting, we use antique filament LED light bulbs and LED Par spotlight lightbulbs. I'm looking forward to the day when we can provide Clear S14 LED that flickers and sparkles in the same fashion as incandescent.

    Thank you Fargo Theatre, for being a beautiful bright spot downtown!

    Learn more about the Fargo Theatre here.

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    electric plane
    Photo by Harbour Air

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    Perfectly lamented by John Denver in his 1969 folk-rock ballad, air travel has become pretty commonplace and an almost expected activity in society today. With more than 44,000 commercial flights serving more than 2.7 million people every day in the United States alone, that’s a lot of leavin’ on a jet plane by travelers for all sorts of reasons. And with all that travel, we have become quite accustomed to the basic ebb and flow of commercial airplanes as a whole – their sounds (loud), their smells (ew), and their hassle to even get on board (ugh). All-in-all, air travel has been pretty steadfast in the experience it has offered for decades, including how their engines operate (hint: with jet fuel). 

    But, what if you had the option for an entirely new flight experience? At least in terms of how that flight gets you from A to B? Seaplane airline Harbour Air, in partnership with magniX, the company responsible for powering the electric aviation revolution, made history in December 2019 – 116 years almost to the day from the first flight recorded by the Wright Brothers, which launched humanity into a new era of transportation that has affected every aspect of life as we know it – with the world’s first flight by an all-electric commercial aircraft. 

    The inaugural flight along the Fraser River lasted 15 minutes, and successfully touched down in Vancouver, Canada, at the Harbour Air Seaplanes terminal in Richmond. It was piloted by Harbour Air CEO and founder Greg McDougall, who said that the historic flight signified the beginning of the third era in aviation: the electric age.

    “Today, we made history,” said McDougall. “I am incredibly proud of Harbour Air’s leadership role in redefining safety and innovation in the aviation and seaplane industry. Canada has long held an iconic role in the history of aviation, and to be part of this incredible world-first milestone is something we can all be really proud of.”

    The ePlane, a six-passenger DHC-2 de Havilland Beaver was unveiled in June 2019, at the Paris Air Show, and is powered by the magni500, a 750hp high-power-density electric propulsion system that offers a clean and efficient means of driving the plane.  

    another electric plane
    Photo by Harbour Air

    “In December 1903, the Wright Brothers launched a new era of transportation—the aviation age—with the first flight of a powered aircraft. Today, 116 years later, with the first flight of an all-electric powered commercial aircraft, we launched the electric era of aviation,” said Roei Ganzarski, CEO of magniX. “The transportation industry and specifically the aviation segment that has been, for the most part, stagnant since the late 1930s, is ripe for a massive disruption. Now we are proving that low-cost, environmentally friendly, commercial electric air travel can be a reality in the very near future.”

    The implications of electric air travel on the environment are boundless. Aircraft emit exorbitant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere on a daily basis, accounting for about 11% of CO2 emissions from transportation sources and around 3% of total CO2 emissions in the US each year. That is equal to almost half of all CO2 emissions from aircraft worldwide. The impact on climate change by aircraft is compounded each year, and as such a switch to electrically powered planes could offer benefits that reach far and wide.

    The next step in bringing the ePlane into regular, commercial use that can carry passengers is to obtain certification and approval for the propulsion system and retrofitting of aircraft with it. Once certified, Harbour Air and magniX can start the process of expanding their fleet with the revolutionary all-electric propulsion technology. After that? You may just be able to catch an eFlight and take part in the next era of travel!

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    The Ocean Cleanup: Laying Waste to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

    plastic in our oceans

    That said, the largest accumulation zone of plastic waste in our world’s oceans is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The Ocean Cleanup is a project launched in 2013 by Boyan Slat, with the mission of eradicating this plastic pollution quickly and in the most environmentally safe way possible. 

    Located in the Pacific ocean, about halfway between California and Hawaii, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is roughly 1.6 million square kilometers in size. That is about twice the size of Texas! Talk about a whole lot of garbage. Scientists estimate that approximately 1.15 to 2.41 million tonnes of plastic waste are entering the ocean each year from rivers, and with more than half of that plastic being less dense than water, it just floats around getting caught up in currents and wreaking havoc as it goes. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, alone, has been estimated to weigh somewhere around 80,000 – 100,000 tonnes, which is the equivalent of about 500 Jumbo Jets. 

    garabage in our oceans

    Now that we have your attention on just how massive this Garbage Patch is, what do we do about cleaning it up?

    In 2016, 16-year-old Boyan Slat went scuba diving in Greece and was dismayed that he found more plastic than fish during his dive. More surprising still, was in discovering that no one was doing anything about the problem. He then posed the question, “Why don’t we just clean it up?” and began working on a high school science project aimed at doing just that. In his research, Slat found that a cleanup effort using standard nets and vessels would involve tens of billions of dollars, and would take about 1000 years to accomplish, all the while causing harm to sea life and pumping out an insane amount of carbon emissions in the process. There had to be another way. 

    Over the next year, Slat experimented with different methods to address the Garbage Patch issue that has become an increasing problem with each passing year as more and more plastic waste makes its way into our oceans and ecosystems. According to The Ocean Cleanup, there are 5 major plastic accumulation zones in the world where our oceans converge. These zones, called “garbage patches”, act as collection areas for the plastic waste that is not heavy enough to sink to the ocean floors. These plastics will not simply disappear on their own either, but will break down into smaller pieces called microplastics, over time. These microplastics are harmful to our environment in many ways, including posing a danger most people have likely never considered: consumption by humans through the food chain. Microplastics are being eaten by marine life, leading to starvation of ocean animals since plastics have no nutritional value. Further, when consumed by the fish that make their way onto our dinner plates, the ingredients of these plastics, as well as the toxic chemicals they absorb, are then passed onto humans. Who knows the health effects that are manifesting as a direct result of such a cycle.   

    Through his experimentation, Slat developed an idea involving a passive concentration system that would use ocean currents to his advantage, letting them bring the garbage to the trap instead of chasing the garbage in boats – essentially eliminating the carbon emissions factor that is so counterproductive to efforts aimed at pollution eradication. After graduating high school, Slat continued developing his cleanup theory and eventually founded The Ocean Cleanup in 2013. 

    Fast forward to October 2019, and The Ocean Cleanup’s System 001/B is “successfully capturing and collecting plastic debris,” using a self-contained system capable of cleaning up visible refuse, as well as microplastics as small as 1mm. The implications of this successful system launch is astounding for the health of our oceans, their marine life, and the many ecosystems on the planet.  

    ocean garbage 

    “After beginning this journey seven years ago, this first year of testing in the unforgivable environment of the high seas strongly indicates that our vision is attainable and that the beginning of our mission to rid the ocean of plastic garbage, which has accumulated for decades, is within our sights,” said Slat. “Our team has remained steadfast in its determination to solve immense technical challenges to arrive at this point. Though we still have much more work to do, I am eternally grateful for the team’s commitment and dedication to the mission and look forward to continuing to the next phase of development.”

    The Ocean Cleanup now has System 002 in the works, which will be a full-scale cleanup system capable of retaining its collected debris for much longer periods of time, and will be notably more durable than its predecessor. Once operational, The Ocean Cleanup will be able to start transporting the collected plastics and other debris back to dry land for recycling.

    picking up ocean garbage
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    Animal Sanctuary Offers Safety and Rehabilitation to Animals in Need

    Hawkes Homestead Animal Sanctuary, located just outside of town in rural New Rockford, North Dakota, is home to many humble creatures in need. And with the more than 6.5 million animals that are abandoned, surrendered, or confiscated each year in the United States, any new organization willing to offer some kind of relief or a haven for these lovable critters is a welcomed sight! It's a privilege to write about another North Dakota organization that is committed to making a difference. 




    Currently playing host to more than 130 animals, including dogs, cats, horses of the standard and miniature varieties, llamas, goats, chinchillas, crested geckos, guinea pigs, fish, as well as several avian breeds like chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, pheasants, and even a parakeet, Jessica Hawkes officially founded the Animal Sanctuary in 2019, when she applied for non-profit status with the state of North Dakota. 

    Motivated by her love of animals, she began taking in chinchillas following a devastating flood in Minot, ND, in 2011. “Lots of college kids couldn’t keep theirs when they were displaced, so I ended up with nine of them,” she said. “It was about knowing how to care for a special exotic animal and taking them on because nobody else could.” And thus, the idea of her sanctuary was born.

    • Chinchillas give themselves dust baths in fine volcanic ash to stay clean.
    • They do NOT make good pets for children due to a high-strung temperament. 

    In addition to chinchillas, Jessica has taken in a rather eclectic mix of animals requiring unique attention, and her 5th generation homestead has become known as a safe place to bring all manner of curious animals with nowhere else to go. When new arrivals appear on site, Jessica and her partner, Mike Scott, who is a former professional horse trainer, take care to feed them, train them, and re-home them whenever possible. What’s more, they offer special accommodations to these fuzzy (and not-so-fuzzy) friends who have found their way to their home, and hearts, in various states of distress. Offering daily care and maintenance of the habitats created for the animals, as well as basic veterinary care, treatment of wounds, and socialization. 

    “Some of the animals require special care, either by species, like hand-feeding the gecko twice a week and trimming goat hooves, or by individual, like the injured gosling currently living in my bathroom for rehabilitation before going back out to the flock,” said Jessica.

    As you can imagine, taking care of that many animals can become quite costly. To help support the Sanctuary, Jessica offers farm fresh eggs for sale as well as a variety of homemade jams, teas, soda/coffee/dessert syrups, foods, pet treats, and hand-knitted crafts and soaps. The Sanctuary’s pending 501(c) non-profit status allows Hawkes Homestead Animal Sanctuary to accept tax-free donations, and any funds received are immediately put to work to update and upgrade the farmstead to accommodate the wide variety of animals they care for all year long. Such animals, like Hei Hei the house chicken, and Vincent Van Goat, who surprised the Homestead when he appeared seemingly out of nowhere in May 2019, having been born in secret by another Sanctuary resident, are just a couple examples of animals who have benefitted from the special care offered by Jessica and Mike. Their doors continue to remain as open even with more animals and limited resources available to. “We are negotiating right now to take in a Juliana mini potbelly pig!” said Jessica. “I’m going to name it Kevin. Kevin Bacon.”  

    As the Sanctuary grows, Jessica hopes to also file paperwork for Federal 501(c) status in hopes of reaching as many animals as possible. With plans to create a board of directors that includes a professional veterinarian to assist with vaccinations and offer spay and neuter services, as well as offer the best care for trauma cases and other special animal needs, a lawyer, an anthropologist, a social media professional, and a resident “barnyard animal whisperer”, Hawkes Homestead Animal Sanctuary is quickly gaining traction as a dependable retreat for wayward animals of all kinds. 

    “The possibilities are endless,” she said. “We want to be able to accept more animals and offer pet adoptions. We already do youth tours informally, so keeping that a part of our plan is important to us.” Other planned endeavors include internships, heritage gardening and even overnight stays for those interested in lending a helping hand and learning how the Sanctuary cares for such a wide variety of animals.

    To Be Good can mean several things. GoodBulb understands this concept to mean integrity and going out of your way to do good in this world. Hawkes Homestead Animal Sanctuary fits this definition to the core, and we are excited to watch as it grows to impacts lives, animals, and humans alike, for years to come!

    For more information about Hawkes Homestead Animal Sanctuary, or if you just want periodic updates about the mischief the goats get into, or the antics of Hei Hei the chicken, be sure to watch for their official Facebook page to get started and follow along!

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.



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    Smile Your Way to Happiness: Unpacking the Facial Feedback Hypothesis

    be happy
    When you are feeling blue, all you need to do is smile!

    An idea has taken root in both scientific and non-scientific communities that states, “feedback from our facial movements can influence our experience of emotion.” This has translated to sayings

    • “fake it til you make it”
    • “just grin and bear it”
    • “smile your way to happiness”.
    act enthusiastic and you'll be enthusiastic

    Psychologists call this idea the facial feedback hypothesis.

    The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that an emotional response can be triggered by consciously altering our facial expressions: Smile to make yourself happy, frown to make yourself sad, and so on. Hotly debated for decades, and still unable to be proven as scientific theory, researchers conducting this study used a new technique called meta-analysis to combine data collected from more than 11,000 participants over 138 studies from around the world to show that the small act of putting on a smile really can affect your mood. Granted, the impact is small but their findings show it is absolutely possible.

    “Maybe people can ‘smile their way to happiness’. But these findings are exciting because they provide a clue about how the mind and the body interact to shape our conscious experience of emotion,” says Nicholas Coles, lead author of the paper detailing this study.

    Whether the impact of smiling yourself into a better mood is measurable, there is no harm in trying – the human brain is amazing and capable of so much more than we realize. The next time you find yourself in a foul mood, try this experiment on for size and see how it goes! Other ways to combat negative energy is by finding volunteer opportunities in your community. GoodBulb endeavors to put a smile on as many faces as we can muster. We just can’t help it – it’s in our smile!

    • I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes...
    • She gave me a hug.
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    Displaced Nebraska Flood Victims Recover Through Hundreds of Donations and Countless Acts of Kindness

    flooding of march 2019 in Midwest

    In Nebraska, alone, many areas endured all-time record flooding that will have an impact on the lives and economies of locals for years to come. On March 18, 2019, Nebraska governor Pete Ricketts was even forced to declare a state of emergency, citing the desolation as “[t]he most extensive damage our state has ever experienced.”


    haystack, Nebraska

    Seeing this destruction and wanting to find ways to help, Addy Tritt, a graduate of Fort Hays State University in Kansas, found an opportunity to provide a necessary commodity to victims in Nebraska by way of Payless Shoes, which is going out of business and liquidating its assets across 2100 locations nationwide.

    Tritt approached a branch of the retail shoe chain to negotiate when the Hays’ Big Creek Crossing store lowered its prices to just $1 per pair. With only 204 pairs of shoes remaining on the shelves, a retail value of more than $6000, Tritt walked away with with the store’s entire stock for only $100, which she paid for out of her own pocket. The shoes were donated as part of a flood relief shipment organized by FHSU’s Sigma Alpha, and distributed to farmers all over Nebraska in the aftermath of the flooding. Other efforts to make donations in aid of victims in Nebraska and surrounding areas have been gaining traction, as well.

    GoodBulb is proud to bring attention to one of our own local hero organizations supporting #GoodCausesFarm Rescue, who is a non-profit based out of Horace, ND, providing crisis recovery assistance to farmers and ranchers in the Midwest. They have assisted in organizing wide-spread support to America’s heartland throughout this ordeal with their Operation Hay Lift, which brought more than 100 loads of desperately-needed cattle feed and supplies to ranchers. The efforts and sacrifices of selfless people and teams, like Addy Tritt and Farm Rescue, are what unites us as a community, and GoodBulb is excited to see the humanity offered up in times of need. 

    water arial view in midwest flood

     Nebraska Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Jamie Bartholomew (left) and Spc. Oslay Molina (center) hand square bale of hay to Nebraska farmer James Palmer in Winslow, Nebraska, March 25. Bartholomew and Molina were part of a team that provided hay to Palmer who needed hay for his livestock after catastrophic flooding destroyed much of his property, vehicles and feed reserves. (Nebraska National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Koan Nissen)


    midwest city flood 2019

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics too. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day. We believe in enlightening your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll. 

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    Universal' Cancer Treatment Possible with Discovery of New T-Cell

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics too. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day. We believe in enlightening your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll. Join us as we explore an array of subjects that are as diverse and captivating as the range of lights we offer.

    Reprinted from Cardiff University

    T-cell therapies for cancer – where immune cells are removed, modified and returned to the patient’s blood to seek and destroy cancer cells – are the latest paradigm in cancer treatments.

    The most widely-used therapy, known as CAR-T, is personalised to each patient but targets only a few types of cancers and has not been successful for solid tumours, which make up the vast majority of cancers.

    Cardiff researchers have now discovered T-cells equipped with a new type of T-cell receptor (TCR) which recognises and kills most human cancer types, while ignoring healthy cells.

    This TCR recognises a molecule present on the surface of a wide range of cancer cells as well as in many of the body’s normal cells but, remarkably, is able to distinguish between healthy cells and cancerous ones, killing only the latter.

    The researchers said this meant it offered “exciting opportunities for pan-cancer, pan-population” immunotherapies not previously thought possible.

    How does this new TCR work?

    Conventional T-cells scan the surface of other cells to find anomalies and eliminate cancerous cells – which express abnormal proteins – but ignore cells that contain only “normal” proteins.

    The scanning system recognises small parts of cellular proteins that are bound to cell-surface molecules called human leukocyte antigen (HLA), allowing killer T-cells to see what’s occurring inside cells by scanning their surface.

    HLA varies widely between individuals, which has previously prevented scientists from creating a single T-cell-based treatment that targets most cancers in all people.

    But the Cardiff study, published today in Nature Immunology, describes a unique TCR that can recognise many types of cancer via a single HLA-like molecule called MR1.

    Unlike HLA, MR1 does not vary in the human population – meaning it is a hugely attractive new target for immunotherapies.

    What did the researchers show?

    T-cells equipped with the new TCR were shown, in the lab, to kill lung, skin, blood, colon, breast, bone, prostate, ovarian, kidney and cervical cancer cells, while ignoring healthy cells.

    To test the therapeutic potential of these cells in vivo, the researchers injected T-cells able to recognise MR1 into mice bearing human cancer and with a human immune system.

    This showed “encouraging” cancer-clearing results which the researchers said was comparable to the now NHS-approved CAR-T therapy in a similar animal model.


    scientists work with T cells 
    Professor Andrew Sewell with Research Fellow Garry Dolton
    | Cardiff University

    The Cardiff group were further able to show that T-cells of melanoma patients modified to express this new TCR could destroy not only the patient’s own cancer cells, but also other patients’ cancer cells in the laboratory, regardless of the patient’s HLA type.

    Professor Andrew Sewell, lead author on the study and an expert in T-cells from Cardiff University’s School of Medicine, said it was “highly unusual” to find a TCR with such broad cancer specificity and this raised the prospect of “universal” cancer therapy.

    “We hope this new TCR may provide us with a different route to target and destroy a wide range of cancers in all individuals,” he said.

    “Current TCR-based therapies can only be used in a minority of patients with a minority of cancers.

    “Cancer-targeting via MR1-restricted T-cells is an exciting new frontier – it raises the prospect of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ cancer treatment; a single type of T-cell that could be capable of destroying many different types of cancers across the population.

    “Previously nobody believed this could be possible.”

    What happens next?

    Experiments are under way to determine the precise molecular mechanism by which the new TCR distinguishes between healthy cells and cancer.

    The researchers believe it may work by sensing changes in cellular metabolism which causes different metabolic intermediates to be presented at the cancer cell surface by MR1.


    cancer cell
    How T cells Work

    The Cardiff group hope to trial this new approach in patients towards the end of this year following further safety testing.

    Professor Sewell said a vital aspect of this ongoing safety testing was to further ensure killer T-cells modified with the new TCR recognise cancer cells only.

    “There are plenty of hurdles to overcome however if this testing is successful, then I would hope this new treatment could be in use in patients in a few years’ time,” he said.

    Professor Oliver Ottmann, Cardiff University’s Head of Haematology, whose department delivers CAR-T therapy, said: “This new type of T-cell therapy has enormous potential to overcome current limitations of CAR-T, which has been struggling to identify suitable and safe targets for more than a few cancer types.”

    Professor Awen Gallimore, of the University’s division of infection and immunity and cancer immunology lead for the Wales Cancer Research Centre, said: “If this transformative new finding holds up, it will lay the foundation for a ‘universal’ T-cell medicine, mitigating against the tremendous costs associated with the identification, generation and manufacture of personalised T-cells.

    “This is truly exciting and potentially a great step forward for the accessibility of cancer immunotherapy.”

    The research was funded by the Wellcome Trust, Health and Care Research Wales and Tenovus.


    Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales, said: “We fund research that aims to make a real difference to people’s lives. This study is a significant development in the fight against cancer and it has the potential to transform the treatment of thousands of patients.”

    All images and graphics in this article are credited to Cardiff University.

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    New Medical Treatment Removed, Cleaned, and Replaced an Entire Lung, Eliminating Need for Transplant

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    The operation is one that has only been performed a handful of times, worldwide. The patient, in his mid-40s, was diagnosed with a malignant tumor which blocked a main artery in his lung, leading to its collapse. He was admitted to the Rabin Medical Center at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, Israel, and the immediate assumption by medical personnel was that the lung would need to be re-sectioned while the patient awaited a full transplant. 

    • “The new method may change the way patients treat cancer in the world”. – Prof. Dan Arav

    A new procedure was presented to the patient, which included the benefit of avoiding the possible years of deterioration and possible death that are usually faced by people under similar circumstances, while saving them from excruciating chemotherapy, as well. 

    A highly skilled team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and medical technicians participated in the complex surgery which spanned several hours to complete. 

    “If we were to have simply cut out the lung alone, awaiting a transplant, the patient’s condition would continue to be life-threatening,” said Dr. Yuri Faischowitz, Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Beilinson Hospital in an interview with Dr. Itai Gal.

    Techniques used during the procedure allowed the patient to continue to breathe out of his unaffected lung, while the disease-ridden one was surgically disconnected from his system and cleaned of all cancerous tissues, then reinserted and inflated to check that it was functional, similar to the processes followed in a traditional lung transplant procedure. 

    “The new method may change the way patients treat cancer in the world,” said Prof. Dan Arev, a participant in the surgery alongside Dr. Faischowitz.

    This technique is adaptable, and can be applied to other organs to clear them of cancer, as well. The mortality rate for lung cancer is quite high, however death rates of patients afflicted with it have been drastically reduced since the 1990s. Medical advancements continue to offer new hope to patients who would have otherwise had much fewer options in combating the illness.

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    "Project Embrace" Rescues Medical Equipment for Patients in Need

    give global

    Give Global Good. This is the vision of Project Embrace, a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused exclusively on providing much needed medical equipment to those in need, and increasing access to healthcare for all. 

    Founded in 2016, Mohan Sudabattula was a student at the University of Utah and recognized an opportunity to provide disadvantaged medical facilities and patients access to life-changing equipment that they would otherwise go without. While volunteering in the prosthetics department of a nearby hospital, Sudabattula was inspired to “rescue” used medical equipment from the trash in hopes of giving them new life and a new purpose in the hands of those who could most benefit from them. 

    Reminded of a trip to India with his parents in 2006, Sudabattula recalled visiting an orphanage for disabled children. While there, he noticed that these children were in desperate need of working medical equipment, like wheelchairs, but were making due with variations made from lawn furniture and bicycle wheels. It was this recollection that kickstarted Sudabattula’s desire to launch his non-profit. Ten years later, he was able to revisit that same orphanage and donate dozens of wheelchairs and crutches to the patients there through the efforts of Project Embrace. 

    Project Embrace gives new life to used medical equipment by donating to disadvantaged hospitals, providing much needed assistance to patients all over the world.

    Why used medical equipment from the trash, you’re wondering? Is it safe?

    In a word, absolutely. 

    Most of the items collected by Project Embrace have seen very little use by their original owners. Volunteers seek out secondhand crutches, wheelchairs, orthotic braces, slings, and other rehabilitative gear from thrift stores and through personal donations directly to the non-profit from the community. Once cleaned and refurbished, Project Embrace then sends the equipment to medical facilities all over the world, impacting hundreds of lives in ways many take for granted. 

    “For somebody whose spouse used a wheelchair or walker before they passed away, it’s hard to think of that equipment going into the trash,” one of the nonprofit volunteers said “When they give it to us, they feel like they’ve given it a second life. And then to see the recipient’s face light up — that’s extremely rewarding.”

    Since 2016, when Project Embrace was established, more than 900 refurbished medical devices have been donated to low-income hospitals in the USA and India. In May 2019, the Project brought wheelchairs and walkers to a rural Navajo Nation hospital at the Utah-Arizona border for the second time, bringing hope and easing burdens for dozens of patients.


    “Often times when it comes to healthcare innovation and design, people tend to opt out of professional conversations because they don’t feel qualified enough to contribute to the discussion. This is ironic because access to healthcare (and healthcare innovation) affects everyone — naturally, everyone should then be involved,” said Sudabattula  following an article published by Silicon Slopes Magazine. “We give our community an opportunity to get involved and by tracking where individual donations end up going, we can show our community exactly where their impact is being made…As an organization, we are aiming to have a continued global impact while also focusing on how to help those in our own backyard, increasing access to quality medical for all who need it.”

    For more information on just how you can help impact lives all over the world through the efforts Sudabattula and his team find their Facebook page 

    100% of any funds donated are used toward their operations. All team members are volunteers, and no one takes a salary from the organization. 

    Be the Good. Let’s change the world together!


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    Lighting It Blue: A Symbol of Remembrance and Unity for September 11th

    light it blue honor heroes 9.11

    Every year, Americans across the country prepare to honor the memory of those we lost with light. While the iconic "Tribute in Light" has lit up the Lower Manhattan skyline with its two beams of light emerging from ground zero, "Light it Blue" has emerged to keep the spirit of remembrance alive in communities across the country.

    Embracing a New Tradition in Blue

    The National September 11 Memorial & Museum has inspired cities to glow in blue light, symbolizing remembrance and respect for the lives lost. This initiative is similiar to tributes where blue lights honor first responders and heroes who've fallen while serving our communities.

    A Unified Glow of Remembrance

    A grassroots movement, with millions of Americans planning to illuminate their homes, workplaces, and communities in blue. This act of lighting it blue across serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and unity of the American spirit, in times of tragedy, creating a nationwide tribute to those we've lost.

    The Significance of Lighting It Blue

    Choosing to light buildings and homes in blue transcends a visual act of national solidarity, offering hope and a personal gesture of support for the enduring spirit of America. It reflects our shared commitment to never forget the lives lost and the heroes who emerged in one of our nation's darkest hours.

    Participate in the Tribute

    Joining this nationwide tribute is a simple yet profound way join a collective effort of remembrance and respect. From a single bulb in your home window to coordinated community efforts, each light contributes to a powerful message that we will never forget.

    • Blue LED lights are readily available on and a lighting specialist would love the opportunity to help you select the right blue light bulbs.
    twin towers 9.11

    Lighting the Way Forward

    This September 11th, let us unite to light our nation in blue, crafting a symphony of remembrance and hope. This simple act honors the families and the hero's of those we've lost. Blue light across American cities and homes will capture the essence of our nation's enduring spirit and resilience.

    In choosing to light it blue, we create hope. Let us come together in this act of tribute, lighting the way forward with compassion and strength.

    Join millions of Americans in a tribute of light and unity this September 11th. Light it blue, and let us remember, together.

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    Animal Superheroes Donate Blood to Save Lives

    We love our pets. A story to brighten your day!

    They are bonus family members who provide years of unconditional love, support, and companionship.


    Our pets love us.

    They celebrate our ups and cuddle us when we’re down, and are always ready for an adventure with their human.


    However, when they get sick or injured, a positive outcome may be out of reach if not for blood transfusions.    

    Animal blood donators (like the dogs shown above) receive A-list treatment, including lots of treats and loves from staff members.
    If they appear distressed in any way, NAVBB halts the process, keeping the health and comfort of the animal the top priority at all times. 
    Photo credit: North American Veterinary Blood Bank

    Our little 4-legged friends are just as susceptible to illness and injury as humans. They get into accidents, need surgeries, get infections and need treatments for all kinds of ailments. And, like humans, our pets in these situations rely on blood donations in order to see another tomorrow. This is where blood and plasma donation programs designed for dogs and cats come into play, and your furry fellow could help!

    “Many people do not realize the significant impact their dog [or cat] could make,” said Casey Mills of North American Veterinary Blood Bank in an interview with NBC

    Another parallel that should not come as a surprise is that animals have blood types, just like us. While humans feature 4 main blood types (A, B, AB, and O), cats feature 3 feline-specific types and dogs sport 12! Thankfully, blood types are not breed-specific, and in dogs, the greyhound is known for being a universal donor (think O-negative blood in humans). But, with such a large spectrum of blood types on the table a wide donor pool is needed in order to keep up with demand. 

    If you are interested in helping your pet become a superhero for another animal in crisis, check with your local veterinarian regarding the requirements and screening process as each state differs in this respect. Currently there are only a smattering of animal blood banks across the United States, making any donation offered of vital importance to the lives of the animals (and their families) impacted. Banks are located in Dixon and Garden Grove, California; Stockbridge, Michigan; Richmond and Bristow, Virginia; and in Annapolis, Maryland. If you live anywhere near these areas and your pet meets the criteria for donation, he or she could become an instant superhero. The process only takes around 30 minutes, and there is no need for anesthesia. Your puppers and/or kitty cat would be A-OK!

    Need a little more incentive beyond the contentment in knowing that you and your pet could be helping to save the life of someone’s best friend? Pets that donate are given A-list treatment as well as lots of loves and treats. And, in return for bringing your animal in for donation, you (the owner) are rewarded with discounts on checkups and disease screenings, which are usually a welcome gift considering the sizable cost of veterinary care. 

    “They’re always so excited when they come in the door to see us because they know we’re going to give them tons of peanut butter or Milk-Bones … whatever their little heart desires,” said Mills in regard to the pets participating in the blood donation program. 

    There is a real and growing need for life-saving dog and cat blood in emergency and non-emergency veterinary care situations. And, just like with humans, this need can only be met through donations. That said, the more people who know about these programs, the better! Spread the word as far and wide as you can, and help save a life. Losing a pet is devastating for so many people, young and old, and in all manner of situations. If you had the power to help prevent a loss, wouldn’t you use it? 

    Please reach out to your vet to see how you can help participate in this very unique and meaningful kind of animal rescue. And as always, Be Good.

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    5-Year-Old Beats Cancer, Donates Thousands of Toys as Birthday Wish

    stats on kids with cancer

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    In 2016, the parents of Weston Newswanger were told, “your child has cancer”. At barerly 2 years old, it is doubtful that the gravity of this news was something Weston was really able to understand, and the following months were likely filled with confusion and terror as he underwent treatment. It was painful. He lost his hair, and he surely experienced many of the unpleasant side-effects that come with battling such a fierce and sudden disease. But on September 14, 2017, Weston received his last dose of chemotherapy. He was just shy of his 3rd birthday.

    donating toys after beating cancer

    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a type of cancer that affects the soft tissues, such as skeletal muscle, and is the diagnosis that turned the world upside down for the Newswangers. RMS is a cancer that mostly affects young children and teens, and is the most common type of soft tissue sarcoma in children, accounting for about 7-8% of all childhood cancers. Today, survival rates for children affected by this particular form of the disease are fairly high, around 70% in cases where the cancer has not metastasized, but that does not mean the journey to remission is a pleasant one. Treatments include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy along with years of extensive monitoring in case of a recurrence. Symptoms of rhabdomyosarcoma include a lump or swelling that does not go away, bleeding in the nose, vagina or rectum, constipation, bulging eyes, and headaches.

    Fast forward to 2019, and when asked what he wanted for his birthday on September 26, Weston told his mom, Amy Newswanger, “I dont [sic] need anything. I want playdough and dinosaurs to give to the children at the hospital.”

    So, on October 1, 2019, and now celebrating nearly 2 years cancer-free, Weston was able to fulfill his birthday wish and, with the help of friends, family, and even some strangers who heard about his goal, he made a donation of more than 2,600 toys gathered over several weeks to Penn State Children’s Hospital in Hershey, Pennsylvania. 

    The month of September is International Childhood Cancer Awareness month, and Weston found great joy in having the opportunity to commemorate such an important event in his life while finding a selfless way of celebrating his 5th birthday at the same time. “Weston gets so excited when he gets a package to add to the [donation] pile,” said Amy in a Facebook post updating those following along. Just before heading to the hospital with all toys collected on October 1, a final update was given regarding just how much support was offered in hopes of bringing a smile to the faces of the children facing their own personal battles with health:

    “Here is the amazing breakdown,” said Amy. 

    “Play-doh: 1,263
    Dinosaurs: 1,249
    Superheros: 71 + 16 capes
    Plus miscellaneous items
    We dropped everything off this morning and child life said this year they have already given out over 3,000 containers of play-doh.
    Thank you so much for making Westons birthday donation such a huge success!”

    donating Toys beating cancer

    It is through unending research that children like Weston Newswanger are able to fight their cancer diagnoses with such great success, and be granted the opportunity of choosing to share their next birthday with others through selfless acts of kindness. At GoodBulb, we seek out those who strive to do the most good, and supporting places like St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, whos reasearchers work tirelessly to find cures for cancers like Rhabdomyosarcoma, is not a difficult decision to make.


    *All photos in this article are credited to Amy Newswanger

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    Non-proft, 'Still Kickin', Offers Hope to Cancer Patients and their Families


    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    “Life is tough, so help a human out.” Sound advice on life as provided by the non-profit Still-Kickin, whose primary focus every month is to provide financial help to a person, family or organization in need. Based out of Minneapolis, GoodBulb's friendly neighbor to the East, Still Kickin was formed after Aaron Purmort had a seizure. A bad seizure. One that turned out to be a really nasty flavor of brain cancer. Aaron was wearing the now iconic and simple green T-shirt, his favorite one, with the words “STILL KICKIN” pasted in white across the chest. Words that became a motto to him and his family on that fateful day. 

    With a smile on his face, Aaron bravely fought his new reality for three years, but was not able to overcome his cancer battle in the end. However, Still Kickin is now a phrase that provides hope to folks dealing with their own bleak realities, not just about a cancer diagnosis but for anything causing hardship in the here and now, and that green T-shirt helps to serve as a visual reminder that “whatever tough stuff comes your way, you’re ready to kick it in the you-know-what”! 

    After his death, Aaron’s wife, Nora and her good friend, Lindsay had an idea to make copies of Aaron’s T-shirt. They wanted to sell them and donate the proceeds to another family in need. The T-shirts became quite a hot-ticket and Still Kickin the non-profit was born!



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    Wasted Food and Hungry Kids: How One School is Making a Difference

    child at school cafeteria, food insecurity problem in America

    At GoodBulb, we are in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of important topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    Every day 1 in 6 children in the United States goes hungry. Why is it that thousands of meals are also discarded as garbage, every day, in our public school systems?

    Often times, these children rely upon a free breakfast and lunch programs offered by school districts just to have the opportunity to eat anything during the week. For every meal a child goes without an equivalent meal is thrown out as food waste by the same schools that these kids attend. That’s why Elkhart School District in Indiana decided to change its approach to solving both these issues for their students at Woodland Elementary. School administrators found a way to end the cycle and began offering prepackaged meals with the unused food from their cafeteria.

    This pilot program is making a huge impact on the lives of students and families benefitting from the meals while simultaneously ending the food waste cycle that is so prevalent in this community. It’s an idea that could be an incredible answer to a growing problem


    Photo by: US Department of Agriculture


    The food crisis affecting American children is a pressing issue that highlights the intersection of poverty, food insecurity, and health outcomes within the United States. Despite being one of the world's wealthiest countries, a significant portion of American children face hunger and food insecurity on a daily basis. This crisis has profound implications for their health, development, and overall well-being.

    The Scope of the Crisis
    Food insecurity refers to the lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. It affects millions of American families. According to Feeding America, in early 2023, more than 12 million children in the United States live in "food insecure" homes. This situation means that these households are unable to provide enough nutritious food for every member due to a lack of resources.

    Causes of the Crisis
    The root causes of the food crisis among American children involves economic inequality, unemployment, underemployment, and inadequate social safety nets. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these issues, leading to increased unemployment rates and disrupted food supply chains. The lack of affordable housing and high healthcare costs contribute to the financial strain on low-income families, forcing them to make difficult choices between paying for food and other essential needs.

    Impact on Children
    Nutrition is critical for early development, and lack of access to nutritious food can lead to physical and cognitive developmental delays. Children facing hunger are more likely to experience health issues, including anemia, asthma, and mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. Food insecurity will affect academic performance, as hungry children struggle with concentration, memory, and school participation.

    Addressing the Crisis
    Efforts to address the food crisis among American children involve a combination of government intervention, non-profit organizations, and community initiatives. Programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), National School Lunch Program, and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) play critical roles in providing access to nutritious food for low-income families. Non-profits like Feeding America and local food banks also play a vital role in distributing food to those in need. Addressing the root causes of food insecurity requires comprehensive policy solutions aimed at reducing poverty, increasing access to affordable housing, healthcare, and ensuring living wages for all workers.

    The Way Forward
    The food crisis affecting American children is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. While immediate relief is necessary to address hunger, long-term solutions must focus on eradicating the underlying causes of food insecurity. This includes advocating for policy changes to strengthen the social safety net, investing in community-based solutions to improve local food systems, and ensuring economic policies are inclusive and supportive of the most vulnerable populations. Only through unity can we hope to end the food crisis and build a future where all children have access to the nutritious food necessary to thrive.


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    Morgan Freeman Saves the World!

    pretty bees

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    Shining a light on people and organizations who share our love for the planet becomes second nature to us when we are all working to create a brighter tomorrow. Our planet is our home, and finding small ways to make big changes is the only way to keep our home alive. Saving the bees is a big endeavor, but a necessary one.

    “There is a concerted effort for bringing bees back onto the planet… We do not realize that they are the foundation, I think, of the growth of the planet, the vegetation,” said Morgan Freeman on his impulse to convert his 124-acre Mississippi ranch into a bee sanctuary.


    New to the endeavor, having only been an official beekeeper for roughly 2 weeks at the time of his interview revealing his activities to Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, Freeman stated that the bees were brought to his ranch from Arkansas, and, being out of their known environment, they do not know where the food is.

    “I feed them sugar and water,” he said, asserting that he knows how to care for the bees, adding that he never wears a bee suit or that he will ever be stung, and that he does not intend on ever harvesting honey or causing disruption to the hives. “You have to resonate [with the bees].”

    It takes nectar from roughly 2 million flowers to make 1 pound of honey, with the average bee producing only about 1/12th of a teaspoon in its lifetime. Vital to our ecosystem, bees are a massive contributor to the pollination cycle which aids in sustaining crops and other vegetation around the globe.

    Declining bee populations are having a profound effect on agriculture around the world. Bees and other pollinators are the main components in sustaining crops of all kinds, and without them, we would suddenly find ourselves in a dangerous food shortage the likes of which our planet would never recover from.

    In 2013, this threat was recognized on a global scale and the European Commission took action to ban the use of bee-killing pesticides and insecticides that had previously become some of the most widely-used chemicals treating our crops. The use of these pesticides is what the EC believes led to “colony collapse disorder” within pollinator populations, and is also believed to be related to the California almond orchard crisis that continues to worsen. 

    The United States and Europe have seen a yearly hive loss of 30 percent or more since 2003, with that number reaching almost 40 to 50 percent since the winter of 2013. This is not good news for anyone who likes to eat, as such a rapid decline in populations of some of Earth’s most important animals spells disaster for our food supply. The good news is that as more and more people become aware of this growing issue, actions are being taken to help boost bee populations and spread an understanding of how to prevent further decline.

    Organizations like The Honey Bee Conservancy breaks down easy-to-follow steps on how we, as individuals, can aid in preserving bee and pollinator populations by making small changes to how we live our lives – including refraining from killing them out of fear. Remember, bees are our friends, and squishing them to prevent getting stung is a learned behavior that we must work to change.

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    Saved From Sex Slavery: Children in Uganda Find Hope with Detroit Tigers Pitcher Matthew Boyd

    Matthew Boyd

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll. 


    Credit: Kingdom Home and Detroit Free Press

    The Republic of Uganda is a small country located in East-Central Africa, cradled by Kenya, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ravaged by conflict for more than 2 centuries, the people of Uganda are no strangers to hardship. One devastating travesty that has taken hold in this impoverished land is the child sex trade.

    Imagine yourself as a child, no older than 11. Surrounded by familiar faces day in and day out, you come to trust those in your life to keep you safe. Now imagine yourself confused and terrified as one of these familiar faces betrays that trust, and you are subjected to unspeakable abuse. This is a sad reality for more than 2 million children around the world, every single year. The child sex trade is a booming business, driven by greed and a complete disregard for the value of human life. Globally, nearly 20% of human trafficking victims are under the age of 18. However, in Africa, children make up the majority of this number, reaching nearly 100% of sex traffic victims in some regions.

    The exploitation of children is an ever-growing problem requiring awareness and action at every level. Finding even small ways to combat this issue is something we can all advocate for. Providing education, awareness, and opportunity to communities around the world are some of the ways to help in this fight and, at GoodBulb, good education and good causes are at the very heart of our mission.

    GoodBulb’s founder and CEO, Tom Enright, was honored to have visited Uganda where he distributed thousands of lanterns throughout villages and communities to families living without access to electricity. Tom’s experiences with the people he encountered also highlighted some very real, and very somber, issues that many others might take for granted. This includes the devastation and impact that the child sex industry has had on the country.

    So when we hear about people like Detroit Tigers pitcher Matthew Boyd working toward offering solutions to combat such atrocities, everyone at GoodBulb cannot wait to share the different ways people find to Be Good!

    For more on how Matthew Boyd has built 4 homes and helped to save 146 children in Uganda from sex slavery, please click here!

    Thank you, @mattboyd48, for showing us what it means to Be Good!

    If you would like to help Kingdom Home combat child sex slavery, please visit for more information.

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    GoodBulb goes to Uganda: Part 1

    good bulb_uganda_team1

    By now, he knew the drill. When the fish arrives, head to tail, you pick it with your fingers and rip the meat off with your teeth. Tonight, being the last night, Tom decided to “splurge”. He bought a beer to go with it for 4,000 shillings; the equivalent of 1 US dollar

    Even still, when the beer arrived, he held it for a moment considering the money spent. How far could that money go for a family in need? What he had just witnessed the past two weeks was fresh, burning in his mind. The poverty, the intense need. And yet with it — and here, Tom shook his head with a smile — the intense gratitude, and the abundant joy. This was the first moment he had to reflect on the trip, and it was overwhelming. His thoughts drifted back to how it all began…

    “It just happened.”

    That’s how Tom describes the impetus of the Uganda trip. But really, the first inklings of a trip like this were woven into the very foundation of GoodBulb; the lightbulb company that Tom and his wife Tammy founded in 2015.

    GoodBulb was born after Tom and Tammy experienced a life-changing medical miracle with their son — the type of experience that does not leave you unchanged. For Tom and Tammy, it was a challenge to live with purpose and to give back to the people around them in any way possible. Tom, who had spent decades in the lightbulb industry, decided to marry this passion for philanthropy with his passion for lighting: and GoodBulb was born.

    goodbulb led brand

    Today, GoodBulb is a thriving e-commerce lightbulb company built on a mission to Be Good. What this means for the team is a commitment to ensuring good quality, offering good prices, and supporting good causes locally and around the world.

    As there are still many third world communities without electricity, Tom and the GoodBulb team have especially focused on using their expertise to offer better lighting to those who need it.

    This path is what lead GoodBulb to a non profit partner, One Million Lights who are actively bringing solar lanterns to areas of the world without electricity. Many of these communities rely on kerosene, which can be expensive and dangerous — often causing fires and smoke damage. As GoodBulb partnered with One Million Lights, Tom was interested in getting some boots on the ground to deliver GoodBulb solar lanterns personally. So, he gave them a call.

    “Are there any villages that need lanterns right now? I can go,” Tom said. “As a matter of fact, yes,” came the answer. “There are many communities in Uganda that need help. We will get you connected with Step Uganda to arrange your visit.”

    kids getting solar lanterns at school 

    And just like that, the Uganda trip was in the works. It wasn’t long before Tom was packing his bags in Fargo, North Dakota, preparing for the longest airplane ride of his life. 

    With him, he took a videographer to help tell their story, and had a contact number for a man named Gando who would be their guide in Uganda. And of course, over 2,000 GoodBulb solar lanterns to be delivered to families without electricity.

    The air was still warm the night they landed in Entebbe, Uganda. After gathering their things, the small crew drove into Uganda’s capital and biggest city, Kampala. They were met by their fearless guide, Gando.

    “They will be expecting you,” he said, nodding at Tom with a smile. Tom was anxious, yet brimming with excitement. This, he thought, this is why we founded GoodBulb.

    This, he thought, this is why we founded GoodBulb.

    good bulb travels village uganda 

    “From there, we will spend a couple nights in Mbale, and travel south. We’ll finish in Jinja, before we return here to Kampala.

    From here, Gando lead them to their trusty steed; a 4×4 gray Toyota.

    In total, we will bring new solar-powered light to 11 villages,” Gando continued.

    Then he turned to Tom and grinned. “Are you ready?Click here for Part 2…

    good bulb distribution team solar lanterns


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    Lighting the Future, How GoodBulb's Solar Lanterns Illuminate Lives in Remote Villages

    Light bulbs are an essential part of our lives, illuminating our surroundings and providing comfort in the darkest hours. While lighting may seem like a basic need, it is a luxury that not all have access to.

    1 in 7 people live with NO access to electricity. Our Chief Lighting Officer, Tom Enright, and a very brave, God-loving videographer traveled to Uganda to meet and work with a local Ugandan outreach organization. They traveled together, but alone, venturing into the unknown, a bold journey to Light Up Uganda's remote villages with Solar Lanterns. They were guided by a few emails, faith, and courage. The goal of this trip was to document and experience giving light to the children of 11 remote villages who desire a brighter future but live without electricity.GoodBulb LED solar lanterns

    • To determine if the GoodBulb "WHY" is worthwhile. Does it make a difference if you purchase light bulbs from GoodBulb?
    team GoodBulb in Uganda

    From the beginning, Tom and the GoodBulb team have focused on using their expertise in lighting to make a difference in the lives of others. The biggest takeaway from the trip was the validation that GoodBulb solar lanterns are a life-changing technology. 

    Many communities rely on kerosene for light, which is incredibly dangerous, expensive, and combustible — causing fires, explosions, smoke damage, and chronic illness. Communities without electricity are using a light source that kills slowly through illness and quickly with fire.

    the difference solar lanterns make, compared to kerosene

    How can GoodBulb make an impact?

    From Tom’s journal, he described each day's events and how it made him feel. 

    “Driving into each village, the first thing we saw were worn down, garage-style shops selling knickknacks, liquids, and unhealthy foods. As we drew closer to the village, we saw hundreds of people waiting for us. It didn’t matter if it was 95 degrees or hotter; some waited for hours.  Getting out of the car, the crowd quickly turn into a party. People cheered and started singing and dancing. All the children ran to stare and greet the group. Many wanted to touch our skin — We were the first light-skinned people that many of the villagers had ever seen. Others fell back, shy, and nervous. But everyone was smiling gigantic, contagious smiles.” 

    GoodBulb solar lanterns make a difference

    Tom and the GoodBulb team quickly developed a routine for their visits. First, they were brought to a designated seating area. “It reminded me of an old royal court,” Tom described. “The leader of each community would be seated in the center, we’d be sitting to his left (it was always a group of men), and 5 to 8 other community members would be sitting with us. The rest of village would surround the kings court from all angles. The leader would introduce everyone, and I would let the villagers know why GoodBulb was visiting their community. 

    tom meeting with a village in uganda

    From there, men and women from each village put on a performance. Sometimes it was singing and dancing, other times a drama, but it was always in their native tongue. The stories told in the performances were ones of pain and “terror”: mistreated women and children, kidnappings, rape, and fire. Sometimes the songs turned to dirge-like melodies, naming various basic needs that are lacking in their community, like food, water, safety, tools, jobs, education, and light. 

    When the performance was over, it was Tom’s turn to share his story. While the weight of what he couldn’t provide was sometimes crushing, he knew it was a moment to shed an ounce of hope - a moment to provide light when he saw so much darkness.

    children using the GoodBulb LED solar lantern

    It all started with a light.

    Taking one of the GoodBulb solar-powered lanterns from their shipment boxes, Tom held it up for the community to see.

    He shared the GoodBulb story, the core values that created the company, and the values that brought him to the current moment.

    teaching people how to use solar lanterns

    We believe in good causes. We believe in good education. We believe in good savings. The solar lanterns that we’ve brought here today accomplish all three. These lanterns will save your homes from devastating fires, they will save your eyes and your body from the smoke of kerosene, they will provide light when you don’t have the sun, and they will save you money.

    At this moment, the audience jumped to their feet, cheering and clapping.  This happened in all 11 villages. The boxes were opened, and the solar lanterns were passed around to each family. Tom taught the villagers how to set up the lanterns by blowing air in and pressing the button. The response was immediate disbelief and joy! These children were holding a piece of technology that was going to greatly improve the quality of their lives.

    GoodBulb at a remote school in uganda

    “I have never seen anything like it, each time someone pressed the button, the lantern would light up — and their face would light up with it. There was laughter, cheering, and giddy chatter.” 

    Village after village, together, they road this emotional roller coaster. 

    GoodBulb at another village in Uganda

    Tom shared the GoodBulb mission and listened to the stories of 11 remote villages, then he delivered solar lanterns to each family. 

    In one day, Tom and the crew completed distributions in three separate remote villages. Tom said it was the most emotionally draining day he’s ever experienced. There wasn’t time to process and rest, so when it was time to move to the next village, they piled back into their old Toyota and hit the red dirt roads.

    children using the solar lantern

    While each day followed a general structure, there was some variety. Sometimes they shared meals with the elders, eating chicken, bananas, sticky dough, various meats, and fruits. Every meal was eaten with their fingers as utensils. Other days, they worked through lunch, listening, talking, dancing, and playing games with the children.  

    Each time, Tom and his team were deeply moved by the happiness radiating from the communities as they shared the revolutionary solar lanterns. In between village distributions, the team would circle back to some of the villages. Tom wanted to see how the families used and cared for the lanterns. He discovered that most families had secured a place for the lantern to sit in the sun during the day, which was either where the women cleaned pots and pans or hanging from their huts.  One family left their lantern on the ground overnight and discovered that a pig had become interested in the solar lantern, chewing and breaking it. We discovered our lanterns are not pig proof.

    families using the solar lantern

    It was during these follow-up visits that Tom felt a renewed confidence in the lanterns’ ability to make a real impact. Kids at school swung their lanterns around, giggling with joy now that they were able to read after the sun went down. Their parents could spend THE SAVED money on food, clothing, books, tools, and shelter, rather than kerosene

    kids using the solar lantern

    It was these moments that pushed Tom and his team through the exhaustion, through the crammed Toyota rides, through the moments of grief — and the moments of joy. Grief because at the end of the day, many hardships remained. “They would share their problems, their pain, and they would look at me, praying that I could help them. That I would find a way,” he said. “It was a lot to take in.” That was a hard reality to sit with.

    Tom knew there was something that he could do — something positive, something that would create lasting change. He saw it in the eyes of the school children when they saw the lantern for the first time. He saw it in the rejoicing, the singing, and the smiles of the women and men as they replaced their old kerosene lanterns with new, safe GoodBulb LED solar lanterns.

    solar led lantern changing lives

    “You can see it had an impact on their lives. You can see the lanterns will make a difference”

    families using solar lantern

    Fifteen days of travel later, Tom was back in Kampala with a journal full of notes and his heart raw with emotion.  For his last dinner in Uganda, he ordered the fish and chips, for the fifteenth time. He reflected on the last couple of weeks; what did this trip mean for GoodBulb? What was he bringing home?

    The poverty, the lack of jobs, the inequality between men and women, the intense need for love and care – but also the joy of improved livelihoods, the resiliency, and the hope. That night, Tom wrote some final thoughts in his journal.

    reading with the solar lantern

    When I think back to the beginning idea... GoodBulb, we only had statistics about what kerosene does, but we didn’t fully understand how many people live without light. I’d only seen it on paper. Being here, it’s real.”

    The statistics became more than just numbers. They were the villagers he shook hands with, women he laughed with, children he danced with. They weren’t data, numbers, or information; they were friends. “It was important to see in person that we’re making a difference. That’s what we’re coming home with. I am now confident, and I have seen that what we’re doing is making a difference. GoodBulb solar lanterns are impacting lives, and while they need so much more, that is a start.” 

    You, our loyal, amazing customers, made this story happen. Each time you purchase a GoodBulb, you are supporting our mission to bring light to families without electricity around the world.  

    With GoodBulb, we have an opportunity to buy a light, and be a light.

    We need your help to make sure every child is living with light. Consider using GoodBulb lighting to light your business and your home, and with it, light another home in need. 

    a school with the solar lantern




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    Light can unite, inspire, and ignite emotion throughout a community.

    Light can unite, inspire, and ignite emotion throughout a community. 

    When I walk into a business or drive through town, I'm looking at light bulbs. I'm not sure what stands out more: good lighting or bad lighting. I notice both! When I see colored light bulbs displayed in a home or business, I know it represents more than “just” decor. I know enough to slow down and say a prayer. I say a prayer because I know the people in that household are praying for someone or something that the colored light bulb represents. There is power in prayer and there is power in light. 

    Colors are used to tell stories and convey emotion, and colored light bulbs are no different. Many colors representing important social causes are recognized and used nationally and globally. For example, blue lights have been used to support our local and national police force, as well as Autism awareness. Green lights have been used to support our active military and veterans, as well as Mental Health awareness. Red and green lights have long been used for Christmas décor, and to represent the joy and festivities of the holiday season.

    When GoodBulb can help an organization spread awareness, express support, and exude love through light, we will always say YES! In past years, we’ve seen first-hand how colored bulbs are purchased and used for good. We’ve sold blue light bulbs to honor fallen police officers, green light bulbs to support our veterans, red light bulbs to support an indigenous woman’s family, and purple light bulbs to support Alzheimer’s disease and Epilepsy awareness. Fifty percent of the proceeds generated from these light bulb sales were donated directly to the organization or family they were purchased for. We are honored that these organizations and families asked GoodBulb to help.

    Colors have a remarkable ability to convey emotions, create ambiance, and influence our perceptions. 

    When it comes to light, the colors we perceive are a result of the various wavelengths of light that reach our eyes and stimulate our brains. Understanding what causes the colors of light to represent different meanings can deepen our appreciation for their impact on our daily lives. Let's explore the factors that contribute to these associations, and what causes are represented with a light bulb.

    Cultural and symbolic significance 

    Colors have cultural and symbolic significance that varies across societies, contexts, and causes. 

    Certain colors become associated with specific meanings and emotions due to cultural influences. For instance, blue light symbolizes addiction recovery while pink symbolizes support for breast cancer survivors. Yellow colored light bulbs represent suicide awareness and many cancers. Green light represents support for military veterans and various environmental causes. Orange light signifies awareness for hunger and Leukemia.  

    Here’s a chart for you to choose which colored LED is best for you based on the cause you want to promote or bring awareness to.  

     Project Blue Light 

    Project Blue Light is a nationwide movement that recognizes and honors fallen police officers. To participate, display a blue light outside your home or inside a window. While this originally started during the holiday season, many supporters choose to keep a blue light illuminated during National Police Week in May. Others opt to shine blue for the entire year. 

    Light it Up Blue 

    Blue lights also support Autism awareness. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day. Three years later, the research and educational organization, Autism Speaks, launched the Light It Up Blue campaign to raise awareness for World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month (April). Beginning on April 2nd of every year, Autism awareness supporters are encouraged to turn their lights blue by changing out white light bulbs for blue ones, or covering light fixtures with blue filters, lenses, or gel sheets. Throughout the month, thousands of homes, schools, iconic landmarks, museums, stores, entertainment venues, and bridges go blue. 

    Purple Light Nights 

    In October 2007 the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force (CDVTF) in Washington held its first Purple Light Nights campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Purple lights shone bright in remembrance of domestic violence victims who survived and those that tragically lost their lives.

    Blacklights are also recommended for Purple Light Nights events, as they emit a true purple hue. A blacklight or purple light bulb can be placed in your front porch light fixture or displayed inside your home. In public areas, string lights can be displayed in prominent places like storefront windows, trees, or building and bridge facades. Purple spotlights on landmarks such as museums or town halls are also a great way to show support.

    Light Up Green 

    The Light Up Green campaign in May represents Lyme Disease Awareness Month. It was started by a Lyme disease patient named Samantha who wanted her friends and neighbors to replace their porch lights with green bulbs to raise awareness for Lyme disease. The campaign has since grown, and now buildings around the world are washed in green light during the month of May to support Lyme patients. 

    Go Red for Women 

    The American Heart Association asks supporters to help their city go red in February to support American Heart Month. Individuals, businesses, and communities are encouraged to use red lights to illuminate the exterior of homes and office buildings, trees and bushes, landscaping, and other architectural features. The association recommends using gel light covers or purchasing red light bulbs. They even loan out equipment during the month so everyone can join in!

    If you are passionate about showing your support for an important cause, you can do more than just wear a bracelet or display a ribbon. Grab your neighbor’s attention, catch the eye of people driving past your business, and ignite the desire to learn about other social causes by wearing the color or decorating with it.

    If you have a color that represents a cause not listed above, please let us know so we can learn more about the cause and add it to the list for others to learn from as well!

    Take a look at all the colored LEDs we offer at GoodBulb by clicking here. To get in touch with a lighting specialist, aka a Lumen Master, click here where we will help you find the bulb you need

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    GoodBulb goes to Uganda: Part 2


    In the car was Tom, Regan the videographer, and GoodBulb’s partners in Uganda, Gando and Lawrence, with Ben at the wheel. From time to time, other visitors would join in for the ride. And yes, it was a 5-seater car.

    “We just all crammed in there,” Tom recalls with a laugh. “And it was fun! The only hiccup that first day was that the belt broke!”

    With the issue resolved, the team soon arrived at their first stop: a community in Masindi. From there they set up home base at a hotel for four nights, traveling each day to the neighboring farm villages. 

    None of these villages have electricity.

    kids in a uganda village running

    2 families in a uganda village


    Tom described what it was like approaching the village in his journal:

    “At each village, the first thing we’d see were little garage shops, selling knick-knacks.

    You’d see the men sitting in a group, drinking and playing cards. 

    As we drew closer, we would see hundreds of people waiting for us. 

    It didn’t matter if it was the hottest day — 95 degrees or higher — there were hundreds. Sometimes they had been waiting for hours.

    tom after a solar lantern distribution

     Getting out of the car, the crowd would quickly turn into a party. People cheered, and started singing and dancing. All the children would run to stare and greet them. Some wanted to touch them — sometimes it was the first light-skinned person they had ever seen. Others fell back, shy and afraid. But everybody was always smiling.  

    kids surrounding tom at solar lantern distribution

    “You felt like a celebrity,” Tom said.

    Tom and the GoodBulb team quickly developed a routine to their visits. First, they were introduced by Gando and brought to a designated seating area.

    “It reminded me of an old royal court,” Tom described.  

    From there, men and women from the village put on a performance. Sometimes it was singing and dancing, other times a drama; but always in their native tongue. Tom realized that the story often told in the performance was one of pain; how women are mistreated in the village, a ‘terror scene’ such as a house burning down, or a kidnapping. Sometimes the songs turned to dirge-like melodies, naming the different basic needs that are lacking in the community; food, water, safety, light.

    When the performance was over, it was Tom’s turn to share his story. While the weight of what he couldn’t provide was sometimes crushing, here, he knew, was a moment to shed an ounce of hope.

    And it all started with a light.


    teaching villager how to use solar lantern 

    Taking one of the GoodBulb solar powered lanterns from their shipment boxes, Tom held it up for the community to see. Then, he shared the GoodBulb story; the core values that made up that foundation years ago, the very values that brought him there to that moment. 

     school children get solar lanterns

     kids_using_solar_lanterns in uganda

    “We believe in good savings. We believe in good education. We believe in good causes. The solar lanterns that we have brought here today, accomplish all three. These lanterns will save your homes from devastating fires.”

    Cheers from the audience.

    They will save your eyes and your body from the smoke of kerosene.”

      More cheers.

    And they will save you money, because you will no longer have to purchase kerosene.

    kids classroom happy after getting solar lanterns 

    At this the audience jumped to their feet, cheering and clapping. The boxes were opened, and the solar lanterns passed around, shared with each family. Tom walked each person through how to set up the lanterns by blowing in air, and pressing the button. The response was immediate.
    man amazed by solar led lantern

    “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Tom said. “Each time someone pressed the button, the lantern would light up — and their face lit up, with it. There was laughing and shouting from everyone.”

    In his journal, he wrote this: “Everyone is so joyful. There is a feeling of being One.

    With their new, sustainable and safe lights in hand, their new friends waved goodbye as Tom and Team GoodBulb piled back in the Toyota.

    Then, they began again.

    Click here for Part 3…

    Ben may be the greatest driver to ever navigate these gorgeous red roads.

    @goodbulbtom may not be the best dancer but he sure can chew that gum!

    Lots of videos with @goodbulbtom – It’s time to see one with our videographer @reganelizabethfilms

    give me a solar lander please

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    Light Pollution: The Dark Side of Lighting

    dark sky in the United States

    The season of lights is upon us, and millions upon millions are paying the price – some even with their lives. Bright skies have become commonplace in modern society, and a necessary part of life as we know it. I don’t need to tell you how drastically artificial lighting has changed the course of history. Since the invention of the light bulb mankind has literally sprinted toward innovation in every facet imaginable. But at what cost?  

    before and after image example of the dark sky movement
    Before and during a Northeast blackout in 2003. Image by Todd Carlson. 

    On January 17, 1994, an early morning earthquake hit Los Angeles, California, knocking out power to the entire city and affecting more than 3.5 million people. When the shaking stopped, and residents emerged to assess the damage, they were met by something so unexpected, so ominous, that the very sight of it caused a flood of calls to 911 unrelated to any physical effects of the quake. That apocalyptic sight? A shimmering band of light, known as the Milky Way, overhead. It is a spectacle that millions had never seen before that moment, and that millions more continue to miss out on today. 

    example image of why dark sky movement is important
    Image by Mike Knell from Flickr.
     “Since so many of us never see a non-light-polluted night sky from one year to the next, a mythology about what the people think a true star-filled sky looks like has emerged.”
    Ed Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory 

    Light pollution is among the most chronic environmental perturbations on Earth. While true that light pollution may not be as toxic as, say, a chemical spill, it is reported that this is an issue that affects an estimated 99% of humans and animals across North America and Europe. 

    So, what exactly is light pollution? I’m glad you asked. Light pollution is an unintended side-effect of artificial lighting brought on by the growth of industrial civilization. Brightening of the night sky by artificial means has a disruptive, misdirected, and obtrusive effect on the natural cycles of life. This phenomenon takes on several forms, such as sky glow, the drowning out of the night sky in urban areas; light trespass, which is stray light being cast in directions where it was not meant to go; excessive brightness, or glare; and light clutter, which is large groups of confusing, bright light sources.  

    infographic example of light pollution
    This infographic demonstrates the different types of light pollution in
    comparison to useful applications of directional light. 
    Image by Anezka Gocova as published in
    “The Night Issue”, Alternatives Journal 39:5 (2013).  

    Those mostly affected by this issue are people living in more urban areas, obviously, but it is not only humans that are impacted by excessive light. In addition to the clear impacts that light pollution has had on the activities of humans after dark, there have been some serious consequences for nocturnal wildlife and their physiology, as well. Light pollution affects migratory patterns of all species, and alters the evolutionary dynamic between predator and prey. In effect, granting an advantage to prey not previously afforded to them, and to the detriment of many predatory animals’ well-being. 

    The adverse effects of light pollution on health have become more and more apparent over the years for both humans and animals, alike. As a species, humans rely upon our internal circadian rhythm to produce and release melatonin, a hormone which helps regulate our sleeping patterns. Like humans, many other species rely on this kind of cycle, as well. Light pollution, especially in relation to blue light, disrupts our ability to produce and release this necessary hormone, leading to irregular sleep patterns and other sleep disorders, fatigue, obesity, increased anxiety, and even some cancers.  

    Our physiology is heavily impacted by light pollution, as many biological cues are triggered by the religiously rhythmic ebb and flow from day to night. According to Richard Stevens, an epidemiologist at the University of Connecticut who has studied the links between light pollution and human health for decades, “nighttime physiology depends on dark. It does not depend on sleep. What we need [to stay healthy] is a longer period of physiological nighttime.”

    In addition to the physical effects that the artificial interruption of light has had on our health, the psychological impacts of losing the nighttime is especially poignant, as well. Dacher Kelner, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, says that the night sky may translate into more positive human behaviors. "Philosophers have written about how a big beautiful sky makes you feel like you’re part of something big, like it’s sacred, like it’s purposeful. By contrast, a smoggy sky that is closing in on you or a night sky that’s filled with pollution kind of weighs heavily on your consciousness.”

    los Angelas lights dark sky example
    Los Angles’ light pollution in 1908 (left) and 2017 (right). (Credit: UCLA)

    Furthermore, disruption of the night sky by man-made lights damages ecosystems and causes harm to animals whose life cycles are dependant on the dark. Nocturnal migrating birds, for example, are frequently killed as a result of glare in light-polluted areas. Light bouncing off of city buildings can be blinding and disorienting, causing birds to fly into windows and unseen structures, often tumbling hundreds of feet to the ground. If you live in a larger city with great buildings that reach into the sky or have facades covered in glass, think about how distracting it is on your morning commute when the sun hits those windows and shines back into your car. The blinding glare hitting your retinas makes it very difficult at times to see clearly. I know I am not the only one who has experienced something like this! For birds who travel at night, the effect of light glare is quite similar and often fatal. In North America, alone, millions of nocturnal migratory birds fall victim every year to this form of light pollution, which lure these animals into urban areas and to their deaths.

    The good news, however, is that battling light pollution – and in effect salvaging our health and happiness, as well as preserving the lives of millions of nocturnal animals each year – is easily achieved! On the whole, we have already taken massive steps toward using more energy-efficient options in lighting, which has directly impacted our lives in innumerable ways. Our next focus should be on reducing the amount of unnecessary light output to further save on energy costs, and lower the levels of light pollution in our skies every night. 

    The city of Los Angeles recently replaced more than 150,000 streetlights with a comparable LED, saving the city roughly $8 Million annually. This equates to about a 60% savings on energy costs simply by switching from incandescent, halogen, or HID to LED. However, with the latest lighting revolution upon us, we are seeing an increase in light pollution affecting our planet to a degree never before experienced. Energy savings on lighting has led to overuse and over-illumination, casting light in directions that are inefficient and adding to the sky glow effect that contributes to the light pollution epidemic. Using dimmer, warmer colored lights and shielded LEDs could have a massive impact in the battle against light pollution, as well as even further improving on costs associated with energy consumption. 

    strategies for battling light pollution
    how to prevent light pollution

    “Done well, LEDs could save the planet, in the sense of mining in light pollution,” astronomer John Barentine of International Dark-Sky Association said in an interview with National Geographic. “Done carelessly, it could be devastating.”

    It is important to highlight the effects that artificial light has had on Earth, both good and bad. In many ways, the invention of the light bulb has catapulted us into the future. Electric lighting has allowed for the advancement of our species in ways that had never before been conceived. We have been able to explore the oceans and the skies, and literally deliver the known universe into the palms of our hands. Our expectations, now, are to use this technology responsibly and to help perpetuate the health of our planet for all the beings that call it home.  

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    Why We Do Good


    helping kids in a school with solar lanterns

    GoodBulb is devoted to doing good and providing families with safe sources of light.  

    As a lighting company, we can provide you with everything from the bulb you screw into your living room lamp, to the ballast and fixture you install in commercial properties.

    When you buy a lightbulb from GoodBulb, a portion of the proceeds are used to help others. Whether it’s a local fundraiser or delivering solar lanterns to villages in Uganda, GoodBulb is always striving to give back and help improve lives.

    “Individuals and businesses around the world are all given a choice to make a difference,” said Tom Enright, GoodBulb’s CLO. “I believe in choices. When we started GoodBulb, we made the choice to use it as a vehicle for good.”


    kids using solar lantern in village

    GoodBulb did just that when it delivered 2,000 solar lanterns to villages in Uganda.

    More than 1.2 billion people globally live without access to electricity, relying instead on kerosene, a highly-flammable fuel oil.

    GoodBulb is working to reduce the reliance on kerosene by donating solar-powered lighting to these communities.

    “Lighting is an industry that has been around since 1890, GoodBulb is the first of its kind to sell socially-responsible light bulbs. We give to those without access to electricity and safe lighting options to help end the reliance on kerosene,” Enright said.  

    At GoodBulb, we incorporate giving back into our everyday business.

    “Everything you do is about doing good or being good,” said Brian Hotten, GoodBulb’s sales and operations manager. “We constantly ask ourselves, ‘through our actions and daily activities, how can we help someone else who may be less fortunate, through small actions or giving back?’”  

    GoodBulb has donated solar lanterns for disaster relief in the United States.

    “Doing good, to me, means providing opportunities that allow others to succeed, and that allows for the betterment of our planet in every sense,” said Amanda Wiedmeier, GoodBulb’s customer service manager. “There are so many different ways one person can have a positive impact, and I am proud to be part of a company that sees the opportunity to do exactly that on a global scale. We can all start small, however, and do good for ourselves, our families, and our communities – all of which adds to the bigger picture.”

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    GoodBulb goes to Uganda: Part 3

    village on island uganda

    Village after village, they shared their story, listened to the story of the community, and shared the new solar lanterns. Sometimes, they would do three distributions in a day, Tom said. And when it was time to move to the next village, they piled in the Toyota and hit the beautiful red dirt roads. 

    villages in uganda

    While each day followed a pattern, there was variety; sometimes they shared meals with the elders — chicken, bananas, sticky dough, various meats and fruits (always eaten with your hands, of course, Tom said.)

    Sometimes they worked through lunch, dizzy from heat and exhaustion. And yet each time, Tom and his team were deeply moved by the happiness radiating from the men, women and kids as they presented the new solar lanterns. 


    In between distributions, the team made an effort to return to some of the villages, checking in on how the lanterns were working.

    ladies using solar lanterns

    Here, Tom said, is where he felt renewed confidence that the lanterns were making a real impact 

    child doing homework with solar lantern 

    Kids at school swung their lanterns giggling, sharing that now they can read after the sun goes down  

    light before solar in remote villages

    They saw lanterns hanging in people’s homes and in gathering spaces. One older man they encountered had his lantern safely tucked under his arm all day long.

     “I don’t want to put it down,” he shared with them, whispering. “I’m afraid somebody might steal it!” 

    These moments are what pushed Tom and his team through the exhaustion, through the crammed Toyota rides, through the moments of great joy — and the moments of grief, too. Because at the end of the day, Tom knew many of the hardships of the villages still remained. That was a hard reality to grasp. Sometimes, Tom shared, he found himself crying at the end of the day, overwhelmed.

    “They would share their problems, their pain, and they would look at me. Praying that I could help them. That I would find a way,” he said. “It was a lot to take in.”

     children get lanterns 1st time

    families get solar lantern 1st time

    And yet, for an afternoon, there was something that he could do — something positive; something that would make a change. He saw it in the eyes of the schoolchildren, when they saw the lantern light up for the first time.

    He saw it in the rejoicing, the singing, and the smiles of the men and women as they replaced their old kerosene lanterns with new solar ones.

    “You can see the lanterns will make a difference,” Tom said. “You can see it had an impact on their lives."

    “You can see the lanterns will make a difference,” Tom said.

    Fifteen days of travel later, Tom was back in Kampala with a journal full of notes and his heart raw with emotion. Gando suggested a trip to the zoo, a tour of the city. Tom politely declined.

    “My friends, I’m sorry,” he said. “I have to rest.”

    good bulb tom with villagers

    He rented a hotel room with a resolve to lay in bed for the day and process. That evening, he headed to a nearby market for dinner. He ordered the fish, of course. As he finished his last meal of his first trip to Uganda, he reflected on the past days. What did it mean for GoodBulb? What was he bringing home?

    That night, he wrote down some final thoughts in his journal.

    When I think back to the beginning idea for GoodBulb… we only had statistics about what kerosene does, about how many people live without light. I’d only seen it on paper. Being here, it’s real.

     kids next to the village hut get lantern 1st time

    Tom paused. This was what, most of all, would stay with him forever. That these statistics are more than just numbers. These are men he shook hands with, women he laughed with, children he danced with. These are his friends.

    It was important to see in person that what we’re doing is going to make a difference. That’s what we’re coming home with — I am now confident, and I have SEEN, that what we are doing IS making a difference.

    Yes, we realize these people need more. But our lanterns are impacting a small part of their lives.

    And that is a start. 

    students get solar lantern 1st time

    You made this story happen. Each time you purchase a GoodBulb, you are supporting our mission to bring light to families without electricity around the world. With GoodBulb, you have the opportunity to buy a light, and be a light.

    The need is real. While we were able to visit 11 villages and distribute over 2,000 lanterns on our journey in Uganda, there are still hundreds more families and communities around the world in need of better lighting solutions. In fact, Gando has already contacted GoodBulb for future opportunities.

    We need your help to make it happen. Consider using GoodBulb lighting to light your business and your home, and with it, light another home in need. You can browse our lighting options, here.

    Special Thanks: Our driver, Ben!

    family with lanterns at night

    Mr. Ben – Not only could he drive but he could also work a camera. Thank You Sir.

    village in uganda 

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    Getting Smart with Smart Bulbs

    smart lighting example

    Transform your daily routine with voice-activated lightbulbs

    In an ideal world, Carter King would come home, walk through the door, snap his fingers, and his “welcome home” routine would kick into action; the lights turn on and warm the apartment, a prepped dinner of chicken alfredo is heated up and ready, and, naturally, The Office starts playing on his living room TV.

    “Wouldn’t that be nice,” he says with a laugh.

    What he has today isn’t quite to that extent, but it’s close! Carter, who works as GoodBulb’s E-Commerce Specialist, is a big fan of smart bulbs. He’s integrated them throughout this apartment in a way that saves time and energy.

    “The first thing I do when I get home is say, ‘Hey Google, turn on the lights!’ and Google turns on every single light that is connected,” he says. “That way you don’t have to walk through each room and turn on the lights.’

    Carter prefers the 2700K Smart Bulb for its “warm, homey feeling,” he said. Each bulb is connected through the Google Home app, and voice-activated through Google Home Minis that Carter has set up throughout his apartment.

    In addition to setting up the smart bulbs themselves, Carter also created a personal life hack to utilize the two non-Smart Bulb lamps in his bedroom. By plugging them into Smart Extension Cord that is connected to Google Home, he is still able to control the lights with his voice.

    “It’s super convenient,” he said.

    In addition to being convenient and just plain cool, smart bulbs are energy-saving as well. Being LED bulbs, they’re already far more cost and energy efficient than  incandescents and CFLs. And by utilizing Google Home, you can ensure that the lights are turned off when they need to be. 

    Home security is another added benefit to some smart bulbs, Carter said. Now, you can find motion-sensor security lights that will turn on if they detect movement. You can set which hours you want this setting turned on — from 1 AM to 5 AM, for instance, or any time you’re not home.

    smart lighting set up

    The capabilities are many—and this is just the beginning, Carter said. While he may not be able to watch The Office on command yet, smart bulbs offer a fun, energy-saving way to optimize your living space.

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    No More Bad Bulbs: Planned Obsolescence and the Lightbulb Industry

    cartoon about planned obsolescence in lighting

    In an enlightening conversation with Tom Enright, the Chief Lighting Officer at GoodBulb, a deeper insight into the lighting industry was revealed, touching on a concept that not only shapes the world of lighting but also impacts consumer choices and environmental sustainability. This concept is none other than planned obsolescence, a strategy that has long shadowed the evolution of products we use daily, from smartphones to vehicles, and significantly, lightbulbs.

    Understanding Planned Obsolescence

    Planned obsolescence is a deliberate business strategy where products are designed with a limited useful life, so they become obsolete—either unfashionable or non-functional after a certain period. This practice encourages consumers to purchase newer versions, thereby driving continuous demand for the latest models. Despite its illegality in numerous countries, evidence of planned obsolescence is still prevalent across various industries, including the lighting sector.

    The Historical Context: The Phoebus Cartel

    A striking example of planned obsolescence in action is the formation of the Phoebus Cartel in 1925. This consortium, which included leading electric companies like General Electric, Philips, and Osram, convened with the explicit goal of controlling lightbulb lifespan. Prior to the cartel's establishment, advancements in lightbulb technology were geared towards extending longevity, with bulbs lasting thousands of hours. However, under the cartel's agreement, companies manufactured lightbulbs to last no more than 1,000 hours, imposing hefty fines on those who deviated from this standard. This move drastically reduced the lifespan of lightbulbs, marking a significant shift towards planned obsolescence.

    cartoon showing light bulb engineered to fail

    The Ongoing Reality

    Although the Phoebus Cartel disbanded around World War II, the principles of planned obsolescence continue to influence the lighting industry. Today, consumers often find themselves replacing bulbs more frequently than necessary, a practice that not only affects their wallets but also contributes to increased waste and environmental harm.

    Championing Transparency and Quality: GoodBulb’s Mission

    At GoodBulb, the commitment to transparency and quality stands as a beacon of hope against the backdrop of planned obsolescence. With over two decades of experience in the lighting industry, Tom Enright emphasizes the importance of offering products that are designed to last. Unlike the industry norm, GoodBulbs are crafted with longevity in mind, ensuring that consumers enjoy better light quality and significant savings over time. The ethos of GoodBulb is built on honesty, quality, and sustainability—values that are often overshadowed by the pursuit of profit in the broader industry.

    Joining the Movement Against Planned Obsolescence

    The revelation of planned obsolescence within the lighting industry is not just an issue of consumer rights; it's a matter of environmental responsibility. By choosing products like GoodBulbs, consumers can take a stand against the wasteful cycle of continuous replacements and contribute to a more sustainable future.

    We invite you to help spread the word about the realities of planned obsolescence and the value of choosing quality, long-lasting products. Share this post, advocate for transparency, and join us in the #NoBadBulbs movement. Together, we can illuminate the path towards a brighter, more sustainable future, where quality and honesty light the way.

    GoodBulb leds
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    How to care for your Himalayan Salt Lamp

    caring for himalayan salt lamps

    Himalayan Salt Lamps have long been appreciated for their beautiful pink glow and healing benefits, such as air ionization and rejuvenation. We sell a ton of Himalayan salt lamp bulbs and decided to put together a guide on caring for your Himalayan Salt Lamp, and — most importantly — how to use the correct lighting to get the best results.

    Caring for your Himalayan salt lamp involves a few simple practices to maintain its beauty and effectiveness. Due to the nature of salt lamps attracting moisture, it’s important to handle them properly, especially in humid environments. Here are some tips to care for your Himalayan salt lamp:

    • Salt lamps attract and absorb moisture. Keep them in dry areas and avoid placing them near humidifiers or in damp rooms like bathrooms.
    • If your lamp gets moist or wet, gently wipe it with a dry, clean cloth. Turning the lamp on for a while can also help evaporate the moisture because the warmth from the bulb dries out the salt.
    • Keeping your salt lamp on will help prevent moisture accumulation due to the heat it emits. If you're concerned about energy use, you are using the wrong product.
    • If you're not comfortable leaving it on all the time, consider using a timer to turn the lamp on and off at specific times to keep moisture at bay.
    • Use a dry, soft brush or a slightly damp cloth to dust your lamp regularly. Avoid using very wet cloths or submerging it in water.
    • If necessary, you can lightly dampen a cloth with water and gently wipe the surface of the lamp to remove dirt or dust. Immediately dry it with a separate cloth.
    • Place your lamp on a stable, level surface to prevent it from falling and chipping or breaking.
    • Use a coaster, placemat, or protective surface under your lamp to safeguard your furniture from potential salt damage due to moisture absorption.
    • Ensure you use the correct wattage bulb for your lamp size to maintain appropriate heat levels for moisture evaporation and to avoid overheating.
    • When changing the bulb, make sure the lamp is unplugged and cool to the touch. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing the bulb to ensure safety and proper functioning.
    • If you need to store the lamp for an extended period, wrap it in a plastic bag to protect it from moisture and keep it in a dry place.
    himalayan salt lamp bulb replacements

    By following these care instructions, you can enjoy the warm glow and potential air-purifying benefits of your Himalayan salt lamp for many years. Proper maintenance not only extends the life of your lamp but also ensures it remains a beautiful and healthful addition to your home or office.

    When you purchase GoodBulb incandescent to light up your Salt Lamp, remember that you are helping provide light to families who live without electricity. 


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    Why Doesn’t My Light Fixture Use a Normal Light Bulb? GU Base Explained.

    are gu base light bulbs energy efficient?

    The introduction of GU base bulbs, including models such as GU24, GU10, and GU6.5, represent a significant shift toward specialized connectivity in light fixtures. Designed for efficiency and ease of use, these bulbs feature a twist-and-lock mechanism distinct from the Edison-style screw base found in traditional light bulbs. This design, while innovative, is an example of planned obsolescence and market control in lighting, essentially locking in consumers to a specific product line for repeat purchases.

    The Mechanics of Market Lock-in

    GU base bulbs operate on a bi-pin connector system that requires compatible fixtures exclusively designed for their unique base. Unlike the screw-in light bulb, which allows for a wide range of bulb options across different brands and technologies, GU bases limit the consumer's choice to a narrower selection of bulbs that fit only those specific sockets. This design not only restricts compatibility but also compels consumers to return to the same brand or suppliers when replacements are needed, creating a captive market. The specific pin spacing, indicated by the number following "GU" in the base code, indicatess the distance between the pins. For example, a GU24 pins are 24mm apart.

     Planned Obsolescence: A Strategic Design?

    One cannot overlook the implications of planned obsolescence in the design of GU base bulbs. By introducing a proprietary base that necessitates specific fixtures, manufacturers ensure a continuous demand for their products. While these bulbs are touted for their energy efficiency and built-in ballast: in the shadows they are engineered to fail. Just ask any hotel maintenance engineer how many times they have had to change GU24 base light bulbs.

    Critics argue that the real motive is to engineer a dependency on a particular line of products. This strategy limits consumer choice, impacts the overall cost of maintenance and increases replacements bulbs due to the reduced life hours. 

    The Hospitality Industry's Influence

    An intriguing aspect of the GU base bulb's design is its speculated origin in the hospitality industry's desire to deter theft. Hotels and other establishments reportedly inspired the creation of a unique bulb bases to prevent guests from taking light bulbs home, a common yet seldom-discussed issue. By using GU base light bulbs, which are incompatible with standard home lighting fixtures, these establishments effectively reduced incidents of bulb theft, thereby saving on replacement and maintenance costs. While this may have been a practical solution for the hospitality industry, it illustrates how consumer behavior can influence product design in unexpected ways, leading to wider implications for market control and product standardization.

    GoodBulb's Commitment to Solutions

    GoodBulb recognizes the environmental and financial implications of frequent bulb replacements, which is why we've dedicated our efforts to developing GU base bulbs with enhanced durability and longevity. Our focus is on innovation that serves the consumer's interest, ensuring that when you invest in a GU base LED bulbs, you're getting a product designed to last longer, thereby reducing the need for repeated purchases, and minimizing waste. 

    Our commitment goes beyond just selling light bulbs; it's about illuminating a path to better, more responsible lighting solutions that benefit everyone—consumers, the environment, and the lighting industry. GoodBulb is here to light the way forward, proving that it is possible to work within the confines of current designs while championing the cause of durability and environmental responsibility.


    While GU base bulbs present advantages in terms of energy efficiency and integrated ballast technology, the underlying design philosophy highlights a tension between innovation and market manipulation. By creating a product that necessitates repeat purchases within a closed system, manufacturers may inadvertently foster consumer resistance to proprietary standards. As the lighting industry evolves, it will be essential to balance technological advancements with open standards that promote sustainability, consumer choice, and affordability, ensuring that efficiency gains are not overshadowed by concerns of planned obsolescence and market lock-in.


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    The Cold Truth About Cold Cathode Lighting

    cold cathode banner
    What is a Cold Cathode light bulb?
    A light bulb that is obsolete....
    This is a very old blog.
    Contact a Lumen Master for help with any and all lighting needs.

    If you want to learn about an older technology.. keep reading...

    Let’s start with the obvious question: what is a cold cathode light bulb? A cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) is a lighting system that utilizes both fluorescence and electron discharge in order to produce light. This means they operate similar to a standard fluorescent lamp, by exciting electrodes, but they just go about it differently. CCFLs use cathodes without a filament, and instead rely upon the voltage potential present within the tube to activate the mercury and instigate current flow. This results in a bulb that has a higher starting voltage than a standard CFL, but the electrical current is lower.

    Where does the “cold” part come into play?

    Now, I know with a name like “cold cathode” you would think that the bulbs are going to be cold when in use. A common misconception, because light is energy and energy is generated by movement, and movement causes friction, and friction generates heat. Ergo, cold cathode bulbs still produce heat. Just not as much as a regular fluorescent or an incandescent. CCFL bulbs heat up to roughly 200° F when in use, which is a far cry from being “cold”. In relation to a standard Fluorescent bulb however, which heats up to around 900°, one can see where the name “cold cathode” came from.

    Because a CCFL does not use a filament to produce heat and excite the mercury within its tube, they are much hardier in their design than a hot cathode (HCFL) light bulb, which uses a thin tungsten coil. The solid metal thimble which makes up each end of a CCFL tube can withstand deterioration from shock and vibration much better than a tungsten filament, making it more durable and able to weather a wider range of uses that would otherwise render a HCFL bulb useless, such as rapid on-off cycles. As such, CCFLs are a prime choice in lighting for laptop displays, cell phone and tablet screens, computer monitors, and TVs. They are even used by casinos in their grand displays and signs that light up the Las Vegas strip, drawing you in and showcasing the magic that awaits you inside!


    Can a cold cathode light bulb be used with a dimmer?

    Contrary to a standard Fluorescent, CCFL bulbs are much easier to dim due to their design. CCFL and HCFL bulbs rely on a ballast to regulate the flow of energy into the bulb (voltage), and dimming the bulb requires a lower voltage to be passed. A high enough voltage is required to keep the HCFL bulb lit, and if the temperature within the tube dips too low then the bulb will simply stop working. Because of this, HCFL bulbs are not ideal for applications where dimming is needed – like in the casino example above. Since CCFLs do not require their cathodes to be heated to nearly as high a temperature as standard fluorescent bulbs, they are able to be dimmed to a lower light output. Furthermore, the metal thimble of a CCFL can withstand the abuse caused to it inherent with a dimming function much, much better than the HCFL’s thin tungsten coil.

    Ok, so where would I use a CCFL?

    When considering using a Cold Cathode Fluorescent light bulb for your project, keep in mind that they can be used as a direct replacement for incandescent bulbs in many applications, and will reduce energy costs in such situations drastically. They are versatile and efficient and feature exceptionally long life in comparison as well. Ideal uses include applications where flashing lights are desired, and are often seen used in restaurants, retail locations, displays, and signs. Regardless of how you use a Cold Cathode Fluorescent Bulb, their unique technology continues to make them an interesting and appealing choice in lighting design.

    The downside to all CFL is the level of Mercury within... 

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    Mushrooms with a mission: GoodBulb & Growing for Good

    Jan Shaw picks up the phone for our interview, she’s a touch out of breath and I can hear a smile in her voice.

    “Sorry I’m a bit late,” she says. “We just got our first customer for Growing for Good”

    Congratulations are in order. The customer is a restaurant owner, eager to purchase some of Growing for Good’s fresh new product: mushrooms. All kinds of mushrooms, all homegrown on their very own climate-controlled mushroom barn in North Carolina.

    “We’re growing oyster mushrooms — several varieties. White, golden, blue, coral, phoenix. Chestnuts, Trumpet oysters that look like a chicken leg, fat and meaty. Lion’s Mane. Cream of Mushroom and Au Jus. Oh, and Pippiono’s,” Jan shares.

    Photo courtesy of Growing for Good

    She lists them off like a well-seasoned mycologist. Yet when I ask how long she’s studied these delicious fungi, Jan laughs.

    “When we started this business, I knew zilch,” she says. “Zilch. It’s like drinking from a water hose.”

    “We’re both pretty smart,” she adds, referring to her business partner and fellow mushroom enthusiast, Christine “Chris” Burns-Fazzi. “But jeez, I had no idea how much there was to learn.”

    That journey started when the two long-time friends were catching up about three years ago. Chris presented Jan with a wild idea for a company.

    Growing For Good founders Chris Burns-Fazzi (left) and Jan Shaw (right). 

    She cornered me and said, ‘I’ve been doing a lot of research on growing mushrooms,’” Jan says. “I looked at her and said, ‘You’re crazy.’”

    But Chris was “relentless,” Jan says with a laugh. As a cancer survivor, Chris is very careful about what she eats. She wanted to grow something that could be used as an alternative to meat protein. Mushrooms, she explained to Jan, are high in protein and antioxidants, and good for your neural health. Not to mention, with her 35 years of accounting experience, Chris did the research and found mushroom farming had the best return on investment.

    • “It’s been an unbelievable combination of working hard and trusting God.”

    Jan had a plot of land in Allegheny County of North Carolina. She bought it as a place to retire, reminiscent of the open country in Colorado where she grew up farming and gardening. Chris knew it was the perfect spot to build a mushroom barn.

    “Here’s an architect,” Chris said. “Let’s work with him to design the building. We need to grow 1,000 lbs of mushrooms a week.” 

    Jan conceded. From there, everything began to fall into place — almost miraculously, Jan says. For instance, it just so happened that not long after, their community college was offering a lecture on how to grow mushrooms. Jan reached out to the teacher, a mushroom farmer named Ernie, who invited her to come to check out their farm.

    “You came at the right time,” he told Jan. “I was just talking with my wife about how we’d like to partner with more local mushroom farmers.”

    Then, when picking up a toilet for the building, Jan happened to stop in a store that just happened to have 1,500 square feet of used restaurant equipment — the perfect set up for growing mushrooms. A man at that store happened to be an engineer who specialized in restaurant design and made the suggestion to put epoxy on the walls to prevent spores from growing. Another farmer in the area just happened to have used epoxy on his own walls and was able to give Jan the right epoxy paint.

    “There have been so many times on this journey that the right person has shown up at the right time with the right information,” Jan says. “It’s been an unbelievable combination of working hard and trusting God.” 

    Their journey also led them to GoodBulb. Mushrooms are fickle fungi and require very specific temperature and lighting for the best growing conditions. Too little light and the mushrooms don’t properly “bloom,” Jan explained, and with too much light they grow “too leggy.” Chris and Jan knew they needed to partner with a company that could work closely with them to meet their specific requirements.

    “We knew it needed to be at least 6500 Kelvin LED lights, we needed it to be waterproof, and we needed it to be a fixture,” Jan says. “I spent some time scouring the internet but I couldn’t find anything.”

    Then, she came across GoodBulb. She called and spoke with a Lumen Master Pete, After explaining her specific needs, Pete was thoughtful.

    “Let me do some research over the weekend,” he said. “I’ll call you back.”

    “He called me back on Monday, which is almost unheard of,” Jan says. “He said, ‘Boy, I sure learned a lot about mushrooms this weekend!’”  

    Pete took the time to consult with the GoodBulb lighting experts, learned all about the best lighting for mushrooms, and made a recommendation for a lighting solution that fit Jan’s needs.

    “Once he showed us that recommendation, problem solved,” Jan said. “We had the lighting we needed.”

    Jan and Chris weren’t just excited to partner with GoodBulb for the lighting; they also empathized with the mission to Be Good and create a global impact from a local business.

    “Watching the GoodBulb mission video almost made me cry,” Jan said. “I was like, oh my gosh. There’s another company in the world that’s looking to do good in the world.”

    Similar to GoodBulb’s commitment to using light bulb sales to bring solar lanterns to families living without electricity, Growing for Good’s mission is to create a positive global impact through a partnership with Chris’s foundation, the BFB (Burns-Fazzi & Brock Foundation. The goal at BFB foundation is to help developing communities break the cycle of poverty by providing educational opportunities for girls and women, based on their belief that a woman’s dedication to sustaining her family will ultimately affect the rest of the community.

    • “How much better would this world be if more companies gave back?” Jan said.

    “At GoodBulb, you have that same drive to do something more than just make profits for yourselves,” Jan said. “The light you provide significantly improves other people’s lives. Similarly, our motivation is that when one person of a family can get educated, they can lift the whole family out of poverty.”

    Their commitment at Growing for Good is to give 50% of all proceeds to educate girls and women in Central America through the BFB Foundation. In addition, they hope to contribute to their local community in Alleghany County by providing employment opportunities in an area where unemployment rates are high.

    “How much better would this world be if more companies gave back? Not forcing people to volunteer — but truly giving back, without looking for the increase in sales,” Jan said. “If more companies did that I think it would be a much better world.”

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    ‘Living Concrete’ Uses Bacteria to Repair Itself When Damaged

    living concrete example
    Photo by CU Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Sciences 
    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll. 

    CU Boulder researchers have developed a new approach to designing more sustainable buildings with help from some of the tiniest contractors out there.

    In a study published today in the journal Matter, engineer Wil Srubar and his colleagues describe their strategy for using bacteria to develop building materials that live and multiply—and might deliver a lower carbon footprint, to boot.

    “We already use biological materials in our buildings, like wood, but those materials are no longer alive,” said Srubar, an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (CEAE). “We’re asking: Why can’t we keep them alive and have that biology do something beneficial, too?”

    You can’t buy these microorganisms turned bricks at your local Home Depot just yet. But the researchers say that their ability to keep their bacteria alive with a high success rate shows that living buildings might not be too far off in the future.

    Such structures could, one day, heal their own cracks, suck up dangerous toxins from the air or even glow on command.

    “Though this technology is at its beginning, looking forward, living building materials could be used to improve the efficiency and sustainability of building material production and could allow materials to sense and interact with their environment,” said study lead author Chelsea Heveran, a former postdoctoral research assistant at CU Boulder, now at Montana State University. 

    Rice crispy treats

    research for living concrete
    Wil Srubar and CU Boulder graduate student Sarah Williams in the lab. Photo by CU Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science 

    Today’s more corpse-like buildings materials, in contrast, can be costly and polluting to produce, Srubar said: Making the cement and concrete alone needed for roads, bridges, skyscrapers and other structures generates nearly 6% of the world’s annual emissions of carbon dioxide.

    Srubar’s solution: Hire some bacteria. 

    In particular, he and his colleagues experimented with cyanobacteria belonging to the genus Synechococcus. Under the right conditions, these green microbes absorb carbon dioxide gas to help them grow and make calcium carbonate—the main ingredient in limestone and, it turns out, cement.

    To begin the manufacturing process, the researchers inoculate colonies of cyanobacteria into a solution of sand and gelatin. With the right tweaks, the calcium carbonate churned out by the microbes mineralize the gelatin which binds together the sand—and, presto, a brick.

    “It’s a lot like making rice crispy treats where you toughen the marshmallow by adding little bits of hard particles,” Srubar said.

    As an added bonus, such bricks would actually remove carbon dioxide from the air, not pump it back out.

    They’re durable, too. In the new study, the team discovered that under a range of humidity conditions, they have about the same strength as the mortar used by contractors today.

    “You can step on it, and it won’t break,” he said.

    Buildings making buildings

    The researchers also discovered that they could make their materials reproduce. Chop one of these bricks in half, and each of half is capable of growing into a new brick. 

    Those new bricks are resilient: According to the group’s calculations, roughly 9-14% of the bacterial colonies in their materials were still alive after 30 days and three different generations in brick form. Bacteria added to concrete to develop self-healing materials, in contrast, tend to have survival rates of less than 1%.

    “We know that bacteria grow at an exponential rate,” Srubar said. “That’s different than how we, say, 3D-print a block or cast a brick. If we can grow our materials biologically, then we can manufacture at an exponential scale.”

    He notes that there’s a lot of work to do before that happens. The team’s cyanobacteria, for example, need humid conditions to survive—something that’s not possible in more arid regions of the world. So he and his team are working to engineer microbes that are more resistant to drying out so they remain alive and functional.

    But the possibilities are big. Srubar imagines a future in which suppliers could mail out sacks filled with the desiccated ingredients for making living building materials. Just add water, and people on site could begin to grow and shape their own microbial homes. 

    “Nature has figured out how to do a lot of things in a clever and efficient way,” Srubar said. “We just need to pay more attention.”

    Other coauthors of the new study include CU Boulder’s Jeffrey Cameron, assistant professor in Biochemistry; Sherri Cook and Mija Hubler, both assistant professors in CEAE; postdoctoral researchers Juliana Artier and Jishen Qui; and graduate student Sarah Williams.

    *Reprinted from University of Colorado – Boulder

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    Diego saves his species from extension, Fathers 800 babies!!!

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll. 
    The Galapagos Giant Tortoise was on the brink of extinction in the 1960s, The Galapagos turtle has made a stunning come-back in thanks to one rather productive male who is responsible for fathering more than 800 offspring, and is credited with restoring an estimated 40% of the species’ population.
    Diego, a member of the endangered Chelonoidis Hoodensis subspecies of tortoise, native to Española Island of the Galapagos Island chain, has become the face of the Islands’ conservation efforts. Diego is over 130 years old has played a pivotal role in the Galapagos National Park captive breeding program over the past several decades. 
    Diego was brought into captivity by Dr. Harry Wegeforth, founder of the San Diego Zoo, during one of two expeditions made to Galapagos in 1928 and 1933. Diego remained at the zoo for more than 30 years before being recruited to participate in the breeding program, which was enacted following a declaration that the Galapagos tortoises of Española Island had become critically endangered.
    At the time, only 2 other males and 12 females remained in the wild. Diego joined these 14 companions at the Charles Darwin Research Station on Española Island in 1977, and has been working to help save his species ever since, fathering more than 800 offspring in that time.
    After decades of contributing to conservation efforts, Diego was returned to his native Española Island in 2020 to live out his days in his natural habitat. Given the longevity of giant tortoises, Diego may continue to thrive, working his libido, in his natural environment for years to come.
      Baby Galapagos Giant Tortoises at the Charles Darwin Research Station. Photo by Aaron Logan

    “[Diego is] quite aggressive, active and vocal in his mating habits and so I think he has gotten most of the attention,” said professor Gibbs. Females are quite particular about who they select as mates. “It might come as a surprise but tortoises do form relationships” he said.

    • “The social hierarchies and relationships of giant tortoises are very poorly known.”
    • Giant tortoises can live up to a year without food or water.

    Once their longevity was discovered it was exploited by pirates, whalers, and fisherman who would keep the animals on board ships to use for their meat and oils during long voyages.   

    The decimation of the Giant Tortoise population throughout the Galapagos is credited to ease of access to the islands by pirates, whalers, and fisherman who would remove the tortoises for food. The introduction of black rats and goats to the environment also played a significant role, as the rodents would hunt tortoise babies shortly after hatching, wreaking havoc on their population, and the goats destroyed their habitat. 

    “Based on the results of the last census conducted at the end of 2019 and all the data available since 1960 — both of the island and its tortoise population — we developed mathematical models with different possible scenarios for the next hundred years.

    The conclusion was that the island has sufficient conditions to maintain the tortoise population, which will continue to grow normally — even without any new repatriation of juveniles,” said Washington Tapia, director of the GTRI.

    “In addition to the recovery of the giant tortoise population, which went from 15 to 2,000 thanks to this program, the management actions implemented for the ecological restoration of the island — including the eradication of introduced species and the regeneration of cacti through Galápagos Verde 2050 project — have helped to ensure that the island’s ecosystems currently have adequate conditions to support the growing population of tortoises,” added the Director of the Galapagos National Park, Jorge Carrión.

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    Revolutionary LED Lamp Helps Minimize Effects of Dyslexia

    image banner for dyslexia article

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    Dyslexia manifests in roughly 20% of the population worldwide and is known as one of the most common learning disorders, presenting in up to 90% of all people with any form of learning disorder. It affects one’s ability to read, write, spell, and speak, causing difficulty to connect words and letters to the sounds they make. As such, people affected by dyslexia experience symptoms related to slow reading, trouble spelling, and mixing up words, and many have reported a sensation that the words and letters move or jump around on the page as they attempt to decipher them.  

    People with dyslexia often have normal vision are equally intelligent to their peers. They are quick and creative individuals with strong reasoning skills, which makes the disorder that much more frustrating to overcome. While dyslexia is not something that can be cured, there are techniques and therapies that have proven quite successful in helping those who suffer from the symptoms. 


    image of dyslexia letters

    In an attempt to aid these tried and true therapies, Lexilife, a company based out of France, has developed a revolutionary LED lamp designed to alleviate some of the effects of dyslexia with great success. The Lexilife claims users read more easily, much quicker, and with a lot less effort. Combining customizable speeds for pulsed and modulated light, the technology of this lamp “erases” the mirrored effect of letters on a page that a dyslexic person sees as a result of their condition. 

    According to Lexilife, research conducted by French physicists Albert Le Floch and Guy Ropars “proved that non-dyslexics have a dominant eye, which is essential for good reading.” Their research went on to show that dyslexics have two dominant eyes which work against each other to create the issues inherent to the disorder, such as mirroring. The technology of the Lexilight relieves those effects and “allows the brain to process information as if it came from a single dominant eye.”


    lamp help people with dyslexia

    The developers of this lamp tested its efficiency on 300 people affected by the disorder, and 90% of those participants reported an improvement, stating that they could “effortlessly read a text illuminated by the lamp.” While there may not be any drugs to combat it or even a hint of a cure on the horizon, anyone who suffers from dyslexia would welcome the relief offered by this LED technology. The Lexilight is currently only being sold in France, and at a steep cost of more than 549 Euros, the developers are hoping to make it more accessible and drop the retail cost by funding further research into the causes of dyslexia and the possible applications that their LED lamp technology might offer in combating the disorder as a whole. 

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    The (Not So) Hidden Costs of Christmas

    outdoor shopping led lights Christmas 

    The average American spends roughly $1000 during the Christmas season. Go figure? There is one reqular expense, the hidden element to the Holiday Season that skyrockets without most people realizing it until they see that January bill. In fact, this particular holiday expense can cost American households an extra $100 or more, depending on where they live. 

    holiday Christmas lights, led outdoor display

    Energy. Power. Electricity. The lifeblood of our modern lives. Every year around the end of November, millions upon millions of American households (and businesses, and even whole city blocks…) begin to erect forests in their living rooms, darning their homes and properties with hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of twinkling lights, inflatable lawn decorations, and all things holly to celebrate the birth of Jesus. And it is beautiful! I love seeing a mini Christmas village pop up in the neighborhood? The sights, the sounds, the general mood of the holiday season is something I look forward to each year. With that euphoria, comes a bit of overzealousness and people tend to put on blinders with regard to exactly how much energy they are using to recreate the North Pole on their front lawns. Energy consumption is cumulative as the number of Christmas lights in use increases, so does the cost to run them. 

    Between Black Friday and New Years Day, Americans consume exponentially more energy than some countries do in an entire year. A 2008 study by the Department of Energy showed that 6.63 billion kilowatt hours (kwh) of energy is consumed in America by decorative holiday lights, alone! I have not been able to find a study that has been completed since this date. That is a whole lotta power , and this 30-45 day period only accounts for about 0.2% of the total annual energy consumption in the US.  3.9 trillion kWh were used at the end of 2018. That number has risen to 97.3 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) in 2024.

    For scale, the entirety of El Salvador uses around 5.35 billion kwh and Tanzania uses 4.81 billion kwh of energy in an entire year! It is quite clear that one of our favorite American holiday traditions is extremely demanding on our limited and very valuable resources.  

    Christmas led lights outdoor display

    Excessive energy consumption is not the only quantitative ecological impact on our planet that stems from the holiday season. NASA has reported that the glow from the United States is noticeably brighter from space during this time period. The influx of holiday lighting has cities from coast to coast appearing anywhere from 20-50% brighter during December in comparison to the rest of the year. A visually measurable repercussion of the growing light pollution issue that has become so prevalent in recent decades. The phenomenon of light pollution very clearly rises to even greater levels during the holiday season, both to the detriment of our health as a species and to the health of our planet – even if the elevated significance at this time of year is felt only briefly, the effects are compounded each year.  

    [Related: Light Pollution: The Dark Side of Lighting]

    In addition to the environmental consequences that increased energy utilization have on our planet throughout the month of December, our habitual overuse of holiday lighting has an increased economic impact, as well. Escalation of energy consumption escalates energy costs, resulting in people spending more on the holidays than they ever anticipated – most without recognizing it. For example, a home using just 4 strings of 25 traditional incandescent C9 lights (roughly 96 feet worth) can cost an additional $70.48 on their power bill at the end of the season.  Multiply this figure by the millions of homes and businesses that participate in this holiday tradition and you can see just how much money is spent on energy use during the Christmas Season.

    holiday Christmas led lights
    I’m not here to preach about giving up a beloved holiday tradition. I am merely pointing out how much we are spending, how much energy we are using and how that impacts our personal lives and the planet.
    • If you have not switched to LED versions of your favorite holiday lights then you are compounding the problems.  It's a No brainer - switch

    Most businesses and homes have taken advantage of LED technology year round – and mother nature thanks you for your contribution – but for some reason, switching to LED Christmas lights is a trend that has not fully caught on. Homer are still using their old incandescent holiday lights. This could be due to the higher price tag but if you take into consideration how much extra you are spending on your power bill, LEDs practically pay for themselves.  

    The Department of Energy reported that, even though the holiday season is just a few weeks of the year, the conversion of holiday lights from incandescent to LED sources would generate considerable energy savings. The potential annual energy savings of a complete market shift to LED holiday lights is approximately 64.4 TBtu of primary energy consumption, equivalent to the output of ninety percent of one large (1000 MW) electric power plant or the annual electricity consumption of almost five hundred thousand households. Along with significant energy savings, the adoption of LED sources would be accompanied by other benefits, including a longer operating lifetime as well as a safer and more durable product.

    home Christmas led lights

    One other fabulously low-cost solution is to use a timer for all your lighting displays. Hear me out – no one, and I mean no one, needs a full Christmas carnival glaring into their windows all night long. No one is driving around the neighborhood with hot cocoa and their kids in tow to see your Clark Griswold-inspired holiday exhibit after 11 pm.  

    Not only do timers make your life so much more convenient (hello, no more running outside in subzero temps and 3 feet of snow to unplug the lights on your porch), they can reduce your energy spend without any extra effort. Combine the use of timers with switching to LED, and you have achieved holiday greatness with ease. If you insist on lighting every square inch of your property to ensure Santa doesn’t forget to stop, use a simple timer to shut down the party once you go to bed. Your neighbors, your wallet, and the nocturnal creatures that really need the darkness in order to survive will thank you. 

    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, God Bless and as always, Be Good.

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    I Hope You Step on a LEGO!

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

    While stepping on these tiny, plastic bricks can be quite an unpleasant experience, the toy has been bringing joy to millions of children around the world since 1932. LEGOs offer unlimited potential by serving as a vessel for kids to learn, build, and create, stimulating fine motor functions and inspiring cognitive development. All-in-all, LEGOs have proven themselves a worthy addition to any childhood, despite the one pain-point they may present for parents everywhere. 

    Alas, children grow up and lose interest in their toys, and LEGO has introduced a pilot program designed to breathe new life into the unused bricks that are taking up space in your closets, forgotten toy boxes, and littering your floors like the miniature landmines they are. This project, LEGO Replay, is designed to accept any and all used LEGO bricks and donate them to children’s nonprofit organizations all over the United States. What’s more, LEGO has made great efforts to ensure simplicity in the process to donate, in hopes of generating as much interest in the campaign as possible. To participate, you need only to gather up your loose LEGO pieces (complete sets or otherwise), toss them into a cardboard box, and print off a free shipping label as provided on the LEGO Replay website. You can even arrange with UPS or FedEx to come pick up the package from your home, saving you a trip and any hassle! 

    Now, where exactly are your used LEGOs shipping to, you ask? Well, LEGO has teamed up with Give Back BoxTeach For America, and Boys and Girls Club of Boston to facilitate this endeavor, and all used LEGOs make their first stop at the Give Back Box location. When they arrive, pieces will be sorted, inspected for integrity (no one wants a brick that has been used as a puppy chew toy), and expertly cleaned (because germs, duh) before being repackaged and sent off to centers and organizations where a whole new generation of children will have the opportunity to use them, learn from them, and explore their imaginations because of them.

    According to the VP of Environmental Responsibility at LEGO Group, Tim Brooks, most people don’t throw out their used LEGO bricks, instead electing to pass them onto their kids and grandkids. However, many people over the years have reached out to LEGO Group “ask[ing] for a safe way to dispose of or to donate their bricks,” says Brooks. “With Replay, they have an easy option that’s both sustainable and socially impactful.”

    To ensure the LEGO Replay program met and exceeded the standards for quality and safety, Brooks and his team spent the past three years developing processes and implementing procedures for the project that would ensure every “i” was dotted and every “t” was crossed. And once they teamed up with Give Back Box, a charity with a mission to “recycle” 11 million tons of unused textiles that find their way into U.S. landfills every year, Replay was a Go! 

    “I am excited to join the LEGO Group in this pilot program,” said Monika Wiela, founder of Give Back Box. “Growing up in Poland, I didn’t have many toys as a child, so this collaboration is rather personal for me. What’s better than giving a child the gift of play?”

    lego characters  

    Much of the donations from LEGO Replay will be donated to Teach For America, who will disperse the toys to thousands of classrooms all over the United States. Further, Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston will begin receiving shipments of LEGO bricks sometime in November 2019, as well. As soon as the pilot is complete in spring 2020, LEGO Group hopes to expand the program to include many more organizations, and reach thousands more kids in the process. 

    “Learning through play can have a tremendous impact on a child’s cognitive development,” said Susan Asiyanbi, Chief Operating and Program Officer for Teach For America. “Through play, children develop fine motor skills, think creatively, and can learn how to problem solve through teamwork. But not everyone has access to such resources. LEGO Replay, and the instructional resources they provide educators, will help give more students access to this opportunity."

    Other notable and sustainable philanthropic efforts put forth by LEGO Group recently also include Plants from Plants, LEGO Braille Bricks, and LEGO Audio and Braille Instructions.

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    Cervix-Navigating Robots Are Saving Rhinos From Extinction!

    We have harnessed the awesome resources offered by nature and shaped our world into a wondrous place. 
    With the awe, comes the shock. Humans have accomplished incredible feats throughout our history and we have caused unspeakable devastation to the place we call home. One such tragedy is the decimation of the northern white rhinoceros. 

    The situation for the northern white rhino (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)  is the brink of extinction, with only two barren females left in the world, both of whom reside under 24-hour guard at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. There are no known living males; the last male, named Sudan, died in March 2018. 

    The female northern white rhino’s cervix is something of a natural wonder, comprised of a series of “interlocking ridges or rings that make it look like a number of S’s connected to each other for 8 to 12 inches,” according to Barbara Durant, the director of reproductive sciences at the San Diego Zoo, who likened its appearance to that of Lombard Street in San Francisco. “It’s just back and forth, back and forth.”

     A flexible robotic catheter designed to navigate the unusually shaped cervix of the northern white rhino.

    Photo by:David Baillot/UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

    While the evolution of the rhino’s cervix may have served its purpose, it is unknown to us why it is designed the way it is, and we can only speculate to the advantage such architecture would entail. That said, the San Diego Zoo and UC San Diego Robotics have teamed up to inspire an interesting solution to combat the demise of these beloved creatures. Together, they have designed a serpentine robot whose intended purpose is to navigate the tumultuous cervix and deposit an embryo directly into the uterus. 

    • How is this possible, you might ask, when the only two living white rhinos on Earth are both female and are both barren (meaning they no longer have eggs in their reproductive system to be fertilized)?

    Scientists would reverse engineer living skin cells and reprogram them to replicate into the correct cell types to produce new northern white rhino eggs and sperm. This is a technique that has been tried and tested in mice, so with some tweaking, they are hopeful that the same process will work to produce viable embryos that can be implanted into a surrogate – the southern white rhino, a close relative of the northern white rhino, where the UC San Diego robot we mentioned earlier would come into play. 

    When all is said and done, we may just see the northern white rhino bounce back from the very brim of extinction and humans can redeem themselves, if only just a little bit, for their part in creating this mess to begin with. 

    Victoria, a southern white rhino, welcomed a new calf following a successful artificial insemination attempt at the San Diego Zoo.

    With the northern white rhino in dire straights, and other rhino populations in jeopardy, it was with great pleasure that the San Diego Zoo announced the arrival of the very first southern white rhino calf conceived through artificial insemination in North America at their Safari Park on Sunday, July 28, 2019. This was the first of its species to have been conceived through artificial means on the continent.

    At GoodBulb, we may be in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with fascinating stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra shine to your daily scroll.

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    Buying and Selling in a Digital World, The Amazon Problem

    The Amazon Marketplace

    Rethinking Convenience, The Hidden Costs of Shopping on Amazon for Consumers, and the impact on Small Business Sellers.

    Convenience is king and Amazon reigns supreme, offering the largest catalog of products where you can select whatever your heart desires, with the click of a button. Beneath the surface of this digital marketplace lies a web of issues affecting consumers, small businesses, and the planet. This blog is written by a business owner who has been selling on Amazon for 10 years with Far North of 10 million dollars in sales. You need to realize that everything you are going to read is being written by someone who makes money on Amazon and has built a successful brand on Amazon. 

    amazon king of the world

    I aim to peel back the layers of Amazon's impact, urging a reconsideration of where we choose to spend our money.

    Writing this blog is not easy… My company relies on Amazon sales, and I am scared that Amazon will flip a switch, blackballing my listings the second their ai robots scroll this page, but I will continue writing.

    Amazon has over 2.5 million active small business sellers on its platform. This number fluctuates due to thousands of new sellers joining each month, existing sellers becoming inactive, or accounts being closed.

    amazon sales channel

    The advantage of Small Businesses selling on Amazon’s platform is that it provides visibility to a national customer base who love the convivence of shopping digital storefronts. Amazon is the biggest and easiest storefront selling every product from those 2.5 million businesses, sharing entire product catalogs online and Amazon takes one hefty fee for providing the opportunity to sell to Amazon customers.  Amazon is very clear that if you buy a product on Amazon, then you are NOT a customer of the small business who helped you… You are Amazon’s customer.

    The fees are a much higher percentage than expected, I wish it was only 15 percent. This fee destroys thin margins, it doesn’t matter the product. Most products and brands have competition, keeping price in check. The Amazon fee structure is extremely complicated and millions of small business owners have lost money, are losing money, and have gone out of business trying to sell products on Amazon. Bezos is worth 200 billion dollars because he is gouging small business owners with a pay to play marketplace that is designed around deception.

    A small business survives the early years of Amazon sales once they realize their products need to be more expensive on Amazon than if they purchased direct from the small business. When a small business begins to grow and expand their Amazon marketplace, growing dependent on the sales channel... Another wave of problems will begin to emerge.

    The China Problem: 

    What many shoppers don't realize is that an extremely high percentage of the business sellers on Amazon are Chinese companies. Amazon warehouses have become floodgates for containers filled with cheap, low-quality products traveling from the ports of China, across oceans, to an Amazon warehouse, and then direct to your door. A flow of goods lacking any form of quality control. The only companies making money in this transaction are Chinese corporations, Amazon, and shipping companies. Cheaper products, means lower prices.  The amazon algorithm favors lower prices when it determines what products are displayed in a customer’s search. This forces American small businesses to reduce margins, to lose money, if they want to sell their products on Amazon. This is an awful cycle for the consumer and our environment will pay the consequences. Quality will be sacrificed, and it will cost everyone more money and more problems in the future.

    Like my grandpa once said…Never save a $1 if it will cost you $5 dollars.

    the china problem on Amazon

    Products designed to fail soon after purchase contribute to the growing problem of waste and undermine efforts to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns. The ease with which these products enter and dominate the marketplace on Amazon displaces locally sourced, quality-controlled products, and misleads consumers into a cycle of purchase and disposal that is detrimental to environmental sustainability and economic resilience.

    It’s extremely difficult to show value in an Amazon listing. I’ve been trying to solve this problem for many years, and we do a decent job. A key obstacle is the perception among many Amazon shoppers that they're purchasing directly from Amazon, regardless of the actual source—be it Amazon itself, a Chinese manufacturer, or a local American business. This misconception underscores the importance of developing a listing that not stands out and educates consumers about the unique benefits and origin of the product.

    The next challenge for small business selling on Amazon is that if they hit the jackpot, creating a million-dollar listing, Amazon will pay out and then take it away.  When a product crosses a success threshold it is flagged by Amazon as a payday for Amazon to duplicate on Amazon, Amazon will contract with Chinese factories to have the product sold under its own label, making the original small business listing impossible to find. This is one of the main topics in the congressional investigation. Amazon is taking away money that supported American workers and their families. Remember that Amazon wants excessive repeat business so they will manufacture these products to fail.

    Amazon's automated customer service and liberal return policy might seem like benefits, but they mask a deeper issue. Unlike a small business that values each customer and offers personalized service, Amazon's approach is impersonal and cold, enforcing a throwaway society. The ease of returns contributes to an unsustainable cycle of waste and shipping that is hurting our environment and the small businesses is forced to absorb these costs, Amazon pays nothing for this return policy. My small company has an Amazon division and an Inside Sales team that helps businesses and homeowners all over the country.  My Amazon team handles $4000 in returns every single week.  It’s an unusual day when my inside sales team has a return. The difference is customer service and the fact that when you buy direct from a small business, they care about your business. 

    Anyone who has shopped on Amazon is familiar with that sinking feeling of realizing you're about to devote the next 20 to 60 minutes wrestling with customer service. This scenario plays out too often, leaving customers feeling frustrated and helpless. Whether it's a misplaced order, a defective product, or a delivery gone awry, the process of reaching out for help can feel like entering a maze with no clear exit. The anticipation of trying to solve your problem, only to be met with scripted responses that never addresses the core issue. 

    The Environmental Toll of Convenience in Amazon's business model, centered on speed and an illusion of lower prices, exacts a heavy environmental toll. The carbon footprint of expedited shipping, coupled with the waste generated by excessive packaging and the returns process presents a significant sustainability challenge. This model encourages a culture of consumption that is at odds with the pressing need for environmental stewardship.

    power of choice - consumers

    As consumers, it's crucial to recognize the power of our choices. By opting to support small business directly, we can foster a more sustainable, equitable, and vibrant future. Consider buying directly from business websites, exploring local markets, or using platforms that prioritize fair practices for American enterprises. Together, we can create a demand for a more responsible and thoughtful approach to consumption. Not every search, for every product, should begin on Amazon.

    Digital marketplace

    In closing, while Amazon offers undeniable convenience, the true cost of this convenience is too high for American Small Business, consumers, and the planet. It's time to reconsider our shopping habits, championing a future where the market serves the community, not just Bezos and China. I see correlations between shopping on Amazon, cell phone addiction, the overuse of social media in society as a form of addiction.  It’s truly remarkable how one company has influenced and changed the way American’s live, and the way Americans spend their money. Most American’s work hard for their money which in the past would cycle and flow through a community. Today a local business pays workers who spend that money in a digital world, with a very high percentage going direct to China rather than the businesses who are supporting your family, friends, neighbors, and American Small Business.  China and Amazon are taking over the world.

    local business, shop local

    It's never too late to make a change, for small changes over time, will make a difference. Amazon has a purpose in today’s economy, so do our cell phones and social media. I believe all three are being overused and it has become a major problem for society because they have shifted from being used in moderation to excessive. They will continue to wreak havoc on the future of America, for in excess, they are not making America a better place.

    This is why we are doing everything possible to begin manufacturing light bulbs in Fargo, North Dakota. Engineering and manufacturing LED light bulbs in America will be our way to disrupt the cycle of reliance on overseas production, reduce our carbon footprint, and ensure the highest quality and sustainability standards for our customers. By bringing production closer to home, we aim to foster local innovation, create jobs, and offer a more transparent supply chain. This initiative signifies our commitment to environmental stewardship and economic growth but also positions us to lead the way in ethical manufacturing practices within the lighting industry.

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    Spend 2 Hours a Week in Nature for Better Health

    get outside and play

    In today’s society, it can be difficult to find the time or the justification to simply STOP. Stop to breathe, stop to focus, stop to take time for ourselves. Our inability to just stop is quickly manifesting in a variety of health issues that experts say can be fixed by spending just 2 hours each week in nature.

    • The end of this blog provides a lighting solution for my friends who spend to much time away from direct sunlight, live in darker climates where the sun is a fleeting guest, or are simply battling the indoor blues.   

    Research spearheaded by the University of Exeter in the UK discovered that spending just 2 hours – that is 120 minutes of scrolling IG, or roughly 2 episodes of Game of Thrones – outside, in nature, per week can have a profoundly positive effect on our collective physical and mental health and wellbeing. This research showed that no such positive effect could be measured in people who spent less than 2 hours in nature each week.

    20,000 participants in England contributed to this study, and the research showed that exposure to the outdoors did not necessarily need to be done all at once. Whether participants spent 24 minutes outside Monday through Friday or crammed their outdoor adventures into a single, Saturday afternoon, so long as they dedicated a minimum of 120 minutes to being surrounded by nature from week to week, they all had the same positively measured outcome. What’s more is that this 2 hour minimum was not discriminatory based on age, race, gender, or economic status, or even amongst folks living with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The benefits of our natural world are quite inclusive! 

    outside walking in park

    “It’s well known that getting outdoors in nature can be good for people’s health and wellbeing, but until now, we’ve not been able to say how much is enough,” said Dr. Mat White, lead researcher of this project at the University of Exeter Medical School. “The majority of nature visits in this research took place within just two miles of home, so even visiting local urban green-spaces seems to be a good thing,” he continued. “Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can be spread over an entire week to get the benefit. 

    With urban populations climbing globally, opportunities to surround ourselves in nature are growing evermore difficult to accomplish. As a result, we are seeing an uptick in the number of urban agriculture initiatives, taking root in city centers to help combat issues like air pollution and the rising number of food deserts which have resulted from overcrowding and overdevelopment of metropolitan areas. Not surprisingly, low income families seem to be hit the hardest due to a lack of access, or the means to travel to for better food options or to easily find natural spaces at all. 

    outside playing soccer

    One organization paving the way in uniting the health benefits of existing in nature for any length of time, and the need for fresh foods in urban settings, is Urban Farming. This is an organization that blossomed from an idea that has grown into a movement, and that now has a goal of reaching more than 100 Million families worldwide. Their mission in part, “is to create an abundance of food for people in need by supporting and encouraging the establishment of gardens on unused land and space.” Urban Farming recognized the need for humans to be in contact with nature, and provides education and connections to help those suffering in food deserts to build, maintain, and benefit from these natural, outdoor spaces in as many ways as possible.

    hiking in the woods

    At the end of the day, living in greener neighborhoods can be very good for our health and there is an abundance of evidence to support that theory. “There are many reasons why spending time in nature may be good for health and wellbeing,” said Professor Terry Hartig of Upssala University in Sweden, co-author to the research led by the University of Exeter. “[This includes] getting perspective on life circumstances, reducing stress, and enjoying quality time with friends and family. The current findings offer valuable support to health practitioners in making recommendations about spending time in nature to promote basic health and wellbeing, similar to guidelines for weekly physical.”


    outside hiking with a dog

    Daylight LEDs have revolutionized the way we bring the essence of natural sunlight indoors, offering hope for those grappling with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or those who find themselves locked away from direct sunlight due to lifestyle or geographical constraints. Mimicking the full spectrum of sunlight, Pure White LEDs provide a naturalistic hue and brightness that can significantly diminish the effects of SAD, enhancing mood, focus, and overall well-being. For individuals who spend a majority of their time indoors, daylight LEDs are a game-changer, offering the closest approximation to natural sunlight, fostering a connection with the outdoors that is vital for mental health. This lighting spectrum illuminates lives, combating the blues with every flicker-free beam of light, and ensuring that the sun never truly sets on our indoor world.

    • Contact a Lumen Master for help ordering light bulbs that will bring natural sunlight... indoors.

    Now go outside and play... If you would like to read more about the research behind the University of Exeter study on how spending 2 hours each week in nature can benefit your health and wellbeing, please see the full published paper in Scientific Reports.

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    (HID) High Intensity Discharge Lamps - Lighting from past generations

    different types of HID lighting

    What are HID lamps?

    HID lamps were common lighting systems found in commercial and industrial settings, where a large amount of light was needed. This is an older technology that was known for its ability to increase visibility. HID lighting is almost obsolete in today's lighting applications, LED solutions have replaced these lamps.

    HID lamps could be found in:

    • Warehouses - Parking Lots - Indoor Gymnasiums - Outdoor Stadiums - Street Lighting - Trails - Headlights - Exterior Wall Packs - Indoor Gardening - Flood Lights - Barn Lights - Industrial Applications
    old warehouse with HID lamps

    How did HID lamps work?

    High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps use different types of gases and vaporized metals to produce light. The most common types of HID lamps include:

    Metal Halide (MH): These lamps use a mixture of mercury vapor and metal halide compounds, which can include various elements such as sodium, indium, and thallium, to produce a high-intensity light that is relatively color-balanced.
    High-Pressure Sodium (HPS): These lamps contain sodium in an excited state to produce light. HPS lamps are known for emitting a warm, amber light.
    Mercury Vapor: The earliest type of HID lamp, mercury vapor lamps use mercury in a vaporized form to produce light. They emit a bluish light and are less efficient compared to other types of HID lamps.
    Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH): A variation of metal halide lamps, CMH lamps use ceramic material as part of the arc tube, which improved color rendition and efficiency.

    All HID lamps require a ballast to control the electrical current, very similar to fluorescents. Select HID lamps also required an igniter which produces a high voltage to run through the arc tube and start the lamp.

    older warehouse lighting

    Burn in time:

    HID lamps required a burn in period of approximately 100 hours to reach full brightness. You would see a shift or variations in colors during this period until the HID stabilized.  The color and brightness then remained consistent until the bulb ages. Towards the end of its life, HIDs went through chemical composition changes that caused color shifting. 


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    Light Bulb Shape, Base and Filament Types

    lighting technologies updating

    Light bulbs come in a fascinating variety of shapes, bases, and filaments, each designed to serve specific lighting needs and select fixtures. The base of a light bulb is equally important, as it determines how the bulb connects to the electrical supply. Filaments, the heart of incandescent bulbs, also vary, with materials ranging from tungsten to carbon, shaped to maximize or limit efficiency and life hours. These diverse components allow light bulbs to illuminate spaces effectively, catering to the vast needs of residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

    The code number of a filament consists of a letter or letters to indicate how the wire is coiled. A number followed by the letter indicates the arrangement of the filament on the supports. The letter “C” is commonly used indicating “Coil” type filament.

    The code number of a bulb consists of a letter or letters followed by a number. The letter indicates the shape of the bulb and the number relates to the diameter of the bulb in eighths of an inch. The mosts commonly used household bulb is the A-19. The bulb is “A” type and the diameter would be 23/8″. A 65BR40 is a 65 watt reflector 5″ in diameter.

    Bulb Shapes, Bases, & Filaments

    Every traditional bulb shape below is now available in LED lighting, combining classic designs with energy-efficient, long-lasting LED technology with an improved spectrum of light.

    light bulb shapes

    A Series Light Bulbs
    The "A" in A Series stands for Arbitrary, the most common and recognizable bulb shape. These bulbs have a pear-like shape, tapering down to the base, and are used in a wide range of applications, from residential lighting to commercial settings. The A19 bulb, for example, is a standard size used in many household lamps. These bulbs provide a wide, general light spread, making them versatile for various settings.

    PS Series Light Bulbs
    PS Series bulbs, where "PS" stands for Postscript or Pear-Shape, are elongated bulbs that often resemble the shape of a teardrop. They are larger and longer than A Series bulbs, designed to distribute light over a wider area with their extended shape. PS bulbs are commonly used in outdoor lighting fixtures, floodlights, and in areas where a more concentrated light is needed over a long distance.

    B Series Light Bulbs
    The B Series, with "B" standing for Blunt tip, resemble a flame or a torpedo shape, often used in decorative fixtures. The blunt, rounded tip gives these bulbs a unique appearance, making them ideal for chandeliers, wall sconces, and other fixtures where the bulb is visible and aesthetics are important. 

    C Series Light Bulbs
    C Series bulbs, where "C" stands for Conical or Candle, are shaped like a cone or a candle flame, tapering to a pointed tip. These bulbs are designed primarily for decorative use, perfect for candle-style chandeliers, Christmas lights, and night lights. The shape of C Series bulbs is not just for aesthetics; it also helps in directing light, making them suitable for accent lighting.

    decorative bulbs shapes

    CA Series Light Bulbs
    The CA Series, standing for Candle Angular, features bulbs with a decorative, angular shape that mimics a flame or bent tip, reminiscent of a candle. These bulbs are favored in settings where the bulb itself is a focal point of decor, such as in chandeliers, wall sconces, and decorative lamps. Their design enhances the visual appeal of the lighting fixture that enhances the ambiance of any space.

    RP Series Light Bulbs
    RP Series bulbs, Reflective Parabolic design, are engineered for precision lighting. These bulbs include a reflective coating on their interior surface, focusing light into a directed beam. This makes them ideal for applications requiring targeted illumination, such as spotlights, track lighting, and outdoor floodlights. The RP Series is perfect for highlighting specific areas or objects.

    S Series Light Bulbs
    The S Series bulbs are known for their Straight-sided shapes, often employed in various applications where a simple, cylindrical form is desired. These bulbs can serve both functional and decorative purposes, including use in outdoor lighting, commercial signage, and accent lighting. Their straightforward design allows for uniform light distribution in a wide array of settings, making them a versatile choice for many lighting needs.

    F Series Light Bulbs
    F Series bulbs, or Flame-shaped bulbs, are designed to emulate the flicker and shape of an actual flame. These bulbs offer a decorative touch with their unique form, ideal for creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere in residential settings or adding a vintage charm to lighting fixtures. Commonly used in open lamps, wall sconces, and chandeliers, F Series bulbs provide ambient lighting with a decorative flair.

    Prism-shaped Light Bulbs
    Prism-shaped bulbs stand out for their ability to diffuse light evenly while minimizing glare. Their surface, etched or molded with facets like a prism, scatters light across a broader area, ensuring a uniform distribution of light.

    Globe and Tubular bulb shapes

    G Series Light Bulbs
    The G Series light bulbs, where "G" stands for Globe, are characterized by their round, spherical shape. G Series bulbs are often found in bathroom vanities, pendant lights, and decorative fixtures where the bulb itself is an integral part of the fixture's aesthetic. Their large surface area allows for an even distribution of light.

    T Series Light Bulbs
    The T Series, with "T" standing for Tubular, features bulbs that are elongated and cylindrical in shape. These bulbs are designed for specialized applications that require a focused, linear spread of light. T Series bulbs are commonly used in picture lights, under-cabinet lighting, and in certain types of commercial and industrial equipment. Their narrow form factor makes them particularly suited for fixtures where a compact, directional light source is needed. T Series bulbs can also be found in refrigerators, ovens, and other appliances due to their ability to fit in tight spaces and provide adequate illumination.

    CFL bulbs shapes

    Linestra Bulbs
    Linestra bulbs are distinctive for their long, tubular shape, providing a soft, diffused light ideal for use in vanity mirrors, architectural lighting, and decorative applications where a continuous line of light is desired. They offer a direct, glare-free illumination, making them perfect for settings where both ambiance and functionality are important. The sleek design of Linestra bulbs lends a modern aesthetic to any space, blending seamlessly with contemporary decor.

    Linear Fluorescent Bulbs
    Linear Fluorescent bulbs are a popular choice for commercial, industrial, and residential lighting. These tubes, typically T-shaped with varying sizes indicated by numbers (such as T8, T12), emit a bright, uniform light across a wide area. They are often used in office buildings, schools, and retail spaces for general lighting purposes. 

    Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs)
    Compact Fluorescent bulbs, or CFLs, are designed to offer the energy efficiency of fluorescent lighting in a more compact, easy-to-use form factor. These bulbs are characterized by their twisted or folded shape, which allows them to fit into standard light bulb sockets. 

    reflector bulb shapes

    R Series Light Bulbs
    The R Series bulbs, with "R" standing for Reflector, are characterized by their wide, reflective surface designed to direct light in a specific pattern. These bulbs are commonly used in recessed lighting fixtures, floodlights, and spotlights. The shape of the bulb helps in distributing the light over a broad area, making them ideal for general lighting purposes in both residential and commercial settings. The reflective interior enhances the efficiency of light output, directing it where it's most needed.

    MR Series Light Bulbs
    The MR Series, where "MR" stands for Multifaceted Reflector, features bulbs with a smaller diameter than the R Series and is designed with precision lighting in mind. These bulbs have a tight, controlled beam of light, making them perfect for task lighting, accent lighting, and display lighting. The multifaceted interior of the bulb reflects light in multiple directions, resulting in a focused and intense beam of light. MR bulbs are often used in track lighting, landscape lighting, and retail display cases.

    BR Series Light Bulbs
    BR Series bulbs, meaning Bulged Reflector, are similar to the R Series but with a bulged shape that allows for a wider light distribution. The wide beam angle of BR bulbs makes them suitable for use in overhead lighting fixtures where a broad, even light is desired. The design of the BR bulb minimizes glare and shadows, providing a comfortable, evenly lit environment.

    par reflector shapes

    PAR Series Light Bulbs
    The PAR Series, standing for Parabolic Aluminized Reflector, bulbs are engineered for accurate and focused light projection. These bulbs are characterized by their parabolic shape, which includes a reflective coating inside the bulb that directs the light through a lens at the front of the bulb. This design allows for a controlled and precise beam of light, ideal for spotlighting and flood lighting applications. PAR bulbs are commonly used in theatrical lighting, concert lighting, and in retail to highlight merchandise. They are also popular in outdoor settings for security lighting and landscape illumination. The series includes various sizes (e.g., PAR16, PAR20, PAR30, PAR38), indicating the diameter of the bulb, which allows users to select the appropriate size for their specific lighting needs.

    Specialty Shaped Light Bulbs
    Specialty-shaped light bulbs encompass a wide range of unique designs tailored for specific purposes or aesthetic appeals. This category includes bulbs with unconventional shapes, sizes, or functionalities not typically found in standard lighting applications. such as ultraviolet bulbs for disinfection, infrared bulbs. 

    HID Bulb Shapes

    BT Series Light Bulbs
    The BT Series, where "BT" stands for Bulged Tapered, features bulbs that are characterized by their bulged base and tapered neck. This unique shape allows for a wider distribution of light compared to standard bulbs, making BT Series bulbs suitable for areas where broad, diffused lighting is needed. They are commonly used in industrial settings, large open spaces, and outdoor lighting fixtures where effective illumination over a large area is required. The design of the BT bulb helps in reducing shadows and providing uniform light coverage.

    E Series Light Bulbs
    The E Series light bulbs are distinguished not by their shape but rather by their base type. The "E" typically refers to Edison Screw, a standard socket for light bulbs. This series encompasses various bulb shapes and sizes that utilize the Edison screw base. The versatility of the E Series lies in its compatibility with a wide range of lighting fixtures, making it a universal choice for both residential and commercial lighting applications.

    ED Series Light Bulbs
    The ED Series, with "ED" indicating Elliptical Dimpled, consists of bulbs that have an elliptical shape and a textured surface to diffuse light more evenly. This series is often used in outdoor lighting fixtures and street lamps. The dimpled design helps in spreading the light over a wider area while minimizing glare, making it an ideal choice for public and commercial spaces where safety and comfort are priorities. The ED Series bulbs are known for their durability and efficiency in outdoor environments.

    AR Series Light Bulbs
    The AR Series, standing for Aluminum Reflector, includes bulbs designed specifically for precise light control. These bulbs are typically used in track lighting, retail display lighting, and other applications where directed light is necessary. The AR Series bulbs have a mirrored aluminum coating on the inside of the bulb that reflects light forward, creating a focused beam. This allows for targeted illumination of specific areas or objects, enhancing visibility and highlighting details. AR bulbs are commonly available in different beam angles to accommodate various lighting needs.

    reflector bulb shapes
    Plug In CFL base types

    Bi-pin Bases
    Bi-pin bases are used in a wide range of light bulbs, from small halogen lamps to certain types of LED bulbs. This base type features two metal pins protruding from the bottom of the bulb, which insert into matching sockets. The distance between the pins can vary, leading to different standards (such as G4, G9, GU10, and GU24), which are determined by the pin spacing in millimeters. Bi-pin bases provide a secure electrical connection and are commonly used in specialized lighting fixtures like under-cabinet lighting, desk lamps, and certain types of track and recessed lighting. Their compact size makes bi-pin base bulbs an excellent choice for applications where space is limited, and precise directional lighting is required.

    Fluorescent Bases
    Fluorescent pin bases are specifically designed for fluorescent tube lights and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). These bases feature two or more pins that slot into corresponding fixtures. For tube lights, common bases include the T8 and T12, which refer to the diameter of the tube in eighths of an inch and have a pin base at each end of the tube. CFLs use a G24 or GX23 base, among others, with multiple pins arranged in specific configurations to match their fixtures.

    more light bulb shapes
    specialty light bulb base types

    The filament in a light bulb is crucial for its operation, especially in incandescent and halogen bulbs, where the filament heats up and emits light. Over the years, various filament shapes have been developed to optimize light output, efficiency, and bulb life hours. Here are some of the different filament shapes that have been used in light bulbs:

    Squirrel Cage Filament
    One of the most iconic filament designs, the squirrel cage filament, features a series of vertical wires supported by horizontal crossbars, resembling the wheel of a squirrel cage. This design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also provides a distinctive, warm glow. It's commonly found in vintage or Edison-style bulbs, where the filament is a key part of the bulb's decorative appeal.

    Coil or Spiral Filament
    The coil filament, also known as a spiral filament, involves winding the tungsten wire into a tight coil. This design increases the length of the filament in a compact space, improving the efficiency of the bulb by providing more surface area for light emission. Coiled filaments are common in both traditional incandescent bulbs and halogen lamps.

    Double Coil or Coiled Coil Filament
    An advancement of the coil filament, the double coil or coiled coil filament involves an additional winding process where the already coiled tungsten wire is wound once again into a larger coil. This design further enhances the light output and efficiency of the bulb, as well as extending its lifespan by reducing the rate of tungsten evaporation.

    Loop Filament
    Loop filaments feature the tungsten wire shaped into one or more loops inside the bulb. This simple yet effective design is often used in decorative bulbs and antique-style lighting, where the looped filament adds to the visual interest of the bulb.

    Straight Filament
    Straight filaments are exactly as they sound: a straightforward, uncoiled strand of tungsten wire that spans the length of the bulb. This design is among the earliest filament shapes and is less common today due to its lower efficiency compared to coiled designs. However, straight filaments may still be found in specific applications where simplicity and a retro look are desired.

    Zigzag or Crisscross Filament
    Zigzag or crisscross filaments feature a tungsten wire that is bent back and forth in a zigzag or crisscross pattern. This design allows for a larger filament surface area, improving brightness and efficiency. It also adds an attractive visual element, making it popular in decorative and vintage-style bulbs.

    lumen master closing image of tom Enright



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    How To Measure Lamps And Light Bulbs

    Measuring Lamps

    All lamps have a specific “bulb type” designation that describes the shape of the lamp and the size of the lamp (diameter). The designation is a two part code consisting of a letter and a number. The letter indicates the shape of the lamp and the number relates to the diameter of the lamp in eighths of an inch.

    The reference ruler illustrates the most commonly used household lamp, an A19. The “A” indicates the shape (standard) and the diameter would be 23.8″, which is “19” eights of an inch.

    All lamp types are available in a variety of technologies and therefore may vary in appearance. Maximum overall length (MOL) will also vary.

    Additional popular lamp designations are also indicated on the reference ruler.

    Abbreviation Guide

    A: Arbitrary (Standard) and so many more.....

    PS: Pear Shape  B/BA: Bulged, Bulged with angular tip
    F: Flame C/CA: Conical, Candel shape with bent tip
    R: Reflector RP: Reflector, Pear shape
    BR: Bulbous Reflector S: Straight-sided shape (compare with CA and BA)
    G: Globe ST: Spherical Tubular
    T: Tubular MR: Multi-Faceted Reflector
    BT: Bulged Tubular E/ED: Elliptical, Elliptical with dimple in the crown
    AR: Aluminized Reflector PAR: Parabolic Aluminized Reflector



    light bulb shapes

    more light bulb shapes


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    Guide to replacing Incandescent.

    Incandescent light bulbs have been a staple in our homes and businesses for over 100 years, but their inefficiency and short lifespan make them a less-than-ideal choice in today's energy-conscious world. As a result, many of you are making the switch to LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs, which offer numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, durability, and cost savings.  

    If you're considering or being forced to replace your incandescent bulbs with LEDs, we’ll walk you through the process. I know many of you love your incandescent bulbs.


    The benefits of LED bulbs are highly energy efficient, using less energy than incandescent bulbs to produce the same amount of light. They can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, which reduces the frequency of replacements and lowers maintenance costs. Additionally, LED bulbs emit very little heat, making them safer to use and reducing the strain on cooling systems during warmer months. GoodBulb LEDs are the longest lasting bulbs in the universe. GoodBulb also has LEDs that mimic the spectrum of an incandescent light bulb.

    Before replacing your incandescent bulbs, you need to determine which LED is the right bulb. Considering the different options available in the LED market we recommend speaking with a lighting specialist. LED bulbs come in various shapes, sizes, and color temperatures, allowing you to choose the right fit for your needs. Your needs are not the same as your neighbors. Make sure to check the packaging or product specifications to find LED bulbs with the same or higher lumens as your current incandescent bulbs to achieve the desired brightness. 



    One of the significant advantages of LED bulbs is their energy efficiency. To understand the energy savings, calculate the wattage of your current incandescent bulbs and compare it with the wattage of the LED bulbs you plan to purchase. Multiply the difference in wattage by the number of hours you use the lights each day and the number of bulbs in your home times the cost of electricity. This will give you an estimate of the energy savings you can expect. You can ask a Lumen Master at GoodBulb to do this work for you.  We are happy to help.

    To simplify the process, start replacing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs room by room. Begin with the rooms where lights are used most frequently, such as the kitchen, living room, home office, garage, or outdoor lighting in a home. Gradually work your way through the rest of the house. This approach allows you to assess the impact of the LED bulbs and adjust the brightness or color temperature as needed. We recommend the same process in a commercial or business setting.   

    Incandescent bulbs contain filaments and other materials that should not be thrown into regular household waste. Contact your local waste management facility or recycling center to inquire about proper disposal methods for incandescent bulbs. Many municipalities have specific recycling programs for household bulbs, ensuring they are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. If you are replacing CFL or Fluorescent lighting in your home or business, be careful not to break the bulbs, they have mercury and other gases contained within the glass.


    Once you've replaced all your incandescent bulbs with LEDs, keep track of your energy bills to monitor your savings. Over time, you should see a noticeable decrease in your energy consumption and costs. Consider using the savings to invest in additional energy-efficient upgrades or other sustainable practices around your home. 

    By following this guide to replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption, lower your electricity bills, and enjoy the benefits of long-lasting, efficient lighting. Make the switch to LED and join the movement toward a greener and more sustainable future. 

    To send us your lighting schedule or contact us about the best LEDs for your home or business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by going here 

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    What's a Bad Light Bulb?

    In the world of lighting, there exists a main category of bulbs that is noticed, has a significant impact on our daily lives, but is ignored.  Bad bulbs are everywhere. They have mountains of money, political influence, and enormous corporations.  Bad bulbs have influenced and controlled the lighting industry since 1925.

    Here’s what makes a Bad Bulb, what makes them different, and clarity to understand they bring consequences. 

    The definition and characteristics of bad light bulbs with substandard or low-quality performance and longevity, refers to those that fail to meet the expected standards of consumers. These bulbs have various poor characteristics like dimness issues, flickering problems, inconsistent color rendering, and a shorter lifespan. They are prevailing in all lighting technologies, including LED. The incandescent light bulb was the very first product to be engineered and manufactured to fail.  These companies monopolized the lighting world and are responsible for 80% of the bulbs that have been purchased in America. They wanted light bulbs to burn out.

    Poor Manufacturing: Bad bulbs result from a detrimental engineering and manufacturing processes, where corners are cut to reduce costs and generate excessive repeat sales, aka planned obsolescence. This leads to issues like weak filaments, poor electrical connections, inadequate heat dissipation, and premature failure.


    Inadequate quality control measures during production are standard because these companies don’t want to make a good bulb, defects are a good thing. Bottom line, they are just bad bulbs.

    Impact on Energy Efficiency: Bad light bulbs not only compromise lighting quality but also contribute to energy inefficiency. Dim or flickering bulbs require higher wattage to compensate for their reduced brightness, resulting in increased energy consumption.

    Shorter lifespans of these light bulbs mean frequent replacements, leading to additional waste generation and a negative environmental impact.

    Effects on Well-being and Productivity: Poor lighting quality can have adverse effects on our well-being and productivity. Dim or inconsistent lighting can strain our eyes, cause headaches, glare, and negatively impact our mood. In work environments, substandard lighting can decrease productivity, increase errors, and contribute to eye fatigue and discomfort. 

    In work environments, substandard lighting can decrease productivity, increase errors, and contribute to eye fatigue and discomfort.

    The Solution: GoodBulb LEDs are engineered to last, they are manufactured with extreme life components, and we believe they are the longest lasting bulbs on the planet. They’re tougher and brighter than the competition. They are energy efficient, which saves you money and helps our amazing planet.   The fact that they last longer, saves you money and time.  This also helps our planet for less bulbs turn into waste and less rare earth elements are used to manufacture light bulbs.

    Don’t buy Bad bulbs from the Goliath’s, aka the bad guys. Consider using GoodBulb lighting to light your business and your home, and with it, bring good light to your home, business, and the world. You can browse our lighting options, here.  

    We believe it is time for good.
    If the light bulb was
    engineered to last longer…
    • 80% of the rare earth elements necessary to manufacture a light bulb would still be in the Earth.
    • 80% of the light bulbs purchased would not be contaminating our planet
    • 80% of the money you and your ancestors spent on light bulbs, would still be in your bank account. 
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        What is a Bad Bulb and Why You Should Care?

        The Hidden World of Bad Bulbs: Why Inferior Bulbs Still Dominate the Market 

        Walk down the lighting aisle at any hardware store, and you’ll encounter a sea of “bad bulbs” which are inferior quality light bulbs engineered to burn out faster by major manufacturers. Bad bulbs may seem like a mere annoyance, but their prevalence has enormous implications on consumers, the environment, and even productivity.

        In this article, we’ll shed light on the murky world of bad bulbs, their characteristics, and the deception that allowed big lighting companies to flood the market with subpar products. We’ll also discuss the impact of poor quality lighting and LED bulbs.

        Defining What Makes a Bad Quality Light Bulb

        Bad bulbs refer to those that fail to meet expected lighting performance and lifespan standards. They exhibit issues like:

        • Dim, inconsistent illumination
        • Flickering or buzzing
        • Poor color rendering
        • Extremely short lifespans, burning out in months
        • Frequent premature failures

        These problems span all lighting technologies - incandescent, CFL, halogen, and LED. But bad bulbs are not accidental. As we’ll see, they result from calculated choices to boost profits at the consumer’s expense.

        The History of “Planned Obsolescence” in Light Bulbs

        When the incandescent bulb was patented and began mass production in the 1920s, manufacturers realized bulbs that burned out faster meant more sales.

        Led by General Electric, major lighting companies intentionally engineered bulbs to fail quickly. Weak filaments, inadequate supports, insufficient insulation - these design flaws were purposeful to ensure short 1000 hour lifespans.

        This “planned obsolescence” enabled companies to sell more replacement bulbs again and again. And with their monopolies over the new technology, consumers had no choice but to keep buying inferior bulbs that burnt out quickly.

        The Manipulation Continues: Bad LED Bulbs Flood the Market

        Despite the rise of longer-lasting CFL and LED bulbs decades later, the manufacturing of bad bulbs continues. The lighting industry giants have engineered short-lived failure points into LED products, including inadequate heat dissipation and cheap electronic drivers.

        The result is a sea of LED bulbs plagued with the same premature failure schemes to guarantee profits through repeated purchases. Major brands count on most consumers being unaware of differences in LED quality.

        The True Toll of Bad Light Bulbs

        On the surface, a $2 bulb burning out seems like a minor annoyance. But the prevalence of deliberately inferior lighting has massive negative impacts:

        • 10x more energy consumption and waste from frequent replacements
        • 20x more raw materials for manufacturing and hazardous disposal
        • Increased utility bills from inefficient lighting
        • Strain on landfills with millions more spent bulbs annually
        • Lost productivity and risks of eye strain or fatigue in workplaces
        • Damage to businesses like hotels and retailers from poor lighting ambiance

        By establishing monopolies and engineering quick failure into bulbs, companies created lasting waste and inefficiency - all to protect profits.

        Finding Good Quality LED Lighting

        The solution is choosing quality LED bulbs engineered to truly last. GoodBulb LEDs are guaranteed to illuminate for 25,000 hours, outlasting other major brands by 10-20x. Our dedication to efficient, sustainable lighting benefits consumers, businesses, and the environment.

        Our LED options consume 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, reducing environmental impacts significantly. And with extreme lifespans, GoodBulb bulbs minimize maintenance, replacement costs, and waste.

        Take control of your lighting quality and efficiency. Browse our extensive collection of GoodBulb LED bulbs manufactured with integrity. It’s time to shine a light on the murky practices of the “bad bulb” industry.

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        Cured: World’s Fourth Person Now Confirmed to be HIV-Free

        At GoodBulb, we are in the business of lighting up your spaces, but we also enjoy shedding light on a variety of cool, intriguing topics. Our passion extends beyond light bulbs; it's about illuminating minds with stories, innovative ideas, and a moment to brighten your day with content that sparks curiosity, inspires creativity, and brings a little extra light to your daily scroll.


        Lead author, Professor Ravindra Kumar Gupta from the University of Cambridge, says: “We propose that results represent the second ever case of a patient to be cured of HIV. Our findings show that the success of stem cell transplantation as a cure for HIV, first reported in the Berlin patient, can be replicated.”

        There have been a few notable cases of individuals considered "cured" of HIV, thanks to very specific and complex medical treatments. These cases are rare and involved stem cell transplants, a treatment that is not widely applicable to the vast majority of people living with HIV due to its high risk and the difficulty in finding compatible donors.

        Known Cases of HIV Cures:

        The Berlin Patient (Timothy Ray Brown): The first person ever reported to be cured of HIV in 2007. He received a stem cell transplant from a donor with a rare genetic mutation (CCR5-delta 32 mutation) that is resistant to HIV. Unfortunately, Timothy Ray Brown passed away in 2020 due to a recurrence of leukemia, unrelated to HIV.
        The London Patient (Adam Castillejo): Announced as cured in March 2019, he also received a stem cell transplant from a donor with the CCR5-delta 32 mutation. As of the last update, he remains HIV-free without antiretroviral therapy.
        The Düsseldorf Patient: Reported in 2020, this patient is another individual who underwent a similar stem cell transplant with the CCR5-delta 32 mutation and has since shown no detectable HIV.
        The New York Patient: In 2022, this patient, who had a form of leukemia, received a stem cell transplant from umbilical cord blood with the CCR5-delta 32 mutation and was later reported to have no detectable HIV.

        These cases, while incredibly significant, represent highly specific circumstances involving cancer treatments, which allowed for the risky procedure of stem cell transplantation. Such treatments are too dangerous and expensive to be considered a viable option for the majority of the approximately 38 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS.

        The Importance of These Cases:

        The significance of these cases lies in the proof of concept that an HIV cure is possible and provides invaluable insights into the mechanisms that could potentially lead to a more applicable and available cure . Researchers are exploring gene editing (such as CRISPR-Cas9), therapeutic vaccines, and other novel antiviral treatments to find a safer and more universal cure for HIV.

        While a handful of individuals have been cured of HIV under very specific and rare conditions, the global health community continues to focus on prevention, treatment, and the search for a cure that is accessible to all people living with HIV.

        Early signs of HIV include headache, fatigue, muscle ache, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes, fever, as well as a non-itchy, persistent red rash (usually on the torso). HIV can develop into AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – especially if left untreated. 



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        Cutting Costs and Saving Energy in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide

        save energy with LED

        As we step into 2024, the quest for energy efficiency and cost savings in our homes continues to be a priority for many. With technological advancements and a deeper understanding of energy consumption patterns, there are several ways you can reduce your energy bills and contribute to a more sustainable planet. Here's a fresh look at tried-and-tested strategies, along with modern solutions, for cutting costs and saving energy this year.

        1. Banish Phantom Loads: Unplug to Save

        Phantom loads, or the energy consumed by devices when they're turned off but still plugged in, can sneakily add to your energy bills. Chargers, when left plugged in, are notorious for contributing to this unseen energy drain. By simply unplugging your chargers when not in use, you can combat these "ghostly" energy costs. Alternatively, consider investing in a smart power strip, an effortless way to control multiple devices and eliminate phantom loads automatically.

        2. Smart Power Strips: A Wise Investment

        A smart power strip not only helps in fighting off phantom loads but also manages standby power consumption, which accounts for 5-10% of household energy usage. With the potential to significantly reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy costs, smart power strips are an eco-friendly addition to your home. Prices vary, but with options ranging from $25 to $50, there's a smart power strip for every budget.

        3. Programmable Thermostats: Control at Your Fingertips

        Upgrading to a programmable thermostat offers unparalleled control over your home's heating and cooling systems, allowing you to adjust settings based on your schedule and preferences. By setting your thermostat to lower heating or cooling output when you're away or asleep, you can enjoy substantial savings — up to $180 annually. Devices like Google’s Nest thermostat, while an upfront investment, can pay off in long-term savings and comfort.

        4. LED Lighting: Brighten Up Efficiently

        Transitioning to LED lighting is a simple yet impactful way to reduce energy consumption. LEDs are not only more energy-efficient than traditional lighting options, saving 60-80% on energy costs, but they also last significantly longer. With a variety of brightness and color options, LEDs offer flexibility in creating the perfect ambiance for your home while cutting down on energy bills.

        Dive Deeper into Energy Savings

        Our commitment to helping you save energy and reduce costs doesn't stop here. We offer a wide range of LED lighting options to suit any need and preference. If you're looking for tailored advice or have specific requirements, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is always ready to assist you in finding the best energy-saving solutions for your home.

        For more tips and personalized solutions, give us a call at 701-205-4953 or chat with us directly on our website. Let's make 2024 a year of smart energy choices and significant savings!

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        Are Indoor LED Lights Bad For Your Eyes?

        eye strain from lighting

        The impact of LED lights on human eye health has gained significant attention and concern among researchers and health professionals, especially since incandescent bulbs are no longer available. LED, or light-emitting diode technology, is prevalent in many products and applications due to its energy efficiency and longevity. The risk to eye health revolves around the emission of blue-violet light, specifically between 415 and 455 nm. This type of blue light can cause damage to retinal cells over time, potentially leading to conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

        led eye strain from blue legs

        In contrast, blue-turquoise LED light (around 465-495 nm) is beneficial for circadian rhythm and other physiological functions. Given the mixed effects of blue light spectrum LEDs, it's important to manage exposure to especially harmful blue-violet light emitted from screens. This article is meant to explain the differences so you can make educated choices when purchasing LED light bulbs for your homes and businesses.

        led eye strain from blue led lights

        The contradiction in Light Theory stems from context and duration of exposure to LEDs. For Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), controlled exposure to LED spectrums, spectrums that have some blue light, matching natural sunlight have proven to be beneficial, influencing mood and circadian rhythms. Remember that the blue-violet light which is harmful is based on wavelength of light, not the spectrum of light. Prolonged, direct exposure to blue light, particularly at close range from screens or intense LED lighting, can potentially harm the eyes. It's the intensity, duration, and context of exposure that differentiate therapeutic use from potential harm.

        • The blue light that is in devices with a screen and the blue light in LED light bulbs are different in several ways.
        led eye strain for blue led lights

        Purpose and Usage of Blue Light from Screens and LEDs: The concern about blue light from screens and LEDs relates to its increasing presence in our daily lives and its negative effects on our health, including eye strain, damage to the retina, and disruption of circadian rhythms leading to poor sleep patterns. This type of exposure is unregulated and can occur at all hours,  when blue-violet light is near our eyes.

        Purpose and Usage of Blue Light Therapy for SAD: Light therapy for SAD uses a specific spectrum of light that mimics natural sunlight, which includes a broad range of light wavelengths, not just blue light. The therapy is designed to compensate for the reduced natural sunlight during our darker months and is used intentionally for short, controlled periods, typically the morning, to help regulate the body's sleep-wake cycle and improve mood. The intensity and timing of light therapy should be carefully controlled to maximize benefits.

        Intensity of light used in SAD therapy is much higher than ambient blue light from screens or LED lighting. Lightboxes used for SAD can emit light at an intensity of 10,000 lux, which is far greater than that emitted by most electronic screens or indoor lighting. This high intensity is necessary to achieve a therapeutic effect.

        Duration of Light therapy sessions is recommended for about 20 to 30 minutes per day, especially in the morning. Exposure to blue light from screens and LEDs can extend for many hours throughout the day and into the night, especially in the case of screen use before bedtime.

        Health Effects of blue light from screens and LEDs is based on extended exposure, especially before bedtime. Blue light in the evening can cause negative health effects, such as eye strain and sleep disruption, due to suppression of melatonin production.

        Light Therapy for SAD when used correctly has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of SAD with no side effects. The treatment helps reset the circadian rhythm and improve mood, without the harmful effects associated with prolonged blue light exposure from screens.

        eye strain from blue light

        To harmonize daily activities with the optimal light spectrum:

        Morning (6-9 AM): Expose yourself to bright, natural light or 5000 Kelvin GoodBulb LEDs to stimulate alertness and synchronize your circadian rhythm.

        Midday (9 AM-12 PM): Continue to work in well-lit environments, preferably with natural light, to maintain energy and focus.

        Afternoon (12-5 PM): Use natural light as much as possible. If indoors, a mix of warm and cool artificial light can help maintain balanced energy.

        Evening (5-8 PM): Transition to warmer light (2700K LEDs), reducing exposure to blue light to prepare for sleep.

        Night (After 8 PM): Minimize blue light exposure by using red-spectrum lights or blue light filters on devices to promote melatonin production and better sleep quality.

        This approach leverages the benefits of different light spectrums at appropriate times to support health and well-being.

        GoodBulb LEDs prevent eye strain

        GoodBulb LED bulbs with a color temperature of 5000 kelvin emit a light that appears pure white to the human eye. This white light includes a spectrum of colors, including blue. 5000K GoodBulb LEDs provide a bright, daylight quality of light that is beneficial for tasks requiring attention to detail and can help regulate circadian rhythms. If used properly, daylight LEDs can help prevent eye strain, headaches, and glare. They do emit more blue light compared to warmer, lower Kelvin bulbs.

        • To minimize blue light exposure, especially in the evening, consider using bulbs with a warmer color temperature in your homes, and blue light filters on your devices.
        happy led lights

        GoodBulb manufacturers High CRI LEDs that mimic the warm glow of incandescent bulbs (NO BLUE LIGHT), alongside pure white LEDs that replicate natural daylight. This range ensures consumers can select lighting that enhances their environment with optimal light exposure patterns throughout the day—energizing bright light during the day and calming warm light in the evening. Our commitment to high-quality, versatile lighting solutions is the right choice for consumers seeking to improve well-being and energy efficiency in their lighting.

        GoodBulb high color rendering index (CRI) lighting offers premium color accuracy, making colors appear more vibrant and natural, like sunlight. This enhances visual clarity and comfort, especially in environments where color differentiation is important. High CRI LEDs ensure that the light quality is closer to natural light, improving the overall ambiance and mood, making them an excellent choice for residential and commercial spaces.

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        Why do we need 277 volt & 480 volt electricity & bulbs?

        277 and 480 volt

        This article is authored by an experienced lighting specialist with years of expertise in setting up successful lighting solutions for every type of business, from the smallest boutique shops to the largest industrial complexes, my journey has equipped me with the unique skills to teach a team of lighting specialists and navigate the complex world of lighting. We take pride in transforming spaces through the strategic application of LEDs, enhancing aesthetics, improving spectrums, reducing energy costs, and making friends. We're passionate about leveraging our expertise in lighting to improve your operation's productivity and profitability. We look forward to the opportunity to help, sharing our skills and experience to illuminate your business.

        The 277/480 volt electrical system is a high-voltage power configuration used in commercial and industrial facilities in North America. This system provides efficient power distribution for large loads, such as HVAC systems, commercial lighting, and heavy machinery, offering both energy efficiency and cost savings for managing high-demand electrical applications. Here's a breakdown of its components:

        electrician inspecting high voltage system

         277 Volt Electrical Systems

        Single Phase Power:The 277 volt component is typically used for lighting in commercial buildings. It's derived from one phase of a three-phase system and is particularly efficient for powering fluorescent and LED lighting fixtures. The use of 277 volts for lighting allows for fewer currents to achieve the same amount of power as lower voltage systems, which can reduce the size and cost of wiring.

        480 Volt Electrical Systems

        Three Phase Power: The 480 volt component is a higher voltage option that is part of the same electrical system. It's used for running heavy-duty industrial machinery and large HVAC systems. The 480-volt three-phase power is more efficient for transferring large amounts of electricity over long distances with less energy loss than lower voltage systems.

        high voltage image

        Advantages of a 277/480 Volt System

        Energy Efficiency: The higher voltage allows for the transmission of the same amount of power with less current, which means lower energy losses due to resistance in the wiring.

        Reduced Wiring Costs: Because higher voltage systems can transmit more power with less current, they require thinner wires, which can significantly reduce the overall cost of electrical wiring in large facilities.

        Versatility: This system supports both high-energy industrial applications and efficient commercial lighting within the same infrastructure, making it versatile for various types of facilities.

        Applications for high voltage systems: 

        Commercial Buildings: Office buildings, shopping centers, and schools often use 277 volts for lighting and 480 volts for powering large equipment.

        Industrial Facilities: Manufacturing plants and warehouses utilize 480-volt power for machinery, with 277 volts often reserved for lighting.

        Understanding the 277/480 volt system is crucial for those involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of commercial and industrial facilities, as it affects everything from the initial electrical infrastructure planning to daily operations and energy management strategies.

        working with high voltage

        Working with electrical systems that involve high voltages

        277 volts and 480 volts requires careful attention due tosignificant dangers they present. These voltages are considerably higher than the standard residential 120 volt line voltage, increasing the risk of electric shock, burns, and fatal injuries if mishandled. Without proper safety measures, such as the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, safety training, adherence to safety standards and regulations, the risk of accidents and injuries can be high.

        Despite these dangers, 277 and 480-volt systems offer substantial advantages, especially in commercial and industrial environments. Their higher voltage levels allow for the efficient transmission of electrical power over longer distances with minimal energy loss, which is vital for large facilities. These high-voltage systems can power large-scale machinery and lighting systems more effectively, supporting the operational while optimizing energy consumption and cost-effectiveness.

        In summary, while 277 and 480-volt electrical systems pose significant safety risks if not managed correctly, they also offer critical benefits for energy efficiency and operational effectiveness in suitable applications. It underscores the importance of safety practices and knowledgeable handling to harness their advantages safely.


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        Recycling Alone Wont Fix Our Environment

        recycling along won't fix our environment

        That recycling is a great way for the average consumer to help save the planet. And while I agree with you, let me explain why we can do more. 

        Everywhere you turn these days, you see advertisements pushing us to recycle. Corporations jumping on the Green bandwagon left and right, campaigning for the masses to choose their products over others because they use recycled materials in their packaging and donate funds to conservation programs, etc. This is great to see, and by no means am I suggesting that it should stop. Such efforts by these corporations are helping to drive individuals in large numbers to make more conscientious choices with the products they use, aiding state and federal governments in passing bills designed to create better access to recycling and conservation programs, and are helping to promote the concept that recycling our used materials instead of throwing them in the trash is better for the planet. And they are absolutely right about it. 

        However, what most people do not take into consideration is the fact that these same corporations are the ones causing the most damage. It is misleading to assume that, by tossing more items into the blue bin and less items into the garbage can, we will make that much of a difference in confronting the catastrophic levels of plastic contamination at hand. In the scheme of things, it’s basically pointless.

        aluminum cans needs recycling
        Photo By Scott Mcpherson

        Conservation events, such as the annual America Recycles Day sponsored by Keep America Beautiful and the talking heads of the plastics industry, have spent a lot of time and money teaching us to pick up our trash. Instilling the concept that, as individuals, we are the problem and that, as individuals, we are the ones who are responsible for fixing those problems. Fundamentally, this is true. We should all make better efforts to avoid using products that are single-use and full of non-biodegradable materials. However, as individuals, we cannot solve this problem because we, as individuals, are not the actual problem. However, we have, as individuals, taken on the problem because of some very discerning, very crafty corporate-driven psychological deceit shoved down our throats in the form of campaigns like Keep America Beautiful. 

        Now, you’re probably thinking to yourselves that I am nuts. That campaigns like Keep America Beautiful are beneficial to society and to the planet. As explained by Matt Wilkins, an ecologist and evolutionary biologist, and contributor to Scientific American, this just simply is not the case. Major beverage corporations like Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch, alongside tobacco giant Phillip Morris and several others, founded Keep America Beautiful back in the ‘50s in order to proselytize the concept of “going green”, as we would say in 2019. As part of their efforts to educate the public, they approached the Ad Council to bring us some of the most enduring marketing campaigns to have ever existed, inserting the term “litterbug” into the American lexicon, and tapping into a shared national guilt to motivate behavioral change. 

        Photo by Global Water Forum  

        Lobbying against “thoughtless individuals” through these marketing efforts has incorrectly shaped our perceptions of who is truly responsible for causing the environmental disaster that is overwhelming our planet. Journalist and author Heather Rogers describes these campaigns, like Keep America Beautiful, as “the first corporate greenwashing front”, and this misdirection has shifted the public focus to consumer recycling behaviors which have actively thwarted legislation that would force plastic producers to bear responsibility for waste management. More simply put, clever hat tricks have brainwashed our society into believing that we, as individuals, are the reason our oceans and landfills are brimming with plastic waste and it is the individual’s responsibility to manage the problem.

        Endeavors that, on the surface, appear to be compassionate or even philanthropic are nothing more than a bunch of smoke and mirrors used to mask the real problem of the role corporate polluters play in adding to the destruction of our planet. You see, these corporations, like Coca-Cola and Phillip Morris, advocate for greener solutions while simultaneously contesting and campaigning against legislation, like the Beverage Container Law, that would outlaw the sale of beverages in non-refillable containers (think 20oz soda bottles and aluminum cans, etc.). Keep America Beautiful went out of its way to dismantle this law back in 1953, and found success when Vermont lawmakers allowed the measure to expire after only 4 years. Single-use containers were just becoming a thing, and Big Beverage wanted to capitalize on the potential profits that this industry offered. 

        Other states subsequently passed similar “bottle bills” requiring a cash deposit on beverage containers that would be refunded upon the container’s return, creating quite the incentive to recycle. Of the states currently participating in bottle deposit laws, there is an average of 60% container recovery in comparison to the24% in states that do not participate. That is a HUGE difference and shows that incentivising recycling habits produces a massive return! And still, Keep America Beautiful (remember, this campaign was created and continues to be backed by Big Beverage and Big Tobacco) along with many other industrial lobbying groups continue to openly disparage and campaign against legislation that would encourage bottle deposit programs simply because the concept threatens their bottom lines. The proof is in the pudding, too. Nearly $14 million was spent between 1989 and 1994 by the beverage industry to annihilate the National Bottle Bill. 

        bottles need recycling
        Photo by Anders Sandberg

        In conclusion, campaigns like Keep America Beautiful, while shiny on the surface and do a lot of good by highlighting pollution problems and encourage recycling solutions in communities, they do nothing to address the real issue at hand. Instead, they actively participate in the propagation of pollution by engaging in psychological warfare to misdirect the public and point blame at the wrong people. We live in a world where the legal system has been manipulated to favor corporations, and public acceptance of single-use products is commonplace. As individuals, we should always do our part to reduce our impact on the cataclysmic problem of plastic and non-biodegradable waste products. Seek out local recycling options, and purchase reusable containers (then actually use them instead of opting for the easy-out when you’re hustling through your day) wherever possible. When you are faced with having to use single-use plastic, make an effort to ensure that piece is recycled properly. Reduce, reuse, re-educate. 

        GoodBulb is proud to offer recycling options for your spent light bulbs. CFLs and fluorescent tubes (which contain mercury), incandescent, halogen, LEDs, you name it. We implore you to take advantage of the recycling programs in your area.

        And as always, Be Good.

        think before you recycle
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        Adding Elegance to Your Home: Chandeliers with LEDs from GoodBulb

        chandelier led banner

        In the quest for elegance and sophistication within the home, lighting is key to transforming spaces into areas of beauty and allure. At the heart of this transformation are chandeliers, timeless symbols of elegance that have graced the interiors of homes for centuries. Today, the marriage of classic chandelier designs with modern LED technology from GoodBulb represents a new era in home décor. This fusion not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your living spaces but also introduces an element of efficiency and sustainability that was once unimaginable.

        The Timeless Charm of Chandeliers

        Chandeliers have always been more than just light fixtures; they are pieces of art that reflect the style and sophistication of a home. From grand, opulent designs fit for a ballroom to minimalist, contemporary pieces that complement a modern living space, chandeliers serve as the focal point of any room, dictating its mood and ambiance. GoodBulb has meticulously designed LEDs to capture the charm of traditional lighting, ensuring each bulb radiates with the elegance of the past while embracing the efficiency of the future.

        chandelier in dining room

        The Modern Light: LEDs

        Integrating LED technology into chandeliers offers a range of benefits, including energy efficiency, longer life hours, and superior control over light intensity and color temperature. With GoodBulb LED solutions, you can now enjoy the luxury and sophistication of chandeliers without the high energy costs and frequent maintenance associated with traditional lighting.

        modern chandelier led lighting

        Elegance Meets Efficiency

        GoodBulb's selection of LED bulbs is designed to bridge the gap between classic elegance and modern efficiency. These bulbs retain the intricate designs and sparkling aesthetics of traditional incandescent. They are powered by cutting-edge LED technology. The result is a stunning display of light that enhances the beauty of your home, ballroom, or commercial space; reducing energy consumption and diminishes the need for bulb replacements.

        elegant chandelier led lighting

        Customizing Your Ambiance

        One of the advantages of choosing LED chandelier bulbs from GoodBulb is the ability to customize the ambiance of your space. With a variety of color temperatures and dimming capabilities, LEDs allow you to create an atmosphere that matches your mood, the occasion, or the time of day. Whether it’s a warm, inviting glow for a cozy dinner party or a bright, vibrant light for reading, LED chandelier bulbs offer unparalleled flexibility.

        led chandelier lighting

        Sustainability in Style

        Choosing LED bulbs is a statement of style and a commitment to sustainability. GoodBulb provides lighting solutions that not only elevate the aesthetic of your home but also contribute to environmental conservation. By reducing energy consumption and minimizing waste, LED chandelier bulbs are a step towards a more sustainable future, making them an ideal choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

        grand ballroom chandelier led lighting


        Chandeliers have evolved from mere sources of light to centerpieces of home decor, embodying both elegance and artistry. By incorporating LED technology, GoodBulb is at the forefront of this evolution, offering homeowners an opportunity to adorn their spaces with fixtures that combine timeless beauty with modern efficiency. Embrace the charm and sophistication of LED chandelier light bulbs from GoodBulb, and transform your home into a space of elegance, efficiency, and environmental responsibility.

        bulb deserves love


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        What is the Best Kelvin Temperature for My Bathroom?

        bathroom LED lighting

        Kelvin Temperature in the Bathroom: Mastering the Art of Flattering Lighting

        Choosing the right lighting for your bathroom, especially around a vanity mirror, involves more than just picking the right wattage or lumens; it's about understanding the kelvin temperature of light. Kelvin temperature measures the perceived warmth or coolness of a light source and is fundamental in selecting lighting that not only flatters your skin but also accurately represents colors as they would appear under natural sunlight.

        The Importance of Kelvin Temperature in Lighting

        Kelvin temperature plays a crucial role not just in your bathroom but throughout your home or business. Ever wondered why your makeup doesn’t look quite right in the bathroom mirror, despite looking perfect when you applied it? Or why your reflection in a store mirror made your skin tone appear off? The answer often lies in the lighting.

        Different kelvin temperatures can make our skin tone look drastically different. For a flattering, natural look, especially around vanity areas, lighting within the 2400 to 3000 kelvin range is ideal. These temperatures are typically described as “soft white” or “warm white” and are known for enhancing natural skin tones, ensuring you start your day looking and feeling your best.

        5000K: The Choice for True Color Representation

        For those who desire lighting that mimics natural sunlight, achieving true-to-life color representation, 5000K is your go-to kelvin temperature. This "daylight" range is particularly beneficial for tasks requiring precise color differentiation, such as makeup application. With 5000K lighting, what you see is what you get; it ensures your makeup will look as intended in the daylight, outside on a beautiful day. 

        This temperature is especially useful in the bathroom vanity area. It illuminates your face evenly, reducing shadows and providing a clear, bright light that reveals true colors and details. This level of clarity and accuracy makes 5000K ideal not just for makeup application but also for grooming tasks, beware the same rules apply if you use daylight bulbs, and will attending an event with warmer toned lighting.  You make-up will look different again.

        A tip from my wife: She prefers warmer GoodBulb LEDs above the vanity mirror and she uses a separate make-up mirror that has 5000 Kelvin LED lighting, if we are headed to an outdoor event. 


        In conclusion, understanding kelvin temperature is essential in choosing the right lighting for your bathroom and beyond. Whether opting for the warm glow of soft white lights or the true color representation of 5000K daylight bulbs, the correct lighting can significantly enhance your daily routines and confidence. As we continue to innovate and embrace LED technology, let's also commit to making choices that uphold sustainability and reduce environmental impact, ensuring a brighter, greener future for all.

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        What Bulb Is Best For The Bathroom?

        bathroom led bulb examples

        Bathroom Lighting

        There is no study to determine the No. 1 lamp for bathrooms but I believe it's the frosted G25 incandescent globe light bulb with a medium E26 base used in bathroom vanity light fixtures like the middle picture above.

        Can anyone actually say they have never seen globe light bulbs used in a bathroom? I wonder which hotel or designer started the trend that has lasted for decades?

        The globe serves a purpose in residential and commercial bathrooms. The incandescent globe illuminates a soft white light that brings out the color in skin tone and is a great light for getting ready in the morning.

        • When the light is good, it’s easier for the guys to shave
        • When a lady is getting ready she will feel confident about the shade of makeup applied.
        • The incandescent globe is flattering to the skin tones because incandescent had a high CRI. 

        This is one of the problems people face when buying LEDs.  Most LEDs have a low CRI, so the quality of light is worse than incandescent.

        bathroom lighting led examples

        The bad news about the incandescent globe is that it's basically gone and this is good news. Any globe bulb over 40 watts has been phased out and can no longer be manufactured or imported into the USA. If you require a 60 watt it's only available with a shatter proof coating.

        No worries, my friends, there is no reason to panic. Today there are options that provide that same flattering light for skin tones. The only real difference is that the new bulbs will save more than 80 percent in energy costs and last 20 times longer. To buy right light for your application, connect with a Lumen Master at GoodBulb.  We would love to help.

        • Tip from the Wifey who prefers 90+ CRI LED 2700 Kelvin LEDs in bathroom vanity fixtures, a warm spectrum that is a hair brighter than incandescent light. To match incandescent use 2400 Kelvin LEDs. When honey has an outdoor event, she uses a makeup mirror with 5000 Kelvin LEDs that mimic natural light. 
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        Discover the Joy of Perfect Lighting for Every Room in Your Home

        home led lighting

        Imagine stepping into your kitchen, the heart of your home, with a simple flick of a switch, the space is bathed in a clean, bright light that instantly uplifts your mood. Suddenly, a family member enters, squinting against the brightness, longing for a softer, warmer glow. Finding the perfect balance between different lighting preferences has long been a household debate. Customers tell me simply going to store to find a light bulb is challenging. The solution is complicated, and I'm going to do my best to help you make that decision.

        This article will focus on the spectrum of light to use in your homes based on research by Dr. Charles Czeisler, a professor at Harvard Medical School. He believes that if you harmonize your daily activities with the optimal light spectrum, you will improve your circadian rhythms, and I agree.

        We will explore what spectrum of light should illuminate each area of the home, for your recessed can lighting or ambient lighting in each room. Ambient lighting is the primary light source of an area, and the following recommendation will assume your lifestyle aligns with the cycle of the sun. That you spend your weekends at home, you work from 8 to 5, you spend time outdoors, you strive to live a healthy lifestyle.

        I love the word assume, every time I say it, or hear it… I think of Grandpa Lee, another graduate from The Harvard University who told me to never assume for it will make an ass of u and me.

        good light helps the eyes

        The Exterior of your home is the first thing people see and it should be bright. You should also keep your LED lights on from Sun-Down to Sun-Up to keep the Bad Bulbs away. The spectrum of light and placement of fixtures should highlight your home, while abiding by the dark sky principles. For example: If you have a white house, and use 2700k, 3000k, or 4000 kelvin LEDs then your home will not look white.  For this exterior lighting a homeowner should be using Xtra Bright high cri 5000k pure white LEDs that highlight your home and your landscape, but NOT the sky.

        exterior home led lighting

        If the Garage in your home is a place where work gets done then you should be working in a well-lit environment with natural, pure white, high cri 5000 kelvin light. This will help maintain your energy and focus.

        When you walk into your home from the garage, or the side door, then you typically enter the main living section; the kitchen, the TV room, the dining room, the pantry, and the closets.  The light in each space must work together in harmony, to create the perfect ambiance.

        home led lighting

        My approach to lighting a home balances a need for functional illumination with the importance of supporting a family's natural circadian rhythms, especially in the evening. By opting for high CRI (Color Rendering Index) 90+ LEDs at 2700 Kelvin, I choose bulbs that emit a warm, soft light, conducive to relaxation and preparation for sleep, without the stimulating effects of blue light. This choice enhances the ambiance of your main living space but also complements the wood tones in decor, enriching the overall aesthetic with a clean, inviting warmth.

        For homes equipped with dimmable switches, the flexibility to adjust lighting intensity becomes an added advantage. In this scenario, installing high CRI 3000 Kelvin LEDs can offer a brighter, yet warm spectrum of light, ideal for the kitchen where more visibility is needed during the day. This setup allows for the adjustment of light levels throughout the day to match natural light cycles, providing brighter illumination when needed, and softer light in the evenings to wind down. This strategic use of lighting enhances the functionality and beauty of your home but also aligns with healthful living practices by maintaining the natural rhythm of day and night.

        household led lighting

        In my home, family time is spend together in the evenings, on the main floor. Although my teenage daughter, may be missing, she has made leaving her room a time for celebration. The evenings are when we need to reduce our expose to blue light, it’s the time to prepare for sleep and it’s how we keep our circadian rhythms in balance. Blue blockers for your screens, especially in the evenings will also help.

        I don’t use dimmer switches in my home, so we installed high cri 90+ 2700 kelvin LEDs throughout the main level. We also have darker woods tones, making everything look richer and cleaner. If you have dimmable switches, then you could use high cri 90+ 3000 kelvin LED which is a brighter warm spectrum for your living areas during the day.

        home led lighting

        Offices and gyms where energy and focus are paramount, ensuring well-lit environments enriched with natural light is essential. Natural lighting enhances visibility, reduces eye strain, boosts mood, energy levels, and key components for productivity. Incorporating large windows or skylights can maximize daylight exposure. Purchasing the right light bulbs for these spaces supports mental alertness and physical vitality, fostering an atmosphere where concentration and performance thrive.

        Hallways and bedrooms, where relaxation and minimizing exposure to blue light is beneficial, especially before sleep, we again recommend softer lighting solutions. LEDs with high cri that emit light in the 2200k to 2700k range offer a cozy, warm glow reminiscent of sunset or candlelight. This warmer spectrum helps in winding down and preparing the body for sleep by reducing the interference with our circadian rhythms. Incorporating these lower kelvin temp, high CRI LEDs into bedrooms and hallways creates a serene and inviting ambiance while supporting healthier sleep patterns and overall well-being.

        home led lighting

        For optimal illumination in bathrooms, high cri 3000 Kelvin provides a warm yet bright environment conducive to everyday grooming. This setting offers a flattering light that closely mimics natural daylight indoors, ideal for makeup application. Incorporating a high CRI makeup light at 5000 kelvin, the light of a midday sun, ensures that makeup applied indoors will look just as intended under the sun, making it perfect for preparing for outdoor events.

        The above are solutions for Ambient Lighting, the primary source of light in a space, providing overall illumination. It's often achieved through ceiling mounted fixtures, recessed can lights, integrated LED fixtures, or wall-mounted fixtures.

        The Introduction of Integrated LED fixtures, a fixture that does NOT have a replaceable bulb is flooding the market for residential and commercial applications to be the main source of ambient lighting. Fixtures that are designed for effortless installation, promising a significant upgrade to your home's lighting with just a few simple steps. They are beautiful fixtures with a modern design and versatile components that allow you to select the color of light and sometimes how much light (lumens - watts).

        My only concern with these kits designed to replace recessed can lights and fixtures with a bulb, is that these fixtures don’t have a bulb to replace. They will burn out one day, and many are engineered and designed to fail within just a few years. When the time comes, you will not be changing a light bulb, you will need to replace an entire fixture. Millions of fixtures that need to be replaced and disposed, rather than just a bulb.

        Task Lighting is focused lighting designed to aid in performing specific tasks such as reading, cooking, or working. Desk lamp and under-cabinet lights over a kitchen islands are common examples. Use natural light as much as possible. If indoors, a mix of warm and cool artificial light can help maintain balanced energy. For example, use 5000K in desk lamps, so reading is easier, and if you are right-handed, the desk lamp should always be on your left.

        home led lighting

        Accent Lighting is used to highlight architectural features, artwork, or important objects within a space. This can include track lighting, spotlighting, or wall-mounted picture lights. The spectrum of light depends on what you’re accenting.

        Vanity Lighting is a type of lighting designed to illuminate the area around a mirror, providing clear, even lighting that minimizes shadows on the face. They come in various styles and designs, from sleek LED bars to more traditional bulb fixtures, as discussed earlier, I recommend 3000K in bathroom vanity lighting.

        Track Lighting consists of a series of lights mounted on a continuous track. This flexible lighting solution can be adjusted and directed as needed, making it ideal for accent and task lighting.

        Pendant Lighting is a hanging fixture used for task lighting over kitchen islands, dining tables, or other work areas. They can add a decorative element to a room and should emulate your ambient lighting. I use high cri 2200 Kelvin LEDs in my pennant main living area fixtures, accenting the fixture with a slight contrast from the high cri 2700 kelvin recessed can lights. 

        Chandelier Lighting is a decorative fixture mounted on the ceiling, typically used in dining rooms, entryways, or large spaces for ambient lighting or aesthetic appeal. I recommend high cri 2700K LEDs for silver and white chandeliers.  For gold, bronze or black chandeliers, I install high cri 2200K tinted amber glass LEDs.

        indoor led light bulbs

        Wall Sconces and Flush Mount fixtures are installed on walls to provide ambient, task, or accent lighting. They're often used in hallways, bedrooms, and living rooms. If a room does not have enough light, and only utilizes one ceiling mounted fixture, you can easily add recessed can lights, piggy backing of the line voltage from this fixture.

        Floor Lamps are stand-alone lamps that can offer ambient or task lighting, depending on their design. They're versatile and can be easily moved around.

        Table Lamps are an ideal light source for task lighting, reading, and can serve as decorative fixtures. They're commonly used in living rooms and bedrooms. The decision on what spectrum of light is based on usage. Is the lamp for ambiance or a place where work gets done.

        Indirect Lighting is hidden and directed towards the ceiling or a wall, creating a soft and diffused light that reduces shadows and glare.

        LED Strips are flexible LEDs that can be used for task lighting, accent lighting, or to add a decorative touch to various areas like under cabinets, along shelves, or behind TVs.

        Each type of lighting serves different purposes and can be used alone or in combination to achieve the desired lighting effect in a space, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.

        indoor natural led light

        A Solution for Every Household

        With GoodBulb LED lighting solutions, the age-old lighting debate in your household can finally come to a peaceful resolution. Embrace the freedom to customize your home’s lighting for every occasion, mood, or preference, ensuring that every room is a space where family, friends, and strangers feel happy and comfortable.

        Embrace the Change

        As we embrace these advancements in lighting technology, the control over our home's ambiance is literally at our fingertips. No longer do we have to compromise on comfort for efficiency or aesthetics for functionality. GoodBulb's LED solutions represent a significant step forward in creating homes that are not just places to live, but spaces where we can truly thrive, reflecting our personal styles and preferences in every room.

        Whether you're an advocate for bright, energizing spaces or a lover of warm, cozy nooks, the power to create your perfect home environment has never been more accessible. Explore the possibilities with GoodBulb LED solutions and discover how a simple change can transform your home into a haven of happiness and comfort for the whole family.

        contact a lighting expert

        led lighting expert

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        Reopen Your Business with Style: Upgrade Your Lighting

        business is open

        Welcome back your customers with new lighting and a fresh look.

        Regardless of where you are in the phases of reopening your business amidst COVID-19 guidelines, one thing is certain — this is an opportunity for you to wow your customers. One way to give your business a low-cost makeover? New lighting!

        You know that dead lightbulb you’ve been meaning to replace? Let’s take care of that. As a matter of fact, why not spruce up all your lighting design. Here are three ways to get started:

        led updates in a business

        Upgrade to LEDs.

        Not only do LEDs give you a bright, beautiful light — they save you money! Investing in LED technology is one of the easiest ways for a business to save money and see a return on their investment. LEDs are 80 percent more efficient in converting energy to light than an incandescent. This means you can use a bulb that uses 80 percent fewer watts and still have the same amount of light. You instantly see the savings on that energy bill. To browse some LED options we love, click here.

        Use ambient lighting to set the tone.

        Particularly for restaurants or hotels, setting the right tone with your lighting can be a make-it-or-break-it factor in your customer’s experience. Romantic, soft lighting? Or bright, happy, and clean? Our lighting experts have years of expertise in a variety of industries. They are here to listen to your vision for your business ambiance and can direct you to the right lighting solutions. Tell us more here, or call us any time at 701-205-4953.

        best features led lighting

        Highlight your best features with a custom lighting design.

        It’s not just the quality of the lightbulbs that make a difference — it’s your lighting layout design, too. At GoodBulb, our lighting experts understand the nuance of how to set up your lighting to achieve your desired lighting in the most efficient (and in-budget) way possible. We will work directly with you to create a custom layout for your business space. Give us a call today at 701-205-4953.

        “GoodBulb helped us plan out a design plan that was able to meet and exceed my facility requirements …while staying within my budget requirements. 

        Seth Walton, owner of Viking Land Harley-Davidson dealership and GoodBulb customer.

        Lighting is often mistakenly overlooked when it comes to customer experience. In our conversation with Seth, he shared that lighting has made a big impact on how his customers see his product. “High-quality, efficient lighting is often not viewed as part of the customer experience,” he said. “But it’s crucial to creating a good representation of your product.”

        We’re here to help. Make the most of this time preparing to reopen and give your business a lighting facelift. Your customers will notice!

        Call us today at 701-205-4953 to get started.

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        What is the best lighting for car dealerships?

        Be The Light: LED Insights for car dealerships from a success story.

        What is the best lighting for a car dealership? A better question might be, “How do you bridge the gap between digitial and physical reality?” according to Jeff Richmond, General Manager at Valley Imports, in Fargo North Dakota..

        First impressions and customer satisfaction dictate the pace of sales and lighting can help keep the dream of the customer alive, You don’t want what they fell in love with online to die when they walk in the door”

        Jeff has been in the car dealership industry for over 30 years. He’s watched as the industry and customer behavior has changed with the times — perhaps the biggest change being the shift from in-person shopping to online shopping.

        In earlier years, customers would come and drive by the dealerships, or walk through the parking lots, checking out each vehicle to see which one they want. At that time, Jeff said, lighting was crucial for drawing customer attention and making the sale. Today lighting is about not losing the sale.

        earn customers business

        Quote From— Jeff Richmond, Valley Imports General Manager

        Today, customers do their shopping and research online, they decide which car they want to buy before they’ve even seen it on the lot. Lighting and presentation are responsible for living up to the pristine photos that customers see on your website.

        At Valley Imports in Fargo North Dakota, where they sell Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Volkswagen, and Mitsubishi, presentation is everything — from screen to reality.

        “We offer 40-60 pictures on our website for each of our cars, because our cars have so many options. For the fancier cars, people like to look for their unique customizations. If we don’t give them a quality online experience, we’ve failed them,” he said. “And when they do finally decide to pull that ripcord and drive on the lot, if that car doesn’t look as good as it does in the pictures online, we’ve failed them again.”

        good led lighting sells cars

        Jeff equates it to the experience of seeing a juicy Hardy’s hamburger in a sexy commercial.

        “In the commercial, the burger looks like a million bucks. Then you run over to Hardy’s and you open the box and the burger looks nothing like it, There’s a level of disappointment that the next time you see a commercial, you will not go get it. That’s what we’re trying to avoid with the right LED lighting.”

        So what is the right light? Jeff Richards turns to the lighting experts at GoodBulb for that. As a long-time customer — over a decade! — Jeff knows that working with Lumen Masters, Valley Imports is able to follow the lighting designs sent over from the car manufacturers and create a dazzling showroom experience for customers.

        “I like to see my reflection in the paint and you can only do that with the right lights,” Jeff said. “The diagram is important, but having the right bulbs is 75% of the job.”

        • Tip from Lighting Expert Adam:  Warm lighting that is 2700K to 4000K is wrong in a car dealership. If you want to feel the positive energy, if you need your hoods to sparkle, if you want those paint jobs to shine, then high CRI 90+ 5000 Kelvin is your bulb and it's available in light bulbs of every shape and every size your dealership may require.
        interior led lighting for car dealership

        Which LED lighting is a good choice for car dealerships?

        At Valley Imports, you can find the showroom lights on 24/7.

        “People like to press their nose up to the glass and see the cars,” Jeff said. “I think the lighting on our brands gets people to stop, and then the lighting on the interior gets people to stay.”

        Using long-lasting, sustainable LED lighting has been a game-changer when it comes to longevity and energy-saving, Jeff said. 

        “When this facility was built in 1998, non-LED bulbs were used throughout,” Jeff said. “Today, even with rising energy costs, we spend much less than we did in 1998. We’ve added two showrooms since then as well, and our bills are still less than they were.”

        Yes, LEDs do cost more upfront, Jeff said — but in the long-run, they not only look better, but they make up the cost by lowering your energy bill over time.

        “It costs you a little bit more today, but the longevity of GoodBulb LEDs, and the difference they make, it’s really a no-brainer,” he said.

        car dealership Fargo ND

        What is the best lighting for the service department?

        Another area of the car dealership where lighting becomes crucial is the service department. Here is where technicians take your vehicle for upkeep — and no, it’s not a dark, greasy, place.

        “The old perception of dealership service departments being dark and dingy and technicians being covered in grease, and lighting being bad — people get that from TV shows,” Jeff said. “Today, it’s not like that. First of all, most shops are pretty open. A customer walks in, and they can see almost all of the 27 bays without walking too far. They want to see their car, see it up on the hoist, and see the work being done. It’s important to be light and bright and inviting.”

        Having proper lighting for your service department is important not just for customers to see, but of course, for the technicians too! Jeff sees it as an investment that enables technicians to do their job better, as well as show them you value their work.

        “From an employee view, technicians deserve to work in a well-lit environment,” he said. “You come to work each day and your bay is bright and clean. They don’t get down in the dumps in the middle of the day because they’re working in a dungeon. So you can see what you’re doing, and you feel valued as a technician.”

        better light for car dealerships
        What is the best lighting for car dealership parking lots?

        While customers may not be doing their drive-by shopping as much as the pre-online-shopping era — people are still checking out your cars while they drive by. This is where parking lot lighting can shine. Jeff’s seen it happen time and time again:

        “Say you want a bright red beetle, and it looks like a million bucks online. One Sunday afternoon, when the dealership is closed because you don’t want to get hassled, you come over and look at the car. You can see it while you’re driving down the road. But when you pull up, and it does not look good. The lighting is so poor that you can’t even really tell. You cant see the interior, the shine on the aloe wheels, the shine on the Volkswagen logo on the hood of the car. All of those disappointment touches, you can avoid if you have the right lighting.”

        GoodBulb has supplied all of the Valley Imports exterior and interior lighting. Our lot is clean and super bright. GoodBulb experts have always been there to help, when we need it.

        “I can tell you that there’s not a lot of dealers who do a good job with lighting in small towns. They think it's a waste of money. But it’s not a waste of money; they have no idea how many sales they’re losing by their cars not standing tall on their lot.”
        — Jeff Richmond, Valley Imports

        right light for car dealership

        Why is lighting important for car dealerships?

        Sometimes, Jeff said, it can be hard to demonstrate the value of investing in good lighting for your car dealership. However, the energy ROI is undebatable, he said.

        It’s part of staying competitive in an industry that is swiftly changing, with new competition always around the corner. Jeff looks to new competitors – such as purely online car sales or car vending machines — and shakes his head. In the end, small-town car dealerships aren’t simply a place to buy a car; they’re a place where you build a relationship with your “car guy,” and where you can see a friendly face. It’s a business name you might see as a sponsor for local community events, or at your kid’s school.

        “I saw a billboard that said, ‘When was the last time Amazon sponsored your Little League team?’” Jeff said. “Local dealerships are some of the biggest providers of sponsorships to local organizations. I hope people think about that.”

        Nevertheless, change is already here. It’s up to small-town dealerships to find ways to stay competitive in these new markets.

        “You have to figure out a different way to set yourself apart,” Jeff said. “Having your car stand tall no matter where the customer is shopping — online, in your lot, in your showroom. As soon as a customer is let down, they’ll leave. Your cars have to be looking like a million bucks at all times. And with the right lighting, they can.”

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        Shine bright like a Harley: How lighting makes all the difference for dealerships.

        exterior of a Harley Davidson dealership


        Step inside the Viking Land Harley-Davidson dealership and you might not pay special attention to the 20-foot ceilings with over 50 light fixtures. You might not notice the way the lighting is set to a specific brightness and angle but you will notice the way it sparkles off the rich paint of each Harley-Davidson bike.

        You’ll can feel the light, the power, and the beauty as you immerse the in-store experience, good lighting makes a difference.

        Seth Walton, Viking Land co-owner, knows this well. He’s a fantastic customer who is ready to tell his story.

        • “High-quality, efficient lighting is not viewed as part of the customer experience,” he said. “but it’s crucial to creating a good representation of your product.”

        With a brand as well-respected and well-loved as the American Harley-Davidson, displaying the motorcycle and creating the customer experience is part of managing a dealership. In fact, once a year, Harley Davidson sends a representative to each dealership to ensure they are meeting brand standards for their showrooms and service departments.

        • “As Harley-Davidson dealers, we are selling the most well-known premium brand of motorcycles in the world, we bear a level of responsibility,” Seth said.

        “Not only do we as dealers see the value of good lighting, but the Harley-Davidson Motor Company has very specific guidelines that dealers are required to follow for all departments. From the showroom floor, to the parts counter and service bays in the back, lighting guidelines that Corporate sets are for the benefit of employees and more importantly, the customers.”

        That said, when Seth and his father first began designing their dealership, Viking Land knew they had to uphold those same standards for layout and lighting. The building was formerly a Cadillac dealership, with 20-foot-high ceilings and more than 50 fluorescent light fixtures. But they quickly realized this wasn’t going to be the most sustainable option.

        • “Because the lights were fluorescent, the lumens went down over time. We had to go around a few times a year to change the bulbs,” Seth said.

        With such high ceilings, it wasn’t as simple as unscrewing a bulb. With the time and effort it took to find and replace fluorescent bulbs, Seth quickly realized they needed a better lighting solution. After a bad experience installing some LED (light-emitting diode) fixtures that he found in a box store, he decided to search for lighting experts. He heard about the work Goodbulb was doing with other dealerships and decided to contact a GoodBulb Lumen Master.

        led for Harley Davidson dealerships

        Right away, GoodBulb worked with Seth to create a lighting design that offered the best lighting experience throughout the store. For instance, fixtures were hung at different lengths and we reduce that number to make one cohesive level of lighting. GoodBulb upgraded all the lighting fixtures to LEDs for better quality light and long-term sustainability.  

        • “GoodBulb has been there from start to finish, helping us plan out a design that was able to meet and exceed my facility requirements both on the interior and exterior of my buildings, while staying within my budget requirements,” Seth said.
        led fixtures inside a Harley Davidson dealership 
        The Viking Land Harley-Davidson showroom
          “The biggest indicator was what they said about the paint.”

        After upgrading to LED and cleaning up the lighting layout design, Seth noticed the difference immediately — and, so did his customers. 

        "For anyone who’s a true fan, you know how important the paint is for a Harley-Davidson bike. Whether jet black or cherry red, Harley-Davidson has a very specific process for painting and finishing a bike. Good lighting highlights this feature for the customer." Seth said.

        “There’s so much depth to Harley paint,” he said. “In the proper lighting, you receive more compliments on the brilliance of colors and the metal flakes.”

        • "Another important reason for proper lighting is for the mechanics in the showroom. This team is working and it’s crucial that the lighting helps them see each part clearly so they can do their best work for the customer."
        lighting for motorcycle dealerships


        “We want customers to see the depth and contrast on the high quality of the manufacturing process and paint, and we want our mechanics to see the details of each part they are working on in the back,” he said.

        Since partnering with GoodBulb, Seth has been able to maintain the high standards of the Harley-Davidson brand, and provide a better customer experience through proper lighting design. And of course, if a bulb was to ever dim or a problem occurs, GoodBulb is there.

        • “Not many can people can say they know their lighting guy,” Seth said with a smile. “GoodBulb regularly checks back in so see if we need anything. You don’t get that level of service from a lot of places.”

        Now, as a business owner who has seen the value of proper lighting, Seth notices the difference it can make in any showroom, in any industry. It’s something he encourages other business owners to prioritize as well.

        “Good visibility is a concept that applies to all of retail,” he said. “We owe it to ourselves and our customers to provide the best experience possible. When you care about your product, you show it in the best light.”

        difference good led lighting makes in a dealership

        In the world of retail, where every detail can make or break the customer experience, the story of Viking Land Harley-Davidson stands as a story of excellence. Seth Walton's journey with GoodBulb has not only elevated the showcase of iconic motorcycles but has redefined the ambiance of his dealership, proving the transformative power of quality lighting. This is a call to other dealerships to envision beyond the ordinary. Connecting with GoodBulb is not just about upgrading to LED lighting; it’s about embracing a partnership that cares for your brand's presentation as much as you do.

        It's about ensuring that every chrome glint and paint gloss under your roof tells a story of quality, care, and unparalleled customer experience. Let GoodBulb guide you through a lighting revolution that not only meets the meticulous standards of Harley-Davidson but sets a new benchmark in retail presentation. Join the ranks of those who choose to present their products in the best light possible. Illuminate your dealership with GoodBulb LED, and watch as the quality of your lighting transforms the way customers see your product, enhancing both visibility and sales.

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        Re-energizing Your Hotel Post Employee Turnover

        Reflections on how to maintain & upgrade hotel operations.

        Recently, I’ve noticed a troubling trend after speaking and visiting with hotel management both in my local community and across the nation. As hotel doors are alway open, there is an industry-wide challenge of keeping track of hotel manager and maintenance engineer operations. This makes it extremely difficult to pass on information when the job is transferred to someone new. Post job turnover is high and many new hotel managers are left pondering questions like:

        • What type of lightbulbs were used in this hallway? 
        • What color paint is in these rooms? 
        • How do we fix the ovens, the heating, the a/c, etc.?
        I am the Chief Lighting Officer at GoodBulb and I have worked with hotels for several decades I have the utmost respect for the hotel manager position. Whether it’s a 12-room motel or a 240-room hotel, making sure guests are comfortable and have a fantastic experience is a job that requires heart. They manage a team of amazing individuals who need to work together maintaining and improving ambiance, keeping the rooms feeling fresh and welcoming, the pool immaculate, and the lights on.

        I’m writing to acknowledge the difficulties that many hotel managers and heads of maintenance are experiencing, and to offer some encouragement, support, and a way to solve the problem. Despite the challenges of “starting over” with new staff and problems to fix, I’ve seen hotels take this as a time to refresh and re-energize, yielding amazing results.


        Here are a few creative ways hotels are making the most of their new opportunity:


        improved hotel lighting

        Set the tone with a new ambiance

        Hotels are a gateway to creating an experience or a home away from home. Now is the time to consider the impression your hotel has on guests. How does the lighting look when a guest arrives on your property during the day and the night, as they walk into your lobby, the hallways, and in to the rooms? 

        At GoodBulb, we help you create a lighting strategy that matches the ambiance you want. Is it a warm comforting room in 2700 to 3500 Kelvin, or a brighter white 5000 Kelvin? Both are perfect depending on what you want the customer to experience. We have good bulbs and a team of Lumen Masters to design a lighting layout that brings your vision to life.

        Create a lighting layout plan

        Guests often don’t realize the extent of lighting required to maintain a property—the hotel exterior, pathway lighting, elevator lighting, stairwell lighting, parking lot lighting, etc. This is why we invest the time in building a relationship and understanding your hotels’ goals. Our team realizes that each hotel operates differently, which is why we make efforts to meet with you by phone, video conferences, and on-site consultations when possible. We ask what bulbs are used in each section of the property, we gather photos of the various lighting fixtures, and we create a thorough documentation of the entire lighting layout.

        For hotels that have worked with GoodBulb, we maintain a history of the lighting layout and required light bulbs to maintain intended ambiance for years to come. This makes the information easily transferable between hotel management and staff, or when training a new hotel head of maintenance takes the reigns.

        contact lighting expertlighting experts in Fargo

        Stop using buying groups

        Something I’ve experienced working with hotels is that before GoodBulb many rellied on buying groups for their light bulbs. These buying groups are removed from the property and do not understand lighting. I’ve seen buying groups send replacement bulbs without any regard for their existing lighting. This results in mismatched colors and shapes and can ruin the ambiance. It often causes more problems for my team to fix. With buying groups, when a new hotel manager or hotel maintenance engineer has questions, there isn’t anyone that can give a good answer.

        The only thing worse would be the maintenance guy wandering the aisles of a box store, or scrolling the internet searching through an endless stream of options.  Fingers crossed they ordered the right product.

        My recommendation is to find a lighting team that will take the time to understand your hotel, creating a custom lighting solution for your property.

        Upgrade equipment, save money

        Perhaps you have not yet switched to LED lighting. If you have not yet switched you need to do it NOW. Old lighting is costing you dollars and it’s an easy upgrade. You will see the energy savings, maintenance savings, and a better quality of light.

        Rejuvenate, re-energize, reopen!

        You are open to the world, and people want to travel. Breathe life back into your hotel. Now is the time! And if you are need of lighting support we are just a phone call away. 701-205-4953 and ask for a Lumen Master. Or, send us a message at Our team is here to listen, support, and provide the best lighting solutions possible.

        P.S. If you’re in the hospitality/hotel industry, we have a TON of content specifically for hotel management and hotel lighting. You won’t want to miss it. Here’s how you can stay in touch for valuable hotel lighting tips:

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        The Most Effective Gym Lighting for Hotels

        gym lighting in a hotel

        Exercise is a lifestyle and the hotel gym is an experience for the novice, the committed, and the travelers who don’t have the luxury of owning a home gym or having a gym membership. The action of going to the gym becomes a statement that everyone is proud to say. It doesn’t matter if it’s their first workout in two years or something that’s done on a regular basis. Pride is an emotion that we want your guests to feel and a good gym with good bulbs will brighten someone’s day. Pun is absolutely intended. Some will walk into your gym with butterflies, unsure what they are going to do while others will have a plan or workout schedule they are committed to. Nervous or excited, your guests will explore the gym, they will use the gym and lighting plays a very important part in the experience. 

        We all agree that the gym is an important aspect to your hotel because hitting the gym for a good workout is either important or intriguing to your guests during their stay. Travelers, business people, and staycationers look into a hotel gym’s amenities, space and ambiance when they are searching for a hotel and when they are considering staying at a hotel for the second or third trip. Guests will include a gym rating review in their overall satisfaction when they tell others what it was like to stay at your location. Today a hotel gym attracts guests and your guests expect enough space, equipment, and quality lighting to motivate them through their workout. Gone are the days when hotel gyms were hidden in one small dark corner or basement of a hotel. Dwayne MacEwen, DMCA Architecture Principal, explained that “it’s no longer acceptable for fitness facilities to be tucked away in the basement or a small, dark and dreary room in the hotel; it needs to be out in the public space, by the pool or adjacent to a food-and-beverage outlet.” We recently helped a hotel with replacement LEDs throughout their property. They displayed a lone Peloton Bike in its own space right next to the pool in addition to the second-floor gym that looked over the pool. That was cool. Hotels and hospitality brands have come to realize this reality and have begun redesigning their hotel gyms for they understand that in today’s world hotel gyms have become a unique selling point and a key indicator for repeat business if done correctly.

        For all these reasons, hotel owners must do their best to keep up with the times and stay in the game, providing a complete experience that now includes the best working-out experience to help their clientele stay in line with their fitness goals. 

        gym lighting

        Why Hotel Gym Lighting?

        To do this, hotel owners must focus their attention on several areas when it comes to designing their hotel gym. One of which is gym lighting. According to Neal Pire, a manager, and consultant for a fitness center, 

        “You can redesign a room to get the mood and response you want from your participants by changing nothing but the lighting. It can motivate or it can subdue. It has a very powerful effect.” 

        The lighting in your hotel gym can be the deciding factor that keeps your hotel guest happy while pursuing their fitness goals.

        Imagine going to a hotel gym where the lighting is poor. When the lighting is too dark, the clients may feel unsafe, unenergized, and it will affect their workout. Conversely, when the lighting is too bright, they might be distracted and disturbed in their exercise. This will certainly not be a good experience for them. Now, think about going to a hotel gym where the lighting is the same throughout the space. This may be okay with the guests, but it can scarcely give them an experience and might even make them feel bored and unmotivated. You probably have experienced this yourself.

        Gym lighting is one piece of the giant puzzle for hotel owners and management that is too important to ignore. Proper lighting in every area must support the clients in their workout, the ambiance of the lighting must give them comfort and security, and finally, the quality of lighting must increase the overall appeal of the gym and the hotel itself. In short, it must be a holistic lighting approach as much as possible. Different areas in the gym require special lighting to serve their function well for both guests and the entire hotel.

        Now, you might be wondering how to achieve this. 

        hotel gym led lighting

        Gym vs Fitness Center vs Health Club

        Before we dive into the best gym lighting practices for hotels, let’s first differentiate between a gym, a fitness center, and a health club. Knowing this will help hotel owners better understand what they have to offer and what their hotel gym lighting needs are. 

        Gym Lighting

        Many people interchangeably use these three, but there is a difference. First, a gym is a place for indoor physical workouts. Traditionally, it contains equipment and machines for different types of physical workouts. Usually, the focus is on physique building and development, and personal trainers are holding one-on-one coaching, but very rarely group classes. 

        Fitness Center

        Next, a fitness center focuses on both indoor and outdoor workout exercises. Aside from having indoor equipment for exercises like that of a gym, there are also outdoor facilities such as a pool, a tennis court, a golf course, saunas, etc. Unlike a gym, a fitness center does hold group classes more, but there may be personal training as well. With that, a fitness center is broader and more flexible than a gym. 

        Health Club

        Finally, a health club is dedicated to building up not only the body but also the mind, its focus is on the holistic well-being of the members. Typically, it has all the characteristics and amenities that a gym and a fitness center have PLUS mind and even spiritual workout routines like yoga. 

        What do you offer in your hotel gym? Having a combination of these three is possible. Whatever it is that you might be offering in your hotel requires special lighting needs. Workout equipment needs lighting that won’t produce glare and hurt people’s eyes while working out. Having a tennis court or a pool involves lighting that is bright for clear visibility. Doing yoga classes may need dimming to create the necessary ambiance for focus. The activities that you offer are one of many factors that will determine your hotel’s gym lighting plan. 

        fancy led gym lighting

        The Best Gym Lighting 

        So now what is the best lighting for a hotel gym, a fitness center, or a health club? The short answer is a combination of natural light (sunlight) and artificial light. Lesley Hughes Wyman, MatchLine Design Group Co-Founder, and Principal said that:

         “fitness centers should provide plenty of natural light and access to the outdoors.” 

        Scientifically, we all know that a good amount of sunlight is beneficial to the body. Aside from that, studies show that natural light motivates gym-goers and even athletes physically, mentally, and even emotionally and enables more concentration among them. It naturally tells the body to be awake and be ready for activity. We probably know the mood-enhancing effects of daylight while working out. We have probably experienced being motivated while doing yoga in the garden where the sun rays reach while meditating, going for a run in the afternoon sunlight, and even getting a good sweat through a circuit workout under the sun. 

        For such reasons, it’s a best practice for hotel owners to utilize both sunlight and artificial light. The sunlight is always the best light when working out, and the artificial light gives support where needed and even functions single-handedly in place of the sunlight when it cannot be there. 

        Allowing sunlight to enter a space can be possible through glass windows, doors and even ceiling skylights strategically put in place, depending on the function and the purpose of the gym area, and always keeping in mind the members who use these spaces.

        If bringing in natural sunlight is not possible, the best thing to do is to mimic it in color and direction. Get light fixtures that are close to natural daylight as much as possible and place them above the head just like the sun. Again, these fixtures together with all the other lighting sources must be installed in areas accordingly.

        Suitable Light Sources for Hotel Gym Areas 

        Weight Area

        In this area, the people are often dedicated to bodybuilding goals. They require focus, persistence, and motivation, and the right lighting will encourage these things among them. 

        LED linear lights are often the choice for this area. Linear lamps are great for distributing lights in a wide room and for doing specific tasks, which are needed for accomplishing certain weight-lifting workouts. Using linear lights supports the focus and attention to detail that those doing this workout need. 

        In lighting the weight area, consider the ceiling and light fixtures since some weight exercises use equipment like kettlebells, medicine balls, etc. that require lifting and even throwing above the head and other directions. 

        Cardio Area

        This area has lots of machines like treadmills, stair climbers, elliptical machines, air bikes, etc. used for cardio. 

        Recessed lights will work best for this space since they are installed into the ceiling and are therefore further away from the machines than suspended and mounted lights. This kind of installation produces a low glare when projected onto the machines and thus does not produce too much eye disturbance to your guests. 

        Of course, it is also important to keep in mind the amount of brightness or lumens of your lighting to avoid a high glare. Ultimately, brightness, reflection, and placement must be taken into consideration when planning the cardio area lighting. 

        Group Fitness Areas

        This place normally holds different fitness classes like yoga, Pilates, cycling, body pump, and many others. Given this, dimmable lighting is the best choice for this area since it can create certain lighting styles and the ambiance needed for every kind of class. Since this place is used at various times throughout the day, the light needs to be heavy-duty and energy-efficient at the same time to save on energy bills. For this purpose, dimmable LED lights are best. LEDs in general are the most versatile and cost-effective type of lighting. They have longer lifespans and have great dimming capabilities as well. Some even have occupancy sensors that turn on and off automatically. Aside from this, they tend to emit a low amount of heat compared to other types of lighting. This is great since some classes tend to be very intense, producing a great amount of heat in the body, and LED lights won’t contribute to heat already produced in the room.

        Lighting Different Areas

        Aerobics and HIIT 

        These exercises require a lot of energy and movement. Bright yellow and orange lighting will help create the necessary mood for these workouts, but still provide the right amount of illumination needed for visibility to avoid injury. Your guests need to see clearly and move freely while doing these workouts. 


        This exercise is becoming a hit lately along with using creative dark lighting for these types of exercises. Since this is a stationary exercise where gym-goers stay in place during the workout, bright white lights aren’t that necessary. Instead, dark lighting colors such as purple, red, and dark blue that can be controlled/dimmed to change colors and rhythms and integrated with music are in this kind of fitness space. It creates a nightclub-like workout experience that is unique, fun, and interesting for cycling students. 

        Ultimately, these elements make this stationary workout exciting and enjoyable. 

        Yoga and Pilates 

        These fitness classes are big on concentration and ambiance. Soft and soothing lighting suits best for these classes. It is important that the lighting in these workouts help create a calm atmosphere so that guests can focus on their breathing and rhythm. Having a soft light that can be dimmed to the desired level, sometimes bright and other times dark for both classes, depending on the exercise goal and desired feel, will create that mood. Battery-operated electric candles are increasingly popular and set the tone for indulgent restoration.

        Some Commonly Used Gym Lights

        High Bays

        For hotel gyms with a 20-40 ft. ceiling, high bays are recommended. They may be recessed, suspended, or mounted. They tend to produce a low glare on the floor since they are installed from a high point. Shop high bay lighting.

        Linear Lights

        These lights are very popular in gyms since they are architecturally appealing. They blend well with the surroundings most of the time. They are commonly seen in weight rooms, group class areas, and main workout rooms.

        Track Lights

        Track lighting is also a hit today, just like linear lights, track lights are trendy. They are very adaptable and are thus used in group classrooms, weight rooms, and cardio rooms. 

        Other Things for Consideration

        Gym Space and Design

        Just like other trends, gym trends change with time, and gym lighting evolves with them. That’s why hotel owners need to know the latest trends every time and make the necessary developments. Also, at times, just changing the lighting makes the gym up to date. 


        The ceiling is one of the things that must be looked into when planning gym lighting. The type of ceiling that you have in your hotel gym determines the kind of lighting fixtures that you can install. 

        Common Types of Gym Ceiling 

        1. Plasterboard Ceiling – This is the most versatile type of ceiling. It fits well with any type of lighting. Usually, it is paired with recessed and suspended options. 
        2. Concrete Ceiling – This ceiling is best suited with mounted lighting solutions. 
        3. T-Bar Ceiling – This looks best with troffer lighting for a streamlined look.

        Opening Hours

        Considering your business hours is also necessary, especially if you’re operating your hotel gym 24 hours a day. If you do, then you’ll want to go with durable and energy-efficient lighting that can hold up in the gym environment while saving you money. You may also plan to install automatic light fixtures, which are great for energy savings as well. 

        Color Rendering Index (CRI) 

        CRI is the ability of light to render the color of the object it illuminates. The higher the CRI, the better ability it has to present the truest color of an object. Oftentimes, gym lighting with high CRI ratings displays a higher quality of light and is therefore much more appealing to guests. It is recommended to have a CRI rating that’s above 80 for this reason.

        The New Wave, Hotel Gym Lighting

        Hotel gym lighting done properly in every area will surely increase the overall appeal of your hotel, allowing you to keep the interest of your clients and encourage new ones. Taking this step enables them to see that you value them and their fitness goals by providing a safe place that supports them in their workout goals in all aspects while on the go. 

        As stated by Marc Ciafardini, Wilson Associates’ Dallas studio’s senior interior designer, 

        “Owners understand the importance of providing spacious fitness centers with surrounding views, even if it means sacrificing square footage of guest rooms to accommodate for this. Health and wellness have become increasingly important to guests.” 

        The hotel gym is now an essential part of every hotel, if not the most important aspect.

        Wrap Up

        This wraps up our bedroom and bathroom segment for our hotel lighting guide. As usual, we covered a lot of ground in this segment but you can count on us to do a quick recap below.

      • Guests expect hotels to offer robust gyms to support their healthy lifestyles
      • Hotel gym lighting requires that you create a lighting blend that resembles gym lighting, fitness center lighting, and health club lighting
      • Natural light is always a great option for hotel gyms and artificial lighting should match
      • Different areas such as aerobics, cycling, or pilates require different lighting solutions
      • Common lighting solutions are high bays, linear lights, and track lighting
      • There’s a good amount of information that we covered in this section so be sure to take some notes, review particular areas, and know what you can visit or call us at (701) 205-4953 to work with a Lumen Master. We at GoodBulb have over two decades of industry experience in helping hotel owners and managers shape their visual perceptions and save on energy costs.

        Be sure to subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

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        7 Mistakes to Avoid When Lighting Your Hotel

        hotel room lighting LEDs

        As a hotel manager or hotel owner, there are many aspects to making your guests’ stay the most comfortable. One of the best ways to create that feeling is through your lighting strategy. When your lighting layout is working—setting the right tone, compliments the room and decoration, functional for reading, working, or applying makeup—guests have a positive experience. Likewise, when the lighting strategy is not working—mismatched lighting temperatures, flickering bulbs, too dim—guests will notice, and it reflects poorly on your hotel.

        This is why we’ve put together 7 common lighting mistakes to avoid when lighting your hotel! Use this as your guide to avoid lighting errors, and create a wonderful lighting experience for your guests.

        Low quality light bulbs

        Have you ever taken a video on your phone and noticed the lighting in the room is flickering? This is caused by a lower quality bulb with a low electrical refresh cycle. Low electrical refresh cycle can lead to eye strain and fatigue for your guests. Solution? Invest in the right bulbs! Guests may not realize it’s the lighting that’s making a difference, but they will feel it. Avoid eye fatigue and headaches from bad lighting, and get high-quality bulbs that look good.

        hotel room led lighting

        Low, dim lighting

        It can be tempting to prioritize ambiance over practicality when it comes to lighting. Yet when lighting a room for your guest, it’s important to find the right balance of not just making the place cozy, but what your guests will use it for. Use a brighter light at the desk for those who need to get work done late into the night. Put a dimmable light by the bed for those who like to read before sleep. Don’t forget proper lighting for the closet and dressing area.

        Not enough lighting for room size

        Make sure your lighting layout is appropriate for the layout of the room. The lighting needs for a small queen room won’t be the same as the lighting for a king suite. Adding the correct amount of lighting for a room will also prevent a room being too dark. Giving your guests options for what lights to turn on and off will let them create the atmosphere they want to enjoy while they stay. (For assistance in creating the right, cost-efficient lighting layout, give us a call at 701-205-4953)

        hotel room led lighting

        We recommend using the spectrum of light throughout the room.  This hotel was making a lighting mistake before working with GoodBulb.

        Lack of lighting variation

        Particularly in large rooms, a lack of lighting variation creates a stale, uninteresting atmosphere. We’ve found that you not only need more lighting in larger rooms but you also a variety of lights throughout the room. From small desk lamps to standing lamps by sitting areas, a variety of lights will make your room stand out and be more memorable for your guest.

        Poor lighting placement

        Guests commonly use rooms in similar ways, so why do hotel rooms tend to put lights in unhelpful places? Light switches are far away from beds, standing lamps stand in the middle of spaces no one uses, or people can’t even see in the closet. Poor lighting placement can ruin a guest’s stay as it complicates their routine. Take note of how and where you would like a light to be, and take that into consideration when planning out your lighting layout.

        Harsh overhead bathroom lights

        The one place hotels seem to add plenty of light is the bathroom, but the lighting options might not be the best for what your guests need. Overly bright overhead lights in the bathroom are not helpful for those who apply makeup or shave. Often, the shadows mean they can’t see the bottom half of their face. Moving the light in front of the face while standing in front of the mirror and using more of a natural light style bulb will help guests not only see better but feel better!

        hotel led lighting

        Lights taking up valuable electrical plug-ins

        There are a limited number of electrical plug-ins for a room and in the modern age, most guests need to use them for charging phones, working with their computers, and more. When the lighting in the room takes up the electrical plug-ins, guests might have to sacrifice either a needed light or a place to charge their own electronics. If possible, design a room that uses the minimal number of plug-ins for lighting.

        Avoiding these mistakes will make your guests’ stay that much better. No eye strain, better reading lights, and overall a more comfortable hotel experience. These are the details that lead to 5-star reviews, and return guests!

        Remember, you can always call on the Lumen Masters for more support in creating a custom lighting strategy for your hotel. At GoodBulb, we’ve worked with hotels for over 25 years and have a lot of experience in creating the right ambiance without sacrificing the right lighting. Call us at 701-205-4953.

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        Exterior Lighting for Hotels

        exterior LED lighting hotel

        Welcome back to Lighting for Hotels: An Introduction to Hotel Lighting for Hoteliers series. If you missed last week then don’t worry, we have the important points listed below. This lighting series will cover everything that hotel owners, management, and employees need to know about maximizing hotel lighting. If you want to make sure your guests get the most out of their stay and to get the most out of your bottom line then this hotel guide series is for you. Be sure to subscribe to this series to get notifications when a new post goes live.

        Last week’s main points:

      • The first hotel to use modern lighting technology was The Edison Hotel in Times Square New York, NY on July 4, 1883.
      • Lighting technology is constantly advancing to become more energy-efficient.
      • There have been many different types of lightbulbs developed over the years but the ones you’re likely to find in your hotel are incandescent bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, halogen bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).
      • Light bulbs have different shapes and sizes, which one you use depends on its application.

      • View last week’s post here: Basics of Lighting for Hotels

        This week we’ll be covering aspects of exterior lighting for they are the first lights your guests will see as they arrive on property.  The time of day doesn’t matter because in the day they are looking at your exterior fixtures, landscaping, and your surroundings.  At night, they will notice how the light enhances your property. Exterior lighting is an opportunity to dazzle your guests and show them that you care about their experience, the property, and their safety. When exterior lighting is done right, your guests will be more comfortable upon entry to the hotel and they will feel safer. You will be setting a brand standard, and most importantly, you will see more smiles as you welcome each guest.  

        Let’s explore lighting these common areas found at every hotel.

        pathway led lighting solutions

        Hotel Pathway Lights

        Hotel path lighting includes areas like walkways, stairs, railing, and posts. Landscaping can be elaborate and attractive to the eye or it can be simple.  Each property is unique and every hotel is different but we all have the same goal.  Get customers in the door and when they leave, you want them looking forward to another visit.  If your guests are tripping on their way into your hotel because the lighting is wrong or they don’t feel safe because it is too dark then it is going to be much harder to see that smile. 

        Good path lighting illuminates the necessary areas gracefully without overflooding the area with light. The important thing about path lighting is providing enough light for your guests to safely travel from their current location to their next destination. As a hotel manager, you can encourage this behavior by lighting a clear path, highlighting any dangerous obstacles along with points of beauty while gently lighting destination points.  The fixtures and types of light used will vary depending on the complexity of the property.

        When it comes to pathway lighting, imagine each light as a stepping stone in the right direction.

        pathway led lighting solutions

        Pathway lighting should not be placed too closely together, nor too far apart, but a happy place in the middle. We recommend placing fixtures at the edge of the beam spread from fixture to fixture. Placing pathway lights too close together is energy and light inefficient, but it is also lumen overload. Placing pathway lighting too close together is called blotting, which can disrupt your guests from their path of travel. Placing them too far apart will leave sections of darkness. These dark sections could be areas where hazards lay such as an uneven step, a change in path direction, or materials blocking the trail. 

        When it comes to exterior ambiance we want to inspire a warm, welcoming, and safe feeling to your hotel guests. To accomplish this we regularly recommend 5000 kelvin LEDs. This kelvin temperature is great for bringing out the colors of your exterior property, especially at night. It is also the brightest, whitest light available and puts safety first.  White light keeps bad bulbs from hiding in the dark and safety trumps the warm cozy 3000 kelvin when considering outdoor lighting is select applications.  Common applications for path lighting and exterior lighting, in general, are the use of solar-powered lamps and low voltage wired lighting. Both of these options are great and which option you end up choosing depends on your landscape restraints, budget, and practical functionality. 

        Low voltage wired lighting is great as it poses no hazard to guests, should a guest be exposed to a wire. These applications reduce the main voltage line so it is just enough to power the lights, which won’t result in any serious injury. The solar-powered option is great for large open areas that receive a lot of sunlight.  These applications have large upfront costs but usually make up for these costs in less than two years with energy efficiency. 

        When it comes to any of your exterior lights, including the ones we’ll be covering below, the light position is an important aspect to consider. When it’s dark out and bright lights are beaming directly into your guests’ eyes then that creates an uninviting experience. So it’s important to keep in mind the light direction, whether or not the fixture height will be above or below eye level, and how bright each bulb should be.

        pathway led lighting solutions

        Common bulbs used for path lighting include:

      • LED Chandelier bulbs
      • LED A19 and Nostalgic Filament
      • LED HID retrofit bulbs
      • LED 12 volt flood lights

      • Stake Fixtures

        This is the easiest way to go for pathway lighting because it provides a quick install and is often found being used on residential properties. Another benefit to pathway lighting is they are cheap to purchase in large quantities, minimizing costs. Newer stake lighting leverages LED technology that averages 20,000 life hours making them a long-lasting option. A couple more reasons to like stake lighting is their auto on/off sensors that are common for stake lighting. The last benefit to stake lighting is that it can be easily removed during the colder months of the year, allowing pathways to be easily cleared in the winter.

        • This is the only fixture we recommend with an integrated LED design.  A fixture that does not have a light bulb to replace.  When upgrading to LED.... If you purchase an all in one unit.  A fixture that does not use a bulb, when that fixture goes bad, you will need to replace the entire fixture... not just a bulb.
        • Remember this information for of the information below and above.


        patio pathway led lights

        Inground Fixtures

        As the name suggests, inground lighting requires fixtures that are mounted flush with the ground. The benefit to these systems is that they are weather resistant so there’s no worry about retrieving them during colder months or inclement weather. Another advantage about these fixtures is that replacing the bulbs is easy. These fixtures offer a wide range of mounting options and are commonly used along pathways, stair lighting, and accent lighting purposes. 

        Surface Fixtures

        Like inground fixtures, surface fixtures mount onto a variety of places but will often be found mounted along walls, stairwells, and even on trees. Surface mounts can be a great option for guiding guests along a path gently while creating an open environment. Soft, warm light can create a dramatic lighting effect while at the same time providing comfort for your guests. One of the best benefits of surface fixtures is there slim profile that doesn’t disrupt the flow of traffic, staff, or maintenance staff.

        Post lights

        Hotel post lighting follows the same rules we’ve covered above, but with extra care to the height of each post. As we previously mentioned, no guest wants to be out and about to have an improperly set fixture shining light into their eyes. Apart from the height concern another main concern with post lighting is spacing. We recommend a distance of 10-15 feet for ground pathway lighting yet our recommendation changes based on the type of fixture and bulb used. This is because a standard post light is 10 feet tall, as this height increases so does the illuminated area. To compensate for this, we can choose a lower lumen bulb, take advantage of dimmers to decrease the luminosity of the bulb, and take advantage of light blocks. Light blocks can be useful as most post lighting covers a 360-degree area. Using a post-light blocker can help direct light to where it’s needed while blocking light to where it is not. 

        Common bulbs used for post lighting include:

      • LED Acorns
      • High wattage LED A21 Lamps
      • LED A19 Lamps
      • hotel exterior led lighting

        Hotel Patio Sconces

        What is a sconce, let alone a patio sconce?  You’ve seen them many times and most likely didn’t realize it. The lights on the support columns below are wall sconces. You’ve probably seen them at your hotel entryway, along walkways, and lighting the way along the interior hallways. They’re generally called wall sconces, but when used outside on a patio they become patio sconces. 

        Wall sconces can serve as a welcoming invitation to enter your hotel, help guide guests along a pathway, and function as security lighting to deter unwanted visitors and animals from entering your property. Patio sconces are more about feel and ambiance than interior sconces, as patio sconces can display the bulb being used more so than an interior wall sconce. Because of this exposed look often found on patio lighting, we recommend using a filament-style bulb to inspire a sense of nostalgia. Although we recommend going this direction, this is our general rule of thumb and your specific lighting needs should be based on the environment and atmosphere of your hotel. The Kelvin temperature for patio wall sconces will be the same as pathway lights (2700 Kelvin) to allow for a seamless transition from one area to the next without our hotel guests noticing. 

        Just as we mentioned about using filament style bulbs based on the environment and atmosphere of your hotel, the same applies to kelvin temperature. The Kelvin temperature you’ll use will be based on what you’re using for your pathway lighting and the specific ambiance you’re striving to achieve. 

        Common bulbs used for patio sconces include:

      • LED Filament bulbs
      • hotel exterior pennant lighting

        Hotel Patio Lights

        Often found within the hotel, outdoor pendant lighting can add a sense of playful-youthfulness or provide a sense of sophistication depending on the fixture of your choosing.

        Apart from the bulb shape, it’s going to be important to get the correct base size to match your socket. After that, the kelvin temperature will match the kelvin temperature of the other bulbs you’re using, for our example along with our recommendation are to go with a 2700 kelvin bulb for an inviting atmosphere. Lumens are an important consideration for pendant lighting for the same reason as post lighting – we don’t want to blind our guests. Special care should be taken to ensure these pendant fixtures are hanging at a proper height for walkways and outdoor dining areas. 

        Common bulbs used for patio lighting include:

      • LED ST18
      • LED A19/A15
      • LED S14
      • LED Chandelier Bulbs
      • pation led string light displays

        String Lighting

        It looks as if string lighting is here to stay, at least for another decade or so. We at GoodBulb love this look as string lighting inspires a sense of comfort, security, and warmth in just about any setting. If an old barn can transform itself from an old cattle stand to a wedding reception area with the magic of string lighting, then the possibilities for you are endless. 

        String lighting can also be a cost-effective way for providing overhead lighting in areas where traditional lighting fixtures (i.e. recessed cans) would not make sense, like gazebo-inspired areas. On top of their flexibility, they also have the benefit of being LED compatible for increased energy savings. We particularly like clear filament LED bulbs for string lighting to maintain the nostalgic vibe that we know and love, take advantage of energy savings, and improve your bottom line.

        hotel parking lot lighting

        Hotel Parking Lot Lighting 

        Parking lot lighting follows similar rules as post lighting with environmental considerations changing how we use them in this area. The light poles here are going to be taller than your post lights, and if they are not then you have a problem on your hands. The recommended height for parking lot lighting varies by application. For small parking lots, the recommended height is 15-20 feet high with 20-30 feet of spacing being ideal and a lumen output of 12,000-18,000 lumens. Note, this spacing is based on a 2-fixture pole. 

        For larger parking areas, a standard height is 20-25 feet high, with 30-40 feet of spacing between poles and a lumen output of around 20,000 to 30,000 lumens. There are taller parking lot lighting fixtures, called high mast poles that range between 25-35 feet high but these are not typically used in hotel parking lots. 

        As far as Kelvin temperature goes, you’ll usually find that these bulbs are at 5,000 kelvin. This is because the white light this Kelvin range produces is great for large spaces and outdoor settings. It’s a vibrant color temperature that promotes movement while rendering colors in its surroundings.

        hotel interior parking lot ramp led lighting

        Parking Lot Mounts

        We talked a lot about exterior lighting thus far but there is still just a little left to cover in the area of parking lot lighting. Similar to how we covered different fixture types throughout the space of exterior lighting there too are different mount types for parking lot lighting. So what are the different types of mounts for parking lot lighting? That’s a good question and we’ll start with the slip fit mount. 

        Slip Fit Mount

        The slip fit mount is the most common type of fixture found on light posts. They have a sharp look and an easy installation that is commonly bolted straight onto the post. The benefit of a slip fit mount is the adjustable mounting positions, each mounting position is able to remain in a fixed position with bolts. Going this route is a safe bet to ensure you’re able to replace mounts easily and when required as there is no indication that the lighting industry will be moving away from this mounting style anytime in the future.

        Flood Mount

        The next type of mount is the flood mount which as its name describes has a wide beam angle, which is great for illuminating a large space. The flood mount has the benefit of being adjustable to be tilted upwards or downwards depending on the application. Though these mounts are more often found on walls, roofs, or signage, they can be used for parking lot lighting as well. 

        Yoke Mount

        Unlike the most common slip fit mount, we have the least common type of mount, the Yoke mount. The reason why these mounts are less common comes down to their design where the lights are twisted onto the mount, which reduces the amount of weight these mounts can support. The other mount types, like the slip fit mount, allows for the light fixture to “slip” onto and over a sturdy frame that can support a great deal of weight. The weight consideration may be one thing but once incremental weather is added to the equation, having strong support becomes all the more important. 

        So what type of bulbs can you use to light your parking lot, well we recommend our LED Acorns as many of our clients have had great success with them. Though any acorn bulb could do in this application, we manufacture ours to be extremely durable to weather any condition thrown in its direction. If using an LED Acorn doesn’t make sense for your fixture type then we recommend using a shoebox light fixture or LED parking lot head that is compatible with slip-fit mount fixtures. You’ll get the best coverage, energy efficiency, and future compatibility with using these types of bulbs and mounts. 

        Tree Lighting

        There’s one more topic we should cover under the topic of exterior lighting for your hotel and that’s tree lighting. The reason for this is that just about any hotel, even in dense urban areas will often display trees on property grounds. Yet, these trees don’t have to idle in the night until the sun shines on them again the following day. Instead, hotel managers can leverage the natural beauty of nature by shining the appropriate light on them, and we’ll show you how. 

        When it comes to tree lighting you have two options to take advantage of, uplighting and downlighting. Uplighting creates a dramatic focal point for guests to observe whereas downlighting creates a subtle and inviting mood. Both can be used on the same tree to blend these two feelings or leverage them separately.

        Let’s take a look at how you’d light common trees found on hotel grounds. 

        Small Deciduous Trees

        While lighting small deciduous trees, it’s best to use a single accent 35-degree lighting fixture. As for positioning the light, we recommend the light to graze the trunk as the light illuminates the tree branches and leaves.

        Medium Deciduous Trees

        For these types of trees, we recommend cross-lighting by using two 35-degree light fixtures because it illuminates both the trunk and the canopy best. The position should focus more on illuminating the canopy than for the small deciduous trees and just slightly grace the trunk of the tree.

        Fir Trees

        Fir trees respond best to using two 60-degree accent lights that are positioned on opposing sides, fully illuminating the tree for a 360-degree enjoyable view. The special note about positioning your light fixtures for these types of trees to direct the beam directly onto the canopy, and not grazing the tree trunk.

        Though you may not handle tree lighting yourself, it’s important to familiarize yourself with its purpose and the impact tree lighting can have on the guest experience. Treat tree lighting like an art piece that can be observed and viewed by many. Passerbys, guests, and business executives will take notice of the little things. We all stop to observe the beautiful things in life and sometimes that beauty is right in front of us. It can be easy to spot in the daylight yet as night falls so does its beauty, by leveraging uplight and downlight on your trees you’ll leave a lasting impression on your hotel guests.

        gorgeous led landscape lighting

        Let’s wrap up.

        We covered a lot in this section but we want to make sure that we’re turning over every stone. Hotel lighting can be complicated but it doesn’t have to be, it’s our mission to demystify the world of lighting both outside and inside of your hotel. By now we know that lighting can have an impact on the guest’s experience and on your bottom line. In this second installment of our “Introduction to Hotel Lighting for Hoteliers”.

        We covered the following topics:

      • Hotel Path Lighting
      • Patio Sconces
      • Patio Pendant Lighting
      • String Lighting
      • Parking Lot Lighting
      • Tree Lighting

      • As you can see there’s a lot to lighting your hotel exterior other than the main entryway and getting each one right is important for your hotel. Exterior lighting sets the stage for your hotel, it delivers the impression and brand voice of your hotel to passersby and to your guests. Getting it right can be a frustrating necessity but you don’t have to go it alone. We at GoodBulb have years of industry experience in helping hotel management shape their visual perceptions, save on energy costs, and stay current with lighting best practices. Helping hoteliers like you is what we’re aiming to do and it’s why we’re delivering hotel lighting-specific content straight to your inbox.

        Subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

        contact a lighting expert
        led lighting expert
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        Basics of Lighting Maintenance for Hotels

        hotel lighting and guests

        An Introduction to Hotel Lighting for Hoteliers

        Getting hotel lighting right can be a complicated task but you don’t have to do it alone, join us on our journey as we tell you everything you need to know about hotel lighting. The lighting industry has come a long way from first using candle lighting, that’s right, candle lighting is considered to be lighting technology. Today, we recommend hotels use LED lighting technology as it offers superior lighting performance, longer life hours, energy savings, and a higher quality of light to shine upon your property. This is not to say that previous lighting technology like candles or incandescent lighting is bad, just that they have become outdated.

        hotel Edison in NY

        An excellent example of a hotel that has moved on with the times is The Edison Hotel based in Times Square New York, NY. Constructed by E.T. Drumheller in 1871, this hotel officially became the first hotel in the world to be illuminated using incandescent lights on July 4, 1883. As incredible as that it is, the Edison Hotel has another feat that makes this hotel special to lighting professionals around the world. The first person to turn on the lights to this hotel was none other than Thomas Edison himself. As a lighting professional, I can honestly say that I would travel back in time to enjoy this historic moment. 

        Yet, time doesn’t cease to move forward and along with that so does technology. I’m sure Mr. Edison would be proud to see how the light bulb has evolved. The Edison Hotel has since replaced those incandescent light bulbs first turned on by Edison with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). LEDs offer superior energy savings, especially when compared to incandescent light bulbs. Although LEDs are the best lighting solution right now your hotel may still be using older-gen lighting solutions. Let’s explore these lighting technologies now.

        hotel lobby led lighting

        High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamp

        The first bulb we’ll explore is the High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamp invented by Francis Hauksbee over 300 years ago in 1705. At the time of its invention, the glass housing was filled with air but was later replaced with xenon as Hauksbee discovered doing so would increase light output. Creating a lot is what these bulbs do best and although you won’t find them inside your hotel, there’s a chance you have them in your parking lot. Other applications for these types of lights include gymnasium lighting, warehouse lighting, and stadium lighting.

        Incandescent Light Bulb

        Next up is the incandescent light bulb that is often credited to Edison in 1879, though controversy still remains. The special thing about the incandescent and Edison’s involvement in its development is that of continual improvement. Historically, other inventors such as William Sawyer and Albon Man had U.S. patents for this technology. Edison did however make significant improvements to the original incandescent bulb, lengthening the bulb life from 14.5 hours to 1,200 hours. Along with these improvements, Edison invented a standardized base for light bulbs, originally called the Edison Screw; we lighting professionals now call it the E26 Medium Screw base. You might have noticed the “E” before the 26 and if you guessed that this E stands for Edison Screw, you’d be right.

        What about our energy usage though, where do incandescent lights stand in regards to their energy efficiency. Well, a 100-watt incandescent lightbulb running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year would use about 876 kWh of energy. This would cost you $131.40 per bulb minus the cost of replacing the bulb, which would be around 12 times over the year. Back in 1879, these numbers were great, after all this lighting technology was an improvement upon Arc Lamps which we won’t cover here but is admittedly a very cool name. 

        Fluorescent Light Bulb

        The next light bulb you’ll likely find is a fluorescent light bulb, introduced commercially in 1927, these lamps can be found just about everywhere. Much like the incandescent light bulbs, these were being invented long before 1927. It wasn’t until the improvements made by Edmund Germer that made it an economical option. Germer made the cost of producing these bulbs more effective and reduced heating concerns that were common among users. Regardless of their heat dissipation, these bulbs are more energy-efficient than incandescent lighting. Yet, technology continues to improve year over year which leads us to our next lighting improvement, the halogen lamp. 

        hotel room lighting

        Halogen Lamp

        The halogen lamp was first invented in 1882 but wasn’t available commercially until General Electric patented their halogen lamp that used iodine as a halogen gas. Once patented in 1959 these bulbs entered the market and it wasn’t long before you could spot one anywhere and everywhere. On average, halogen lamps offered an energy efficiency of 28% more than incandescent light bulbs. On top of that, they also lasted 2.8 years longer than incandescents on average. As you can see, halogen offered amazing benefits compared to its predecessor, fluorescent lighting.

        Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)

        As you might have expected me to say, technology gets better each year and with that so does lighting technology. Thus we have the introduction of the Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) in 1976 to help businesses save on their energy costs, and boy did they help businesses save on their energy cost. When compared to incandescent light bulbs, CFLs are about 75% more energy-efficient than incandescent lighting. Plus, they last about 14 years or 10,000 hours while incandescents last about 1.4 years or 1,000 hours. It’s not hard to see the benefits of using this lighting technology from the numbers.

        local lighting help

        Light Emitting Diode (LED)

        Now though, there is a new reigning king for energy efficiency, cost savings, and a new factor of color rendering. The Light Emitting Diode (LED) was formally introduced to the market in 1994. Though it has been some time since LEDs have entered the market, you’ll still not likely find these being the dominant lighting technology in use today. In fact, you’ll be much more likely to see a CFL or halogen than you would find an LED. It’s too bad too as more should switch to LED immediately for the cost savings. 

        On average, LEDs are rated for a 34-year life span, that’s more than 24 times the life space of incandescent bulbs. On top of their long life, they reduce additional costs like air conditioning by putting off less heat than their predecessors. The idea of saving money on AC is not a benefit that clients usually guess, yet older lighting technologies are known for putting off a significant amount of heat, raising AC costs. Lastly, these bulbs render colors better than any of the older generations, there’s no yellowish or blue-ish tint to colors under LED lighting.

        After learning about the different types of lighting technologies, you might be wondering where you’re likely to find these bulbs in your hotel. Although you’re likely to find many of these lighting technologies being used throughout your hotel, finding them is more dependent on their bulb shape than their lighting technology. Below is a general area list of where you’re likely to find different shapes of light bulbs.

        contact lighting expert
        lighting expert

        Light Bulb Shapes and Where to Find Them

        A Series Lamps

        These bulbs can be found anywhere in a hotel so keep an eye out in your hallways, guest rooms, ballrooms, and other areas and you’re likely to spot one of these bulbs.

        PS Series, B Series, and C Series

        These bulbs can be found in similar places as A Series lamps yet you’re more likely to find them being used in decorative applications like chandelier lighting.

        RP & S Series

        These bulbs can be found in appliances, exit sign lighting, and unique applications around the hotel.

        F Series and Prism

        These are going to be found in decorative lighting applications. 

        R Series

        These bulbs can be found being used for ceiling lighting, recessed lighting, and other ceiling lighting applications.

        MR Series

        These are often used for spotlight lighting, lobby lighting, bathroom lighting, and display lighting.

        BR Series

        These bulbs can also be found being used for ceiling lighting, especially for the entryways of guestrooms and shower lighting. 

        G Series

        These lightbulbs can be found lighting up bathroom vanities, decorative lobby lighting, hallway lighting, and conference room lighting.

        T Series

        These tube-shaped bulbs can be found being used for reading lamps, decorative lighting, and nostalgic lighting in bars and restaurants.

        PAR Series

        These bulbs can be found being used for pool lighting, underwater lighting, and for tall ceilings above 12ft.

        Specialty Series

        You won’t often find these bulbs as they are mostly used for unique applications, so if all other lighting options fail you, then you’re likely to find these bulbs being used.

        Linestra Series

        These bulbs can be found in lighting mirrors or high-end pieces of art. 

        Linear Fluorescents

        These bulbs are often found being used for back-of-house applications like in the kitchen, offices, workers quarters, and emergency stairwell lighting.

        Compact Fluorescent Coils and Compact Fluorescent Plug-In Lamps

        If you find one of these bulbs around your hotel then please send us a picture, we’re big fans of prehistoric lighting technologies. Seriously, send us a picture and we’ll get you a lighting audit so we can find out how much energy you can be saving by switching to LED technology. 

        Wrapping It Up

        This has been your introduction to the Basics of Hotel Lighting for Hoteliers by GoodBulb. We hope you’ve found this introduction useful and if you did then the good news is that we are delivering more content just like this for hotel owners and management. 

        Subscribe below to receive updates when our next hotel lighting guide gets published! If you didn’t find this guide useful well then that’s kinda too bad because we’re publishing more content like this anyways…but the good news is that we have tons of other great content on our blog. 

        Want Some Benefits for Being a Reader?

        If you’re considering a retrofit lighting project for your hotel or really any project, then give us a call to receive a FREE energy-saving audit report. Call us at (701.205.4953), mention this code “GBHLC” and we’ll work with you to find out how much you could be saving by switching to LED lighting. We’ll also find any available energy rebates to help reduce the initial cost of your retrofit project.

        Please note: In-person energy audits are limited to the Fargo, ND 58102 area. All other audits will be conducted via phone and video conference.


        light bulb shapes
        light bulb shapes continued
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        Restaurant, Lounge, and Bar Lighting in Hotels

        Welcome back to this week’s hotel lighting guide that covers Hotel Dining Lighting for the hotel industry. Don’t worry if you missed last week’s post on Pool Lighting and Spa Lighting, we’ll include the important points down below for your convenience. This lighting series covers everything that hotel owners, management, and maintenance staff need to know about maximizing hotel lighting. If you want to make sure your guests get the most out of their stay and get the most out of your bottom line then this hotel series is for you. Be sure to subscribe to this series to get notified when a new post goes live.

        Last Week’s Main Points

        For good pool lighting and spa lighting, keep the following in mind:

        Pool Lighting

      • The brighter the better, 10,000 Lumens and higher
      • The warmer the better, aim for 5000 Kelvin and above
      • Look for corrosion-resistant fixtures that are IP65 rated and higher
      • Shatterproof lenses that are NSF rated or polycarbonate 
      • hotel pool and spa lighting

        Spa Lighting

      • Aim for a warm welcoming environment by using 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin
      • Take advantage of uplight and downlight for ambiance
      • Be mindful of downlight and their project on massage tables
      • Use dimmable lighting for both aesthetics and functionality
      • We’re packing this series full of information and it still only touches the outer aspects that Lumen Masters like us consider while doing a lighting retrofit. So be sure to give this post an extra read-through if something is not making sense. Better yet, visit our website at or give us a call at 701-205-4953 to speak with a Lumen Master.

        Restaurant Lighting 

        Hotel dining has many faces in the hospitality industry because there are so many different types of hotels around the country. The lighting in a boutique, chain, convention center, and resort or casino hotel will vary greatly from what is being used in motels or one of the many Inns around the country. Restaurant lighting should reflect the needs of the space, some properties are going to require general lighting whereas others require a more romantic light. Lighting in the dining area requires that we pay attention to the atmosphere and position the lights accordingly, this process is called zoning. Zoning is the practice of creating an area within the area, in this case, it’s creating comfortable places within the hotel. Lighting in the restaurant and dining areas should follow the overall character of the property. After two decades in lighting, we have supplied light bulbs and fixtures to every type of hotel. Each hotel is unique, requiring individual attention to lighting solutions. The one thing they all have in common is that quality matters. The light bulbs need to last, they need to compliment the space and the Kelvin temperature or color of light needs to be consistent. You can redesign a room to get the mood and response you want from your guests by changing nothing but the lighting. Bad bulbs and burned-out light bulbs tell your guests that you just don’t care that much about your property. 

        thoughtful lighting create experience to remember

        If you own one of the chain, resort, boutique, bed and breakfast, casino, gastro, or Inn hotels around the country and have a restaurant or dining area attached to the property then the lighting concepts will vary but the ambiance and lighting should reflect the experience and location of your property. The same concept will apply to conference/convention center hotels and your motels that accommodate travelers as a place to stop during long trips. The diversity in culture, climate, and activities are just a few of the things that make traveling across America amazing. From Northern Minnesota to Maine, to Marco Island, and west towards Texas, Arizona, and Salt Lake City, the properties will be unique. The one thing they all have in common is that they have light bulbs and light bulbs burn out and they need to be replaced

        It’s no secret that the bad bulbs and major brands in lighting are manufacturing light bulbs to burn out much faster than they should. Planned obsolescence is when brands manufacture their goods, so they require replacing. It’s much harder for them to figure out how to make an LED last 10,000 hours compared to one that lasts 100,000 hours. Did you know that Phillips, GE, and Sylvania once had an agreement where if they manufactured incandescent bulbs that lasted longer than 3000 hours they could find each other. Stop buying bad bulbs and most lighting problems in your properties would be fixed. 

        Much like our lobby lighting requires task lighting, some front-of-house restaurant areas within your hotel require the same. Seating areas like tables, booths, and bartops are going to require intimate lighting. Nostalgic lighting is gorgeous and turns an ordinary socket into something remarkable. If your brand standards allow for it, then we recommend adapting nostalgic LEDs as this look is attracting, entertaining, and comforting your guests. A quick tour around your local neighborhood and you’ll be sure to spot Nostalgic light bulbs in cafes, restaurants, and other meeting areas that are in tune with their target audience. There are thousands of different fixtures and hundreds of different nostalgic bulb styles so we recommend speaking with a Lumen Master before purchasing something new or trying to find replacement bulbs. Buying bad bulbs will cost way more money than spending a few minutes speaking with an expert when buying light bulbs, the correct color of light, the longest-lasting, and the most energy-efficient light bulb solutions. 

        nostalgic leds bar lighting

        Seating areas should blend key lighting elements together such as task lighting and accent lighting. A common approach to achieve this combo is using pendant lighting above booths and tables. The prevalent use of this fixture is because of its adjustability in mounting height that can easily be used for booth lighting as it can be used for high-top lighting. This is a piece of zoning for you to create an area within the area where lighting is providing space. Another benefit is that pennant light fixtures come in every style imaginable, so you’re sure to find one that matches your brand standards. These factors combined help provide your guest with perfect task lighting, allowing them to enjoy their meal, read the menus, the morning paper, have a comfortable conversation, have the ability to unwind, reflect and relax. 

        Pendant light fixtures are also great at providing the kind of accent lighting that promotes intimacy within the group. Though this benefit is mainly attributed to the light bulb used, its lumens, kelvin temperature, and CRI, some can be attributed to the style of the fixtures. Speaking of bulb talk, it’s best to go with brand standards choosing your bulbs. GoodBulb can help, odds are we have worked and our currently working with you brand in select hotels around the county. If your lighting standards allow for some self-expression then we recommend going with warm and intimate LEDs that are at or below 800 lumens and a CRI that is greater than 90. These are very generic recommendations because proper lighting is based on the application and the property. 

        restaurant lighting in a hotel

        So we have learned about lighting our seating areas that include booths, tables, and hightops but what about our general lighting? We’ll want to observe your hotel’s brand standards. O.k. They’ve been observed and they recommend using dimmable recessed luminaires for ceiling lighting. One solution is BR30 in recessed can lights, the light levels can be adjusted according to your guest’s liking or the time of day. Many top restaurants place indirect lighting luminaires directly over tables, doing so provides needed light while creating an intimate atmosphere. Apart from creating the intimate space, general lighting subtly guides your guests to available seating areas.

        We can’t say this enough – dimmable lighting is your friend! Modern lighting solutions along with compatible switches can greatly reduce your lighting costs. These solutions can make achieving the right light much easier than in previous years, allowing for customization that can delight your guests and your business. If you’re considering a new lighting project or undergoing a retrofit then not taking advantage of these options today can mean you’ll be paying for them later. This is the lighting trend that we’ve noticed gradually happening over the years and not following trends can mean your hotel will receive fewer bookings with each passing quarter. Do the smart thing, stay current with lighting trends, and give your hotel the resources it needs to be successful.

        outdoor dining, sky dining led lighting

        A Special Note on Sky Dining

        One of the most beautiful spots in Fargo North Dakota, is a rooftop bar that looks down upon city and breath taking sky dining locations across the United States. During my travels I have been fortunate to visit roof top bars in Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, India, Africa, the Dominican, Mexico, and countless cities and states across America.  One of my favorite memories is one that looks down upon Wrigley Field in Chicago.

        These areas are breath taking, yet the lighting in these areas has a new variable to consider – 360-degrees sky views. The big selling point for sky-view restaurants is just that, it’s “sky-view” that overlooks the surrounding area, often a busy metropolitan cityscape, and people want to see the lights. While we still want to encourage the same intimacy mentioned above, we need to be mindful of our views and most of all our lighting reflections. Much like a bathroom mirror reflects light, our windows can become troublemakers when it comes to light reflection, diminishing the viewing quality that our guests desire. To avoid this issue and to keep your guests happy, check your light angles to avoid any unwanted light from being reflected back at your guests. Keep in mind, the most important aspect of sky-dining is the amazing cityscape and country views this dining experience provides. Every action should be taken to improve your guest’s experience in this regard. 

        lobby led lighting in a hotel

        Lounge & Bar Lighting

        Bar lighting follows the same guidelines as restaurant lighting but with a deeper focus on relaxation and intimacy. Your guests come to your hotel lounge & bar to relax after a long day, enjoy an evening with friends, and maybe make some new ones. The light levels in these places depend greatly on the time of day, the theme of the lounge and or bar, and the audience your place attracts. This last factor can be huge in how you cater your service offering and whether or not your target audience accepts or rejects your offering. If you’re offering high-end drinks as the classic shaken, not stirred martini but your environment attracts a different clientele then there’s going to be an obvious mismatch here. 

        In either case, there’s always one right move and that’s to use dimmable lights in your lighting design. Doing so will allow you to adjust light levels throughout the day, typically you’ll go with a brighter light level during daylight hours. At night you’ll dim the inside environment to allow for a seamless transition from the light levels outside to match the lighting inside. If it’s 2 pm but cloudy and raining outside then adjust your light levels accordingly. Guests wouldn’t expect to come into a brightly lit area but they also wouldn’t expect to come into a dim, romantic setting at 2 pm either. In any case, use your best judgment when adjusting your lighting to match the desired taste of your guests and your experience. 

        Keep in mind that every restaurant is unique and so is every lounge and bar, each will require the owner to be in touch with these environments to determine the right lighting. What works for one venue may not work for your venue. Let your environment, guests, and advice from the lumen masters determine your lighting. If your guests are having a good time then your lighting is set correctly, if you notice guests are not enjoying their time, then give your lighting and ambiance a second thought. Lighting makes a difference. 

        bar lighting in a hotel

        Restaurant Lighting – Back of House

        Back of House lighting is shockingly different when compared to your front-of-house lighting needs. Typically, and we don’t recommend doing this, you’ll find many kitchens emulate a set on a horror film, rather than bright, productive workplace. The offices and kitchens are usually the worst, with the hallways being a close second. Usually, when it comes to the back-of-house lighting needs, priorities are on the kitchen area, cold storage areas, and frequented areas by staff. It’s not hard to rationalize this either, after all, priorities should be placed on the areas that make your business money – the staff, kitchen, and other functional areas.

        The question is not so much what areas to focus on when it comes to back-of-house lighting but what lighting fixtures and bulbs to be using in these areas. For the kitchen, we highly recommend pure white, high CRI 5000-kelvin LED bulbs. Going this route will ensure that your staff in this area can work efficiently, be more productive and provide clean light. Common lighting fixtures used in professional kitchens are fluorescent tubes and LED linear tubes. To go with the best option, that will cut down your long-term costs, we recommend using bypass LED linear tubes. The most important factor is making sure your bulbs are National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) rated or in other words, food-safe rated. 

        When it comes to cold storage options, we recommend looking for low-temperature occupancy sensors that are designed to function in these areas. These will help save on costs and be efficient enough to handle regular traffic from staff. As far as fixtures and bulbs are concerned, we need an NSF-rated bulb that is commonly going to be a LED. Going with an LED bulb in this area is best because it produces less heat than legacy light bulbs, thus reducing the energy cost of keeping your cold storage cold. 

        Common Cold Storage Fixtures and Bulbs Include:

      • LED Vapor Tight Fixtures
      • LED UFO Light Fixtures
      • LED Corn Fixtures
      • Hallway lighting and office lighting usually take a back seat when it comes to the lighting priorities of hotel management and maintenance technicians. We get it, when it comes to managing a tight budget, priorities have to be made along the way. Yet, you might be making cuts in areas that can be hurting your business. If you’re not using LED bulbs to light these areas then you’re overspending on lighting costs by using inefficient lighting techniques in areas of the hotel where the bulbs are always burning. This cost increases too if motion-activated light sensors are not being used, a few left-on bulbs can add up over the course of a year. Lastly, there’s a good chance the Kelvin temperature being used in these areas is below the 5000 Kelvin temperature that is recommended to improve focus and productivity. This area may be the last one on the priority list, but making an effort to improve the lighting in these areas can pay dividends to your mood and productivity levels.

        Wrap Up

        This wraps up our Dining segment for our hotel lighting guide. As usual, we covered a lot of ground in this segment but you can count on us to do a quick recap below.

      • Lighting in restaurants, lounges, and bars should complement the atmosphere
      • Light levels should be adjusted throughout the day to provide seamless transitions
      • Beware of lighting reflections that occur on windows and reflective surfaces
      • Staff lighting should be bright functional lighting that maintains safety and efficiency
      • Neglecting back of house areas is contributing to your high energy bill, employee moods.
      • There’s a good amount of information that we covered in this section so be sure to take some notes, review particular areas, and know that you can visit or call us at (701) 205-4953 to work with a Lumen Master. We at GoodBulb have over two decades of industry experience in helping hotel owners and managers shape their visual perceptions and save on energy costs.

        Be sure to subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

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        Pool Lighting and Spa Lighting for Hotels


        pool lighting, pool area, hotel

        A pool area is a place of enjoyment, thrills, and well-spent family time. This is the area where fathers throw their children into the pools, where brothers and sisters play and they play like friends, and where mothers and fathers enjoy quality time with their families. The lighting in this area can provide great illumination for family photos and videos to capture those special moments. From frustrating group photos of getting your children to stay still to the unexpected photo of something going terribly wrong. In either case, these wonderful outcomes wouldn’t be possible if not for great lighting.

        Though there is a myriad of lighting placements, fixture types, and safety ratings, we are going to focus on overhead lighting with relatively simple safety ratings. The most common type of lighting fixtures in this area are vapor tight fixture. These fixtures are perfect to combat the high humidity levels found in pool areas as a result of the chemicals in the pool and temperatures in the area. You’ll also want to be mindful of the bulbs and fixture’s Ingress Protection (IP) rating. Look for an IP rating of IP65 and higher. The first number represents the protection against solid objects, in this case, the “6” represents the fixture is dust-tight and allows for no dust penetration. This is the highest rating available against solids. The second number represents protection against fluids, in this case, the “5” represents protection against jets of water and limited submersion protection. This is a common protection rating for fixtures but seeking higher ratings can provide greater protection against corrosion and natural elements.

        We recommend quality over price in your pool space as we have seen too many regrets from clients in the past when cheap fixtures become very expensive fixtures. Cheap fixtures advertise the same benefits as the pricer options but often at a sacrifice of quality. Examples of this could be a fixture that advertises an IP65 rating yet still experiences a great deal of corrosion and frequent burnouts because it uses a cheap driver. Relieve yourself of the potential headache and order from a trusted lightbulb manufacturer that guarantees its quality and has the expertise to support your lighting journey.

        The durability of the fixture is perhaps the most important factor to consider while selecting your fixtures and bulbs. Look for fixtures that advertise a National Food Safety (NFS) rating, this represents that they are shatterproof. Another option is to search for fixtures that advertise a polycarbonate lens, these lenses are made out of durable plastic and are also shatterproof. Just as you’d have to shut down the pool if broken glass found its way into the area, the same goes for a broken fixture hanging overhead. It’s because of these operational and cost concerns that we advise going with durable and long-lasting fixtures, regardless of their price.

        pool area, pool lighting, hotel

        You’d also want to ensure you’re going with a bright bulb, the brighter the better. This is a high activity area, so it’s ok if our lighting here is bright like daylight. Aim for bulbs that are 5000 Kelvin and brighter, with a Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80+ to achieve optimal lighting. You’ll also want to be mindful of any structures in the space that could cause potential shadows. An important point to remember in this area is that shadows and dark areas hide hazards. It’s easy enough to slip around a pool so we want to use our lighting to highlight slippery spots, potential hazards, and foreign objects that can cause accidents to happen. The lighting in this pool area coincides with the pool’s safety policies and can ensure that everyone is having an enjoyable time while still being safe.

        Some considerations to keep in mind that are easy to miss are reflections and glares in the pool area that are a result of the water in the area. It’s common for light to be reflected off the surface of the water, and other reflective objects in the pool area such as glass windows. To reduce this problem, incorporating a lighting layout that projects light upward and downward can be beneficial in reducing glare in this area. A note on lighting products: 

        Top considerations for choosing pool lighting:

        1. Corrosion-resistant bulbs (IP65+)
        2. Polycarbonate lenses or NSF rated
        3. The brighter and warmer the better
        outside pool lighting, pool area, hotel

        Spa Lighting

        Spa lighting is a unique combination of general lighting and accent lighting that has more in common with the lighting practices of the hotel lobby than it does in the pool areas. The one focus of this area is rest, relaxation, and recovery. It’s important to remember that your guests live stressful lives. Maybe they work a demanding job, or recently experienced a few restless nights of sleep from a newborn. In either case, keeping this in mind can be helpful when thinking about the lighting in this area. 

        The lighting aim here is to create a sense of welcoming warmth as we did in the hotel lobby combined with a sense of relaxation that we created in the guest rooms. Kelvin temperatures in this area should be 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin. As discussed earlier, this temperature creates a warm and relaxing atmosphere and that’s why we should use this temperature in this area. Dimmability is the name of the game with it comes to the brightness of this space. The reason for this is that during operating hours you’ll want the option to lower the light levels. Much like we mentioned in our last post Bedroom and Bathroom Lighting for Hotels, we don’t want to blind our guests with too much light. Opting for dimmable lights will allow both ambiance and functionality.

        Another lighting feature we can borrow is uplight and downlight, we used these features for our exterior lighting but they are equally effective in the pool area. Employing uplight along the perimeter is an effective way to make the space feel larger and to put guests at ease. Downlight should be controlled in a manner that avoids shinning directly in guests’ eyes. Massage tables are a common feature in spas and their position should account for the lighting layout as well. Always avoid shining light directly into your guest’s eyes, this is another reason why we advocate for using multiple switches in an area and why we recommend using dimming switches.

        pool lighting, pool area, hotel

        Wrap Up

        This wraps up our pool lighting and spa lighting segment for our hotel lighting guide. As usual, we covered a lot of ground in this segment but you can count on us to do a quick recap below.

        Pool Lighting

      • The brighter the better, 10,000 Lumens and higher
      • The warmer the better, aim for 5000 Kelvin and above
      • Look for corrosion-resistant fixtures that are IP65 rated and higher
      • Shatterproof lenses that are NSF rated or polycarbonate 
      • Spa Lighting

      • Aim for a warm welcoming environment by using 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin
      • Take advantage of uplight and downlight for ambiance
      • Be mindful of downlight and their project on massage tables
      • Use dimmable lighting for both aesthetics and functionality
      • There’s a good amount of information that we covered in this section so be sure to take some notes, review particular areas, and know what you can visit or call us at (701) 205-4953 to work with a Lumen Master. We at GoodBulb have over two decades of industry experience in helping hotel owners and managers shape their visual perceptions and save on energy costs.

        Be sure to subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

        lighting help
        lumen masters, lighting experts
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        Bedroom and Bathroom Lighting for Hotels

        hotel room lighting banner

        Welcome back to this week’s hotel lighting guide that covers bedroom lighting and bathroom lighting. No worries if you missed last week, we’ll include the important points down below for your convenience. This lighting series covers everything that hotel owners, management, and employees need to know about maximizing hotel lighting. If you want to make sure your guests get the most out of their stay and to get the most out of your bottom line then this hotel series is for you. Be sure to subscribe to this series to get notified when a new post goes live.

        Last week main points:

      • Hallway lighting should work to maintain the atmosphere set from the previous customer touchpoints, the exterior, and the lobby.
      • Hallways utilize either BR or PAR series light bulbs for downlight and wall sconces for uplight.
      • A hotel manager’s job is to ensure a great guest experience and to do that requires keeping their safety in mind.
      • An average elevator ride is 118 seconds, use this time to promote your hotel restaurant & bar, shops, and events.
      • We’re packing this series full of information and it still only touches the outer aspects that Lumen Masters like us consider while doing a lighting retrofit. So be sure to give this post an extra read-through if something is not making sense. Better yet, visit our website at or call us at (701) 205-4953 to speak with a Lumen Master directly.

        Without further ado, let’s get into this week’s segment.

        Guest Room Lighting

        So your hotel guests have traveled from your lobby, taken notes of your advertisements on their elevator ride, and walked through your beautiful hallways. Now, they scan their keycard, hear the retracting of the deadbolt, and anxiously open the door to their getaway. Does your guest struggle to find the light switch? Are they impressed with the theme of their room and overall lighting design? Not every room can have window shades that automatically open showcasing the Las Vegas strip, mountains, or the ocean as you enter. You may be managing one of the less glamorous smaller hotels in Fargo North Dakota. What truly matters is that your guest can see that you care about the property? If you care and do the work then your guests will feel the light. We’ll talk more as we progress with this segment, but as a little hint, the answers should all be yes!

        What makes a pleasant stay for guests? Well, guests want control over their experience, and choosing their lighting is no different. The most common complaint in hotel rooms is that the room is dark. It’s so important to be mindful of appropriate switches for dimming lights, controlling fans, and placing them so they are both easy to find and reach. What can make this challenging is that guest rooms involve a unique blend of aesthetics and functionality. Just as our lobby lighting, the guest room light should take advantage of lighting layers. These lighting layers involve general lighting, accent lighting, task lighting, and decorative lighting. View our “Lobby Lighting for Hotels” to learn more about using these layers in your lighting design.

        A common practice to allow guests the level of control they seek with their lighting is by using multiple small light fixtures throughout their space. The benefit of using many small fixtures is that each fixture in a line can be controlled to the preferences of your guests. This wouldn’t be possible with only two large fixtures in the room and a couple of bedside lamps. Using two large fixtures, without a dimmer switch is a no-no in the hotel industry, so be sure to stay clear of this lighting option. The other extreme of using so many small fixtures on individual switches so your guests have to travel around their room to turn on/off each fixture is annoying. The best option is somewhere in the middle, it may be hard to find this happy medium so be sure to consult the advice of a Lumen Master.

        It’s good to have a central light switch to control the main lighting in the room, preferable on a three-way switch. One switch can be placed by the doorway and one can be placed in the nearby room that guests are most often to stay in, near the bedroom. 

        A quick note on this is taking advantage of proper switches in your guest’s rooms, using dimmers is a great way to give your guests added control over their stay while helping you reduce energy costs. The same goes for using control switches for overhead fans, some switches allow for four speeds, converting a typical three-speed fan into a four-speed fan. These added controls are a great way to provide additional comfort during their stay while allowing you every opportunity to reduce your electricity costs. 

        About 30 percent of a hotel’s energy usage is related to lighting costs alone.

        About 30 percent of a hotel’s energy usage is related to lighting costs alone, this is why we recommend using LED bulbs and dimmer switches. Both of these technologies are quickly becoming commonplace for hotels across the country. LEDs already offer great energy savings and these savings can be magnified when used with compatible dimmer switches. Guests will love the ability to set light levels of their choosing throughout the day. Whatever your hotel brand’s standards are, LED bulbs and dimmer switches make a difference. 

        One thing that can be done to keep your costs down is to keep light fixtures easy to reach and maintain. Lower fixtures that are easily reached by housekeeping and maintenance are easier to maintain. When light bulbs burn out they can be changed quickly and easily. The maintenance department should have shelf space that labels what bulbs are used in each section of the hotel. Grand fixtures have their place in suites and penthouses but know that they require special care. Often, maintenance will have to be called with a ladder in hand to change the bulbs in these fixtures. LED chandelier bulbs will save you time and energy, there is still a time commitment on the part of your hotel staff to clean and replace the bulbs on these fixtures. We also recommend keeping your lighting designers in check. If tools are needed to open a fixture and change a light bulb, then the maintenance person is going to break a few fixtures. 

        It’s important to keep in mind the word cohesion as that’s what we’re striving to achieve with your hotel lighting and your hotel’s brand standards. The goal is to aim for a cohesive lighting collection that compliments the overall design of your hotel and guest rooms. This includes the ceiling color, wall color, floor color, carpet, furniture, and the chosen fixtures to be used such as ceiling-mounted fixtures, floor lamps, desk lamps, wall sconces, recessed cans, and accent lighting. Keeping cohesion in mind, all of these elements should belong to the same design family. This will facilitate a holistic and consistent feel to the lighting and design scheme of your hotel.

        hotel room lighting options

        A note on fixture finishes:

      • Chrome, and Matte Nickel fixtures work well for a clean and contemporary look
      • Matte Black, Gold, and Copper finishes work well to add a touch of luxury
      • When it comes to the lighting of your guestrooms, it’s best to follow the recommended 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin color temperature. This Kelvin range is best for bedrooms because of its warm white glow. It’s relaxing, welcoming, and inspires rest – everything you want in bedroom lighting. For desk lighting and bedside lighting, we can vary this recommendation a little because of the intended operation. For these types of lights, we can boost the Kelvin temperature from 4000 Kelvin to 5000 Kelvin which is best for working because it reduces glare on a computer screen and makes reading easier.. Though we can use a 5000 Kelvin bulb for bedside lighting, we recommend avoiding this option and sticking with a 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin bulb because it’s usually the first and last light to be turned on by your guest. As highlighted before, we don’t want to blind our guests with powerful light first thing in the morning nor jolt them awake as they prepare to sleep. 

        One thing that can be done to provide a modest amount of light to the guest rooms is to take advantage of wall sconces to provide gentle perimeter lighting. Using a 2700 Kelvin bulb to 3500 Kelvin LED bulb and directing the light upwards is a common method used in hotel rooms. Going this route is a nice option as it creates a relaxing atmosphere, especially when paired with a beautiful fixture that matches your hotel’s theme. This lighting method is called uplighting and is a simplified version of wall washing, and we covered this lighting technique in our “Exterior Lighting for Hotels” post. – head there to get a quick refresher. 

        Many hotels are going with bedside lamps that offer different light settings. Guests can always turn on more light if they need it but if they want a softer tone they should have that option. Bedside fixtures are a great option for general lighting and should include additional plugins and USB slots for modern guests. A hotel room can never have too many USB slots. It is almost ridiculous when you see how much technology a family of 4 will need to charge in today’s world. 

        Dimming or less bright bedside bulbs should never blind or overwhelm guests early in the morning or late at night – let’s not wake the significant other. If you wake the significant other or children who need sleep with a bright light or by being too loud you will have groggy and cranky guests. That’s the wrong way to start your day and unfortunately, some guests would blame the hotel and you won’t be getting any positive reviews. Our owner Tom jokes about sneaking out of his hotel room every morning without waking the family. He actually travels with a loaf of bread, bananas, and peanut butter. At night he moves the coffee pot to the bathroom, arranges his workout clothes there, and wakes up at 4:30 am. Eating his breakfast and drinking his coffee on the toilet, showering, and sneaking out of the room at 5 am. He has become very good at leaving the room without waking his family and has learned to stay out of the room until his family finds him in the gym. 

        We’ve mentioned a lot about Kelvin’s temperature and wall sconces but we haven’t mentioned ceiling fixtures much. This might leave with the impression that ceiling fixtures are not recommended in hotel rooms but this is not true. We love ceiling fixtures but like everything else, they should be done right. Good ceiling fixtures match the hotel’s brand, use the correct Kelvin temperature as discussed above, complement the environment, and should be easy to change. Easy to change is the number one factor most designers neglect. Get these points right and you’ll notice a difference upon entering a guest room. 

        As we’ve mentioned earlier, good lighting is critical to differentiate yourself from your competition and this is no different for your guest rooms. Good lighting makes a difference and your guests will remember you by it. One hotel that does an amazing job of hotel guest room lighting is the International House Hotel, in New Orleans (see pictures below). Each room is beautifully lit using a Kelvin range between 2700 Kelvin and 35000 Kelvin. Each fixture matches the room ambiance that compliments the future layout – something we’ll get to later. When you enter, everything just makes sense and it’s not by accident. 

           hotel room led lighting

        Take note of the furniture placement in all of these rooms – this is something we noted in the hotel lobby but let’s return our attention to this area in our guest rooms. Can you visualize the flow of the room? The Feng Shui is strong with these designs, the furniture placement is conducive to relaxation that compliments the overall lighting design. Notice the picture on the far left of how the fixture matches the furniture color – smooth. The carpet, wall color, drapes, Kelvin temperature, and brightness all come together to create a magnificent room. The same design principles are applied to the two right pictures, taking advantage of ceiling fans, floor lamps, and bedside light fixtures.

        It’s important to manage these factors because they have a direct impact on the guest experience. Factors like the lighting, chosen fixtures, furniture, and layouts of both the furniture and lighting come together to create a remarkable experience for your guests. Getting it right can lead to repeat business, public affirmations, and highly regarded reviews by top publishers. Getting it wrong though, let’s not diverge any more consequences as you should be well familiar with those by now – so, get your lighting in order and reap the benefits.

        Common areas to think about when it comes to lighting your guest rooms

      • The bedroom – general lighting
      • The desk and bedsides – task lighting
      • Wardrobe – general and accent lighting
      • The entryway (if applicable)
      • Common Light Sources

      • Wall Lights
      • Ceiling Lights
      • Table Lamps
      • Adjustable Floor Lamps
      • Chain Lights – hanging on the wall or the ceiling creates a striking starry sky effect.
      • Table/bedside lamps – The first and last to be used during the day, should not be too bright.
      • What About Bathroom Lighting?

        When it comes to bathroom lighting it’s recommended to use the same Kelvin temperature found in the bedroom, that’s the 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin temperature range. Keep in mind you don’t want to be blasted with light in this space. Recessed can lighting fixtures are a great option to use in the bathroom as well, especially when followed up with complimentary vanity lights. Linestra fixtures are becoming more commonplace because they are great for gently lighting this area, compliments skin tones, and avoids blinding guests with too much light.

        Wrap up

        This wraps up our bedroom and bathroom segment for our hotel lighting guide. As usual, we covered a lot of ground in this segment but you can count on us to do a quick recap below.

      • Take advantage of multiple light options to give your guests more control over their lighting.
      • Use dimmer switches for your lights and fan controls to provide more energy-saving options.
      • Be mindful of how the light designs compliment the furniture and furniture placement.
      • Stick with a 2700 Kelvin to 3500 Kelvin bulb in both the room and bathrooms.
      • Place light switches in easy-to-find locations to avoid any hassle your guests may have found them.
      • Take advantage of the Linestra trend and use them during your new install or retrofit projects.
      • There’s a good amount of information that we covered in this section so be sure to take some notes, review particular areas, and know what you can visit or call us at (701) 205-4953 to work with a Lumen Master. We at GoodBulb have over two decades of industry experience in helping hotel owners and managers shape their visual perceptions and save on energy costs.

        Be sure to subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

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        Hallway and Staircase Lighting for Hotels

        hotel hallway lighting LED

        Welcome back to this week’s hotel lighting guide to Hallway, Staircase, and Elevator Lighting. If you missed last week then don’t worry, we have the important points listed below. This lighting series will cover everything that hotel owners, management, and employees need to know about maximizing hotel lighting. If you want to make sure your guests get the most out of their stay and to get the most out of your bottom line then this hotel series is for you. Be sure to subscribe to this series to get notified when a new post goes live. 

        Last week’s main points:

      • There are three focal points to your hotel lobby: the entrance, reception area, and seating areas.
      • Four types of lighting layers exist to help position your hotel lobby in the right light, they are general lighting, perimeter lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.
      • A handful of bulbs can be used in a hotel lobby, but here are the most common, BR Series, PAR Series, MR Series, T Series, B Series, and A Series.
      • Get the most out of your bulbs by taking note of your bulb’s characteristics, such as its lumens, Kelvin temperature, and CRI rating.
      • Create an environment you want while achieving energy efficiency by taking advantage of modern lighting controls.
      • We’re packing this series full of information and it still only touches the outer aspects that Lumen Masters like us consider while doing a lighting retrofit. So be sure to give this post an extra read-through if something is not making sense. Better yet, visit our website at or call us at (701) 205-4953 to speak with a Lumen Master directly.

        We’ve accomplished a lot so far with getting your hotel up to speed on lighting best practices, and now you have an understanding of lighting basics as it pertains to the hotel industry. Your exterior lighting not only attracts new guests but promotes your hotel. Your lobby is well-lit, comforting, and navigational by using the four layers of lighting discussed earlier. The next step for a hotel guest is their guestroom, but they will have to travel through your hallways, elevators, and possibly the stairs to get there.

        So let’s dive in and learn about making lighting improvements to these areas, and how to take advantage of your hotel’s best promoter.

        But first, Hallway Lighting

        LED savings in hotel hallway lighting

        Hallway lighting builds off the positive experience set by the lighting design of your lobby and by the interaction guests have with hotel staff. The hallway, though simple, is an area that deserves just as much attention as the rest of your hotel. Typically, we’re going to maintain the same light levels in the hallways/corridors as we have in the lobby. To achieve this, we recommend lighting these areas with a 3000 Kelvin to 5000 Kelvin LED bulb.

        A special note on this though is that the Kelvin temperature is contingent upon the color of your hallway walls, carpet/floor color, and ceiling color. What look is your hotel wanting to achieve? What are the dimensions of the space? Are their unique features present? These questions are going to help us navigate our lumen, Kelvin, and CRI considerations presented in the previous blog post. If you missed last week’s post, you can read it here: Lobby Lighting for Hotels.

        LED Savings Hotel Lighting

        Though the considerations for lighting in this area are much the same factors for lighting any area in your hotel, we have fun with our luminaires. Most properties will use recessed can lighting, ceiling-mounted fixtures, and/or wall sconces. For recessed can lighting you’ll often reflector BR LEDs or plugin bulbs. The reason for this is that it provides a clear overhead space that’s stylish for any hotel. The second reason for choosing this light shape is the beam angle, BR series has a wide beam angle that is perfect for downlight lighting. The typical width of a hallway is 48-72 inches wide, having recessed lighting that offers a wide beam angle is perfect for this width. When it comes to choosing our light direction, we have a few options.

        The first option is taking advantage of spotlighting to illuminate the path of your hallway. This directional beam can avoid contact with the walls while placing an intentional beam of light on the hallway floor. This lighting option can create a chic atmosphere, almost like your guests are walking down a runway during New York Fashion Week. This effect gets compounded when wall sconce lighting is introduced. Providing the same Kelvin temperature as your ceiling light, this accent lighting is perfect for adding a bit of character to your hallway. When done right, it can make your guests feel welcomed, as if they have a special invitation to be here.

        LED Savings with Light Bulbs Hotel Hallway

        Taking advantage of a wider beam angle that illuminates the walls and leverages a lighting technique known as “wall washing” can also set a great atmosphere. Wall washing is a lighting technique used to enhance the smoothness of your walls and eliminate shadows. You’ll often see this technique used in art galleries but we can use the same technique here. Using a wider beam angle doesn’t prevent you from using wall sconces either, the atmosphere will just be a little different. In this instance, you may opt to vary the lumens of the wall sconces to provide a visual break between the ceiling light and wall sconces. This can aid in obtaining your guest’s attention towards paintings and room numbers.

        We should note that depending on the newness of your lighting system, you may have integrated bulbs. These are most common among new hotels as they are still a newer technology. If you have these installed for your recessed lighting or your wall sconces then you’ll replace the fixtures or the driver, as they are integrated. Though for most hotels, your fixture and bulbs will be separate. As noted, you’ll commonly use a BR20, BR30, or BR40 for your ceilings. For your wall sconces, you’ll commonly see a PL Plug-In (2p pin / 4 pin) installed 

        LED Savings Staircase Lighting

        Staircase lighting

        Staircase lighting follows the same principles as hallway lighting in terms of ceiling light, though you’ll more commonly see focused lighting on the stairs. Staircase lighting has more in common with pathway lighting than it does with hallway lighting. Just as with pathway lights, we want to illuminate the direction of traffic. Remember, these lights need to be appropriately spaced so that each step receives the proper amount of light, while not flooding any particular area. You’ll also want to make sure that your stair lighting doesn’t protrude into the path of the stairs, causing a tripping hazard. Instead, your stair lighting should be flush along the mounting surface.  We recommend 5000 Kelvin in your stairwells because it’s a bright and whiter light.  It helps eliminate that creepy feeling one gets when walking down or up the back sections of a hotel.  

        A note on safety

        Sometimes general lighting systems fail, when they do you’ll need exit and emergency lighting to keep your guests and hotel staff safe. These lights should signal the direction of the nearest exit and facilitate efficient movement. If an exit is not required then these lights should provide a sense of security and comfort until the main lighting systems are back online. 

        State and local regulations require that you have both exit lighting and emergency lighting present within your hotel. Please check with your local, state, and federal regulations to make sure your hotel is following regulations. 

        In the case of hotels, all exit routes such as hallways, stairwells, and corridors should have emergency backup lights. Often, internal rooms such as guestrooms, bathrooms, and large closets require emergency lighting as well.

        To order your exit and emergency lights, or light bulb replacements visit our exit lights section on

        “A safe, navigational, and energy-conserving light level is around 5-foot candles or 53.8 lumens”
        ~ Lumen Master Brian ~

        stairwell safety lighting LED


        Elevator Lighting

        Whew, this information can be a lot to take in, especially if you’re coming across this information for the first time so thanks for sticking in there with us. This is all to better your hotel, the guest experience, and make your hotel more profitable. This is where we can get to the fun part of utilizing your best promotor, your elevators. Now you may think the elevator doesn’t do much, it goes up and it goes down. You’d be right, that’s what elevators are meant to do, to get people to where they need to be. Yet, you’re smarter than most hotel managers and know that the elevator is where every guest spends a portion of their stay. 

        This becomes marketing 101 when you have a guest wondering what to do as they wait to arrive on their selected floor. Use this opportunity to play promotions or funky music on the elevator speakers, highlight your restaurant and bar experience or remind guests of your breakfast options. Though a bit harder to pull off, hanging an advertising board, video display or wall art is a great option to further promote your property. These options can improve your hotel’s revenue but they can also improve your guest’s experience by promoting events they could be interested in. A study done by entrepreneur magazine found that the average elevator ride is 118 seconds or 1 minute 58 seconds. This is a significant amount of time to have direct access to your hotel guests, take advantage of it wisely and watch your bottom line benefit. 

        Because you’ll be utilizing your elevator as a 24/7 hotel promotor, you’ll want to make sure that this area is well lit. To accomplish this we will go with a brighter bulb to make this relatively small space feel larger and more welcoming. Common bulbs used in elevator lighting are little PARs because they give us the bright light we’re looking to achieve and maintain our desired Kelvin temperature. Bringing these two aspects together allows us to treat our guests well, maintain a welcoming atmosphere, and promote all of your hotel-related activities. 

        Wrap Up

        This wraps up our hallway, staircase, and elevator lighting guide for hotels. We covered a lot of ground in this chapter so let’s do a quick recap of the main points: 

      • Hallway lighting should work to maintain the atmosphere set from the previous customer touchpoints, the exterior, and the lobby.
      • Hallways utilize either BR or PAR series light bulbs for downlight and wall sconces for uplight.
      • A hotel manager’s job is to ensure a great guest experience and to do that requires keeping their safety in mind.
      • An average elevator ride is 118 seconds, use this time to promote your hotel restaurant & bar, shops, and events.
      • There’s a good amount of information that we covered in this section so be sure to take notes, review particular areas, and know that you can visit or call us at (701) 205-4953 to work with a Lumen Master. We at GoodBulb have years of industry experience in helping hotel management shape their visual perceptions and save on energy costs.

        Be sure to subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

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        Lobby Lighting for Hotels

        wow led lighting hotel

        Welcome back to our Lighting for Hotels: Introduction to Hotel Lighting for Hoteliers series. If you missed last week then don’t worry, we have the important points listed below. This lighting series will cover everything that hotel owners, management, and employees need to know about maximizing hotel lighting. If you want to make sure your guests get the most out of their stay and to get the most out of your bottom line then this hotel guide series is for you. Be sure to subscribe to this series to get notifications when a new post goes live.

        This week, we will cover hotel lobby lighting and how it builds off the impression set by your exterior lighting. Your job as a hotel manager has only just begun, but we’re helping to guide you all the way to lighting success. The impression made by your exterior lighting is one of awe, warmth, and openness. We build off this inside with your lobby lighting, but now with a deeper concentration on layered lighting. These layers will help guide your guests as they begin their check-in process and will aid hotel staff in performing their duties.

        Now, let’s dig into our next segment, hotel lobby lighting! 

        First, we must provide a disclaimer. Thousands of hotels around the country have been built or remodeled over the past 5 to 20 years. When they opened their doors, the lighting was perfect from the front to the back of the house. From the rooms to the lobby to the parking lighting had a purpose and flowed from one area to the next. Overtime workers have replaced burned-out bulbs with the wrong LEDs and those beautiful properties have lost some sparkle. If this has happened to your property then keep reading and then call a Lumen Master at GoodBulb.

        Entering the hotel lobby should be a pleasant and striking experience, it should make the statement that we are as good or better than the price tag to enjoy our rooms. This is the area where every guest will pass, from their initial check-in, nightly activities, and their check-out. The lobby should be built around comforting guests while providing task lighting to aid hotel staff. Your lobby should allow guests to travel easily, from the lobby area to reception, to the transition area (the elevators and stairs). Lastly, highlight accent pieces in your hotel that will wow guests and create a unique impression to remember your hotel by. As said by Douglas Nysse, an award-winning designer, 

        elegant hotel lighting led

        “If you lose them at the beginning, it is very hard to recover. In their mind, they’ve decided it is a bad hotel.” 

        Be wise and take these words of Douglas Nysse to heart, hoteliers must grab ahold of this opportunity and use it to their advantage – to establish a strong, pleasant, and lasting first impression on their hotel guests.

        Welcoming and Functional Lighting

        Mary Bamborough, president of the International Interior Designers Association (IIDA) Michigan Chapter, stated, “a lobby must send the message, ‘Welcome. We’re glad you’re here.” One important feature of an effective lobby is the ability of visitors to orient themselves to the building and easily navigate through the space. Guests should feel welcomed, warm, comfortable, and – navigational. When they enter the lobby, it’s important that they feel good and clearly oriented. One of the ways to achieve this is through exceptional lighting design.

        When guests walk into the lobby, they notice the beautiful chandeliers, the warm ambiance, the smooth check-in, the beautiful wallpaper, sculpture(s), and paintings. They admire these things and talk about them, but most of the time, what they don’t notice is the lighting design behind it all. Lighting that is naturally integrated into the overall design creates a hotel with a beautiful transition from the exterior to the interior.

        There’s not one formula for lighting a hotel lobby. Every hotel has its unique architectural design, interior decoration, target audience, and brand story – the lighting design depends on all these factors. Generally, the ultimate goal is to make the guests feel warm, and welcome, guiding them through the space. Staff benefits from great lighting design as well as it allows their administrative activities and tasks to be done under proper lighting. The following are common considerations that every hotel manager should consider in their lighting plan.

        hotel lobby gorgeous led lighting

        Lighting Focal Points

        When it comes to hotel lobby lighting, there are three areas that we must focus our attention on:

        1. The entrance
        2. The reception area
        3. The seating area

        These are the three main focal points of a hotel lobby, where plenty of activities are taking place throughout the day. Given this, lighting must be aesthetic but also functional.

        Layered Lighting

        Before we discuss lighting in these areas, let’s talk about layered lighting and lighting transitions first. Utilizing different types of lighting in an area is called layered lighting. This is often done in hotels to achieve a certain effect and purpose. At times, layered lighting helps guests in determining where a space starts and another begins, giving them cues or signals.

        The Four Types of Layered Lighting:

        1. General and Diffused Lighting

        General lighting is the main source of illumination in a space. This uniform, base level of lighting can easily become the focus of energy reduction, as the light levels from other fixtures can be lowered, especially when using LED bulbs. General lighting is primarily used to allow staff and guests to move freely throughout the space without paying much attention to any particular area (bright and dim lighting). Diffused general lighting ensures a sense of well-being, which makes customers feel comfortable. One way to achieve this is by arranging recessed fixtures using reflectors, baffles, and lensed trims in overlapping positions.

        2. Perimeter Lighting

        Perimeter lighting helps to define spaces, provides vertical lighting, and makes the space feel larger. Done with wall sconces, vertical lighting creates a pleasant environment that adds to the visual impact the walls have on the space. Vertical surfaces can be lit for visual comfort, spaciousness, and directional cues.

        3. Task Lighting

        Task lighting is used to illuminate an area for a specific task by providing a focused, localized, and higher level of light. Necessary to the functioning of the space, it is important to use energy-efficient sources to reduce operating costs. Task lighting is most effective when used as a supplement to general lighting in workspaces, conference areas, and office areas. Effective task lighting should eliminate shadows on the intended illuminated area while preventing glare from any additional light source being used. Pendant luminaires at the front desk are a great way to provide task lighting for work.

        4. Accent Lighting

        Accent lighting creates a dramatic emphasis on the space using a focused light source(s). It adds depth, contrast and creates a focal point for items to be displayed by highlighting shapes, textures, finishes, and colors. If this light is directed ambiguously, the result may cause unwanted shadows as well as distracting glares. The key is to make this illumination more precise and of higher intensity than the surrounding ambient light. Track fixtures and recessed housings with adjustable trims provide directional control and are especially effective for accent lighting.

        hotel lobby led lighting

        Lighting Transitions

        Lighting transitions in lighting layouts help guests adjust from one lighting experience to the next. An abrupt transition from various lumens and color temperatures is an unpleasant experience. We have to keep in mind that our eyes need time to adjust to lighting. Therefore, lighting transitions are necessary. In a hotel, the entrance, hallways, elevators, alcoves, and other small areas may serve this purpose.

        Now, let’s discuss lighting the main focal points of a hotel lobby.

        Entrance Lighting

        Since your guests have arrived, we should be listening to Mary Bamborough. The entrance lighting must be warm and welcoming helping them transition from the exterior to the interior lighting. During the day, your property may benefit from natural sunlight on a sunny day which is a pure white light but not every day is Sunny. I guess that’s life. At night, the lighting must be warmer to help the eyes adjust to the darkness, 3000 kelvin is used in a lot of properties across the country and it looks nice. The entrance uses a layer of general, task, and decorative lighting. Dimmable lighting in this area is a great way to maintain different light levels throughout the day. We recommend an automated control system that dims the lights according to the light levels outside.

        Reception Area Lighting

        This is the next area that guests look for upon entering the hotel. A well-lit reception is fairly bright that it catches the guests’ eyes immediately and signals them to come. It uses general, task, and decorative lighting. Task lighting is especially important in this area as it allows staff to work efficiently. Having pendant lights and table lamps present can aid staff and guests alike in a successful exchange of information for the check-in and check-out process.

        Seating Area

        The seating area is where guests may rest while waiting to be checked in, for their shuttle to arrive, or on other guests. This area often uses soft and relaxing lighting such as recessed lights and table lamps.

        Using Lighting Layers

        Having looked into the different ways of lighting each of these areas, we come to see that a hotel’s lobby utilizes layered lighting as a whole. Primarily, it uses general lighting for the basic illumination of the entire space and may even incorporate perimeter lighting to define the size of the space. Next, with all the activities happening in every part of the lobby, it also uses task lighting for specific functions like the check-in process. Finally, a hotel lobby builds in accent and decorative lighting to create a pleasant aesthetic look for guests. Successfully layering these lighting types in the lobby helps to create a warm, beautiful, and functional space that will satisfy your guests and turn them into loyal visitors.

        Common Bulbs Used in Hotel Lobby Lighting

        Most of the time, a hotel lobby uses the following bulbs for general, task, accent, and decorative lighting.   

        BR30 and PAR38 Bulbs

        Both BR30 and PAR30 are reflector bulbs commonly used with recessed cans for general lighting. BR30 helps distribute light equally while PAR38 creates a dramatic effect from a high ceiling.

        MR16, PAR20, and PAR30 Bulbs

        These bulbs are reflector-type bulbs commonly used for accent lighting. They effectively highlight displays and similar areas mainly for aesthetic purposes.

        T8 Bulbs

        T8 bulbs are more often found in the back of house environments than the front of the house.  

        B10, B11, and A19

        Chandeliers are by far the most common decorative lighting fixtures in hotels, especially in the lobby. They make use of torpedo light bulbs like B10s or B11s, often to create an elegant and nostalgic effect. Another common light fixture found in the lobby is table lamps, which require standard light bulbs like A19s.

        Bulb Considerations


        Lumens, like all the others factors, depending on the area’s structure, design, specific functions, and hotel brand.


        When it comes to color temperature, a range of 3000K to 3500K is recommended for hotel lobbies and the main entrances. This range provides a warm atmosphere that makes guests feel welcomed and comfortable and allows the staff to perform various tasks well. The seating area may require a softer light color since guests use this area mainly for waiting. To achieve this, we recommend sticking with the same Kelvin temperature of 3000K and going with a dimmable light bulb to adjust light levels throughout the day.

        Color Rendering Index (CRI)

        In hotel lobbies, a high CRI becomes a point of focus when there are decorative pieces like paintings, sculptures, and wall decorations that require a high degree of color rendering. For depicting colors vividly, use a high CRI bulb of 80 and above. Going with a higher CRI will make colors appear bold and vibrant.

        Beam Angle

        Determining the beam angle of any hotel’s space is dependent on the ceiling height, structure, and purpose. In general, hotel lobbies use floodlighting with a 55-60° wide beam angle for an even distribution of light. At times, the reception desk and the seating area incorporate spotlighting to aid in doing specific tasks.

        Lighting Controls

        Many hoteliers still choose to utilize both manual and automatic lighting controls to serve specific purposes more accurately and efficiently. Many hotels opt to go with automatic lighting controls for their ease of use and auto on/off features. On the other hand, a manual lighting dimmer may still be needed to achieve a specific lighting scene that cannot be done through automated lighting controls. Remember that incorporating lighting controls are mainly dependent on the purposes and goals of the space.

        Automatic Daylight-Driven Controls

        Since hotel lobbies are a very busy place and always occupied, the lights are usually on all the time. Automatic daylight-driven dimming helps in dimming the lights to a necessary level during the daytime, contributing to energy savings and efficiency.

        Manual Controls

        Most hotel lobby lights are on all the time. However, there may be times when the lobby lights need to be adjusted or controlled to create a specific effect. Using manual dimmer controls works for these purposes.

        Occupancy Sensors

        This type of light control is best for areas that do not receive a lot of traffic or receive traffic periodically. These sensors are sensitive to stimuli like movement and body heat that transmit signals to operate the light.

        Lighting Control Software

        This modern way of lighting control is popular since it is an efficient and convenient method for monitoring both your energy consumption and for controlling your light levels. Hotel managers may use this software to monitor their lobby’s energy consumption, light levels, and even be notified of a dead bulb.

        Space Considerations

        As mentioned in the previous segments, lighting design is influenced by several space considerations such as size and shape, wall and surface colors, points of interest, and traffic patterns. Different space sizes, shapes, and ceiling levels require specific lighting to create the desired ambiance and achieve the necessary purposes. Certain colors and textures produce interesting lighting effects in regards to the light being used. Points of interest or focal points require certain kinds of lighting depending on their functions as discussed earlier. All these factors determine a hotel’s lighting design. When these elements are carefully and properly taken into consideration guests will experience the hotel at its finest.

        The hotel lobby is an essential part of a hotel. This is the first and probably the most important opportunity for hoteliers to win their guests. Having the right lighting design plays an integral role in building an amazing hotel lobby that can earn you the appreciation, favor, and loyalty of your guests.

        Wrap up

        The hotel lobby is an essential part of a hotel. This is the first and probably the most important opportunity for hoteliers to win their guests. Having the right lighting design plays an integral role in building an amazing hotel lobby that can earn you the appreciation, favor, and loyalty of your guests.

        This wraps up this section of our hotel lighting guide but before we officially close out, let’s review a few important points

      • There are three focal points in your hotel lobby, the entrance, reception area, and seating areas.
      • Four types of lighting layers are used throughout your hotel, these are general lighting, perimeter lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.
      • Common bulbs used in lobby lighting are BR Series, PAR Series, MR Series, T Series, B Series, and A Series bulbs.
      • Take note of your bulb’s characteristics, such as its lumens, Kelvin temperature, and CRI rating.
      • Take advantage of modern lighting controls that help create the desired lighting effect while saving on energy costs.
      • There’s a good amount of information that we covered in this section so be sure to take notes, review particular areas, and know that you can visit or give us a call at (701) 205-4953 to work with a Lumen Master. We at GoodBulb have years of industry experience in helping hotel management shape their visual perceptions and save on energy costs.

        Be sure to subscribe below to stay up to date on our latest hotel lighting guide and take control of your expenses, brand perception, and guest experience.

        get lighting help
        lighting expert
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        Where can I buy high quality LEDs for my hotel?

        5 star LED light bulbs

        Beware of Bad Bulbs, Shop for Good Bulbs.

        Great lighting is key to creating the correct atmosphere for your hotel. It can make a huge difference for your guests. From comfortable, warm light in your restaurant to adjustable lighting in the guest rooms, your hotel will need lights that fit various needs.

        Your goal is to create the ultimate experience for your guests. You are their home away from home, and it's easy to fix common complaints like poor vanity and reading light. The best ways to avoid these mistakes are working with a lighting specialist to identify the variety of lights, lighting control, and high-quality LED bulbs that are right for your property.

        What's a Bad Bulb? I grew up with a couple guys on the South Side of Chicago who are definately bad bulbs. A bad light bulb is one that is engineered to fail during the manufacturing process. This has been common practice in lighting since bulbs began mass production in 1907.  

        Why LED Lighting and What is a High Quality LED?

        LED lighting is the most cost effective and convenient form of lighting for your hotel. A high-quality LED (Light Emitting Diode) has several characteristics that distinguish it from Bad Bulbs. These features ensure longevity, efficiency, and effectiveness in various applications, ranging from residential lighting to commercial and industrial settings. Here are some of the key attributes of using high-quality LED in hotels:

        1. Efficiency and Luminous Efficacy: High-quality LEDs provide more light output (lumens) per watt of electricity consumed. This means they are more energy-efficient and cost-effective over time.

        2. Color Rendering Index (CRI): A high CRI value above 90 for superior quality indicates that the light from the LED accurately represents different colors compared to a natural light source like the sun. This is crucial in environments where color differentiation and improved spectrum of light are important.

        3. Color Temperature: LEDs from GoodBulb offer a wide range of color temperatures to suit different environments and preferences, from warm tones (2200K-3000K) to daylight (5000K). The ability to choose and, in some cases, adjust the color temperature is a hallmark of high-quality LED lighting.

        4. Longevity and Reliability: High-quality LEDs have a longer life hours, rated for 25,000 to 50,000 hours. This durability is a result of superior thermal management, which ensures that the LEDs do not overheat and degrade prematurely.

        5. Dimmability: The ability to dim the light output without flicker or noise is a feature of high-quality LEDs. This requires compatibility with dimming systems and well-designed driver electronics.

        6. Thermal Management: Effective heat dissipation is critical for the longevity of LEDs. High-quality LEDs are designed with heat sinks or other thermal management techniques to keep the LED junction temperature at safe levels. LEDs produce less heat, reducing cooling costs during warmer months. 

        7. Warranty and Manufacturer Support: Reputable manufacturers offer warranties that guarantee the performance of their LEDs. This support is a sign of the confidence that GoodBulb has in their product's quality.

        When selecting an LED product, considering these characteristics can help ensure you are choosing a high-quality option that will provide efficient, reliable, and high-performance lighting.

        You’ll be able to create the right atmosphere for each room in your hotel with minimal maintenance compared to other more traditional forms of hotel lighting.

        Finding high-quality LED bulbs that fit your hotel is more than just finding a light bulb. You’ll want to find the right color temperature that fits the atmosphere. Light should flow with your guests as they move from the lobby, through the hallways, and into their room. Keep in mind, you will need a different temperature for the front of house, compared to the back.  


        Where to Buy LED Lighting?

        Purchasing light bulbs in today's market is hard, with a myriad of choices that lead to confusion rather than clarity. From big-box retailers, online lighting stores to wholesale houses, the options are endless, each offering lighting products with varying specifications, quality levels, and prices. This abundance of choice complicates the decision-making process for consumers and businesses alike, making it difficult to identify the best product for their specific needs.

        Enter GoodBulb lighting solutions. GoodBulb simplifies this journey by emphasizing quality first and competitive price savings. Our extensive product selection caters to every possible lighting need, eliminating the hassle of shopping around. Fast shipping means that light bulbs arrive when you need them, not weeks later. GoodBulb stands apart by assigning lighting experts as account managers, providing personalized advice and support to each customer.

        Goodbulb makes a difference providing light

        Perhaps most compelling is our mission to make a difference: with every purchase, customers contribute to global initiatives that bring light to underserved communities. Choosing GoodBulb isn't just about buying a light bulb; it's about investing in quality, convenience, expert guidance, and the chance to light up the world, one bulb at a time.

        Shop our variety of high-quality LED bulbs at to get in contact with one of our Lumen Masters and receive personalized help for upgrading your hotel project with LED lighting.

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        Are LED Lights Dimmable? Can I use my current dimmer switch with LED bulbs?


        electricity chart

        Are LED lights dimmable?

        The short answer is maybe. You see, some bulbs are designed to be dimmable whereas others are not. Manufacturers are pretty good about indicating this on their packaging. A key factor that plays into dimmability is dimmer switches. Older switches were designed to handle high wattage requirements of incandescent and halogen bulbs. This worked great until the invention of LED technology, which uses about 75% less energy than their older generation counterparts. When switching out old incandescents with LEDs but keeping the dimmer switch the same the result may be flickering, buzzing, and incompatibility. Not because of the bulb but because the dimmer switch is designed for older lighting technologies. To address this problem, the industry created “Trailing Edge” dimmers that are designed for the low wattage requirements of LED technology. In the end, any area can have dimmable lighting but a couple of requirements must be meant first.


        In a little more than a decade, LED lights have become very popular, more popular than their older fluorescent counterparts. This is due to their longer life span, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, safety, and health benefits. But one question that is often asked about LED lights is “Are LED lights dimmable?”

        The answer to this often asked question is, it depends. LED lights may be dimmable or non-dimmable. So if you’re looking to buy a dimmable LED light, simply check the product description or product listing if you’re shopping online. Manufacturers are encouraged to place this information prominently on their products as more customers are requesting this functionality. Yet, just because a bulb is dimmable does not mean that it is compatible with your dimmer switch. Read on to learn more about bulb dimmability and compatibility with your current lighting system.

        dimmer switch compatibility

        Leading Edge Dimmers and Trailing Edge Dimmers

        Leading-edge dimmers, also known as 2-wire forward phase dimmers, incandescent dimmers, or TRIAC dimmers, are designed for older bulbs such as incandescents and halogens that have high wattages. Using a high-speed bidirectional thyristor device, which could be either a Triode for Alternating Current (TRIAC) or Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR), these dimmers cut out the ascending or leading edge of each “half-sine wave”. Since LED lights use much less energy than other types of light, they may not be able to trigger the TRIAC or SCR, resulting in flickering and buzzing.

        Leading-edge dimmers are made to use up a high volume of energy. So using an LED light with a leading-edge dimmer is not going to give you the best results since LED lights operate on low wattages. This type of dimmer is still common in houses and establishments since this has been around for quite a long time already. If your space has been around for 15 or more years, then you most likely have a leading-edge dimmer. 

        On the other hand, trailing edge dimmers also called 2-wire reverse phase dimmers, utilize a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) or Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) device to chop a voltage signal waveform at the descending or trailing edge of a sine wave. These dimmers are specifically designed for low-wattage bulbs such as LED lights. They can easily and effectively gauge the energy levels required for LED lights, giving you the best chance for dimming.

        Leading-edge and trailing edge dimmers are referred to as phase control dimmers since both chop a portion of voltage signal waveform at certain areas of a sine wave to supply the needed amount of voltage and current to lamps for dimming purposes. 

        lighting help

        A note about sine waves

        A sine wave is a geometric waveform that oscillates (moves up, down, or side-to-side) periodically. This waveform is represented by an s-shaped, smooth wave that rises above and below the horizontal line represented on a graph. It’s nothing to be concerned about for most lighting purposes as the technicality of the sine wave is outside most lighting considerations. Nonetheless, it’s a part of lighting that is used for technical analysis.

        Can I use my current dimmer switch with LED lights?

        Another question that is frequently asked is if an existing dimmer switch may be used with an LED light. The first thing to do is to identify your dimmer switch. In many cases, what people have in their homes is commonly referred to as traditional dimmers known as leading-edge dimmers. Chances are if you have been using your current dimmer with incandescent bulbs, then you have a traditional dimmer. Below is a simple test that you can do to identify your dimmer switch. Still, it pays to give your contractor or installer a call to correctly identify your dimmer switch.

        Try this simple test:

        1. Install your dimmable LED light(s) with your existing dimmer as normal.
        2. Check if the following problems occur. 

        • Flickering – the light(s) pulses unsteadily and rapidly.  

        • Strobing – the light flashes unsteadily, but less frequently than a flicker.

        • Flashing – the light turns on and off randomly.

        • Drop out – the light goes out upon reaching the bottom of the range. 

        • Pop on – the light unexpectedly becomes brighter at a certain point when increasing light levels.

        • Unresponsive – the light is not responding properly, staying at the same level of brightness for some or all of the dimming scale.

        1. If the above problems occur, change to a new dimmer switch that is compatible with your LED light(s).

        Encountering these issues could mean that your dimmer is a leading-edge dimmer, hence the issue. But also keep in mind that these issues may still arise even when you have an LED dimmer. That’s why it’s important to check your dimmers manufacturer’s specifications to determine which specific dimmer may suit your bulb(s) requirements well.

        How low can a dimming bulb go?

        Now, how far can you dim your LED light? Traditionally, LED lights can dim up to 10%. But with the advancements in LED technology, some LED lights can now dim down to 1%. This just gets better since the lower the dimming range the longer the life of a LED bulb. Additionally, high-end LED bulbs now offer a smooth transition of light for a better effect rather than an abrupt change.

        Other Dimmer Options

        As times progress so does technology. Nowadays, aside from leading and trailing edge dimmers, there are other types of dimmers that you can have as options such as 0-10v, Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI), and Digital Multiplex (DMX). Choosing one depends on your lighting layout, system configuration and control, and the LED bulb(s) characteristics.


        Originally, 0-10V or 4-wire dimming was used to dim fluorescent lights with the use of dimming ballasts. Over the years, this dimming method has evolved to become a reliable LED light dimmer. It adjusts the output by using an analog low-voltage signal. In the LED driver, when a low-voltage pair of grey and purple wires are open, the driver outputs 100% from a 10V signal. But when the two paired wires are shorted together (touching each other), the driver is set at the minimum since it receives a 0 dimming signal. The LED light turns off into sleep mode when the dimming is at 0V. 0-10V dimming may be used with any dimmable LED light and 0-10V LED driver. It also has wide applications such as retail, office buildings, theaters, and even outdoor commercial places. 

        NOTE: LED lights require LED drivers to operate. We will discuss this in the next part.   


        DALI is a digital dimmer in the form of a controller, designed to dim various light sources independently from one place. It is an interface that has a master-servant structure. The controller, which acts as a master, sends signals to the driver that works like a servant, following instructions to dim the lights as requested. With DALI, you can dim various lights at different levels. For example, in a living room, if you have 5 lights, you can dim 1 at 100% and the others at another percentage. Compared to other dimmers, in one place, you can only dim all your lights at either full or a certain percentage. DALI is certainly more complex and so more costly than the others, but also more powerful.


        DMX was originally for drama and stage lighting needs. But it is now being utilized to bring the drama of theatrical lighting into interior and exterior spaces, mostly architectural areas. DMX transforms data into bits through a shielded cable. DMX is used with RGB LED. 

        What is an LED driver? 

        LED drivers, also known as LED power supplies, are devices used to provide electricity to LED lights to function successfully. They are like the ballasts to fluorescent lights or transformers to low-voltage bulbs. 

        Why is an LED driver needed?

        Since many places run on a high voltage, alternating current electricity and LEDs operate on a low voltage direct current, a driver is needed to convert the energy. Having an LED driver also protects the LED light from damages caused by fluctuating voltage or current. LED lights need to operate on a certain current range, so too little or too much will damage the bulbs. So an LED driver is also important to keep the LED light at its rated level.

        Basic Guidelines for Dimmable LEDs

        1.1  Check the bulb.

        If you want a dimming effect, choose an LED bulb that is dimmable. Look for the dimmable icon manufacturers display on product packing and online listings.

        electricity is light

        1.2  Use a compatible dimmer.

        As I have mentioned earlier, you may use a traditional dimmer with an LED bulb. You can even try to use a non-dimmable LED bulb to a traditional or even a trailing edge dimmer. But doing so will not let you achieve the best dimming experience. The dimming effect will not be as great or desired, flickering and buzzing problems will appear and both the bulb and dimmer will get damaged. The best choice is to use a compatible dimmer such as a trailing edge dimmer.

        Tip: Check the compatibility charts from manufacturers. Manufacturers have embraced the practice of testing their bulbs with a variety of dimmers to see which ones are compatible with their bulbs. After testing, they use the data collected during their test to compile their compatibility charts. Checking the manufacturer’s compatibility charts can ensure you get the correct dimmer switch the first time.

        1.3  Select proven and tested ones.

        As the LED market booms, many manufacturers have grabbed ahold of the opportunity to reap the revenue benefits. However, some manufacturers have created LED bulbs using inferior materials. As a result, the market is flooded with inferior LED products that don’t perform as expected, burn out quickly, and even catch fire. Save yourself the frustration and order your bulbs with a trusted supplier that can guarantee safety and performance. 

        1.4  Do a mockup.

        Once you have a bulb, try to install it on your dimmer. Make sure that you’ve got at least a matching bulb and dimmer. Observe if there will be issues like flickering, buzzing, strobing, etc. Once these problems occur, then you most likely need to get another bulb or dimmer. On the other hand, if there are no issues, then you’re good to go. You can now enjoy a dimming experience. See what works well for your space. Other than that, you may approach a lumen master at to help and guide you through.


        How many LED lights can I use with my dimmer?

        One common mistake is to overload dimmers. Doing so may cause the same problems that using incompatible dimmers with LED bulbs causes such as flickering, buzzing, strobing, and many others. How do we know how many bulbs we can use with our dimmer? 

        Follow the simple formula below:

        1. Take the minimum load of the dimmer / 10.
        2. Take the maximum load of the dimmer / 10.


        Dimmer is rated 100W-400W
        Dimmer Minimum load is 100W / 10 = 10W
        Dimmer Maximum load is 400W / 10 = 40W

        This means that the dimmer can carry 10W-40W of LED bulbs.       


                 Count the total wattages of the LED bulbs.


                 4 x 5W = 20W

        Since the combined wattage of the 4 bulbs is 20 and within the calculated 10W-40W range, the dimming will work fine.

        Tips: (1.) The total wattage must exceed the minimum calculated load of the dimmer, but not the maximum, or else it won’t work properly. (2.) Use bulbs of the same type and manufacturers for the reason that having different types of manufacturers may result in bulbs that have different circuitry components that may result in dimming issues arising.  

        So, are LED lights dimmable? It depends. Some LED lights are non-dimmable. But having dimmable LED lighting shouldn’t be complicated. If you have the right number of dimmable LED bulbs and a compatible dimmer switch that are all proven and tested, carry on. Not only will you save on your energy bills with safer and more long-lasting bulbs, but you will also achieve that dimming effect you’ve been dreaming of for your space.

        Author: Jayk Guylaine Magistrado
        Editor: Preston Gilmore

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        How do I replace my incandescent bulbs with LEDs?

        incandescent light bulb end of era

        For the past 15 years, I have heard rumors that incandescent lighting and select fluorescents will be banned in America. On April 27th, 2022 President Biden made one of those rumors reality. July of 2023 will be the last month Incandescent light bulbs that produce less than 45 lumens per watt can be sold and purchased in the USA. It's time to say Goodbye to an old friend and learn how to replace your incandescent lighting with LED. This will reduce electricity use, save you money and minimize greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector.

        Stock across the country is dwindling. If you love the incandescent then chop-chop, tick-tock.... stockpile now... They will be gone.

        evolution of lighting
        every bulb deserves love

        If you are ready to switch to LED then I encourage you to keep reading. Buying an incandescent 60-watt light bulb, incandescent 65-watt BR30 for recessed cans or incandescent chandelier bulbs used to be easy. Buying LEDs is not so easy. You need to consider lumens, kelvin, shape, application, and life hours. Notice how I did NOT mention watts... Watts only matter on the electric bill.

        I encourage you to click the Let Us Help You link. Fill out the form and a certified lighting specialist will help. GoodBulb has a team of Lumen Masters, the smartest men and women in lighting who will find the perfect LEDs for your application.

        lumens in a light bulb

        If you, my friend would like to learn and shop for yourself, I'm impressed. When I'm shopping for something new I always appreciate help from an expert, but I also hate shopping and I'm not the brightest bulb, I need lots of help, just ask my wife. Keep reading, and gain a better understanding of the lighting industry and how to switch incandescent light bulbs to LED.

        a shape family of LEDs

        The light bulb changed everything...

        Light bulbs... light was the very first product to change the way we live and work. On the first 15th of the year 1925 General Electric, Sylvania, Associated Electrical Industries, Philips, and others met in Switzerland. Together they created a corporation that became known as The Phoebus Cartel. The cartel put in writing that if light bulbs lasted more than 3,000 hours the company that manufactured the incandescent would be severely fined. The original Thomas Edison light bulb lasted 1500 hours. The 1990 GE, Sylvania, and Phillips incandescent light bulbs lasted 1500 hours. The 2020 Smelly Feit incandescents lasted 1500 hours.

        The Phoebus Cartel was formed to control the life hours of a product and create worldwide territories forcing consumers to buy bad light bulbs, controlling where and how consumers could purchase light bulbs used in every business and every home across the country. Google it, this happened.

        Other lighting companies like Shelby Electric began making long-life light bulbs, in the USA. One of the Shelby Electric incandescents was gifted to a California firehouse in 1901. This bulb has been burning for over 1 million hours and 120 years. You have never been able to purchase a Shelby Incandescent because The Phoebus Cartel used money and power to shut them down. 

        carton about light bulbs being made to fail.

        Thomas Edison did not invent the incandescent light bulb.

        Electric light existed for 50 years & it was Humphrey Davy that discovered the secret to creating sustainable light, a carbon filament. Joseph Swan improved upon Humphrey Davy’s work & obtained the first incandescent light bulb patent one year earlier than Thomas Edison. Edison obtained his patent with an identical bulb to Swan's. The United States Patent office ruled Thomas Edison's patents to be invalid because another thief, William Sawyer, filed a patent for an identical bulb prior to Edison's submission.  So Davy invented the incandescent light bulb and Swan is the true patent holder.

        Edison invented planned obsolescence and a way to make a fortune selling the light bulb. Davy died poor. Planned obsolescence is when a company purposefully manufactures a product to fail and light bulb companies are the original Godfathers of Planned Obsolescence. This is the first product in America that was manufactured with a planned life span and fragile design. With incandescent light bulbs, these major corporations stole, cheated, and deceived your ancestors. They are doing the same thing to YOU with LED, and they will continue this trend when your children need to spend their money replacing light bulbs.

        incandescent led replacements

        Incandescent light bulbs burn out left, and right. They don't last very long. Seriously, there may be more burnouts on your property than at the corner of Haight and Ashbury in 1970s San Francisco. And my brother lives down the street from that corner. If you are tired of walking through your business or home and seeing bad light bulbs or light bulbs that are different colors; then you give a f#@k and switching to LED will make a difference?

        GoodBulb has the absolute best-LED bulbs. Light bulbs which have become a favorite option for commercial and industrial businesses everywhere because GoodBulb lasts a long freaking time. They will reduce energy and maintenance costs while providing a quality of light that is superior to incandescent. Your electric bill and time spent changing light bulbs will be minimal. The improvement in light quality is what everyone will see and the burnouts will stay out of your business, let them stay in San Francisco, my brother loves it out there.

        cartoon making goodbulbs

        Step 1. Application

        Where is the bulb being installed and what are you replacing? What type of LED will you need? With LED we have the technology to manufacture products designed specifically for the application. You don't want to use an LED that is designed for indoor use in a wet location or a 277-volt socket.

        • Extreme Conditions (shock, vibration, hot, cold)
        • Wet Locations
        • Indoors or Outdoors
        • 120 or 277 volt

        Is the quality of light going to be important? CRI (color rendering index) applies to every LED, and determines the quality of the color of light. An incandescent color of light is 2700 kelvin. An LED that is 2700 Kelvin and 92 CRI will look much nicer than an LED that is 2700 Kelvin and 80 CRI. The majority of LEDs sold in box stores are 80 CRI, this is a cheaper product but the average customer has no idea. The light produced from an LED is different from than light produced by an incandescent, halogen, or CFL.

        Is the LED going to be installed in a recessed can, desk lamp, chandelier, post light, wall sconce, ceiling mount fixture, wall pack, etc...? This information makes a difference and helps us select the perfect shape LED.

        Step 2. Lumens (the amount of light)

        When switching from incandescent to LED convert your thinking from watts to lumens. Scroll up and look at the fantastic Watts vs Lumens image showing how many lumens are needed to match your old incandescent. For example... If you want LEDs that are equal to a 100-watt incandescent then you need LEDs that are 1600 Lumens. We have similar charts for halogen, CFLs, and HIDs.

        Step 3. Kelvin (the color of light)

        An incandescent is 2700 Kelvin. LED gives us the power to select the perfect color of light for each application. The light produced by an LED is different than an incandescent. The colors of your paint, woodwork, and window placement can change the way our eyes perceive the color of light.

        If you have two light bulbs and they are side by side. They are equal lumens (giving off the exact same amount of light). The bulb with the higher Kelvin temperature will appear brighter to the human eye.

        kelvin options, colors of light

        Use the links below to replace your incandescent light bulbs with LED: If you took the time to read this fantastic blog, I want to say Thank You. I hope you learned a few things, and if purchase your LEDs from another company... Send me a thank you card, share this blog, help a small business out, and let your friends know about GoodBulb. I'll try not to roll my eyes and say WTF man... really...

      • Replace a 150 watt incandescent using an LED with at least 2800 lumens.
      • Replace a 100 watt incandescent using an LED with at least 1600 lumens.
      • Replace a 75 watt incandescent using an LED with at least 1200 lumens.
      • Replace a 60 watt incandescent using an LED with at least 800 lumens.
      • Replace a 40 watt incandescent using an LED with at least 500 lumens.
      • We recommend speaking with a lighting specialist before investing in LED, returns kinda suck and I would love to get your order right the first time around.

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        Creating Ambiance with Nostalgic LED Bulbs

        incandesent nostalgic light bulbs

        My family and I recently gathered at a beach house to celebrate my grandma’s 80th birthday. The house was magnificent; three stories, tasteful decor, and painted colors of soft white and robin’s egg blue. In the kitchen, a collection of low-hanging glass light fixtures hung over the marble countertops and dining room table, giving the room a classy charm that matched well with the beautiful vista out the window.

        My eye was drawn to the filament of the lightbulbs, glowing and visible through the glass fixtures, adding an element of charm to the room. This is the magic of nostalgia LED light bulbs!

        Nostalgic light bulbs, such as these Edison bulbs, are designed to replicate the original look of the early lightbulbs (thanks, Thomas Edison!). However, as lighting technology has advanced, we no longer have to use incandescent lights to achieve a nostalgic effect. At GoodBulb, we are pleased to provide Nostalgic LEDs — achieving the same nostalgic look, while saving energy with improved spectrum, long-lasting light.

        nostalgic led light bulbs

        “Nostalgic LEDs turn your lighting into something special, that people notice,” said GoodBulb lighting expert and founder, Tom Enright. “It can transform and create an ambiance wherever you use antique LED lighting, it's adding spice to your ambiance.”

        Incorporating Nostalgic LED bulbs into your lighting scheme isn't just about the respect for the rich history of electric lighting, it about creating an energy-efficient twist to classic aesthetics. These bulbs are recreating the warm, inviting glow reminiscent of old, blending tradition with innovation.

        Nostalgic LED bulbs offer a unique advantage over traditional incandescents. While they mirror the warm tones and visible filaments of their predecessors, they consume significantly less power and have a much longer lifespan. This means you can enjoy the vintage look without the high energy bills or frequent replacements.
        nostalgic light bulbs in a restaurant
        Nostalgic LEDs have the power to transform space, adding depth and warmth to modern interiors with a golden glow. Whether you're lighting up a cozy café, a rustic living room, or a chic boutique, these bulbs create an atmosphere that draws people in and makes them feel at home.

        Nostalgic LEDs are versatile and available in various shapes and sizes allowing designers and homeowners to get creative with lighting, using light bulbs as focal points in pendant lights, sconces, and chandeliers to enhance the ambiance of a space.

        At GoodBulb, we understand the importance of creating the right mood and atmosphere through light. We are proud to offer a wide selection of Nostalgic LED bulbs that cater to all lighting needs. As we continue to innovate and look forward to new advancements in lighting, let's give homage to the charm and beauty that Nostalgic LEDs bring to our spaces.
        • They remind us that looking back can be the best way to light the future.
        contact lumen masterlumen master contact 
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        Progress... LED Lighting... Its Impact on Consumers, Sustainability, and the Future

        LED Benefits of Switching 

        For 200 years, scientists and engineers have worked towards more sustainable and energy-efficient lighting solutions. Each technology, incandescent, halogen, HID, induction, fluorescent, CFL and now LED (Light Emitting Diode) was an advancement in innovation and efficiency. LED technology offers benefits that extend beyond traditional light sources. From households to industrial and commercial spaces, the shift towards LED lighting is a path towards a cleaner, illuminated, energy-conscious, environmentally friendly, and sustainable future.

        Before I highlight the benefits of LED lighting, it's crucial to distinguish the information discussed herein applies specifically to high-quality LEDs. The market is flooded with inferior light bulbs, LED products engineered with planned obsolescence (designed to burn out or fail), produce poor quality light, and Do NOT meet sustainability standards. The distinction between Good and Bad Bulbs underscores the importance of mindful purchasing, manufacturing and engineering. A reminder that not all LEDs are created equal.

        Benefits of LED Light Bulbs

        Energy Efficiency is the heart of the LED revolution, its exceptional using 75% less energy than incandescent lighting. This efficiency contributes to energy savings reducing electricity costs. By 2027, widespread adoption of LED lighting will lead to savings of about 348 TWh (Terawatt hours) of electricity—this is equivalent to saving more than 30 billion dollars based on today's electricity prices.

        LED last longer, 25 to 50 times longer

        Longevity and Durability are the muscle of LED operations. LED light bulbs can last 25 to 50 times longer than incandescent. This extended lifespan reduces the need for replacements contributing to significant additional savings over time. Good LEDs are engineered to be more durable, to withstand rough conditions, resisting shock and vibration. This durability makes LEDs an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.

        LED is better for the environment

        A Greener Lighting Solution, the environmental benefits are the lungs of an LED, breathing life into our efforts to reduce ecological impact, essential for the sustainability and health of our planet. LEDs will allow us to inhale cleaner air, enjoy cleaner waters, and live in a more balanced ecosystem by minimizing pollution, reducing waste, and conserving natural resources. The environmental advantages of LEDs ensure our planet can continue to support life and maintain its natural beauty for generations to come.

        heart of a light bulb

        If energy efficiency of an LED is the heart, longevity and durability are the muscle, and the environmental benefits are the lungs, then the enhanced and improved light quality is the eyes through which we perceive the light. Good LEDs enhance visual comfort, reduce eye strain, headaches, and glare, enabling us to see more clearly and appreciate the true colors and details of our environment. Just as our eyes interpret light to help us navigate and appreciate the world around us, the superior light quality of good LEDs elevates our environments, making them safer, more inviting, and aesthetically pleasing. Offering a spectrum of color temperatures, LEDs can mimic the warm glow of incandescent or emulate the crisp clarity of natural daylight. This versatility caters to our visual needs and enriches our spaces, allowing us to craft both functional and harmonious atmospheres. LEDs don't just illuminate; they transform our perception of space, enhancing our quality of life and well-being.

        balanced spectrum light of LED

        The versatility of LED lighting is undoubtedly the brains of this operation. The adaptability and intelligence behind LED technology enables it to meet a wide range of needs and applications. Just as the brain controls and adjusts to different situations, LED performs in a variety of diverse settings—from homes and offices to streets, retail, hospitality, entertainment, and industrial settings. They can be dimmed, change colors, and even programmed for specific tasks, showcasing their ability to adapt and provide tailored lighting solutions. This cognitive-like flexibility makes LEDs not just a component of your lighting systems but a smart, responsive element that enhances the functionality and mood of our environments.

        environmental benefits of LED

        The shift towards LED lighting is a movement towards a more sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective lighting solution. With continuous advancements leading to improved performance and reduced costs, now is the perfect time to purchase LED lighting. Whether you’re looking to cut down on energy costs, reduce your environmental footprint, or simply enhance the quality of light, Good LED lighting offers a solution that shines brighter than the rest.

        The advantages of switching to LED lighting are a more energy-conscious future  with efficient, longer life, durable, and versatile Good LED lighting. Good LED bulbs are a testament to the progress in sustainable technology, illuminating the path towards a brighter, greener tomorrow.

        contact a light expert
        led lighting expert
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        How LED Drop-In Ceiling Flat Panels Are Transforming Spaces

         led flat panels in an office

        Transforming Spaces with LED Drop-In Ceiling Panels: A Brighter, Greener Future

        This article is authored by an experienced lighting specialist, this guide distills years of expertise in setting up successful lighting solutions for every type of business, from the smallest boutique shops to the largest industrial complexes, my journey has equipped me with the unique skills to teach a team of lighting specialists and navigate the complex world of lighting. We take pride in transforming spaces through the strategic application of LEDs, enhancing aesthetics, improving spectrums, reducing energy costs, and making friends. We're passionate about leveraging our expertise in lighting to improve your operation's productivity and profitability. We look forward to the opportunity to help, sharing our skills and experience to illuminate your business.

        Let’s begin the journey to acquire troffers for my friends who lack the enthusiasm to learn about the world of light bulbs.

        **Step 1: Disregard Step 1** 

        Instead of navigating through the options and the details, we streamline the procedure. Snap a photo of space, jot down the purpose of this space, what type of work is done, specify if you have preferred light type or hue, and forward all these details to a lighting expert at GoodBulb. Request assistance from the Lumen Master specifically, our connoisseur poised to guide you to the ideal LED fixtures. Lighting is our forte. 

        You will conserve time and effort, bypassing the aggravation of picking the wrong lighting solution. Leave the heavy lifting to us while you carry on with your daily activities, anticipating the delivery of your good light bulbs. 

        LED technology has revolutionized the way we think about and implement lighting in various spaces. Among the innovative solutions are LED drop-in ceiling panels, which have become increasingly popular in offices, commercial buildings, retail spaces, and even homes. These panels offer a sleek, modern look while providing efficient, uniform lighting that can significantly enhance the ambiance of any room. This article delves into the world of integrated LED panels and LED ready fixtures, the benefits of upgrading to LED, and addresses the concerns regarding the sustainability of integrated LED panels. 

        contact GoodBulblighting specialist want to help

        Integrated LED Panels and LED Ready Fixtures

        Integrated LED panels are self-contained units where LEDs are built directly into the panel, offering a slim profile and seamless design. These panels are designed for easy installation into existing drop ceiling grids, providing a clean, modern look without the bulkiness of traditional fixtures. The produce a brilliant, controllable, even beam spread without dark spots.  In terms of light quality from a fixture, Integrated LED Panels are the clear winner compared to LED ready fixtures. LED ready fixtures are designed to accommodate replaceable LED tubes, allowing for more flexibility in terms of long-term maintenance and bulb replacement. These fixtures are very similar to the fluorescent fixtures of the past, with the benefits of LED and you can see the tubes behind the diffuser.  A Good LED will last a very long time, but it will burn out one day and I believe it would be easier to replace the bulb, rather than a whole fixture. This is one scenario where I’m not sure what’s more important.  Light Quality or Long Term Maintenance.

        Both options have their advantages, with integrated LED panels offering a more streamlined design and balanced light spectrum, while LED ready fixtures provide the future ease of replacing LEDs without needing to change and dispose of an entire fixture.

        led panels in a school

        The Benefits of Upgrading to LED

        The shift towards LED lighting, particularly LED drop-in ceiling panels, comes with several benefits:

        Energy Efficiency: LEDs consume significantly less power than traditional lighting solutions, leading to substantial energy savings.

        Longevity: LED lights have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and lowering long-term maintenance costs.

        Improved Light Quality: LED panels deliver uniform, comfortable lighting that can be tailored to specific needs, enhancing the visual appeal of spaces and reducing eye strain.

        Environmentally Friendly: With lower energy consumption and longer life hours, LEDs contribute to reducing carbon footprints and minimizing waste.

        Color Temperature Varieties:

           - Soft White (2200K – 2700K): Creates a warm, cozy atmosphere.

           - Warm White (3000K – 3500K): Comfortable, invigorating light.

           - Cool White (4000K): Vibrant, neutral spectrum

           - Pure White (5000K – 6500K): Natural daylight, full spectrum

        led panels new office

        A Concern for Sustainability: The Case of Integrated LED Panel 

        While the shift to LED technology brings numerous benefits, there's a growing concern regarding the sustainability of integrated LED panels. These panels are designed with a built-in LED source, meaning that once the LEDs reach the end of their lifespan, the entire fixture needs to be replaced. This design choice raises questions about the environmental impact of such products.

        The concern is the production of LED panels consumes resources and energy and disposing of the entire fixture contributes to electronic waste. As businesses and homes continue to adopt these integrated solutions, the potential for increased waste and environmental strain becomes a significant issue.

        This contrasts with the traditional approach of simply replacing bulbs in fixtures, which generally results in less waste and a more sustainable cycle of use and replacement. The challenge moving forward will be to find a balance between the benefits of integrated LED technology and the need for environmentally responsible design and manufacturing practices.

        Looking Ahead

        The transition to LED drop-in ceiling panels represents a leap forward in lighting design, offering efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and improved functionality. However, as we embrace these advancements, it's crucial to remain mindful of their long-term environmental impacts. The concern with integrated LED panels highlights a broader issue within the tech industry: the need for sustainable, eco-friendly design choices that don't sacrifice the planet for the sake of innovation.

        As consumers and businesses alike increasingly prioritize sustainability, the lighting industry must respond by developing solutions that are not only energy-efficient and cost-effective but also designed with the future in mind. Addressing the challenges associated with integrated LED panels will require innovation, commitment, and a rethinking of how we approach product lifecycle and environmental responsibility. By tackling these issues head-on, we can ensure that the bright future LED lighting promises is not only illuminating but also sustainable.

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        BR Shape LEDs or Wafer LEDs to replace recessed can lights?

        led recessed can solutions

        Educating customers about energy efficiency and optimal lighting within homes and commercial spaces is a big part of my job. The debate between using BR-shaped LEDs as a simple bulb replacement or opting for integrated wafer LEDs for a complete retrofit has become increasingly relevant. Both options offer all the LED advantages in terms of energy savings, quality of light, and longer life hours. This article explorers the pros and cons of installation, helping you make an informed decision for your lighting needs.

        BR-Shaped LEDs: The Bulb Replacement Option  

        Ease of Installation: Compatible with existing recessed can light fixtures. LED form factor design (same shape as an incandescent) make BR LEDs an easy plug-N-play solution. No wiring and no electrician needed. BR-shaped LEDs present a lower upfront cost compared to LED wafer retrofits. If you plan into the future, you are only replacing the bulb for light bulbs burn out, even GoodBulb’s will eventually need to be replaced.

        The BR30 does have limited design and aesthetic options, constrained by the shape of their body in a recessed can. This may not align with the modern, sleek, and slim line specs we see on many lighting projects. Some customers don’t want to see a bulb, they want that flat panel to be flush with the ceiling because they believe it looks nicer and yes, it does look good.

        contact light expert

        Integrated Wafer LEDs: The Retrofit Solution

        • Sleek Design: Integrated wafer LEDs offer a modern, slim profile that can give any space a more updated look. Their design is especially beneficial in spaces with limited ceiling space where traditional recessed cans might not fit.
        • Better Light Distribution: Integrated wafers are designed to provide a more uniform light distribution, flush with the ceiling, and minimizing shadows. 

        My kids rooms used to have one light in the center of the room and it just wasn’t bright enough. I was able to cut 6 inch holes into the ceiling drywall, piggy back off the existing line voltage, select the lumens and color of light, then snap the Integrated LED wafers into the holes. The finished product is a sleek 6-inch panel fixture that is flush with the ceiling. It looks good and now they have plenty of light.  You can install wafers anywhere you can connect line voltage.

        local lighting experts


        Higher Initial Cost: The cost of purchasing and installing integrated wafer LEDs is higher than replacing bulbs, especially if you need professional installation. If you are not comfortable working with electricity, hire an electrician. I was zapped once while installing wafer LEDs in my children’s bedroom and the clips that mount the wafer to the drywall hurts when it snaps back on your fingers. Be careful during the installation process and make sure to shut off the power.

        Complexity in Replacement: This is the most significant drawback to wafer LEDs retrofits and it’s why I will never use them to replace the existing recessed can lights in my home. When an integrated LED fixture fails, the entire fixture must be replaced, which is more complex and costly than screwing in a bulb. Integrated LED fixtures are going to be an environmental disaster in 5 to 7 years when they start burning out.  Rather than recycling a bulb, we need to dispose and replace an entire fixture.

        led recessed can light options


        •  The choice between BR-shaped LEDs and integrated wafer LEDs depends on a variety of factors, including budget, aesthetic preferences, and installation considerations. BR-shaped LEDs offer a straightforward, cost-effective solution for upgrading to LED lighting without the need for modifications. Integrated wafer LEDs provide a sleek, versatile lighting solution, at the expense of a higher initial cost and more complex replacement procedures. 
        • Ultimately, your decision should align with your long-term lighting goals, considering both the functional and design aspects of your space. Whether you prioritize ease of replacement or improved light distribution, there's an LED solution that meets your needs and want to help.
        love led bulbs
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        Understanding the Power of an LED Chip

        led chip in a bulb

        In the vast and ever-evolving world of lighting technology, the term "LED chip" frequently emerges as a key component behind the brilliance of LED lighting. But what exactly is an LED chip, and why is it so pivotal in the realm of modern lighting solutions? Let's dive into the essentials of LED chips and uncover the technological marvels these tiny semiconductors hold.

        The Heart of LED Lighting

        At its core, an LED (Light Emitting Diode) chip is a type of semiconductor device that is capable of producing light when an electrical current passes through it. Unlike traditional light bulbs that rely on filaments and gases, LED chips create light through electroluminescence, a process that generates light with minimal heat and remarkable efficiency.

        led chips in a bulb

        A Glimpse into the Composition

        Constructed on a substrate of heat-conducting material, LED chips are meticulously engineered to optimize light output and thermal management. This foundational layer is crucial, as it supports the semiconductor material where the magic of light production occurs. The chip itself is encased in a lens made of glass or plastic, which helps to focus and distribute the light effectively.

        The Marvel of Miniaturization

        One of the most astonishing aspects of LED chips is their incredibly compact size. Imagine a surface so small that you could place almost six LED chips on the tip of a baby's fingernail. Yet, within this minuscule space, lies the capability to produce a substantial amount of light. This remarkable efficiency and the ability to fit into virtually any lighting application make LED chips a cornerstone of modern lighting design.

        mass of LED filaments for bulbs

        Brighter, Smaller, Longer-Lasting

        The evolution of LED chip technology is a testament to the ingenuity of electrical engineers and scientists dedicated to advancing the field. Today's LED chips are not only getting smaller and brighter but are also being designed to last longer. This relentless pursuit of improvement means that LED chips are continually being optimized for higher performance, energy efficiency, and longevity, marking a significant leap forward from traditional lighting technologies.

        The Future is Bright

        The impact of LED chip technology extends far beyond its impressive luminosity and efficiency. As engineers continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, we can expect LED chips to play a pivotal role in the future of sustainable lighting. From illuminating homes and offices to lighting up streets and vehicles, LED chips are at the forefront of an eco-friendly lighting revolution that promises to transform our world in myriad ways.

        LED filaments in manufacturing

        Embrace the LED Revolution

        Understanding the significance of the LED chip helps us appreciate the intricate technology behind the simple act of turning on a light. As we continue to embrace LED lighting in our daily lives, it's clear that the humble LED chip is not just a component—it's the heart of a lighting revolution that's making our world brighter, more energy-efficient, and sustainable.

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        What Are The Advantages Of Switching To LED?

        beauty in upgrading to LED
        Less heat, energy efficient, better light, and safe are a just few of the advantages of LED bulbs.
        LED Advantages:
        The benefits of switching to GoodBulb LED
        will brighten your day...
        • LEDs use much less electricity  
        • LEDs have longer life hours
        • LEDs produce very little heat
        • LEDs Do NOT emit UV or infrared
        • LEDs DO NOT contain mercury
        • LEDs are resistant to shock and vibration 
        • LEDs can operate effectively in extremely cold environments like Fargo North Dakota, home of the GoodBulb.
        advantage of switching to LED
        • GoodBulb LEDs are engineered for the longest-lasting life hours possible. We are making a good bulb
        • Box store LEDs have a rated life of 8,000 hours.
        • GoodBulb LEDs have a minimum life of 25,000 hours.
        • This is 25 times longer than a standard incandescent
        • 12 times longer than a standard halogen
        • 3 times longer than CFL and Box Store LEDs.

        The average cost per kilowatt in the USA is 17 cents. A business that replaced 100 60-watt bulbs burning for 12 hours a day can save $18,987 over the next 5 years.

        You will also benefit from reduced replacement, maintenance, and AC costs. That's saving $4,000 a year, simply by changing light bulbs.

        For a detailed energy savings audit on your home or business, please contact a Lumen Master. 

        contact lighting expert
        lighting expert
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        Why Use High CRI LED Bulbs In A Chandelier?

        LED chandelier lighting

        Using 90+ High CRI LED Bulbs in Your Chandelier Fixtures:

        Incorporating high Color Rendering Index (CRI) LEDs into chandelier lighting transforms the way colors are perceived, enhancing aesthetic appeal. The significance of high CRI LEDs in chandeliers where the interplay of light and color is paramount, cannot be overstated.

        Chandeliers serve as more than mere sources of light; they are statement pieces that contribute to the overall design and mood of a room. High CRI LEDs elevate this role by ensuring that the light reveals true colors. A CRI value of 90 or above, means that the colors of furniture, artwork, and interior decor under LED lights are vibrant and natural, closely resembling how they would look in natural light. This is critical in dining rooms, grand foyers, ballrooms, and galleries where accurate representation of color enhances the beauty and harmony of the space.

        The transition to LEDs in chandelier lighting offers significant energy efficiency and longevity benefits. LEDs consume a fraction of the energy used by traditional incandescent bulbs and have much longer life hours, which means less frequent replacements and less waste. This reduces the environmental impact and translates to savings energy and maintenance costs.

        In settings where dimming capabilities are desired, high CRI LEDs paired with compatible dimming systems can create the perfect ambiance for any occasion without compromising color quality. Whether it's a soft glow for a romantic setting or a bright daylight, the versatility of LEDs enhances the functionality of chandeliers.

        gorgeous LED bulbs in Chandelier

        The heat emission from LEDs is significantly lower than that of traditional bulbs, which contributes to a more comfortable environment reducing cooling costs in the warmer months. 

        Integrating high CRI LEDs into chandelier lighting not only brings out the true beauty of a space but offers environmental and economic advantages. As technology advances, the choice of LEDs for chandelier lighting is becoming increasingly obvious for those seeking to combine aesthetic appeal with efficiency and sustainability.

        Contact a Lumen Master for help selecting the perfect LED.

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        The Revolution of LED Technology in Lighting: Embracing the Benefits of SMT Manufacturing

        SMT manufacturing and LED

        The lighting industry is experiencing a transformative revolution, largely driven by the advent and adoption of Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. This shift is not merely a change in the type of bulbs being screwed into our lamps and fixtures; it's reimagining how light is produced, consumed, and its impact on our environment. Central to this revolution is Surface Mount Technology (SMT) manufacturing, a process that has allowed LEDs to leap from theoretical efficiency to practical, everyday solutions that are reshaping our illuminated world.

        LED technology, with its promise of energy efficiency, longevity, and versatility compared to incandescent bulbs, which generate light by heating a filament until it glows, LEDs produce light through the movement of electrons in a semiconductor. This process reduces the energy wasted as heat, making LEDs 80% more efficient than incandescent. LEDs boast lifespans that can exceed 50,000 hours, compared to the 1,000-hour average of traditional bulbs. This means less frequent replacements, reduced maintenance costs, and a notable decrease in waste.

        The success of LED technology is tied to advancements in SMT manufacturing. SMT allows for the efficient assembly of electronic devices by mounting components directly onto the surface of printed circuit boards (PCBs). SMT supports the miniaturization of components, making it possible to produce smaller, more powerful LEDs for applications requiring compact lighting solutions, such as smartphones, laptops, and modern automotive headlights. The light bulb is one of many products that rely on SMT manufacturing.

        STM LED bulb manufacturing machines

        SMT enhances the reliability and performance of LED. The process allows for a more stable electrical connection between components, reducing the risk of failure. It improves heat dissipation, a critical aspect for maintaining the longevity and efficiency of LEDs. Effective heat management ensures that LEDs operate within optimal temperature ranges, preserving their lifespan and performance over time.

        Environmental sustainability is another benefit of SMT, the efficiency of the SMT process means that it uses less energy, contributing to a lower carbon footprint for the manufacturing of lighting solutions. Additionally, the durability and long life of LEDs translate to reduced material and resource consumption, aligning with global efforts to mitigate environmental impact.

        • Not all companies are good. Many LEDs produced with SMT have been manipulated & engineered to fail during the manufacturing process.
        • The integration of LED technology and SMT manufacturing is revolutionizing the lighting industry by delivering superior lighting solutions that are efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly.
        • This synergy is providing an opportunity for a future where lighting illuminates our spaces in a way that is sustainable and in harmony with our planet's ecological balance.

        As we move forward, the continued innovation in LED technology and SMT manufacturing processes will undoubtedly unlock new possibilities, further cementing LEDs as the cornerstone of modern lighting.

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        The Incredible Benefits of LED Lighting

        Why LED Lighting Has Become the Preferred Choice

        Light bulbs have undergone a remarkable evolution over the last decade. Advancements in light-emitting diode (LED) technology have transformed how we illuminate our lives. With their unmatched efficiency, extreme durability, and design versatility, LED light bulbs have firmly established themselves as the preferred lighting solution.

        But what exactly spurred this LED revolution? And how do these innovative bulbs outperform antiquated lighting technologies? Let's take a deeper look at why LEDs dominate today's lighting needs across sectors.

        The Efficiency Edge: Doing More With Less

        At the heart of LED appeal is energy efficiency. Incandescent bulbs convert only 10% of electricity into light—the rest becomes wasted heat energy. In contrast, LEDs emit light about 90% more efficiently. This gives LEDs a massive advantage in electricity consumption:

        • LEDs use up to 75% less power than halogen incandescents
        • LEDs consume 60% less electricity than CFL fluorescent bulbs
        • LEDs cut energy usage by a whopping 90% compared to traditional incandescent lighting

        This efficiency edge has enormous implications. Over a bulb's lifetime, LEDs consume far less electricity and thus reduce energy bills substantially. Their efficiency also minimizes environmental impact. With reduced power demands, LED lighting curbs carbon emissions linked to electricity generation. For cost- and eco-conscious consumers, LEDs are the clear choice.

        Built to Last: Extreme 25,000 Hour Lifespans

        The lighting landscape prior to LEDs was defined by short lifespans and constant bulb replacements. Standard incandescent bulbs last just 1,000 hours—about a year of typical use. CFL fluorescents extend this to 6,000-15,000 hours.

        But well-made LED bulbs smash these numbers. Quality LEDs deliver anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 hours of illumination. At three hours of daily use, an LED bulb can shine continuously for over 20 years!

        This extreme longevity translates directly into cost savings from fewer bulb change-outs. It also keeps toxic e-waste from burnt-out bulbs out of landfills. Over their lifespan, LEDs require just a fraction of the replacements other technologies need.

        Let's continue examining why LEDs have become the go-to lighting choice for homes and businesses seeking value, efficiency and sustainability.

        Built Tough for Resilient Brilliance

        LED technology has no fragile filaments or glass components that can easily break. Instead, LEDs are based on small semiconductor diodes encased in durable plastic lenses.

        This makes LED bulbs highly rugged and resistant to adverse conditions. LEDs endure vibration, shocks, drops, and extreme temps that quickly damage other bulb types.

        While fluorescent tubes shatter easily, LED equivalents withstand rough handling. And outdoor LED lighting works reliably through temperature swings, humidity, dust, and bugs that degrade incandescent or halogen performance.

        The U.S. Navy even uses LEDs onboard ships and submarines due to their resilience to shock and vibration. The toughness of LEDs translates into lighting you can truly depend on despite the environment.

        Limitless Design Potential

        Beyond efficiency and longevity, LEDs enable lighting design possibilities no other technology can match.

        While incandescents and fluorescents came in relatively fixed shapes and colors, LEDs open up a world of customization. Here are some ways LEDs allow unique and innovative lighting implementations:

        • Flexible shapes from bulbs to tubes to panels
        • Super slim profiles for compact fixtures
        • Diffused "glow" style vs harsh point source
        • Color temperature tuning from warm to daylight
        • Millions of possible colors including RGB smart lighting
        • Dimmable from 1-100% brightness
        • Two-way controllable via wireless networks
        • Programmable controls and smart integration

        Whether matching existing fixtures, creating mood lighting, or building a futuristic smart home, LEDs offer the versatility to bring any lighting vision to life.

        The Clear Choice for Eco-Consciousness

        With their extreme efficiency, LED technology is much kinder to the environment. Here are some of the sustainability benefits:

        • Greatly reduced electricity consumption and power plant emissions
        • Mercury-free design vs hazardous CFL fluorescent bulbs
        • No UV or infrared output that can attract bugs or harm fabrics
        • Enables renewable energy use with lower electricity needs
        • Cut lighting-related carbon footprint by up to 90%
        • LED lifespan reduces bulb disposal and landfill waste
        • For consumers and organizations focused on their environmental impact, LEDs are the obvious solution. They enable greener living through lighting.

        Experience Brilliance and Savings with GoodBulb

        To summarize, LED technology offers revolutionary advantages: extreme energy savings, durable and resilient illumination anywhere, highly customizable lighting designs, and sustainability. It's no wonder LED bulbs are the dominant choice today.

        Experience all the benefits firsthand with GoodBulb's LED lighting. Our bulbs offer guaranteed life spans up to 25,000 hours and cut electricity usage more than 80% over inefficient bulbs. By converting to GoodBulb LEDs, you can reduce energy bills and environmental impact dramatically. Learn more about our extensive LED options to illuminate your home or workspace sustainably and brilliantly. 

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        LED Lighting Will Save You a Boat Load of Money

         There are a select few individuals in this world who don’t worry about saving money. I don’t understand that mindset.  In my world, past, present, and future, every penny matters.  LEDs can help you save real dollars. Efficiency, productivity, and cost savings are top priorities for businesses and homeowners across the country.

        LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs have gained significant popularity due to their long-term savings and the quality of light that is possible with LED. In this blog post, we will explore the financial benefits of LED light bulbs and help you understand how making the switch will save you money. 

        Energy Efficiency: One of the primary reasons LED light bulbs are touted as money-savers is their energy efficiency. LED bulbs use significantly less electricity to produce the same amount of light as traditional incandescent bulbs. On average, LED bulbs consume 75-80% less energy. 


        If a business operates 15 hours a day, 6 days a week and 52 weeks a year they would save $1,500 dollars per year in energy costs if they replaced one hundred 54-watt fluorescent light bulbs with LED based on the average cost per kilowatt which is $0.11.


        Many states around the country have a higher rate per kilowatt.
        Most businesses around country have more than 100 light bulbs in their building. 
        The return on investment is less than 12 months.
        It does NOT cost $1500 to buy 100 LED tubes that replace older fluorescents.
        Contact a Lumen Master at GoodBulb to receive your free energy savings consultation.


        1. Longest Lasting LEDs: LED bulbs, especially GoodBulb LEDs, have an insane lifespan when compared to traditional bulbs. While an incandescent bulb may last around 1,000 hours, an LED bulb can 25,000 hours and up to 100,000 hours.
        1. Reduced Replacement Costs: The long lifespan of LED bulbs means that you don’t have to spend future money on replacement light bulbs. Longer life light bulbs reduce maintenance costs. Traditional bulbs burn out quickly or break, requiring multiple replacements. Time is money and if you own a business then you are paying someone to change light bulbs. GoodBulb LED bulbs are tougher than the competition which reduces the need for maintenance, saving you both time and money. 
        1. Lower Cooling Costs: LED bulbs produce significantly less heat compared to traditional bulbs. This means that using LED bulbs will help reduce your cooling costs, particularly during the hot summer months. 
        1. Dimming Capabilities: Many LED bulbs are dimmable, allowing you to adjust the lighting levels to suit your needs. By dimming the lights when full brightness is unnecessary, you can further reduce energy consumption and extend the lifespan of your LED bulbs.
        1. Falling LED Prices: Over the years, the price of LED bulbs has significantly decreased, making them more affordable and accessible to homeowners. While the initial cost of LED bulbs may be higher than that of traditional bulbs, the long-term savings in energy consumption and replacement costs more than make up for the initial investment. Buyer beware, many brands are lowering costs by engineering defects and cheaper components into their products, shortening life hours of LED.

        It is essential to note that the actual amount of money you will save by switching to LED bulbs depends on several factors, including the number of bulbs in your home or business. The hours they are used and the cost of electricity in your area. Numerous studies and real-world examples have shown that transitioning to LED lighting results in substantial long-term savings for business owners and homeowners. 

        Contact us about the best LED for your home or business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by clicking here.  

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        The Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Lighting Retrofits

        DIY TIME…. I love a good project.  Retrofitting your home or business lighting situation to LED is a big project and it’s one worth doing. It’s a lighting project where the results will look like you paid a professional. Disclaimer…If electricity makes you uncomfortable, hire an electrician and introduce them to GoodBulb.  Electricians are the best customers; those guys and gals know how to sell light bulbs.

        Efficient lighting is a critical piece to helping a home and a business save money.  If you're looking to how to retrofit your current lighting system, then you understand LEDs are energy efficiency.  LEDs will reduce costs and improve your overall lighting. Retrofitting allows you to update your existing lighting fixtures with longer life more advanced technology light bulbs.

        Here' a step-by-step guide to the process of retrofitting your business's current lighting situation to LED.  LED will provide energy efficiency, longer lifespan bulbs, and versatility.

        1. Assess Your Current Lighting System: Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your current lighting system. Identify the types of fixtures you have, including the number of bulbs, wattages, and any specific requirements. Determine the lighting needs for each area of your business to understand where improvements are necessary.
        2. Set Goals and Priorities: Establish your retrofitting goals and priorities. Consider factors such as energy efficiency, cost savings, lighting quality, and environmental impact. Determine which areas of your business will provide the most significant benefits from retrofitting, such as high-energy consumption areas, spaces with outdated fixtures, or spaces with inadequate light.
        3. Research Lighting Technologies: Stay informed about the latest lighting technologies and options available in the market. Look into the companies that are manufacturing the LED. Explore different LED bulb types, including A19, PAR, BR, T8 tubes, and every other shape of light bulb. There are thousands of them.  Assess their compatibility with your existing fixtures. Learn about kelvin and remember that watts don’t matter anymore, look at the Lumens. 
        4. Skip step 3. Take pictures of your bulbs, the fixtures, and the area you are lighting.  Tell us what you want. Tell us what’s important.  A lighting specialist at GoodBulb will send you a quote within the hour. If it’s going to take longer than an hour, we will let you know. 
        5. Calculate Cost Savings: Evaluate the potential energy and cost savings associated with retrofitting. Compare the wattages of your current bulbs with the wattages of LED alternatives to determine the percentage of energy savings. Multiply this percentage by your business's annual lighting energy consumption and factor in your electricity rates to estimate the potential cost savings.
        6. Buy your LEDs from GoodBulb
        7. Develop a Retrofitting Plan: Based on your assessment, goals, and priorities, develop a retrofitting plan. Record the number and type of LED bulbs needed for replacing each area of your business. Rent a lift, get your ladders ready, make sure those wire cutters are sharp. Schedule time to retrofit one fixture, take your time and understand the steps that will need to be repeated with each and every fixture.
        8. Engage Professionals: Engaging professionals like our Lumen Masters is crucial to ensure a successful retrofitting process. We help with the selection of LED products, provide installation advice, and offer recommendations to maximize energy efficiency and lighting quality. Don’t forget to send us your lighting schedule by clicking here. 
        9. Execute the Retrofitting Project: Once you have your plan in place, it's time to execute the retrofitting project. Replace the existing bulbs with LED, following the instructions and safety guidelines. Ensure that the retrofitting process is carried out efficiently, minimizing disruption to your business operations. Consider implementing the retrofitting project in phases, prioritizing certain areas first. 
        10. Evaluate and Monitor: After the retrofitting project is complete, evaluate and monitor the results. Compare your energy consumption and cost savings with the initial estimates. Take before and after pictures so you can share them on social media.  Tell your friends and family about how awesome GoodBulb was.
        11. Maintain and Upgrade: Regularly maintain your retrofitted lighting system to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Clean fixtures and dust your bulbs. They will be collecting dust for years if you don’t maintain your new purchase.

        Retrofitting your business's current lighting situation is a wise investment that can lead to significant energy savings, reduced operational costs, improved lighting quality, and a happier workplace. By following this step-by-step process, you can successfully upgrade your lighting system and enjoy the benefits of a more efficient and sustainable business. Contact us about the best LEDs for your business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by clicking here.  

        If you use the following diagrams to install Bad Bulbs from one of the many Bad Brands in lighting, then shame on you. I recommend returning those LEDs and purchasing a product that is engineered to last from a company that cares. 

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        Boosting Employee Productivity with Quality Lighting

        Lighting plays a crucial role in optimizing the workplace for productivity, efficiency, and performance.  The quality and effectiveness of lighting can significantly impact employee well-being, focus, and achievements. GoodBulb helps businesses across multiple industries and lighting requirements vary based on the work being done. The right light makes a difference. 

        Here’s some good tips from the GoodBulb team on creating an illuminating workspace.  These lighting tips are relevant for a doctor’s office, a professional building, an industrial facility, property management, restaurants, and the retail shops on Main Street.

        Improved Visual Comfort: Insufficient or inadequate lighting can strain employees' eyes, leading to fatigue, headaches, and reduced concentration. On the other hand, well-designed lighting that provides appropriate brightness and minimizes glare enhances visual comfort, allowing employees to work for longer periods without discomfort. By optimizing lighting conditions, employers can create a more comfortable and visually stimulating environment that fosters increased productivity. 

        Enhanced Focus and Alertness: Proper lighting stimulates the brain and promotes alertness and focus. Bright, natural light has been shown to enhance cognitive function and increase productivity. Incorporating daylight or high-quality LED lighting that mimics natural light can help regulate circadian rhythms, leading to improved alertness, concentration, and overall performance throughout the workday. 

        Reduction in Eye Strain and Fatigue: Prolonged exposure to poor lighting conditions can lead to eye strain and fatigue, which negatively impact productivity. Adequate illumination, especially in areas where employees perform tasks that require visual acuity, reduces eye strain, and helps employees maintain energy levels and focus. Task lighting can be used to supplement overall lighting in specific work areas, ensuring that employees have ample light for detailed tasks. 

        Mood Enhancement and Well-Being: Well-lit workspaces have a positive impact on employee mood and well-being. Natural light and lighting with warmer color temperatures have been found to improve mood and promote a positive work environment. When employees feel comfortable and content, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive. Incorporating lighting elements that create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere can have a profound effect on employee morale and productivity. 

        Flexible Lighting Options: Different tasks and activities require different lighting levels. Providing employees with the ability to adjust lighting levels or offering various lighting options, such as dimmable LED lights or task-specific lighting fixtures, empowers them to customize their environment to suit their individual needs. Flexibility in lighting options allows employees to create an environment that supports their specific tasks, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. 

        Lighting and Workspace Design: Effective lighting goes hand in hand with thoughtful workspace design. Consider the layout of the workspace, the placement of workstations, and the type of tasks performed in each area when designing the lighting scheme. Ensure that lighting is evenly distributed, eliminates shadows, and adequately illuminates work surfaces. Incorporate lighting features that enhance the architectural elements of the workspace, creating a visually appealing and inspiring environment. 

        Regular Maintenance and Upgrades: Maintaining optimal lighting conditions requires regular maintenance and occasional upgrades. Ensure that lighting fixtures are clean, bulbs are replaced as needed, and any malfunctioning lights are promptly repaired. As technology advances, consider upgrading to energy-efficient LED lighting, which not only enhances productivity but also reduces energy consumption and operating costs in the long run. 

        Investing in better lighting is an investment your business, your employees productivity and well-being, and your customers experience. Creating a workspace that provides appropriate brightness, reduces eye strain, and promotes a positive atmosphere, employers can unlock their full potential and fluorish.  

        Contact us about the best LED for your business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by clicking here.   

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        What is a Wall Pack Light Fixture?

        exterior security lighting storage units

        Everything you need to know

        Wall pack lights are exterior building fixtures mounted on the outside facing walls of buildings. Common mounting areas include the front and side exteriors of buildings, walkways, and inside parking garages. LED wall packs provide light for areas that are frequently visited by cars and pedestrians. Yet, one of the most important features of exterior lighting is the bright wall packs ability to increase security around a building.

        contact lighting expert

        Proven 36% Reduction in Index Crimes

        From March through August 2016, four researchers (Aaron Chalfin, Benjamin Hansen, Jason Lerner, and Lucie Parker) in partnership with New York City found a 36 percent reduction in nighttime outdoor index crimes. Along with this finding, they also found that outdoor lighting led to a ~4 percent decrease in overall index crimes.

        This studying leverages behavioral economics and psychology principles that small changes to the environment, such as lighting, can affect human behavior. Most notably, using the research done by Stanley Milgram’s obedience studies involving “nudges” as the foundation for their human behavior study in urban environments. The research did note that apart from lighting, other environmental factors can have an influence on human behavior.

        Overall, during the course of their research, they found that unwanted behavior can be influenced by relatively small changes to the environment that over the long-run can mitigate costs of implementing such behavioral changes. In this case, we can see the benefits of adding quality outdoor lighting to prevent index crimes. Now, I’m guessing your project doesn’t compare to that of NYC but we can borrow the ideas here to improve your environment. So we know that installing outdoor lights can help in preventing index crimes but what about their costs and performance? 

        • Brighter Good Bulb LEDs keep the Bad Bulbs away!!!!!

        led wall pack exterior fixtures

        Cost and Performance

        The cost savings you’ll experience switching to an LED wall pack from a traditional HID wall pack is significant. Traditional wall packs consume more watts to produce the same amount of light (lumens). An example of this would be a 100 watt HID wall pack that produces 2930 lumens, compare this to the LED wall packs of today that only need to consume 25 watts to produce the same amount of light. Perhaps the most striking difference is that most people who switch from HID to LED experience 75% energy savings and reduced maintenance costs!

        Apart from the cost savings, you’ll notice a significant performance improvement. LEDs last longer, which means less cost in changing bulbs and the associated costs (hiring someone to change the bulbs out and any equipment needed to complete the job). LEDs offer superior light distribution. Common complaints of HID wall packs are bright spots where you would notice a bright center engulfed by a lesser light surrounding it.

        This brighter spot problem goes away with LED fixtures because they distribute light in a more controllable and evenly fashion. This issue is not so large if you’re installing one wall pack light per wall but once you start installing two and more lights along the same facing wall, you’ll want to maintain an even light distribution for performance and visual standards. On Top of offering consistent light distribution, LEDs offer consistent Lumens Per Watt (LM/W) and a variety of Kelvin temperatures to personalize the look and feel of your outdoor lighting. 

        The Kelvin temperature, sometimes referred to as the Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) ranges on a scale from Soft white – 2700K to Full Spectrum – 6500K but you’ll usually see wall packs between 4000K and 5000K. Apart from the color of the light, we have brightness or lumens of the light. One may think that the brighter the outdoor light the better but this is not necessarily true, instead, think about your environment and its usage then decide on the right lumen output for you. 

        exterior LED wall packs

        Correct Mounting Placement

        One last consideration is the exact placement of your LED wall pack light. You’ll want to consider the location and the purpose the light will serve. In a loading dock area, it may be to provide illumination for overnight delivers, in a walk-way area it could be a two-fold purpose of illuminating the walk-way and deterring crime, and in the front-facing wall of your business it could be to provide a “welcoming feel” for your business, even after business hours. 

        Along with the location and purpose the light will serve, you’ll want to consider its optimal mounting height. Most wall packs are built to be mounted at a height between 10ft and 20ft, however, this can differ based upon the lumens of the light as well as its intended purpose. The idea here to achieve the optimal light distribution. On one-end, we want to make sure that our lights take into account any potential dead-space and on the other hand, we want to account for any potential light-spillovers. Dead-space is the dark area surrounding the light, and light-spillover is the un-intended lighting of an area, think shining a light into a nearby apartment complex. 

        The Only Down Side

        • LED wall packs are integrated fixtures.  They will last a really long time, but they will burn out one day. That means we need to dispose and replace an entire fixture, rather than replacing a bulb.  This is another form of planned obsolescence in lighting.
        • There are LED Acorn Bulbs available for retrofitting existing fixtures that will last almost as long, punch a ton of light, and reduce energy costs... they just don't punch as much light as an integrated LED wall pack. The integrated fixtures are extra bright.

        We’re Here to Help

        The world of lighting can be a difficult world to navigate, that’s why GoodBulb provides educational resources on our blog. If you’re having trouble deciding on what options best suit your needs then feel free to learn more on our blog at or call us at 701.205.4953 to get your questions answered by a qualified Lumen Master.

        lighting helpled expert

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        A Compact Guide to Compact Fluorescent Lighting: The Twisted CFL

        the beauty of an incandescent light bulb

        Think of a lightbulb. Ok, got it? This is one moment when we can all think and picture the same thing in our mind. This is the original incandescent A19 that has been a staple in homes and businesses across the country since 1907. Did anyone picture a CFL? I wonder what our children will picture in their minds? An incandescent or LED?

        Now, imagine a fluorescent tube; one of those long, white, skinny bulbs that flickers for a minute when you flip the switch to turn it on, the fixture quietly humming as power surges through the ballast, bringing life to the gasses filling the glass cylinder.

        Now picture that light bulb exploding, would you inhale? 90% of the billions of fluorescent tubes manufactured have not been recycled, they are polluting our land and our water. If you would inhale, you are the same kid that tried to smoke a banana peel.

        Now that we have both images in mind, merge them together so that the fluorescent tube fits inside the incandescent housing. Voila! You have created a Spiral (we like to call them a Twisty P.O.S. Compact Fluorescent light bulb, dubbed the CFL.

        evolution of the light bulbs

        Twisted CFL Shapes

        Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) are miniature versions of the standard linear fluorescent tubes and available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Designed to be more practical than their incandescent counterparts, CFLs have been a long-standing contender in the fight to improve energy efficiency and bulb life expectancy.  What consumers have appreciated most, is that Twisty P.O.S CFL bulbs are simple to install and self-ballasted — meaning they can be used in place of a standard bulb without needing to rewire your fixture to make them work. The plug in CFL's, those do require a ballast in recessed lighting, canopy, and interior fixtures.

        cfl sizes and dimension, showing fried cfl bulb

        These bulbs are manufactured with or without a housing. Most people are familiar with the naked CFL, which shows off its curves in all its twisted glory! Others are encased in a plastic frosted covering to make them appear more like a traditional incandescent A-shape, torpedo or flame tip chandelier, or globe light bulb. While both options are great, keep in mind that the covered CFLs tend to have fewer lumens (are less bright) because the light must fight through the frosted plastic to illuminate anything of importance.

        P.O.S. Twist CFL bulbs come in several sizes, and like all other light bulbs are identified by a given code that relays the type of bulb technology along with the diameter of the tube. For CFL bulbs, these codes always start with a “T” and are followed by a number to indicate the size of the tube, measured in eighths of an inch.

        Perhaps the most important factor to consider when replacing CFL is the overall size (height and width) of the bulb itself, as this can impact whether it will fit properly in the fixture. CFL Twist bulbs are as small as 2 inches and as large as 15 inches, so this can be a pretty crucial piece of information to have before you make your final choice.


        To determine size, measure the space the bulb will be used in or base it off of the bulb being replaced. Wattage equivalence scales will help when figuring out a replacement LED for your CFL lights. For example, a 13W CFL is generally 800 Lumens, equal to a 60W incandescent, and both bulbs will have roughly the same dimensions overall. A 9W LED A19 is also 800 Lumens and the same dimensions.

        Base Types and Sizes

        In selecting a light bulb to replace your incandescent or CFL determine the base size and type. Like traditional light bulbs, LEDs abide by the same lighting terms:

        different types light bulb bases

        These are the most common light bulb bases used in mass production of incandescent and CFL light bulbs over the past 120 years. LED technology is the future and we expect to see fewer options available for incandescent and CFLs, in general. This is a good thing.

        • In 120 years of light bulb manufacturing, I imagine Trillons of bulbs have burned out and been replaced. LED technology is the future and we expect to see fewer options available for incandescent and CFLs, in general. This is a good thing.

        Why recycle twist CFL and linear fluorescent light bulbs?

        Recycling linear fluorescent and CFL bulbs is crucial due to their content of hazardous materials, most notably mercury, which is harmful to the environment and human health if released into landfills or the atmosphere. When these bulbs are disposed of improperly, mercury will leach into soil and waterways, contaminating the food chain. By recycling, we ensure that mercury and other toxic substances are safely handled and repurposed. Recycling these bulbs allows for the recovery and reuse of valuable materials, reducing the need for new raw materials and saving energy in the production of new products. This process supports environmental sustainability by minimizing waste, decreasing pollution, and conserving natural resources. Recycling these bulbs is a simple yet impactful way to contribute to a healthier planet and promote a circular economy, where products are reused and recycled for as long as possible.

        All-in-all, Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs have served us since 1976. Lighting is an ever-changing industry that strives to work better and be better. The invention of the light bulb changed the course of history, bringing light into homes and allowed entire industries to blossom virtually (and literally) overnight. It is no secret that fluorescent technology played a keen part in this saga by reducing energy consumption, while performing to a standard in lighting which we all accepted. Hopefully, CFL bulbs will not be around forever, the damage they have caused to our environment is going to be really hard to fix.

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        Why Globe LEDs Are Better Than Incandescents

        Ai generated image of globe LED light bulbs in a vanity with a lady doing her makeup

        The article has been updated with the most recent facts and figures, taking into account changes in energy consumption patterns, the broader adoption of LED lighting, updates to energy legislation and costs, along with ability to create images in seconds. This world has changed since 2014...


        Based on recent data, lighting now accounts for approximately 9% of a typical home's electricity usage, a slight decrease from previous estimates of about 15% and 20% back in 2014. This reduction can be attributed to the increased adoption of energy-efficient appliances and lighting solutions, LED bulbs are more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs.

        • The Department of Energy highlights that the average household can save about $225 in energy costs per year by using LED lighting, indicating the significant impact of switching to more efficient lighting options.
        example of globe light bulbs in a home

        The type of lighting you use, the number of light fixtures in your home, and how often you use them will influence the exact percentage of your electric bill attributed to lighting. On average, lighting accounts for approximately 9% of a typical household's electricity usage. Households using incandescent bulbs and a higher number of light fixtures used for longer durations may see this percentage increase, those using LED lights and fewer fixtures for shorter periods might find it equals a smaller portion of their bill.

        The shift towards LED lighting is strongly encouraged for its benefits in reducing energy consumption and costs, demonstrating the ongoing evolution in household energy use patterns and the importance of adopting more sustainable practices. We are doing a great job but we can do more.  Just 10 years again, in 2014 when I wrote this article, Lighting was 20% of a homeowners bill.

        The LED Globe is particularly suited for decorative fixtures, providing directional light ideal for pendant fixtures, vanities, and any setting where globe lights were traditionally employed. With the evolution of energy regulations, including the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), the shift away from standard incandescent bulbs to LED options has accelerated, making LEDs an essential choice for energy-conscious consumers.

        incandescent globe bulb

        Did You Know?

        With advancements in LED technology and energy efficiency measures, the impact of switching to energy-saving lighting in U.S. homes is even more significant today. If every American household were to replace just one traditional light bulb with an LED bulb, the energy savings would light millions of homes, save hundreds of millions in annual energy costs, and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reflecting our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship.

        Calculating your energy savings from lighting has become easier and more beneficial with LEDs. Given the current national average energy cost $0.17 per kWh and the efficiency of modern LED bulbs, consumers will see substantial savings over the lifetime of their lighting solutions. To estimate these savings, you can use the following updated calculation, adjusting for the latest energy rates and LED bulb efficiencies:

        • {Original Bulb Wattage} - {Replacement Bulb Wattage} = {Total Wattage Saved}
        • {Total Wattage Saved} X {Average Rated Life} / 1000 ={Total Kilowatt Hours Saved Over Bulb Life}
        • {Total Kilowatt Hours Saved Over Lamp Life} X {Energy Cost Per kWh} = {Total Dollars Saved Over Life of the Bulb}

        Given the dynamic nature of the energy market and technological advancements, these numbers are continually improving, showing us the value of transitioning to LED lighting solutions for both for economic and environmental benefits.

        Originally published Dec. 17, 2014 and updated May 1, 2016.


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        Transforming Your Space with Energy Efficient Lighting

        Lighting plays a crucial role in our daily lives, providing illumination and creating ambiance in our homes and workplaces. For the first time in the history of lighting, the most common light bulbs that businesses and homes use, are becoming obsolete. As a consumer of light bulbs, buying LED is not easy. The good news is that there is an LED option for over 90% of the applications that use incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, CFL, metal halide, high pressure sodium, and induction lighting. Each technology has always based its efficiency in comparison to an incandescent. As technology advanced, people transitioned to energy-efficient lighting options, with LED bulbs taking the spotlight. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. 

        Here’s how you can enjoy the benefits of energy efficiency, cost savings, and long-lasting illumination with lighting and GoodBulb LEDs.

        Evaluate your current lighting needsStart by evaluating your current lighting requirements and identifying the areas where you are using light bulbs and want to replace with LED alternatives. Take note of the bulb types (e.g., A19, BR30, PAR20) and the wattage of the existing bulbs. If you don’t know the light bulb type, then take a picture and we will know what you are using.  Take not of what happens in each space and determine if this is an area where you would prefer a warmer softer light or a brighter white light.  If you don’t have dimmer switches, then you should also decide on how much light will be needed to properly light the space. If you have dimmers, take note of the make, model, and year for many are not compatible with LED.Determine the best LED bulb: LED bulbs come in thousands of shapes, sizes, and color temperatures to suit different lighting needs. Consider the purpose of each lighting fixture and choose the LED bulb with the appropriate brightness and color temperature to achieve the desired lighting effect. Pay attention to the lumen output, which indicates the brightness level, and select a bulb with a similar output to your existing bulbs if you don’t want to change your light output. A lumen master at GoodBulb will walk you through this process, providing options so you can make an educated choice. We will also check compatibility before your purchase, a lighting expert will ensure that the LED bulbs work with your existing fixtures, they will find the right bulb for your application. LED bulbs are designed to fit all standard sockets, but it's essential to check the bulb's base type (e.g., screw-in E26, GU10 pin-base), shape (e.g., A19, A21, MR16, ED17) and size (e.g., 4 inches, 20 inches) to ensure a proper fit.Install your new LEDs: Please turn of your lights.  We don’t want power going to the socket when you are changing light bulbs. If you must climb a ladder, please be careful and use the buddy system, or pay one of your neighborhood teenagers to do the work.  They would love to make some money.  If you need to bypass a ballast, there are some great you tube videos, and we can provide instruction manuals.  If electricity makes you nervous, then call an electrician. Calculate energy and cost savings: LED bulbs are known for their energy efficiency, which translates into significant cost savings over time. Calculate the potential energy and cost savings by comparing the wattage of your current bulbs with the wattage of the LED bulbs you intend to purchase. Multiply the wattage difference by the number of hours the bulbs are used annually and multiply that by your electricity rate to estimate your annual savings. You will see savings on your electric bill since you AC won’t need to work as hard.  The older technology bulbs generated a lot of heat.  Bonus savings… You won’t be buying nor changing nearly as many bulbs.  One LED can last 25 to 50 times longer than incandescent. 

        Dispose of old bulbs responsibly: Dispose of your old bulbs properly. Most of them contain hazardous materials, check local recycling programs or electronic waste collection centers for proper disposal methods. GoodBulb also offers a recycling program for all our customers.  If you purchase a GoodBulb LED, we also provide free shipping at the end of a bulb’s life, so we can guarantee the bulb is recycled properly. 

        Make the switch to LED and light up your space with an eco-friendly and efficient lighting solutions from GoodBulb. To send us your lighting schedule or contact us about the best LED for your home or business, get a hold of a Lumen Master expert.

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        Replacing Your Home Lighting with LEDs

        When it comes to lighting your home, making the right choice can have a significant impact on your energy consumption, your wallet, and your lifestyle.  The customer above wanted a warm, comfortable spectrum of light to surround and embody her home.  The customer in the picture below wanted a spectrum of light that invigorated and energized her home.  Other customers want a warm light in select areas and a brighter more natural light in others.  Every customer is unique, every home is unique and the lighting in your home should be done your way.  In my home, it’s what spectrum of light is best for wifey. A GoodBulb lighting specialist will guide you down the path towards purchasing the perfect LEDs.

        Traditional incandescent bulbs, CFL bulbs, and halogen bulbs are becoming extinct as more homeowners opt for energy-efficient LED (light-emitting diode) lighting solutions. Change is happening, many of you love the incandescent light bulb.  I get it, we understand but they are no longer available, and you are being forced to change.  There is nothing we or you can do about it.  The good news is that change can be a good thing.

        Here’s why LEDs are an excellent choice for your home, if done properly.

        Energy Efficiency: LED bulbs are highly energy-efficient, using up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. They convert a larger percentage of electrical energy into light, minimizing wasted energy and reducing electricity consumption. This not only helpsyou lower your energy bills but also reduces your carbon footprint and contributes to a greener environment. You will be spending less money, every single month on your electric bill.

        Long Lifespan: LED bulbs have an impressively long lifespan compared to incandescent bulbs. While traditional bulbs typically last around 1,000 hours, LED bulbs can last up to 25,000 hours or more. This means you'll spend less time and money replacing bulbs and enjoy greater convenience and peace of mind. 

        Instant On/Off: LED bulbs provide instant illumination, with no warm-up time required. As soon as you flip the switch, the lights come on at full brightness, allowing for immediate visibility. This is particularly beneficial in areas where instant lighting is crucial, such as hallways, bathrooms, and outdoor spaces. 

        Flexibility in DesignLED technology offers a wide range of design options to suit your home's aesthetic. LED bulbs are available in various shapes, sizes, and color temperatures, allowing you to create the desired ambiance in each room. From warm LED bulbs that mimic an incandescent light (yes, we have this), to neutral, cool and daylight bulbs. 

        To begin selecting the right LEDs for your home we recommend taking pictures showing the light bulbs you are currently using. Each space may require different LEDs from the exterior lighting to the garage, to the kitchen, home office, living spaces, bedrooms, basement, etc.  A lighting specialist at GoodBulb can help. Give us a call…701.205.4953

        Dimming Capabilities: Many LED bulbs are dimmable, providing you with enhanced control over the intensity of your lighting. This flexibility allows you to adjust the brightness levels according to different activities or moods. Dimming your lights not only creates a more comfortable atmosphere but also helps save energy when less illumination is required. Dimmer switches may also create problems when using new LEDs if we do not check compatibility.  Many older dimmer switches require a heavier load (more watts) to operate properly. 

        Safety and Environmental Friendliness: LED bulbs are free from toxic substances such as mercury, making them safe for both your home and the environment. Unlike compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and other types of bulbs that contain hazardous materials.  When you purchase GoodBulb LEDs we provide free shipping at the end of a bulbs life, so it’s recycled properly.  We also offer recycling services for all older technology light bulbs.

        Cost Savings: Although LED bulbs may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional bulbs, they will save you money. Their energy efficiency and long lifespan translate into lower electricity bills and reduced maintenance expenses. Over time, the cost of purchasing LED bulbs is an investment considering the savings you'll enjoy from their efficiency and durability. You may also be preventing a future trip to the ER, way too many people hurt themselves trying to climb a ladder changing light bulbs.

        By choosing LED lighting for your home, you're making a smart investment in energy-efficient technology that benefits both your household and the planet. From reducing energy consumption and saving money to enjoying longer-lasting bulbs and customizable lighting, the advantages of LEDs are clear. 

        To send us your lighting requirements or contact us about the best LEDs for your home, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by going here 


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        Enhancing Your Business Lighting With LEDs

        Optimizing energy efficiency and reducing operational costs are always important when it comes to running a successful business. One of the most impactful areas where businesses can make a significant difference is by transitioning to energy-efficient lighting solutions, such as LED (light-emitting diode) technology.  If done correctly, you will see a return on your investment within 12 months and you will use the correct spectrum of light to create an ambiance promoting productivity, relaxation, or romance.

        Here’s why LEDs are an excellent choice for your businesses.  

        1. Energy efficient for your office, manufacturing firm, or industrial building: Whether your business is a law office, restaurant, property management, or an industrial building, LED lighting will cost significantly less than traditional lighting options. If your business has lights, LEDs are the smart choice. LED bulbs convert a higher percentage of electrical energy into light, minimizing wasted energy, so you save money, especially those operating extended hours or with large lighting requirements.LED Rebates are available in many counties across the country.  GoodBulb can help with the paperwork and make sure you get that check.  Simple math, you will be reducing your kilowatts per hour by at least 50% and the upgraded quality of lighting can be considered a bonus.


        1. Longer lasting LED bulbs (GoodBulb):  LEDs have exceptionally long lifespans compared to traditional lighting sources. Good LED bulbs last 25,000 hours and cand last as long as 100,000 hours versus incandescent bulbs typically around 1,000 hours. This extended lifespan significantly reduces maintenance costs for your business and the frequency of bulb replacements.You won’t have to pay someone to change and buy light bulbs for a very long time.
        1. Durable: LED bulbs are highly durable and resistant to shock, vibration, and external impacts from their environments. LEDs are solid-state lighting devices that can withstand rough handling and harsh conditions making them ideal for businesses in industries with challenging environments, such as manufacturing facilities and warehouses.


        1. Flexibility in Design: LED technology offers a wide range of design options to suit different business needs. LED fixtures are available in various shapes, sizes, and color temperatures, allowing businesses to create customized lighting solutions that align with their brand identity and desired atmosphere. From warm, inviting lighting in hospitality settings to bright, focused lighting in commercial spaces, LEDs offer versatility in design.Spaces that require productivity and a positive energy, LED can provide a spectrum of light that prevents eye strain, headaches, and glare.  A spectrum of light that promotes well-being.


        1. Environmentally Sustainability: Switching to LED lighting aligns businesses with sustainability goals. LED bulbs are free from toxic substances, such as mercury, making them environmentally friendly and safe for disposal. By reducing energy consumption and lowering carbon emissions, businesses can contribute to a greener future and demonstrate your commitment to corporate responsibility.Longer lasting light bulbs have several impacts on the environment.
        • Less rare earth elements are removed from the earth to make light bulbs.
        • Less air pollution, water pollution, acoustic, and oil pollution from ships carrying containers of light bulbs from China to America.
        • Less greenhouse gases because vehicles will not be shipping as many light bulbs.
        • Less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere due to low energy consumption of LEDs
        • Less bulbs end up in the garbage, water, and land because a GoodBulb LED lasts a very long time.

        Whether you operate a small office, a retail store, or a large-scale manufacturing facility, LEDs offer the perfect lighting solution to enhance your business operations. Make the switch to LED and illuminate your business with energy-efficient, long-lasting, and high-quality lighting solutions.  

        To send us your lighting schedule or contact us about the best LED for your home or business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by going here 


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