DIY TIME…. I love a good project.  Retrofitting your home or business lighting situation to LED is a big project and it’s one worth doing. It’s a lighting project where the results will look like you paid a professional. Disclaimer…If electricity makes you uncomfortable, hire an electrician and introduce them to GoodBulb.  Electricians are the best customers; those guys and gals know how to sell light bulbs.

Efficient lighting is a critical piece to helping a home and a business save money.  If you're looking to how to retrofit your current lighting system, then you understand LEDs are energy efficiency.  LEDs will reduce costs and improve your overall lighting. Retrofitting allows you to update your existing lighting fixtures with longer life more advanced technology light bulbs.

Here' a step-by-step guide to the process of retrofitting your business's current lighting situation to LED.  LED will provide energy efficiency, longer lifespan bulbs, and versatility.

  1. Assess Your Current Lighting System: Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your current lighting system. Identify the types of fixtures you have, including the number of bulbs, wattages, and any specific requirements. Determine the lighting needs for each area of your business to understand where improvements are necessary.
  2. Set Goals and Priorities: Establish your retrofitting goals and priorities. Consider factors such as energy efficiency, cost savings, lighting quality, and environmental impact. Determine which areas of your business will provide the most significant benefits from retrofitting, such as high-energy consumption areas, spaces with outdated fixtures, or spaces with inadequate light.
  3. Research Lighting Technologies: Stay informed about the latest lighting technologies and options available in the market. Look into the companies that are manufacturing the LED. Explore different LED bulb types, including A19, PAR, BR, T8 tubes, and every other shape of light bulb. There are thousands of them.  Assess their compatibility with your existing fixtures. Learn about kelvin and remember that watts don’t matter anymore, look at the Lumens. 
  4. Skip step 3. Take pictures of your bulbs, the fixtures, and the area you are lighting.  Tell us what you want. Tell us what’s important.  A lighting specialist at GoodBulb will send you a quote within the hour. If it’s going to take longer than an hour, we will let you know. 
  5. Calculate Cost Savings: Evaluate the potential energy and cost savings associated with retrofitting. Compare the wattages of your current bulbs with the wattages of LED alternatives to determine the percentage of energy savings. Multiply this percentage by your business's annual lighting energy consumption and factor in your electricity rates to estimate the potential cost savings.
  6. Buy your LEDs from GoodBulb…
  7. Develop a Retrofitting Plan: Based on your assessment, goals, and priorities, develop a retrofitting plan. Record the number and type of LED bulbs needed for replacing each area of your business. Rent a lift, get your ladders ready, make sure those wire cutters are sharp. Schedule time to retrofit one fixture, take your time and understand the steps that will need to be repeated with each and every fixture.
  8. Engage Professionals: Engaging professionals like our Lumen Masters is crucial to ensure a successful retrofitting process. We help with the selection of LED products, provide installation advice, and offer recommendations to maximize energy efficiency and lighting quality. Don’t forget to send us your lighting schedule by clicking here. 
  9. Execute the Retrofitting Project: Once you have your plan in place, it's time to execute the retrofitting project. Replace the existing bulbs with LED, following the instructions and safety guidelines. Ensure that the retrofitting process is carried out efficiently, minimizing disruption to your business operations. Consider implementing the retrofitting project in phases, prioritizing certain areas first. 
  10. Evaluate and Monitor: After the retrofitting project is complete, evaluate and monitor the results. Compare your energy consumption and cost savings with the initial estimates. Take before and after pictures so you can share them on social media.  Tell your friends and family about how awesome GoodBulb was.
  11. Maintain and Upgrade: Regularly maintain your retrofitted lighting system to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Clean fixtures and dust your bulbs. They will be collecting dust for years if you don’t maintain your new purchase.

Retrofitting your business's current lighting situation is a wise investment that can lead to significant energy savings, reduced operational costs, improved lighting quality, and a happier workplace. By following this step-by-step process, you can successfully upgrade your lighting system and enjoy the benefits of a more efficient and sustainable business. Contact us about the best LEDs for your business, get a hold of a lighting expert, aka Lumen Master, by clicking here.  

If you use the following diagrams to install Bad Bulbs from one of the many Bad Brands in lighting, then shame on you. I recommend returning those LEDs and purchasing a product that is engineered to last from a company that cares. 

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