Revolutionary LED Lamp Helps Minimize Effects of Dyslexia

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Dyslexia manifests in roughly 20% of the population worldwide and is known as one of the most common learning disorders, presenting in up to 90% of all people with any form of learning disorder. It affects one’s ability to read, write, spell, and speak, causing difficulty to connect words and letters to the sounds they make. As such, people affected by dyslexia experience symptoms related to slow reading, trouble spelling, and mixing up words, and many have reported a sensation that the words and letters move or jump around on the page as they attempt to decipher them.  

People with dyslexia often have normal vision are equally intelligent to their peers. They are quick and creative individuals with strong reasoning skills, which makes the disorder that much more frustrating to overcome. While dyslexia is not something that can be cured, there are techniques and therapies that have proven quite successful in helping those who suffer from the symptoms. 


image of dyslexia letters

In an attempt to aid these tried and true therapies, Lexilife, a company based out of France, has developed a revolutionary LED lamp designed to alleviate some of the effects of dyslexia with great success. The Lexilife claims users read more easily, much quicker, and with a lot less effort. Combining customizable speeds for pulsed and modulated light, the technology of this lamp “erases” the mirrored effect of letters on a page that a dyslexic person sees as a result of their condition. 

According to Lexilife, research conducted by French physicists Albert Le Floch and Guy Ropars “proved that non-dyslexics have a dominant eye, which is essential for good reading.” Their research went on to show that dyslexics have two dominant eyes which work against each other to create the issues inherent to the disorder, such as mirroring. The technology of the Lexilight relieves those effects and “allows the brain to process information as if it came from a single dominant eye.”


lamp help people with dyslexia

The developers of this lamp tested its efficiency on 300 people affected by the disorder, and 90% of those participants reported an improvement, stating that they could “effortlessly read a text illuminated by the lamp.” While there may not be any drugs to combat it or even a hint of a cure on the horizon, anyone who suffers from dyslexia would welcome the relief offered by this LED technology. The Lexilight is currently only being sold in France, and at a steep cost of more than 549 Euros, the developers are hoping to make it more accessible and drop the retail cost by funding further research into the causes of dyslexia and the possible applications that their LED lamp technology might offer in combating the disorder as a whole. 

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